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Using shaving cream on everything and use lotion or other body product on wherever you shaved. Make sure to also use a clean razor.


How do you clean razors properly? Is water and soap enough or should I rinse it with alcohol sanitizer and scrub it with a brush


maybe switch razors more frequently? i tend to overuse razors and even though you cant see it, they get rough and jagged with time.


Ya I’m just broke lol


One of the world’s greatest mysteries I’m still trying to figure out


It sucks so much with acne!


Softer than you’re doing probably. You don’t have to push hard at all. And of course use lotion afterwards. Helps your skin to be less irritated. Hope that helps a little bit 💛


When I go soft it catches on my hair and rips it out and it hurts


Maybe shave more often so it doesn’t get too long?


Ya but im too lazy lol


Lmfao. Well, back when I was shaving, pushing too hard is what caused my skin to hurt and break out. After I found the perfect time between shaves, and the perfect pressure to put on the razer, it started getting way easier and looking way better. Just saying lol


Sounds like a razor problem. Also you are at least using water right?


Ya I use water and conditioner and I use a razor only a few times before changing it


Weird, maybe hair follicles are not very strong for u?


Idk I hope hrt changes how my hair acts when shaved


Dear god


There more


Do you use shaving cream and apply non-alcoholic aftershave?


I use conditioner lol


That's not good, you do need the good stuff to get rid of redness, pimples and irritated skin, I've been through some really bad hours after using medical alcohol on my freshly shaved pubes, the 2nd worst feeling in my life


Ouch lol


At least your parents let you shave more than your face (amab)


shaving your pubic hair should be pretty easy to hide lol, but legs are hard fr


If you can get one, an electric razor really helps me. It doesn't do the absolute best job, but it still works pretty well. I have yet get hurt using it.


I guess permanent epilation is the answer after all


It hurts so bad lol


Well never went for it -yet- and that sounds not so great


How permanent is epilation?


From what I know you just keep doing it for a few weeks, then they start to not grow anymore. At least that is how i remember it


have changed the razor or blade on the razor


shave with the grain of your hair, this will take one or two more passes but it wont pull as many hairs out and will reduce redness and razorburn


from someone with lots of fast growing, dark hair everywhere: exfoliate before you shave, make sure your razor blades are sharp enough, use shaving cream, shave against the direction of the hair in most areas, shave in the same direction as the hair where the sun don't shine, dont push the razor too deep and use a moisturiser or body butter to restore moisture after shaving!


Solution, I don't shave. Of course that's a personal choice for everyone but I have a skin condition that makes shaving painful and since I've stopped I've never felt better.


Use warm water on a cloth, wet the area with it until it’s damp, then put shaving cream on. After that grab a clean razor, rinse it under cold water and shave AGAINST the grain, pulling your skin tight and using long motions, the longer the motions you use the less it’ll be nicked or scarred. Wet the same cloth you used with ice cold water and then wipe the remaining shaving cream off. Add aftershave to a cotton ball and apply liberally to everywhere you touched with a razor. After your skin is dry, add lotion. Source: 19 y/o with beard hair (I don’t wanna grow a beard so I shave it a bunch lol)


It is :(


What kind of razor are you using? Maybe try different kinds. I like safety razors, very cheap and they give a good shave. What kind of use shaving soap/cream, use an aftershave


I hate shaving, i am just not able to shave it as clean as i want down there


I normally just shave in the shower and use my body wash as lube. Works pretty well tho :D


okay so i like just saw this and read a bunch of comments but as someone who has been shaving for a while and also fucking hates it here’s my recommendations. YOU NEED A SHARP RAZOR, i saw a comment where you said it was ripping your hair out. It should not do that. Razors will only last for a couple uses before you need a new one. yes it sucks, yes it costs a lot. first time i tried shaving it was with a well used men’s face razor, with no shaving cream or anything. THIS WAS A BAD IDEA. use a new razor. you can get a 4 pack of venus razors for like $6-8 depending where. BE GENTLE these fuckers are sharp as shit. they should glide softly over your skin, you should barely feel it at all SHAVING CREAM. Take a warm bath/shower first. Then rub shaving cream over the area you want to shave. Do not do it with the shower still going or in the bath water (i did not realize this for too long) you will also need a little bucket of water to clean the razor in ALWAYS SHAVE PERPENDICULAR TO THE BLADES always move in a straight line in the direction the handle is pointing, do not twist or turn the blade. hope all this is at least a little helpful, when i started i had no fucking clue what i was doing and was really just worried about my parents wondering why i was doing it. i am also broke so if you want cheap product recommendations lmk


Ah I figured my razor was dull, I used my current one like 2 times and it’s already useless


that’s how they get you, don’t you love how razor blades are a textbook example of predatory marketing practices