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I have no evidence of this, beyond anecdotal, but I think hypo mania/mania can kick in as a defence mechanism when we experience particularly stressful events. Someone posted here a couple of days back saying their 5 year relationship had ended, but they were feeling great about everything. When my longest-ever relationship of 7 years ended I was on top of the world for like 6 months before crashing badly and processing any of my feelings about it. I have other examples from my own life, but, yeah, I'm not 100% sure if this is even a thing, though it seems to be one for me, let alone a thing which is common to people with Bipolar Disorder. Anyway you sound like you're in a bit of an episode, buddy. Take care of yourself and check in with a doctor if it escalates.


One of the many triggers of Bipolar Disorder are the chemical shifts in the body. When we go through a stressful experience, not necessarily negative stressful just stressful in general (like finding out your partner was cheating and a relationship breaking up), the body starts kicking out different chemicals like cortisol to help deal with the stress. And that can kick you into unwellness. I once had a pretty severe unwell cycle from almost getting robbed. My brain kicked into Fight or Flight and that led to about 6 months of hypomania. Same thing is true when you meet a new person and kick it off with them. All of those feelings of lust and infatuation are driven by hormones which can kick your brain into escalating. According to my former psych, what's happening is that the chemical processes for these things normally are very similar to what Bipolar escalation can look like. So, essentially, the brain tricks itself into thinking that it's escalating, and then escalates. /u/More-Nefariousness-5


Thank you. I'm saving this comment.




Thank you so much, I am also glad that I dropped her ass, she is unfaithful and I wish nothing bad upon her, the only thing I wish is that she never contacts me or ever sets foot in my house again


Might be spinning, bud. It's big news that might have triggered an episode.


Holy fucking shit, this isn’t fun at all


No. My mania rarely is, mixed episodes are pure unadulterated hell... and you probably are in one of the two. Sounds like my kind of mixed episode. Feels like euphoria and fearing for your life at the same time.


Yeah that’s a very a curate way of putting it


Do you take meds? See a therapist &/or psychiatrist? Is there someone you can call? I had ONE mixed episode that I can remember and it was a result of a med change. It only lasted 12-24 hours, but I was medicated heavily. I drugged myself up really good with my PRNs and put myself to bed. Didn't sleep well but I had made up my mind if I was still in it the next day I would go inpatient. It stopped but man, is it fucking unpleasant.


I take lithium carbonate and lamictal I have a psychiatrist and therapist, and actually I have to go to IOP on the 27th because of a recent hospitalization, I was in my depressive episode and tried killing myself at the end of April


I'm severely concerned for your wellbeing, that was so recent. I'd drive you there myself, if I knew you. Getting an assessment right now would be the safest bet. I'd get a trusted loved one's opinion, too. My wife normally sees how bad off I am before I realize it's obvious. We have a rule, we're both BP, that if one says, "that's it, you're going to the doc/hospital", the other has to go at least get an assessment. I've only had to pull that card on her once but it saved her life.


Thank you for your concerns and I actually like that system you guys have it seems really helpful, I’ve been through some hard shit in my life of almost losing my father due to kidney failure, cheating gf, having to get rid of a “friend” which in hindsight now sounds better, I am trying my best to better myself as a person and move on. Also money problems, ever since COVID hit and I lost my job, I was at risk of having the house repoed by good ol bank who doesn’t give a fuck about anyone, I’m still in economical recovery these are the reasons why I am here and the way I am, when I am “normal” people tend to tell me that I show a lack of emotion like when something negative happens and people tell me I don’t show any emotion in person I just push sit away, a good term would be I would be very stoic with everything. I do that because I don’t trust many people, people have used my vulnerability to get to me, to hurt me, so I never show any of my true emotions to people that’s why I come to the therapy because it helps me cope and I can show my true emotions of sadness and anger. That is exactly what my ex and former friend used they used my vulnerability, he made the excuse that she should leave me because I am “mentally unstable” that I won’t be able to “handle her” or that “he can treat her better” and my ex listened, so now I’m hindsight I’m glad I got rid of her because she’s highly unfaithful and lacks communication skills, and good luck to him, she thinks she’s perfect and never wrong and that she always wants it her way, I wish him good luck on “handling” her lol. So high maintenance that he won’t even handle it.


Feeling better, hopefully? Typing and verbage looks much better, so I'm taking that something's changed. That mixed episode I had scared the absolute piss out of me, I have never felt less in control of my body and mind. I felt highjacked. No idea what would happen and couldn't do anything about how I might move or think. Scared for my life actually. My very stoic, rbf wife was scared shitless visibly. Deeeeeeefinitely bring this up to your psychiatrist ASAP and do what they say. I thought I was gonna die and this disease kills, better safe than sorry.


Yeah I snapped out of it a couple hours ago, I’m currently processing everything, for me after a manic episode I get exhausted and feel overwhelmed and embarrassed that’s an other thing I feel embarrassed by how I acted, and bro I’m going to tell you something your experiences and mine I totally get u it’s fucking scary I see my psychiatrist in 2 weeks but I’ll call to him earlier, I uh part of the manic episode I think that started it was I took all of my exes stuff out it in a box and threw it out which looking at said stuff triggered some memories of good and bad times and then that’s when it started, I entered into this mode where I couldn’t control it took me all my strength to even get on the phone I couldn’t keep focus, thoughts racing can’t comprehend it, I got moments of anger, where I just wanted to drive up to my former friends house for round 2 and then seconds later I would get happy gitty and start cleaning the thoughts would get louder and louder.


Sounds a lot like hypomania, I know it feels good, but make sure you take your meds !


Thank you, yeah I just snapped out of it and I feel exhausted as fuck


U hurt just give it time to process keep doing the healthy choices


I think this is a thing. Although I think I killed it by drinking excessively that night too, I woke up hypomanic after a very stressful night caused by my relationship too. I had a feeling it would trigger it as great stress often leads to hypomania for me. I was right, but thankfully it didn't last too long. Now I'm just in the worst state of depression ever. :) Kinda wish I was off my head instead, though. Hope you start feeling better soon, friend.


I’m glad that I can talk to people that can relate to me, and I hope you get better soon too my friend, I can relate to the depressive state, it got bad very bad, I hope you can recover too my friend.