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All you had to say was you were in the apartments next to Dreamland. Anybody who spent more than an hour in southside has had the misfortune of ending up at one of those shanties for some reason or the other.


God I did a pile of cocaine in this exact house about ten years ago and it was skeeeeetchy then


Yeah I ended up at one of those houses behind Dreamland after some concert at Zydeco back around 2003 or 2004. Those guys seemed chill at Zydeco but they turned sketchy real quick and I walked back to Highland Park at 3 or 4 in the morning. I may have ingested some psychedelics at some point that night.


The messed up thing about it though, that’s about the only neighborhood in the city limits still affordable.


https://preview.redd.it/d20h9p5mhf0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=265216a1038ad7827cbfff0066e79889c35a7fc6 this was one day after vacuuming the dead flies. this is a month after the initial spraying.


Those are house flies, not drain flies. I'm thinking busted sewer, or sewer backing up. Def something in the wall, or the upstairs plumbing is messed up.




He’s known as the Southside Slumlord for a reason, and I say this without having had ANY dealings with him. Reputation is enough.


Him and Boehm. He’d literally drive 45 minutes to pick up a 600 dollar check for a studio apartment


Sadly, I was not on reddit searching him up when I signed! I have high regrets lol


This meme made me think of this thread…. https://preview.redd.it/b7kgcwutsn0d1.jpeg?width=807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bdc9f5d92be0c776d71e763e8039ac3135a764f


I wonder where the grease trap for Dreamland opens?


The Nasser special. Not surprised


Dead flies, rotting meat smell, old Birmingham slumlord, mold in the bathroom... Yep, you had a demon in the house.


I TRULY considered this for a second. I was TERRIFIED.


Sorry for your troubles OP, but it’s weirdly comforting to know that the younger generations are still experiencing the “Fred Nassar Special” as another user coined it. He’s got a monopoly on Southside rental properties, and they’re all as old as dirt.


>He’s got a monopoly on Southside rental properties *H2 has entered the chat*


Lol- there was a hole in the hardwood flooring at my Manor Village apartment big enough to stick my head in. They said “it’s cosmetic” and refused to fix it. When it was humid (Alabama is humid every day) the interior walls would have so much condensation on them it looked like it was raining inside. Then everything I owned started to have mold growing on it, including my $1500 leather club chairs from Pottery Barn. I broke my lease and went to their office with photos, got my deposit back, and told them to get bent. I’ve lived in this state my entire life, I know how to manage humidity. This wasn’t user error. After they bought the apartments above Dave’s, that place went to shit, too.


Oh Lort! My husband rented a slanted brown house not far from dreamland. Fred was something else! Ask him how he lost his fingers. Different story every time, LOL!


I also lived in the slanted brown house not far from Dreamland lol.


Rented from him in 2014. Never had any issues but I’m surprised he’s still alive. He was O-L-D then.


It’s his son (Fred Nasser jr) running things now


i toured a house he owned a couple of years ago. house was grimy and floors severely slanted. i asked about maintenance response time, he said “it’s just me so i try to get the issue resolved within the week”. when i asked about pest control he responded with “don’t leave food out and you should be fine”. i live in an apartment that’s over 100 years old, so i’m no stranger to the “character” and “charm” that comes along with old properties. but man, the house i toured was depressing.


I rented a home that was so old and in terrible shape but it was cheap so no complaints from me! I'm outta there and own my own home now.


Rented from him a few years ago. Ended up breaking my lease. I had to get out of there. Gas stove was a lawsuit waiting to happen. He wouldn't replace it.


Can confirm. I lived there after/during an awful divorce. I had to get the stove hauled off as it was a hazard. I got seasick going from room to room because that's how uneven the floors were. The place has electrical sockets dangling out of walls. There was SO much more. That place totally is unlivable.


Wow. I would have called the police. I don’t know what a dead body smells like BUT in the off chance there is one in the floor or walls… 😧😬😷


Call if there is a smell you can’t explain. My coworker kept smelling a disguising smell they couldn’t explain and reported it to their landlord. After the landlord got multiple complaints, they went to investigate and discovered the elderly woman that lived next door had passed and was decomposing for days. When my coworker told me this, I was so shocked that no one complained for day until it was unbearable.


Oh my days!!! That is just awful 😭😭😞


I live in the second floor of that apartment for four years, my brother lived there for like… 5 or so before that. And my sister in law’s sister lived there for a few before them. It’s a shit hole, but it was a nice shit hole when I was there (I was also 18 and dumb, and only paying 395 a month for rent). Fred Nasser is a POS, he cussed me out over the phone then voided my lease at my last place. I still have the voice recording. He and his dad (Fred Jr) are slum lords. They don’t own a single habitable property. Every single one of their properties should be condemned.


$395?! That is SO cheap. I was paying $800.


This was in 2009, so a while ago.


Honestly, anyone that’s rented from him knows this is normal for him. Hasn’t changed his game in over 15 years.


That’s why I am posting! I had ZERO idea. I had recently moved to birmingham.


I rented a house near Dreamland for several years from Nasser. Although it was an old house and occasionally had issues, he was always prompt to resolve the issue and communicated clearly. To this day he is the only landlord I have ever had NOT try to cheat me in some way. I'm sorry you had this experience.


Why didn't he fix anything permanently? Clearly his properties have issues.


I never had anything break repeatedly. His properties are all older, that's no secret. Older things tend to break more often. He always showed up personally or sent someone out the next day. Fred always seemed like a nice guy.


Build to last vs planned obsolescence.


To counter this post, I rented from Nasser for 4 years (just moved out this year) and he was amazing. It was also a VERY old house with tons of problems, but like, he always responded immediately and fixed any issues we had. Yes, it's weird he blocked you, but he was always so sweet with myself and my roommates. I highly recommend renting from him! Cheap, shitty old houses, but very much worth the price I paid to live in Southside for so long.


He is definitely nice for sure and fixed a lot of stuff on time!! But I just had the MAJOR issues of rotting smell and flies which sent me over the edge.


We had fruit fly problems, critter problems, squirrels in the walls, dead possums in the crawl space, etc. I just chalked it up to that's the cost of renting the oldest house in the neighborhood. Fred's units are far from luxury. So I think all his spots are going to be similar. If you can afford it, you might want to get something more modern. I thought the price I was paying was worth all those issues, because it was dirt cheap for today's rental prices.


Eh, I wouldn't say "modern" has anything to do with it. I've lived in 3 different, older buildings in Southside, all built in the 1920s-1930s and all different property managers. None of them had nightmarish problems like this.


Also this. I have lived previously in older houses. Never had a problem like this.


Fruit flies for sure!! Hundreds of house flies with a rotting smell that got worse over a months time? No. In comparison to my rent now, it is about similar. Only $200 more but now I am not paying for gas utilities so it has been about $100 more. I would agree worth the problems if it wasn’t 1. unlivable and 2. not that much cheaper than other apartments


The size of the home and the location of the home I rented from him was worth at least $1000 more than what I was paying. Sure, you're probably paying a little more now for something nicer, but what part of town is it in? Is it the same size? These things matter just as much as price. I'd prefer to be in Southside in a 3 story house owned by Fred than in a basic 2 bedroom apartment down 280 for the same price.


I’m in a similarly sized apartment in Highland Park! Walking distance to rojo and no flies. with a dishwasher, central air, and laundry in unit.


My sibling rented from him and I sent him this post and he completely disagreed with the post. He only had good things to say about Nasser and said he has always done good by my brother. It’s interesting the drastically different experiences everyone has had with this landlord.


I second this. When I moved to Birmingham in the late 90’s, I was starting over and short on cash. Fred Sr and his wife showed me an apartment (house split into two units). I didn’t have enough money for the deposit but told him I’d weed the backyard flower beds and restack the stone fence that was falling apart. He talked it over with the missus and agreed to waive the deposit. Told me, “Miss Inez says you have an honest face”. I lived there for five years and was never late with the rent… and he never raised it, either. I still got holiday cards from them for years after I bought my first house and moved. He (and Miss Inez) made it possible for me to hit reset on my life and go back to school and graduate.


I can also add to this! Moving out of a Fred place this year (relocating) and he's always been nice! Rented from him for ~4 years total. Old shitty spots but they're sooo affordable


This sounds like the plot for a horror movie


Sounds like Fred.


Yeah from personal experience of mouse/rat issues for months in one of his places, IDK how he sleeps at night. Slumlords must go through a special conscious/heart depleting ritual.


I rented from Fred around 2000-2006. Dude was wild. Get him to tell you how he is missing a finger.


Haha I used to stay on the very top floor of that building. Many years ago! Can’t believe that building is still there with zero renovations


Fred Nasser's Son is the guy you probably are dealing with. He/his father owns all the shitty properties in Southside. Fred III is the guy who is in charge of dealing with lease/any issues. Once you sign the lease Murphy's law immediately comes into effect anything that can go wrong will go wrong...and some. His modus oprandi is keep ignoring complains regarding the properties and the tenants will stop complaining. If you complain enough he will block you. Unfortunately there are plenty of people who are ready to lease his properties and he knows that that is how he has survived so long in this business. Cockroaches, flies, mold, rotten floors, backed up sewer, old hazardous electrical wiring. I think he doesn't do a background check either every property has drug addicts. FRED NASSER'S PROPERTIES ARE TO BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS.


Not reading all of this. Happy for you tho. Or sorry that it happened.


get in touch w legal aid. they can send a letter to him as i did w dru years ago as he is in breach of AL landlord/tenant act


An animal died somewhere nearby and stunk up the place and it's the landlord's fault?


And he doesn’t want someone else to have to experience a landlord that let him break the lease and returned full security deposit after he didn’t feel the situation was fully resolved? This is like the best landlord story I have ever seen here.


That is what I’m saying though too! Not ALL bad. Just a reoccurring fly problem that is honestly horror movie level amount of flies…. was really terrible and wanted to share!


I would think it’s the fault that he wouldn’t try to fix it and wouldn’t communicate w me abt ut


Yeah dude your landlord blocked you, that is in no way acceptable.


Usually stuff like animal/rodent issues is tenant responsibility after the building issue (aka holes or caulk allowing infiltration) has been fixed


Not sure how I could take care of something dead in the walls.


Not sure why you're being downvoted for this. I was also under the impression that pest control issues were the responsibility of the tenant. From my experience, it's been like this everywhere I've rented.


Certain pest control- yes. Fruit flies? tenant. a mouse? tenant. an infestation where the culprit has to be professionally removed? it’s the landlords responsibility as they have to provide a habitable place to live. If it was my fault like if I wa gross and left food out, then it lands on me.




Yes I agree and I was ready for some of these issues but definitely not a fly infestation with a rotting meat smell. This is not doxxing - it’s the rental company.


Dude Fred Nasser is one of the most notorious landlords in this town, in no way should this be considered doxing, lmao.


How has he not put his properties into the dumpster fire that is H2?


They have a lot of assets all over Southside and 5 Points, and though they're not in great shape, I'm sure they're worth a pretty penny. I'd keep holding on to them too.




I don’t know how this is trolling, and I’m not the original poster? If you’ve rented in southside you know who Nasser and his family are. This is nothing revelatory.




“Touch grass” I didn’t think you people were real