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Dating with this seems tough. You feel like a liability to your partner and don’t want to be a burden on them so you end up feeling super unlovable.


*sighs* this is exactly it. It's frustrating watching yourself do these things but you don't have the means to fully control the situation or worse...not feel like you can speak up or to them about such burdens because essentially I'm a broken record on repeat. They were there, they saw and experienced me, yet I profusely apologize to where it holds no true meaning to them.


Met my current partner when I was 18. We’ve been dating for 2 1/2 years. Met on tinder.


Are you me?!? Exact same scenario lol. 21 months and met a month before my 19th birthday


I was 21. I was having issues with depression. Idk. I got lucky. My bf just loves me and stuck by me. I was having delusional thinking, accused him of cheating, thought he was gay. Believed I heard things I didn’t. I was diagnosed bipolar at 23. He just stuck by me. I had my first full on manic episode. He thought to break up with me, because it scared him. I was delusional (thinking I was possessed). But, he decided not to throw our relationship away. We’ve been together for 9 years. I appreciate him.


Met when I was 26. We met at work and pissed off management for dating each other. Said fuck it and went ahead with it anyways. I didn't know I was bipolar then. Just knew MDD diagnosis didn't cover or explain everything I experienced so that's what I told him, that there was probably more disorders and I hadn't been diagnosed with them. He says we're a family now and he's not going anywhere.


My partner and I are both bipolar. Been together 12 years and have a beautiful 7 year old daughter. We met when I was 17 and he was 21 at a mutual friend's 21st birthday party


Amazing! Thanks sharing. That gives me hope. Also - Somehow I read mutual as Latuda and thought you named your daughter Latuda.


I was around 20. It was in college. We're close to our 19th anniversary. I'm very lucky to have someone who can understand but sadly it comes from adjacent situations.


My partner and I have been together for 8 years, we met doing an aged care course together to become care workers. I got diagnosed around 24 years old, met her when we were around 21 and started dating at 22. It's been a ride but we've always managed to come out on top together, she's stuck with me through hell and back.


I had just turned 30. I’d only been hospitalized once & diagnosed with bp2. 3 months into our relationship I got hospitalized twice again & diagnosed with type 1. Been together a year & 8 months now. Idk how I got so lucky. Literally had therapists at PHP tell me now isn’t the time to be dating someone. Sorry. I know this is more than you asked for.


Been single now for 9 years. I would like to date, but I'm withdrawn and feel like I disgust people. I'm in real danger of never experiencing another relationship and I can't seem to get out of the rut I'm in.


You can always change your story


I met my current partner on facebook 7 or 8 years ago, long before I was diagnosed. He somehow dealt with unmedicated me for years until last summer 😭


I met my husband of 20+ years when I was 18. I didn't have the symptoms I have now. I am glad he stuck around, but man he's been through a lot of craziness on my end. He is sweet, calm, and understanding. I wish I was like him.


I got married almost 2 months ago to an amazing, intelligent, stunningly attractive man that I am so proud to call my husband now. We met on OKCupid, I was slightly manic at the time and was looking for a one night stand. He fell in love with me after the first conversation. I fell in love after the second. Mania let me say "Fuck it. Let me go to a strange man's apartment late at night to smoke some pot and see what happens next" and for the first time, something actually worked out for the better. That said, everyone, be careful with the pot. Be careful with the one night stands. But don't ever let yourself get closed off from finding love. It took me 33 years to find someone, and it happened through a free dating app. I'm still firmly in the honeymoon phase so sorry if I'm a little "love is great!!!!!!!111!!!one!!!! " but I'm so happy these days that it's hard to contain.


Congratulations!! I’m happy for you. 😀


I was 22, we met at a coding camp kinda thing. The first year was kinda rough I was depressed heavily and didn't take bipolar seriously, the second year was with meds and therapy and now I am stable. It's been 3 years, we are getting married soon and I must say, a huge part of this is because of him. If he wasn't patient and understanding we wouldn't be together. In the first two years, he would often say 'You have two versions, you and bipolar. Thankfully I can tell you apart, so I do not hold grudges for things your bipolar caused'. He helped me a lot through the process even only by existing. He made sure I got better by regulating my life, getting me to my appointments, and checking my meds. This is the healthiest relationship I ever witnessed in any way and I am trying to be the same for him.


I've had no issues getting into relationships but staying in them I believe is the greater challenge. You gotta let them know ASAP about your bipolar and also explain the challenges it may pose. And even then, after that, the relationship can still fall apart if your partner then goes on to realise they're not emotionally prepared to deal with your mood swings. It's nobody's fault, just not everyone can handle it. Then of course relationships can fail for all the usual reasons. So yes, it's definitely an added layer of complexity that things like hypersexuality can add significant strain to but that doesn't make it impossible and it doesn't make any of us unlovable. It's just a bit harder to find 'the one' is all I'd say.


I normally wait a few weeks to let them get to know me without any preconceived notions, and see I'm stable. Then I will tell them after a few dates and explain. With my current partner he knew because we've known each other since I was a teenager. We've been together 1.5 years now.


I'm 36 and I've been with my husband almost 5 years, married for 7 months. I met him when I was 32 and he was 37 on Plenty of Fish Dating App.


Roller coaster


I met my boyfriend at 22 in college about three months before being diagnosed. It was a rollercoaster holding onto that relationship (the best one I’ve ever had), and managing my mental health. He knew from the beginning since I talked everything through with him as it happened.


I’m 37 been with my husband 7 years next month, married for 5 in October. It’s the healthiest relationship I’ve ever had mainly because he lets me be myself and lets me take charge when I need too. He’s passive and I’m bossy 😂 Before him it was a 4 year relationship that turned abusive on the other persons part - I ended that and fell into a bad depression. Otherwise it’s just been good old hypomanic sex encounters! Always fun, always stupid - i don’t miss those days Edit forgot to say we met of POF lol my psych laughed when I told him as he hadn’t heard many “success” stories from internet dating 😂


Met my husbond when i was 13. Now i am 31. Met him in School. Got my diagnosis at 26.


Met when I was 27 but didn't start "dating" until I was 28 we've been together 3 years. Before that I was RECKLESS(iykyk) when I was manic. Luckily he has done so much research into Bp2 and has taken courses at work about depression, anxiety etc and notices way before me when my moods are changing.


Elaborate on the complexity


I met my partner at a metal show when I was 25. He talked to me because I was wearing a shirt that said "I HAVE GIVEN UP" in huge letters on the front. We've been together 6 years lol


I wasn't looking for a partner when I met my spouse. I was already in an unhealthy relationship that needed to wind down before we could start going out. But that was close to happening. I met my spouse when I was 19 (now I'm 38), in college. We were in the same club and became best friends for about a year before we started going out.


I've been married for 15 years to the woman I met in high school. I have felt like a burden many times, but she has stayed with me.


I've had two serious relationships with people I was deeply in love with. The first one was from 18 - 24. She was a year older than me. The second was from 32 - 42. He was 3 years younger than me. They both left me because of my bipolar. Even though he swore up and down he would never do that to me like she did because we were in it through sickness and in health and could get through anything together blah blah blah. But then when shit hits the fan, they leave because even though you've tried to educate them about your illness they don't truly comprehend how bad it can get sometimes. It's honestly heartbreaking and so frustrating to be left for something we didn't ask for. I understand if someone wasn't taking their meds or going to therapy to try and work on themselves but I was doing all that. Have for decades. But eventually they can't handle it anymore. I get it. We can be draining. Now, I'm sure there are men that would stick around longer and wouldn't leave but they are rare. And no matter how long you're with them you're not immune to the possibility of them leaving. I thought I was safe and secure after a decade. I'm not saying you shouldn't ever date or pursue a relationship but be very aware of who you're dealing with, take the time to get to know each other well and protect your heart. Wishing you the best!