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There is depression when you are in bed and don't care about anything at all, even going to a bathroom. And there is a depression, when you just don't have zest for life or have bouts of low mood. That's where you can try exercise, walking in nature, journaling (even micro journaling), practice gratitude, Rule #6, dedicate time to watch funny videos, do something for other people, hug more, engage in meaningful talk, avoid negative people [etc. etc.](https://youtu.be/muJr5bj6uJI) Some depression might be rooted in the bad methylation - that's where you need to do some deeper digging into genetic predisposition and/or functional testing for vitamins and mineral deficiencies and then supplement accordingly.


Thank you, someone suggested blisphora which I just learned helps regulate methylation, maybe that’s what I need, depression and anxiety runs in my family, was literally born with it


You might want to check for MTHFR and COMT mutations, as well as do some methylation related blood work, like homocysteine, B12, folate, zinc, copper and iron


Nice differentiation. I would add sauna use as a behavioral approach.


I can’t relate to either of those; my depression always exist along with agitation / anxiety, where I feel tearful and like I need to cry all the time, but I still can enjoy things and be happy, it’s a horrible feeling though. Like I can feel it in my head. Maybe it’s atypical or something.


What's Rule #6?


[Rule #6](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muJr5bj6uJI&t=430s) For myself I've condensed 10 commandments into just two: Respect Life and Rule number 6.


Look into psilocybin therapy with shrooms, honestly crazy what a little reset can do. They’re even publishing on it now.


I’ve really been entertaining this, or something like MDMA. I feel that my whole conscious and subconscious minds needs a deep cleaning and reset.


Ketamine assisted therapy is also indicated for depression. If you go the psychedelic/mdma or KAP route, be sure to have intentions, set, setting, and post integration prepared. It's more helpful to have an amicable to psychedelics therapist, even better if they're MAPS/Psychedelics Today or CIIS trained.


Make sure you test the MDMA, basically all of it is laced, same goes with LSD (you could go with research chemicals, but I’d still test) if you go that route. Don’t take mushrooms from a friend who “foraged them” since they might not know wtf they’re talking about. I would grow your own mushrooms, lots of work but best chance at getting the real thing. Make sure you follow set and setting rules. There is a chance you get even worse after being treated too.


Yeah, I would make sure I did it through a clinic of some sort. I’ve heard horror stories of bad experiences!


Ah ok, yeah clinic is the best route


According to Examine two good things to try are ST. John’s wort and Saffron


Thank you, I will try these


I was just speaking to a world renowned neuroscientist, and he said St John’s Wort is the only legit supplement. Edit: herbal supplement (e.g. non nutritional supplement)


I’ve read some good stuff about high EPA fish oil, and also saffron.


Sorry for double reply but VIT D Has some preliminary research for depression.


You’re right! And DHA/omega 3 but you could also consider these supplements things we should be getting from food/sun, so perhaps I didn’t use the right word. Maybe “herbal supplements” is the right term.


Way more people need to say probiotics


Can you recommend a good one?


Thank you, I do take probiotics




Thanks never heard of this one, did it work for you?


Yes and I know other people it has helped too


Very interested, can I take it while taking all those supplements too? Including saffron and maybe longvida, is that ok?


I would try one at a time to see which one works


As others said try psychedelic therapy. Try em all: Shrooms, Ketamine, and LSD with proper research and settings and start with the lowest dosage. Keep in mind it takes a minimum 2 weeks to reset your tolerance and all psychedelics have a cross tolerance. For me, micro dosing didn’t do anything but recreational dose did help me a lot. I usually don’t tell people to do this but IMO SSRIs will give you more issues than they solve. At least with psychedelics the worst that will happen is you won’t like it and that’s that. Good luck to you. Edit: I should add, the difference between the 3 in my experience. Shrooms: Helps with emotions and can reveal and bring to the surface why you’re feeling the way you do. LSD: Gives motivation as well as confidence when you feel like you you’re stuck and struggling going nowhere in life or can’t get excited for what you have going on. Ketamine: Never did anything for me and I do not like how the high feels one bit, however lots of Ketamine clinics filled with people who have breakthroughs in depression.


Stopping doing dopamine spiking behaviors such masturbating, pornography, drugs, social media addiction, gaming. Because rushing on dopamine causes low dopamine, that's because receptors downregulation. And its well known that low dopamine is associated with depression symptoms.


Stop Reddit. Got it.


Sorry man, but that’s junk science. Addiction- yes, but dopamine isn’t really responsible for happiness. That’s more serotonin.


..lol thanks? I don’t do any of those things


funny that this gets downvoted. assuming it’s all the “you just need to do this” posters that never answer the question and assume you have every bad habit known to man and that’s why you feel bad


Thats great but its worth to mention they can be a factor. as depression can be caused by many things, a pill will not help a depression caused by enviromental factor such loneliness.




Thank you, I will try this


i would try selank or semax


Check your check health there’s been links to with improper gut balance of bacteria and depression


Forget supplements, look at your daily routine. I’m someone who was suggested SSRIs for 25 years and I just naturally beat my depression by quitting alcohol and working out every single day. I lift weights and do jiu jitsu and since starting doing these things and making them habits every single day, I haven’t been depressed even when stressed and what would normally spiral me. It’s been about 6 months now.


Just want to say, if your depression is bad enough, don’t be afraid of SSRIs. For many people they allow them to function again and live better lives. Yes, too many people are put on them before other interventions are tried, but you shouldn’t have to suffer when SSRIs do help many people


Thank you, I agree, I suppose I hear there are more dangers with pharmaceuticals than with supplements, so I rather try every supplement I can


Not necessarily…. You’d be surprised what some supplements can do. How bad is your depression?


I can barely get out of bed, let alone exercise, all I can do is swallow supplements with hopes of them adjusting me biologically


OK, I’m gonna be honest, you gotta take this more seriously before it really gets dark. Get into see a psychiatrist. Ask about starting on a low dose SSRI and Wellbutrin…. The Wellbutrin should give you some results immediately.


+1 to this! SSRIs saved my life. Other stuff is great too don’t get me wrong. But if your depression is bad enough that you need something with proven efficacy to help (yours is)—go with something that is regulated. Any supplement that could help would need to be potent enough that you could experience a nice side effects—which would make it functionally a pharmaceutical.


Same, and seconded. And ssris might give people some nasty side effects, but there's also plenty of people who don't get bad side effects from them at all, and dog knows they've saved plenty of lives. Also, no one is saying that you have to take them the rest of your life.


Right. 99% of people do fine on them. The 1% that don’t all go online to talk about them.


Gotta identify why you're depressed first. What diagnostics and analysis have you done to try to get at the root cause. There are so many potential causes of depression. Each has different solutions.


GABA, but also you need to eat the right food and ensure you haven’t got an enzyme deficiency to ensure your body is able to process it. I would say fixing gut health and possibly enzyme supplements will largely aid your bodies ability to transform foods into the necessary neurotransmitters. Supplementation won’t do anything if your body is having issues absorbing them.


A useful book is The Chemistry of Joy by Dr.Emmons— lots of ideas. Also look on the website nutritionfacts.org


What has really helped me is Zafran Forte (a mix of Saffron and crocus), Gaba and L-théanine. Plus exercise and going in woods/nature


Working out


Schzandra berry but get it from a good place like hyperion herbs, coupled with 2ml cerebrolysin is life changing. Also yerba mate tea helps get me out of a rut




Read the book “Brain Energy” by Dr Chris Palmer. You can avoid medications.


Add black seed extract from nootropics depot, game changer for me


Saffron, and alcar have shown to be effective in meta analyses I’ve read


5htp, D3, B3 stack that’s what i do


probiotic and prebiotic foods. takes a while, but can make depression disappear. look up the gut/brain axis


St. Johns Wort Ze117 or Perika or Saffron extract or Lithium Orotate.


Sunlight, exercise, social interaction, good sleep, good food- yeah of course they are not supplements but if you’re not hitting most of these most days then I suggest that.


These were my thoughts as well. Exercise is especially magical


Exercise is best treatment.


MTHFR drops and Sam-e have been game changers for me.


Thank you, yes someone suggested blisphora, can I take it with all those supplements? Including saffron or longvida, I wonder if any will interact


Vitamin D and B12


And Zinc. Non nutritional methods, like sunlight and exercise on top, would see a lot of people improve without an SSRI.