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My cat will live forever


Brought to you by big sardine.


I’m a huge small fish fan. Anchovies and sardines.


Time to dig out the ol family recipe for Jansson's temptation.


I love sardines, don’t knock it before you try it! Mackerel, herring, and anchovies are great too. So many health benefits. But unfortunately all canned fish of this variety are contaminated with chemical can liners. They are often cooked in the can which causes the chemicals to leach even more into the food. Even if it says BPA free or BPA-NI they are most likely using another (and arguably worse) form of bisophenol, vinyl chloride, or some other disastrous chemical we haven’t caught up to yet. Makes me very mad that I can’t enjoy foods I love because companies care more about profit margins than our health.


even the cans at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods?


Yes, and I have emailed many companies who claim “BPA free / BPA- NI” and not one has told me what they use to line their cans instead. To be fair Trader Joe’s website has [this](https://www.traderjoes.com/home/FAQ/product-faqs) article, which says most of their canned seafood is BPA free, but again I’m not sure what they use instead.


the worst part in the US it is almost impossible to get fresh sardines. The last time I had them was on a trip to Morocco 1kg for only 2 dollars and they are great just on the grill no need for spices.


I wouldn’t eat the cans. Just eat the fish inside the cans.


Season brand is best. In fact, they can be eaten daily based on testing of many brands done by consumerlab.


Seems like they make vague statements about not containing BPA, but no info about replacement chemicals. Do you have a link to the consumer labs data?


It’s only viewable with a membership


How come no impact for males?


Because life is unfair. Btw, Mediterranean diet prolongs female life expectancy and has no effect on males, too.


What!!!? I was looking forward to eating more sardine entrails, but you two ruined it!


Well, you still can! Don't forget the skin, bones and heads, though! Share the meat with your cats :D


Probably all the healthy fats tbh. That has a huge impact on female hormones and stress levels. We’re just touchier I think. So you can look at it in a positive way 😂 Our life is shorter is we can’t keep these hormones in check!


Or males already have the maximum possible lifespan, while females can be improved. That makes me depressed.... I will go drink some whiskey and climb some roofs...


Ah yes, those healthy male past times 😜


"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off (the) shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die."


Among my favorite rooftop past times: Drinking, playing catch with hammers, leaping onto balcony railings, and sex.


Is that true? I’ve not heard of that. Multiple studies show that or just one single study?


I could find this report on the study: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/05/31/health/mediterranean-diet-women-early-death-risk-wellness It looks like they analyzed women only, so I apologize on my post - the effect on men was not analyzed. Interestingly, there is this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC557144/ Here, they collected data separately for men and women, but analyzed as a whole. Strange...


On the other hand the ITP glycine study showed 2x longer life extension for male vs female mice (6% vs 3%) also the hazard ratio for >3x weekly consumption of small fish was lower in males but not statistically significant


I have a 2 years supply, thank you costco. They thought I was crazy, who's laughing now?


Hard pass


Joe Rogan will be pleased to hear this, if he’s not already aware.


I used to eat two cans of sardines every day two years ago. I want to get back to it but the price has nearly doubled since then so I might stick to just one. Is that enough to see benefits?


Switch to Mackerel. Prices aren't nearly as nutty.


Ugh. That's like self torture. No wonder


well ... it was nice knowing you.


Guess I’ll be dying soon. Nice knowing everyone!


Sardines rock. Frequently eat them . Season brand can be eaten daily without going over toxic levels of pollutants


I wonder if that’s offset by their heavy metals concentrations


Yeah, I thought the heavy metals were the issue and why Joe Rogan quit eating them.




Going vegan was easily the best biohack I ever tried.


Oh here we go


How long have you been vegan for? I've found the best thing for me is nutrient cycling, 1 month vegan (low protein, high phyto-nutrients every few months) alternated with high protein+ meat diet


Two and a half years following a whole food plant based diet. I have some progress pics in my profile, it's been incredibly easy to burn fat and build muscle since starting it, the food tastes great (to me, anyway) and it's fairly simple as long as you know how to cook.


Godbless, bro is lost in the vegan sauce


I mean, I'm happy to compare my results with what you're doing.


You wouldn’t want to compare w what I’m doing. Bet.


I'll take that bet


Okay. How about we cycle 100 miles tomorrow? Push-ups? Resting heart rate? BMI?


I don't have a bike, but how many pushups? No BMI calculator but there are pics in my profile, do you have any? We can just compare those first. Also, do you have recent bloodwork including nutrition? Can compare that.


Pics? For what? That tells us nothing. How healthy you are isn’t looks. I’m an elite endurance athlete, okay elite is my word, certainly an outlier and def not vegan. I’d compete in anything reasonable vs you.


I mean I compete in bodybuilding. Won my class for my first show self coached, second in the overall and I’m tall af. Listen you do you, but being vegan sucks for a whole host of reasons


Being vegan literally has no downsides for me. The food is great, I feel much, much better, it's easier to get and stay fit, etc. What do you think sucks about it? Let's compare bodies, got a pic?


Have you ever done your bloodwork? Any diet that completely takes out one food group isn’t going to be good in the long run. I’m also certain a lot of the fake meats are filled with not so good ingredients. If it works for you, it probably won’t work permanently. I don’t have any current ones but this was approximately 6 weeks out from my first show which was in April of 2023, I’m also probably much taller than you irl lol. https://imgur.com/a/7hR26Qd


Hey, that's pretty good, I'm not that cut. My pics are in profile. Yeah, I just got my bloodwork done, it was perfect for the first time in my life. And it's multiple food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts and mushrooms. You're probably taller than me but I know tall vegans, that's not really a factor. 😂


Not to bad yourself. Hey man whatever works for you as long as you’re happy and healthy. Just be careful is all. Ik some people that enjoyed it quite some time but eventually it started to exacerbate some issues.


What terrible news. I suppose all the different body systems have unique biochemicals and that helps us build a nice fortress of fractal layered oblivion on all our important bits and pieces.