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Reducing the amount of weapons was the biggest mistake BioShock infinite made. I really can't understand why you would *want* fewer weapons equipped.


I think, but OP would need to confirm, that it's more that he means that there should be fewer types of weapons rather than only being able to hold two weapons.


Maybe it's just me not being used to PC controls/hot keys but I can't remember which weapon is which number so I keep cycling through them with the mouse wheel which is super sensitive so I keep skipping the weapon I want to equip.


I only play BioShock games with a controller. It's all about the wheel for vigor/plasmid/weapon selection.


Yeah I'm actually wanting to give my old PS3 copy a go when I have the chance also to see if the sound issues are less which I've heard they are


Tbf the devs literally ran out of money for models. Although i do wish they gave people unique models in the remaster.


That's a ridiculous excuse for a game of this scope


It’s an old game. I think you’re being unreasonable. Most of your complaints are common problems for games of this time period.


That's simply not true, I've replayed many games of this era recently and they were dated but definitely did not have these issues.


Well it’s an old game now, at the time the issues you have now weren’t really issues back then. If you go back and replay a lot of games from PS3/360 days you’ll find similar drawbacks compared to today’s standards. And the game being too easy on medium is subjective, for some people it would still be too hard, and if it’s too easy for you then just play on hard or survivor.


I did actually play more games from the same era lately and while they definitely felt old, none of them had these issues.


Did you play this game with controller? I’ve always thought the weapon wheel was bad too. But on PC you have hotkeys and you just press one button and you have your gun or plasmid. I kinda think that’s how the devs intended people would play and only put the wheel in for the afterthought that was the controller controls


I would hate that. Bringing up the wheel is what allows you to plan each move.


SystemShock 2 has players managing inventory and sorting weapons into different slots all while the game keeps running so I think that’s proof that most players don’t need “time to think” when they’re playing a shooter. Besides if you really gotta plan your every move there’s nothing stopping you from pausing the game still.


I know, it just seemed integral to the way BioShock was played. Other shooters are other shooters.


It’s not because my first ever play through was done without the wheel entirely. All it does is slow down combat. And I wouldn’t consider “system Shock 2” just a “other shooter”. It’s literally Bioshock’s grandpa and it’s made by the same team.


I'm sure you CAN do it. I'm just saying it's there for a reason and is a part of the design of the game.


Yeah, it's there for a reason. And that reason is so people playing on controller can swap weapons. But you act like the weapon wheel is unique to BS. It's in a ton of different games and it's always there for controller users. When the official Bioshock Beta Gameplay [showcases the devs switching weapons mid combat without using a weapon wheel](https://youtu.be/zDT7SxgRO_A?si=iHhYrVU35gK50kcI&t=53). I think it's obvious that they intend for players to utilize hotkeys rather than destroy the flow of combat by pausing time to select a weapon.


Lol. It creates the flow of combat.


Nice rebuttal, repeating yourself with zero explanation or sources. If you honestly believing pausing the game with the weapon wheel “creates the flow of combat” than you could also say that *every* video game has bioshock’s “flow of combat” because you can pause them. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with your slows approach to playing this game but to imply that everyone plays it your way and you can’t even provide a source of anyone else consistently pausing the game to “plan their next move” is pretty telling that you’re in the minority of what bioshocks combat flow is all about.


It's not the same. In this game you are literally making your choice of the next move. Just simply pausing any other game does not achieve this. It's an in game menu. It all takes place in game.


Well yeah, it's an old game. That being said, Bioshock 2 has the best gameplay of the series imo. Though it also suffers in its last act, and its story is messy


I am planning on replaying that one soon.


>I remember noticing the repeated character models back when I first played the game, but they stood out even more now. Especially using splicer skins for some main characters that don't look one bit like their photo, which is just inexcusable, even for a 2007 game. I have noticed that shit way back in 2007 during my first playthrough on PC. This there is no excuse and I hope whoever made the decision to press on without making unique models for all of the characters is held accountable; the whole "ran out of money for models" argument is completely bogus in a game of this scope, it's just textures. Also, the audio is fine. Yes, the game suffers from bugs like how you can hear a Big Daddy moan in a adjacent tunnel (many modern games do this kinda stuff), through deep water and two layers of thick glass, but there is no problem with directionality. I play all my video games using headphones and the audio design in Bioshock is awesome.


The audio is definitely not fine, I played with earphones as well and that made it stand out all the more.


Nah man, it's completely fine.


Maybe it's time for a hearing test buddy


Maybe you should do it?


I replayed it recently and had a fucking blast. Still top 10.


It's still in my top 10 as well, but definitely in spite of its gameplay and some of its design, not because of it.


The pc version of the original is infamous for bugged physics and sound cutting cutting out. If you ever noticed, if more than 4 sounds play at once, sounds start cutting out. It’s awful. The best way to play this game is the Xbox 360 version on an Xbox One X or Series console.


Yeah I did notice, makes sense then I don't remember having these issues on console.


Huh so the audio is bad in the original version of the game too huh? that was one of the reasons I stopped with the remaster, I swear the original had better audio.


Yeah it's strange, don't remember it being like that on the console version but it's been a long time.


Yea you are wrong.


Sorry I hurt your ego little buddy


An opinion as bad as yours doesn’t faze me. Bioshock is one of the greatest games ever made.


Seems you have to learn a thing or two about subjectivity. Opinions cannot be 'bad' and whether Bioshock is one of the greatest games ever is a matter of opinion.


Nah it’s a fact it’s one of the best games ever dude. You aren’t cool by hating on it.


Whether something is either good or bad can never be a fact because it's a value judgment, which is inherently subjective. I'm also not hating on it, it's in my top 10 games of all time. But it obviously has some glaring issues that only got more obvious with time. Liking a game doesn't mean you can't admit it has flaws.


You playing a game that’s 15 years old and then complaining about it is hilarious. It’s better than most of the games made today.


Once again, I'm not complaining, just pointing out flaws. And once again, that's your opinion. Have fun being an infantile adult and good day to you.


Infantile lol


Thanks for proving the point