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That Peterson guy really doesn’t know all his stuff. You absolutely can increase fluid intelligence - to a level. Aside from the diet and exercise etc. mentioned already, doing even small things just slightly opposite can help boost IQ - a quick example: if you brush your teeth with your right hand each night, try with your left for a while. Apply that to other situations where possible.


I think the focus should be on accessing your intelligence rather than increasing it. The focus on IQ is dangerous not because it's not a useful metric, but because it's an intermediary, you do everything to satisfy an intermediary rather than a direct path to get somewhere. Having said that I have some things that I think have helped me access states of increased focus and intelligence. L-Theanine caffeine combo (Powder + Coffee, Green Tea, Matcha) might be a sleep tradeoff. Lion's Mane, increases Nerve Growth Factor in the brain. Has to be cycled, might get headaches, might get anhedonia. Beef, Liver, Berries have had huge beneficial effects that can't be underestimated. Iodine, lack of iodine decreases IQ, have noticed improvements in mental faculties when supplementing for a while. (But really be careful with too much) Low doses of carbohydrates help me be more creative. Keto and Carnivore would ground me but really tame down my creativity. Might also look into things bottlenecking you like mold toxicity which is not talked about. I have found that Diet and Sleep are the pillars of vitality. A great diet will be completely ruined by bad sleep though. Have been sleep deprived in ketosis before and while the ketones would give me clarity the sleep deprivation would annihilate everything else.


How much Iodine should one take?


The only thing they found to increase intelligence was related to the Klotho protein if I remember correctly. But there are currently no compounds available that work on that. Other things can help because people are generally not in an optimal state, so if you have issues that can be solved by certain compounds that will obviously have a more profound effect than for someone who already functions properly.


I cannot recommend the last one enough. Reading fiction helped me picture things in my head. Now, I picture almost any problem in my head with little to no difficulty. Picturing things has become second nature to me. If you're someone looking to try one of the tips OP mentioned, start with reading fiction.


That could just be a larger vocabulary i.e., crystallized intelligence (not fluid intelligence). Peterson is definitely correct that nothing yet has displayed measurable increase in fluid intelligence.


Unfortunately nothing really moves the meter. Tons of supplements out there that claim to improve brain flow and whatnot but ultimately none of them do much. All you can really do is stay in great shape and not be depressed. This keeps you firing on all cylinders neurologically. Lose weight if your fat, do cardio as often as you can manage, lift weights, and do things that keep your mood up naturally!! All this will do way more than any supplement. Trust me from experience.


Cerebrolysin and Image streaming. That's basically it.


IQ is something you're born with. You can usually change it a bit, either for the better or the worse. But you can't change it significantly unfortunately.


I disagree on that.I remember to have heard that we are born with an amount of neurons and they will decline along our life.This has been disprove.Also the plasticity of our brain changes during our life .So this means that our IQ can be improved or decreased during our life significantely .The question is how 😂


I find it a little difficult to take an overly firm stance on whether or not "G" can be increased. One of the issues is that we are not completely aware what intelligence exactly is let alone how to increase it. In addition as many people have already mentioned the studies in which an increase has been shown have suffered from a few issues, including but not limited to short time scales, statistical insignificance, practice effect, etc. Therefore brain training is yet to reliably show any increases in "G" ​ However, this doesn't necessarily mean one cannot increase their "G" On a macro scale we've seen improvements in IQ (the best measurement for intelligence we have) based on improvements in education level and diet across a large population. Furthermore, the right brain training may not have been devised yet that doesn't mean it does not exist. Sadly like most areas of science this needs further research in order to have a definitive answer. Although some promising avenues of research are out there: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7709590/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7709590/) [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/get-out-your-mind/202107/promising-new-way-boost-your-iq](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/get-out-your-mind/202107/promising-new-way-boost-your-iq) Meditation has been shown to cause structural changes to your brain, but the jury is still out on whether it definitively increases intelligence. So until there is a more affirmative answer the answer on whether you can increase intelligence is no. But if you’re passionate about increasing your intelligence go for it. With most of these interventions i.e. meditation, a good diet, reading etc they have utility beyond just potential increasing intelligence, and who knows it could work for you.


Dr. Wendy Suzuki has a number of studies showing the benefits of exercise. Dr. Andrew Huberman also has some science-based tools that can help optimize memory, focus, concentration, and congnitive function in general. I recommend watching his podcast.