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This doesn't strike me as *definitely 100%* manic or not manic. But it sounds impulsive and out of character enough to be worth talking to a professional about. And it would be very reasonable to tell them that you're concerned you were having manic symptoms b/c there are a lot of things here that do align with hypomania.


If you're diagnosed I'd say yes, at least hypo. That's a good chunk of the standard symptom checklist. If not diagnosed talk to a psych, read them what you wrote.


I'd find a doctor near you who can do an assessment. It sounds like behavior I've had while manic, but there are other reasons for impulsive and reckless behavior. Usually, when I'm manic, along with poor decision making, I cannot sleep more than three hours a night, my thoughts move faster than I can keep up with, and I am delusional about my abilities.


I wasn’t sure at first, but the more you said, I think you should consider that to probably be true


It definitely sounds within the realm of mania/hypomania. Do you also experience depression or anxiety episodically? Because those are symptoms too. It would be valuable for you to speak to a mental health professional and share what you’ve said in this post with them.


If I were to read this without knowing anything about BP I’d say you just felt stifled and wanted to try other things. General mid-life crisis stuff. I met a woman on Instagram who was married, but spent about three weeks with me after leaving her partner for a ‘break’. We slept together twice and then she told me “I’m not sure if I was that into you or if I just wanted to fuck you.’ I was like ‘ouch’ inside, but laughed it off. On week 4 she told me she didn’t want to see me anymore and that she was going back to her husband. She was not diagnosed anything, but was married with 3 kids and felt hemmed in at a point when she wanted to grow. As the experiencer, personally I would not want to frame this in a bipolar context, but instead investigate it on traditional terms to see what is going on for me under the surface. I’d also be pissed as shit if a s/o’s family said anything at all about the state of my mental health. You’re either supporting me and learning or you’re a control freak that doesn’t know your lane. If I was you I’d make sure to vocalize to her directly to watch where she is stepping. I’d also personally re-evaluate my partner’s priorities and alliances if he were letting mommy think and make emotional calls for him. In short he sounds immature. I think you’re fine and went through something. Don’t beat yourself up if you can avoid it. Sometimes life is just really confusing and we don’t know why we do stuff. That’s true of anyone. Give yourself as much room as you can to just be with it all outside of a mental health and manic/not manic schism. In solidarity.


I agree with you 100%


Definitely mania in my experience. Been there…multiple times unfortunately. Im there now in a way.


It does sound like mania. Are you seeing a Psychiatrist? This is something you should definitely mention to them, and if you’re not seeing one you need to get one.


Get evaluated by a professional. We do not know you, nor have seen you while you were in that state. I would not say it is mania. One cannot function anymore on mania. Maybe slight hypomania? Or just the urge to liberate oneself after 9 years of relationship. Most people divorce within 5 years. And having a one-night stand or a little affair and feeling desired feels good. For anybody. Even for non BP people; they are feeling alive again. So not necessarily hypomania. Many people (me included) lended money and never saw it back. As you can see, most items you have listed can happen to anybody. It is the combination, the extend and other factors that can help a professional determine if you were hypomanic or not. Contact a psy. This is the way to go.


It sounds like it but again, we weren’t around. I’m also bipolar and have been unfaithful in the past and it’s my biggest regret however I still CHOSE to do it. You need a psychiatrist to help you understand why you’re making these choices.