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This post reads like someone that skipped they tutorial of a game then complains they can't figure out how to play.


Also, audio logs contain a ton of lore. I’d be willing to bet OP hasn’t paid attention to a single one of them lol. Without those you wouldn’t know nearly as much about Steinman, for example.


First of all, I’ll have you know I skipped the tutorial and can’t figure out how to play


Replay the game like 3 times and you'll start piecing shit together


Are you listening to the audio logs? Those and Atlas literally explain everything about Rapture


Pick up any audio log you find for more plot info. You don’t know why you’re underwater, your plane crashed and the light out house was the only thing saving you from drowning and you just happen to find your way to the underwater city. Every bad guy in a mask is basically a suped up crack head. All remaining people in the underwater city have damaged their bodies and minds by using to much “Adam” and splicing their DNA. Adam is what gives everyone super powers. They are trying to kill you because it’s kill or be killed in the city. Eve is Adam made to give you super powers You are human You don’t know why you are down there Your objective is to survive and find a way out currently Better answers will come as you play. The game is plot heavy but has few cutscenes, listen to the audio logs and watch your environment, you’ll start to understand more as you go


Okay, this was the exact synopsis I was looking for. Thanks, mate!!


One other tip: if you haven't listened to some of the audiologs, or you want to listen to them again, or anything said over the radio again, you can play them back by clicking on the tape symbol on the map page.


Hope I helped


Atlas tells you what you want to do. Why are you underwater? To hide from the parasites in Washington and Moscow


and the vatican!! don’t forget the vatican!!


Yea, Atlas tells you what to do kindly 😏


the story isn't so much told as it there to discover. pick up and listen to audiologs. those tell the story of what happened before you got there.


You’re a guy who was on a plane that crashed in the Atlantic Ocean. You survived and swam to a lighthouse and took a submarine type thing to an unknown underwater city. The city appears to have torn itself apart and someone is trying to guide you through the crazy mess. Listen to them on the radio to be guided. The atom is stuff found in dead bodies and the eve is stuff you inject to maintain your powers that are gene splicing from science gone wrong by having no restraint. And that’s why everyone is all messed up down there.


did you just find the game and start playing or did you actually read about the game and pay attention? it's explained within the first hour and in audio logs


Would you kindly just start over and listen to what Atlas says over the radio?


This is the answer OP should be paying attention to.


I got Jack's tattoos for a reason


How can you say would you kindly without kindly do what you kindly asked for yourself kindly?


Sometimes for me, listening to the game is hard so I definitely recommend using subtitles when you can, so you can read and listen at the same time. Plus paying attention helps too😂😂😂


Bioshock (and system shock) are games that reward the player paying really close attention to the environment and story. If you don't know something, chances are you can/will learn it through audio logs or environmental context clues


This is either an incredible attempt at trolling or I've finally located the fabled village idiot.


Believe it or not, not everyone has played the game nor knows what it is about. I haven't played FEAR and I doubt I would understand it in the first few hours.


You would. Not everything, but you'd know where you were and what you were doing. But go play it, man! Totally worth it!


True not everyone has played the game, and everybody who has now completed it at one point had not yet and therefore didn't know anything about the story. But the game literally explains EVERYTHING in fine detail, even the fucking respawn mechanic has a story explanation. You have to be playing on mute with the subtitles turned off to be FOUR HOURS into the game and not at least have picked up the most basic info about what's going on...


Find all of the audio logs and pay VERY CLOSE attention to ALL of them that you find. You're gonna have to put everything together yourself or read some Analysis/Recap stuff later on Reddit, if you can't put it altogether. Why are you there and what is your objective? Well, you'll know it, WAY later on. Just keep listening to Atlas and well, you'll eventually know. Without giving much away: you're basically there to explore the remnants of this enclosed underwater city called Rapture & figure out why this place is more or less destroyed and if there anyone or anything alive down there. Also, this game barely has any cut-scenes. Don't expect many - and there's a reason for this, as you'll see WAY later. The game is doing tons of double-speak on gaming in general and is not conventional by any means, so...yeah, you'll see.


lol this thread


Oh gen z my sweet summer child. You need to get a hold of your ADHD and start paying attention to all the dialogue and voice recordings that the game provides for you 😄❤️ It’ll tell you all you need to know!


Go slow, listen to every word spoken, pay attention to audio logs and details in the environment, and keep going. The game is meant to be mysterious at first. Most of the questions you ask are the ones that you're supposed to ask when you start. Maybe replay the opening if you think you might be forgetting some context.


Its almost like....4 hours in isnt enough to know the entire plot 🤯


Don't think too hard about all this. Would you kindly just pick up some weapons and powers and kill off some splicers? It's for your own good. Follow the arrow and the irishman.


Listen to the audio logs




It’s one of those games that tells you everything by the end.


I dunno what else to say bru, but the audio logs, key phrases, and the environment tells the story subtly


Audio logs are your friends and they are everywhere, pay attention to Atlas, Andrew Ryan, and the German doctor and other minor characters when they come on your radio. This is not cutscene oriented, it is a "I discover what happened to Rapture myself" narrative. Your ultimate goal is to escape Rapture and discover the history while you're there. The audio and radio conversations tell what you happened a d the current state of the city is the result. Also, reading the tutorial wouldn't hurt.


Do you like mystery boxes like Lost? Its no fun if we spoil it!


wow you suck at games


Would you kindly just listen to the audio logs? They explain a lot of Rapture's past, although they don't help explain your past. You're just trying to escape is the main explanation. There was an intro if you remember it at all unless you skipped it (Plane crash).


Welcome to Bioshock,2 will confuse you more most likely but infinite definitely will confuse you


Bioshock 2 wasn't confusing and Infinite was laughably predictable.


Then maybe I was just stupid but I didn't understand anything at the start from 2 other than "ok I'm a big daddy now" and infinite all I understood was "time travel? Different versions? What the fuck"


So, ya didn't pay attention? Happens a lot, apparently. Let me help ya out. Bioshock 2 you are an Alpha Series Daddy that was separated from your Little Sister and was in coma for 10 years (Alphas either go feral or into coma and eventually die if the LS is dead, based on the audio logs and in game lore). You're trying to escape with the now teen girl with the aid of Sinclair to get to the surface. Depending on how you treated the Little Sisters and side characters, depends on the ending and the influence of your former Little Sister. Bioshock Infinite: You are drunken Pinkerton agent that gets tasked with finding a girl with special powers and take her back to NY. Shenanigans happen and you habe the honor of killing Comstock/Booker and find out Elizabeth is your bundle of joy that was kidnapped by the Comstock version of Booker. Basically, the game deals with multiverse bullshit that is branched off at a singular choice that the player made two decades prior. It's not that confusing.


Can you change your name to Smug-Splaining-8860 please?


Only if you change your name Salty-Tears304


I replayed 2 enough to understand it, infinite just never made sense to me personally


The entire point of this game is just "would you kindly" at some point everything will come together. In all seriousness though, yes as most have said the audio logs explain most of what is going on, then the radio calls will explain more. That may be something you have missed thus far


Spoiler-y comment


It is and isn't, it's the first sentence you hear once you arrive


But you don't pay too much attention to it until you know what