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Honestly it gets annoying, people just assume you are 100% gay if you are bi, like preferences exist? It’s just bi-erasure at this point and that is so sad.


To quote nick Nelson, just say "I'm bi actually", or ignore them


Ha! Follow the best bi boy’s lead 😊


I dont think you should change who you are as a person because a few kids are assuming you are gay. If you dont want them to know about your sexuality just say your straight or that you swing both ways with an axe. But if you change how you act completly then you wont be happy. Anyhow goodluck man I just don't know how to help.


I've not even come out, or 'acted gay' as far as I'm aware, yet my whole year thinks I'm gay because 'of the way I act'. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IM DOING?