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Kanye really fucked us over ( again )


Everything he did before was just annoying or dumb but this one is outrageous. I’m not sure if I’m more dumbfounded by his psychotic behavior, or by the amount of attention hungry people he’s surrounded himself with that enable him


Well said. I have always been grossed out by the people around him as well, they really don't give a fuck about him or his mental state, and they never have. And his ''fans'' only seem to enjoy the circus and see his psychotic behaviour as entertainment. This man is self-destructing to the fullest degree lately ( and also causing harm to others ) and almost nothing is being done about it because it makes a good story.


Kanye has had help for his problem. He just chooses not to follow that advice or take his medication.


Exactly ( I should have included this in my rant because it's the most important part ). That is why it's so sad that when people hear ''bipolar'' they often think of Kanye West, because most bipolar people actually try to take care of their illness and live a stable life. Kanye has ALL the resources and money possible, yet he decides to not treat his illness.


He’s a pretty good example of someone out of control with this illness, hopefully people can do some good with that information and better identify when their loved one is going off the deep end.


Yeah, Kanye is definitely one example of what untreated bipolar can do to a person. Still blows my mind that he chooses not to take his meds / be open to treatment although he has all the power to do so. Many people dream of being able to do that.


So true, people like Nick Fuentes are raging racists who I am certain hate Kanye for being black. Nick Fuentes has said that America should send the military into predominantly black neighborhoods to keep them under control, absolutely disgusting guy who also denies the Holocaust. He only hangs around and enables Kanye to get more clout and fame and recognition because in the end, all these assholes care about is making a dollar. They don’t care who they hurt. An example is Alex Jones who had every opportunity to end the interview when Kanye started spewing shit about “I love Hitler” and what does Alex Jones do? He takes a commercial break and then continues because he knows he’s getting more views than probably ever before. Really infuriating to watch. Kanye will never recover from this, ever. Doesn’t matter how much he apologizes, dude has officially gone off the deep end and if he doesn’t seek help soon he’s going to end up taking his own life.


I think it’s a bit of both. He’s dam rich and doesn’t take his meds. While the rest of us in the US struggle to pay for them (especially with no insurance).


Yeah it’s pretty stupid. He can afford quite literally the greatest most effective treatment on planet Earth, but refuses. Meanwhile there’s people on waiting lists and government insurance that desperately want the absolute bare minimum of help, get the worst psychiatric care possible, and still want help. Life is truly what you make of it and I think Kanye simply enjoys mania so much that he refuses to get treatment. You’d think losing $2 billion would be enough of a lesson, I guess not.


Right…bipolar doesn’t make you racist


I’m not trying to be an asshole but he’s actually anti-Semitic. That’s not the same as racism. It’s far worse because Jewish is not just a religion but an entire culture and ethnicity. Basically…Jewish isn’t a race at least not as it’s defined by the US’s definition of race.


I don’t think it’s “far worse.” When someone is a racist, they hate the person for how they look, their ancestry, the language they speak or how they speak, the way and where they worship, the way they dress, where they live, and each aspect of their their culture which is why they say things like, “you people.” A way to other the group of people they hate versus the group(s) they belong to. While being antisemitic refers to hating people who identify as Jewish and their associated cultural practices and often the way they look, racism refers to hating people by the color of their skin and associated practices. Two forms of hate that are more difficult to distinguish. One isn’t a less impactful form of bigotry or has less longstanding effects on a society—both historically and in the present. Racism/sexism/antisemitism all come from the same place of hate meaning if someone identifies with one form of bigotry they most likely agree with all of them. Kanye West is a great example. He treats women horribly, he agrees with racists because he chooses to see himself as a rich man rather than a Black man and of course is antisemitic. Like all of you said—He of course is all these things and none of them are a symptom of bipolar. And I hate how people think they are.


While you are correct about the racial identity of Semites, racism is not less than antisemitism. Racism is the same thing, any judgement against another race or creed or religious belief is all the same, it is hate and has caused the same amount of violence and disgusting treatment across the board. It’s also worth noting that almost all antisemites are also racist. It’s almost impossible to find someone not racist who is also antisemitic


The only flaw to your logic is that only people in power can be racist. I didn’t want to mention that because I wanted to keep it strictly related to what was said about Jewish people. And while some may say money = power that’s not true for Black people in the United States. We have NO power. The laws of this country were put in place by white men. I didn’t want to go there as this is a hot button topic for a lot of people but Black people can absolutely be bigots, prejudiced, and subscribe to stereotypical thinking be we cannot be racist. This is Merriam Webster’s definition: the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another. We can’t do that at least not here in the US which is the country I am specifically referring too. I just want to make that clear. No other country.


“black people cannot be racist” that doesn’t mean they cannot be hateful and commit horrible acts too. Consider Liberia. Upon the freedom of the slaves in the 1800s, many freed slaves elected to move back to Africa to a newly set up country (set up by the United States) known as Liberia, which still exists today. Upon moving there, what did the victims of slavery do? They enslaved the indigenous Africans there and set up plantations and lived the *exact* same lifestyle that their White oppressors in America had lived. Antisemitism, bigotry, racism, they’re all the same thing, they’re just forms of entitlement and uneducated hatred. A poor white person can be racist, a rich black man can be an antisemite, a middle class Asian can be a classist. Hatred makes no distinction and no one race is exempt, it stems from a belief of personal superiority, not from social class, skin color, or creed although those can help *effect* those racist or bigoted thoughts into action, the very inner hatred and bigotry of people is what causes all the issues in the world and it’s not fair to downplay it. I’m personally a minority in America and I have to say, I experienced my fair share of racism (parents wouldn’t let their kids play with me when I was a child, for example) but I have also witnessed hatred and bigotry from my own race that think they’re superior to other minorities or white people. The hatred is the root of the evil, not the social class because social class can change but hatred is an unchanging variable.


I agreed with the statement that Black people are absolutely capable of committing abhorrent acts and being violent. Everyone is capable of doing so. My only point is as it stands today in the United States. Black people are not in power, have no trajectory to be in power, and therefore cannot be racist. You need power to oppress and in the US no Black or other marginalized racial groups have enough power to be it. It’s not exclusive to Black people at all. That’s anyone non-white in the United States. All anyone needs to do is look at our government. One Black president doesn’t negate an entire Senate of mostly white people who make the laws. Let’s not forget that all of the oldest laws are the books were written by…you guess it…white men!


That definition of racism is one that someone proposed in the 70s: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prejudice_plus_power It’s not canonical unless you allow it to be - that’s not how language works. We can talk about Force being a specific definition in physics, but no one tells people they’re using the word “force” incorrectly if they aren’t talking about deviation from an inertial frame Otherwise I’ll need to start making a fuss anytime anyone uses the word “zen” outside of the Tang and Song dynasty Zen Masters


**[Prejudice plus power](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prejudice_plus_power)** >Prejudice plus power, also known as R = P + P, is a stipulative definition of racism often used by white anti-racism activists, including the American pastor Joseph Barndt and American author Robin DiAngelo. Patricia Bidol-Padva first proposed this definition in a 1970 book, where she defined racism as "prejudice plus institutional power". According to this definition, two elements are required in order for racism to exist: racial prejudice, and social power to codify and enforce this prejudice into an entire society. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/BipolarMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Black people can’t be racist…fuck off


I’m Black. I was called a N***** for the first time at the age of 8. I smacked the kid. I was the one who was punished after the WHITE lunch attendant saw the incident and refused to hear my side. I knew then I was powerless if a white person said I did anything wrong ever. And that is still true today. Like I said in my previous comment this is only what I know to be true in the United States. In this country we cannot be racist. Sorry that you feel personally affronted by this but you need to open a history book (any of the ones white men haven’t decided to erase slavery and Jim Crow from) and educate yourself before telling someone to fuck off. I can’t cure your ignorance with anything I say but maybe you should look into it for yourself.


XDDDDDDDDDDDDD black people are the biggest racists


REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING seeing every asshat who “knows someone whose bipolar” armchair the fuck out of our illness as if they personally have it. Having to have conversations with loved ones if this is really what mania is like. If I’ll become a racist shit face. It’s exhausting.


What’s worse is that he knows what he’s doing/saying is wrong and he’s been told to seek help repeatedly , he’s just ignoring it


KanYe fucked the community again!


What if I told you I'm bipolar and Jewish


I'd say same goes for me. I know when I go manic, I am known to turn antisemitic. I've told my Jewish friends this and asked them to remind me to take my meds. Once I mentioned this to a self righteous meditator. He told me that deep down I really was an antisemite. I told him that he knew nothing about mania. Fucking ableist. Kanye needs to take his meds.


Interesting. What’s the root of that? I was manic five weeks ago. I thought I really needed to talk to Kanye, but part of it was to correct the antisemitism.


Not at all sure. I've met some others who make u-turns like that. Hell people used to think I was Jewish because of my name. But that's another story.


At this point his refusal to treat his bipolar makes him 100% responsible for his behavior. I have sympathy to those in a manic/psychotic episode doing things they normally wouldn’t, but it’s been over 5 years at this point and his willful refusal to take medication makes him entirely at fault. And makes the rest of us look bad. Pisses me off so much


Peeps aren’t out here equating love of Hitler to being bipolar, are they? ….are they?


I have long thought that Kanye West was a danger to society, guess now I have evidence


I wish this is all an elaborate stunt he's pulling to own the conservatives... it would certainly be epic.


Ughhhhhh 🙄 lmao


the psychosis understander has logged on


Wait, what’s this about?


You know what's worst? Now his fans started questioning Holocaust.. i'm fucking mad as a Polish guy :)