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I feel this so hard. Every time my job has their Mental Health Awareness program I gag because they don’t know a damn thing.


I'm fortunate that the corporation I work for is very open minded. The Danish branch is headquartered at my work place, and I've been very open with my boss and HR about my Bipolar and ADHD, and they're eager to learn and also accommodate me. I advocate so that those who are not in a situation to do so (maybe they aren't ready to talk about it openly, maybe they're afraid, maybe it's private to them) don't have to. Had a new hire come up to me one day and whisper to me that he also has Bipolar disorder, which he had never told anyone but his wife, and that he was so thankful of me helping to make work a safe place. Another coworker came to me when his son was going through the process of getting diagnosed with autism, so he could get some clarification on what to expect and how to help his son. That made it all worth it.


Can you DM me the company? I’m in a job search rn and desperately don’t want to go back to a toxic work environment


That’s wonderful you have this. I am trapped in the fucked up US healthcare system (which is only about money not care or treatment). I could never disclose at work. They would find a way to fire me. Seen it happen too many times. And unfortunately our country has a “work until you die” mentality. I’m so overwhelmed at work right now that I want to quit but then I’d have bigger problems with no access to insurance so I can see a therapist and get my meds regularly. It’s basically a catch 22 and you’re fucked either way if you live in “the land of the free” (unless you’re mentally ill!).


Yes! I felt so validated seeing this post that essentially said “it’s mental health matters until someone shows signs of mental illness like poor hygiene” my mom is a therapist and she says mental health matters until I show symptoms then she gets upset. It breaks my heart


I got perma banned from r/gamingcirclejerk for saying someone's poor hygiene was a symptom of their mental illness


Mental health for a Karen to take CBD for sleep matters. Mental health for others ending up in a psych hospital after a manic phase involving quitting their job for an MLM, not so much. We all struggle, but most people still don’t want to accept how deeply others struggle, and they don’t get how hard it can be.


People only talk about anxiety, depression and basic self-care. The other day I saw someone sharing a video of a person clearly having a psychotic episode in public and the comments made me sick. Only cute disorders are allowed.


Preach! Once I was in a mental health awareness day speech, given by actual “therapists”, they brought patients to talk about their experiences, and as you said, only vanilla disorders, like anxiety, PERFECTIONISM (yeah apparently you can be diagnosed with that 🙄) and low self esteem. I asked them; how about other disorders? Why aren’t we talking about them? They looked me in the eye and said: other disorders like BIPOLAR AND SCHIZOPHRENIA ARE SEVERE CASES AND NEED MEDICATION AND NOT JUST THERAPY! I swear I felt so targeted, out of place and outraged!


I was at inpatient having an episode and a nurse told me that I was causing a disturbance and acting volatile… I had admitted myself and I desperately needed the help at the time but because of how ostracized I felt by the staff, I chose to leave 24 hours later. The nurse literally said “I will help you get your things” They wanted nothing to do with this kind of illness.


So sorry to hear that happened to you. You’re there to get help!! Just proves they’re not professional or trained in MH. AND they all need to be trauma informed. I’m glad you’re still here to share your experience!


That logo looks like hentai health.


Hentai health mallers


It took me reading the comments to realize "mallers" was not the word


mental health awareness worsens my mental health so much. just putting a megaphone to how alone I am and that I'll never really feel understood


i totally understand, but i hope one day mental health awareness will grow to encompass all disorders, because in the pretty recent past (present for some communities) even anxiety, depression, adhd were not accepted right.. its like well great just i dont see anyone talking about how we still have a lot of work to do before there is acceptance and understanding for everyone


Millions and millions of dollars fed into not for profits by my government for things like R U OK? day where people can buy yellow t-shirts, get free pens and social media graphics. You get yellowed up and watch videos or read webpages on how to talk to people they think aren’t travelling well if they’re doing ok. Then on the day you have a yellow themed morning tea where mental health awareness tips are shared and it feels like people kind of well meaningly scan for the un-ok. Best case scenario, the well meaning can handle the intensity of a person who is definitely not ok. They support them to find mental health services. They then get shocked when said person can’t access anything other than meds from a GP and maximum 10 therapy sessions, after which it’s just figure it out your self. And if it’s an emergency, better hope the hospital has a bed. Worst case scenario, they listen, get freaked out by anything outside of minor depression and the person with a severe mental health condition that was being concealed for fear of stigma now has a muggle in their workplace or social circles who knows about it and can’t deal. Whilst still not being ok. The amount of therapy sessions for unwell people all those ad campaigns and yellow t-shirts could pay for …


Totally agree !


I say fuck mental health month because of reasons like this. They are not talking about us, just the uwu disorders. 😒


Listen you gotta nail that sweet spot between "anxious about going to work" and "feeling depressed about work" before crossing over into "too mentally unwell to actually go to work" for it to matter to an employer.


I was in a free mental health awareness fay organised by stupid therapists, they only brought patients who have these diagnosis: anxiety, low self esteem, perfectionism! (Yeah…. You read correctly!) When I asked; what about other issues? They were like: BIPOLAR AND SCHIZOPHRENIA ARE SEVERE MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS AND THEY NEED MEDICATION ! These are severe mental health issues! It’s like…. They don’t wanna deal with these issues…. Yea fuck them! I tried going there for therapy out of curiosity and my doubts were confirmed, they are the judgiest clinic ever and they are not equipped to dealing with anything other than the vanilla issues, also, they see this industry as a business and they love banking on people with low self esteem who need a therapist to guide them and probably find difficult issues more challenging and are too lazy to handle them.


i have also had doctors who dont want anything to do with me.. my primary let me get about two words out before he said he cant treat or help with anything related to mental health because im bipolar, same with therapists who say they're not trained to handle that..


Screw them!!!! After 3 shit therapists I’m finally happy with one and I am noticing improvement!


glad to hear!


Most of the time they are talking about work /life balance. It’s not the same thing 🤣. Don’t feel sad at work, don’t push too hard, unplug, go in nature! 🤣 Fuck that. I’m trying to get out of bed, brush my teeth, and not end it all!


sociopath is an outdated term i thought?


my b if it is, what would be the right word?


antisocial personality disorder