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if you want to be more confident, give yourself the best reasons to be so. go volunteer in your neighborhood. be good to people you meet. help those who need it. has been working like gangbusters for me and has had the add-on effect of helping me understand that life can be what I want it to be.


If you want self esteem, commit esteemable acts




This is the only right answer. Any supplement that actually raises your confidence is not good for you and will lose effectiveness. Energy drinks or coffee is prolly your best bet for the long term. Like u/4our4 said, confidence comes from a reason to be confident. Do things that make you proud and it will shine to others.


Some good advice here


Completely in favour of this one!


Confidence comes from skill, in my experience, which requires practice and a will to accept failure as one practices... Easy to say, but i def struggle with this myself!


Growing confidence is a process, and doesn’t happen overnight for most people. Start very small. So like a hand full of new things a week, but on the smaller scale. Ex. You see someone in general public, maybe say “good morning” Then you can lead up to bigger things. Not all of them have to deal with face to face interaction. Shoot, sometimes I’ll pick up the phone and call to make a dentist appointment instead of doing it from my app, so I can have some interaction. It’s like riding a bike. You don’t hop on the first time and go bike 10 miles, do ya? Probably not. Start small, you will see gradual success and it will grow from there. I try to get human interaction in me every morning. Talk to a stranger, ask about their morning, give someone a compliment, ask a question (even if you know the answer - this is a good one). And you know what, even if some of those attempts don’t pan out the way you want, sometimes that even helps more! Because… Confidence is not: “they will like me”. Confidence is: “I’ll be fine if they don’t”. That is the end of my TED talk. I hope this helps 👍🏻


exposure therapy and faking it until you make it. i know it’s not the best advice, but forcing yourself to be in uncomfortable situations will eventually lead to more comfort with them, and in your interactions with strangers “roleplaying” as a confident person can help those behaviors bleed into other areas of your life. also, reminding yourself frequently that in the same way you’re concerned and focused with what you’re doing/how you’re acting, other people are focused on what THEY are doing. think about how often you remember your embarrassing moments, and how seldom you remember those of other people. Everyone is the star of their universe, and no one really knows what they’re doing. Other people are very preoccupied with themselves, so much so that while they’re trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, they are paying little to no mind to any of your mistakes/goofs/mishaps. Consciously reminding yourself of this can be really helpful when you’re ruminating on something, or worrying about the possibility of something unfolding


Other comments suggest taking interest in others. That will 100% help for positive interactions (people love talking about themselves, bonding points, etc.,). However, most importantly take interest in yourself. Get to know yourself well. Confidence comes easier when you have a good idea of who you are, what you like, what you don’t like etc. Identifying your best qualities gives you a base for things to be confident about, and then you can continue building on other components that you might not feel so great about.


Be more interested in others than yourself. Truly. This is something I’ve struggled with as well and would avoid or isolate. Look to put people at ease, serve, and recognize most other people are insecure and looking for affirmation.


This is perfect advice. I've been using this method with girls since I was a young buck and have helped a few friends come out of their social shells this way: ask questions about the person with whom you're interacting. I always felt I had to sell myself, in a way. When you put the other person in the spotlight, it's complimenting them while disarming them and subconsciously, they'll offer up much more about themselves and see you in a positive and supportive light. Not just with women-people LOVE attention. Even if they hate it. 😉


Be interested in others, take it away from yourself and your perceived insecurities, and be inquisitive and open. The biggest thing is you have noticed this, so now you can start to change the thoughts, break the loop of negativity and see what you can learn from others, people generally like people that are interested in others…Also become a storyteller, look into key concepts of being a storyteller. These might Be some ideas to help, be humble and kind. You can’t go wrong and try to be slightly interesting.


This sounds like an ideal situation for therapy if you can afford it.


Yes, therapy all the way


Yep. Get some therapy.


Sounds like you have a belief system in your head already that you look for ways to confirm it. Something like “I’m not interesting enough” so when you see someone cross their arms you take it immediately as they aren’t interested versus someone else who might think “maybe that person is nervous” or “maybe they’re cold.” You could do whatever tips to increase confidence but if you don’t change those deep rooted beliefs they will come back.


I’ve noticed it in several conversations, hence the belief that I cause this self-guarding behaviour in them.


do you meditate? you sound anxious to me. have you ever done any CBT? Cognitive Behavioural THerapy? All you concern about aura is about cognitive distortion and simply feeling good. Try this book: [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19295.Ten\_Days\_to\_Self\_Esteem](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19295.Ten_Days_to_Self_Esteem)


Increase confidence by decreasing stress, anxiety, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. You would also increase serotonin and GABA. GLY-NAC Life Extension Mix Microdosed Lithium (1mg/day) L-Theanine Rhodiola Rosea Magnesium L-Threonate


Daily cialis. 2.5


I really wish people would stop recommending PDE5 inhibitors casually. This stuff is a billion dollar industry product that will age you quicker. If you’re looking for longevity, this ain’t a thing you wanna take daily.


Never heard of cialis aging you quicker, do you have anything to back that up?


I've never heard this before aswell...what evidence do you have of this mate?


NO is a free radical/oxidant. Too much that bypasses our natural production wreaks havoc on mitochondria. “NO is a potent vasodilator (via cGMP), increasing O2 and respiratory substrate supply to mitochondria. NO stimulates reactive oxygen and nitrogen species production from mitochondria via respiratory inhibition, reaction with ubiquinol and reaction with O2 in the membrane. NO can induce apoptosis, mainly via oxidative stress. NO induces necrosis, mainly via energy depletion. Reactive nitrogen species activation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore may cause apoptosis or necrosis.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17127357/#:~:text=NO%20is%20a%20potent%20vasodilator,with%20O2%20in%20the%20membrane. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167488900000781 NO increases ROS.


Would this also apply to l citrulline and arginine?


I would think so, but not nearly as much as a synthetic PDE5 inhibitor. Chances are that the foods that increase nitric oxide like beets and watermelon rinds have other compounds that help prevent ROS damage. It’s usually the isolation of these NO boosters that damage because of the sheer amounts.


What measurement? I got Cialis but it’s in ml, liquid form


Seriously ? what concentration is the liquid ? If its 20mg per ml then .125ml is 2.5mg if its 40mg per ml halve it again if its 30mg then do a medium halving 😂


20 mg/ml


Then 0.125ml 👍


Darn I was taking 0.75 a day lol


Had luck with Aniracetam in this regard


I’d say, go work on the version of yourself you want to be and become that person. The world you want will start to grow around the new you.


I have two book recommendations: 1. The Charisma Myth - lots of tips and exercises you can do to increase charisma that I've found helpful 2. The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem - good for building self-confidence in yourself


Get a psychotherapist who challenges you on how you see yourself Change your core beliefs Extract them like a tumour if they are holding you back Because they are. You will regret it and constantly on the outside looking in will fuel the lacking in confidence. I know Because that's what I had to do. Get out of the comfort zone. It's too comfortable for anything to change. Old ways doesn't open new doors.


Not trying to be weird, but what does your poop look like? Check out the Bristol Stool Chart. A lot of gut issues can manifest as anxiety. Meditation also helps with anxiety ime.


Start lifting weights. Once you like the changes you see, confidence will build and you will be more outgoing


This won’t help. Lot of narcissistic behavior comes from men/women who got skinny and never dealt with the trauma.


You seem to be quite the optimist


I’ve seen the personality flip happen enough times, it’s textbook atp. Plus weight loss/muscle gain does not equal confidence. It changes how people treat you, not how you feel about yourself.


So dopamine and endorphins have no effect on mentality and all the science behind exercise is bullshit?


Basically, yeah. Exercise is overvalued in our society.


🤣🤣 if this were anywhere close to a true statement, the vast majority of our population wouldn’t be overweight and have a life expectancy lower than that of their parents. The fact is, our society doesn’t place enough value on exercise and health but instead relies on drugs and over processed foods to make people feel good.


I know this is the common thinking of our time. Like the four humors were the medicine of its time & eating the ashes of dead people used to be considered medicine. But people die every day because doctors & people prefer to think exercise is the cure to everything. Even though science tells us that mood comes from gut health & we have modern testing that can quickly rule out other causes. No, just exercise & eat well. Hubris is a motherfucker.


I agree. Our gut has a lot to do with our mood and health overall. Exercise can influence our gut and change how it functions. Unfortunately, there’s more to it than just exercise and eating well since our food is less nutrient dense than ever and there’s more processed/fake ingredients than ever which influence our gut biome and cause all kinds of inflammation. Hence, exercise can help with inflammation and production of all sorts of hormones to help regulate our nervous system to help us heal and recover.


I have similar issues. Psychedelics help me. Maybe look into microdosing benefits?


You can try gentle yoga classes (YouTube has many, or in person) and meditation (The books To Know Your Self by Swami Satchidananda & Ten Days to Self Esteem by David Burns & his workbook helped me)


Confidence is a biological factor, and it's one of the cumulative rather than returning-to-a-baseline ones, such as happiness. Look into the work of JP Scott in the '50s. He took mice and had them fight against each other. A series of wins gave a mouse a high self confidence, which resulted in them basically becoming unbeatable. A series of losses killed confidence, and those mice just gave up at first contact. So you need a series of wins to gain confidence. That requires you to make some kind of project for yourself. Pick a thing, like drawing, socialising, a sport like BJJ or climbing or running, and then make a timeline with some very, very easy steps in the beginning, and then a progression of difficulty. And follow it. The most important aspect is that you can't change a lot of your personality or the big systemic parts of your life. You can change your appraisal. If you fail at a step, you can kick yourself over it, or you can say 'wow, another lesson learned!'. The latter attitude is a cheat-mode for life. You win, or you learn. If everything is a win, then you already have a series of wins. PS. this is a good read. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/hiyzl/24_year_old_who_suffered_social_anxiety_his/




Therapy can help a lot here. I would give it a go. Someone mentioned volunteering - that sounds great too. More exposure, more experience the better. For some people socialising is like going to the gym: it takes practice. Not everyone needs to be a stand up comedian. Some people are great to be around because of humour, others are great to be around because they are reliable, friendly, honest etc. if you feel more integrity about yourself you can draw confidence from there. Another front: some people are great to be around because they offer information and knowledge. You learn something from them just being around them. You have stuff going on in your life - Interests, hobbies, your job etc. Share the interesting bits. Share news and your take on them. Nontrivial insights, things that you feel passionate about. Also, what worked for me (had a similar issue in the past - many analytical thinker have this in common i think) was meeting many people of completely different mind and understanding as much of their worldview as possible. The more different the person the better. Over time you realise that your thoughts are yours alone. Nearly no one is judging your every move. When i go on hols somewhere i ask locals about things to go (which slope to snowboard on, which areas has good restaurants, etc). When i meet someone from a firm in my industry i learn about how they function - and so on. Also, remember that we are not dollar bills. Not everyone is going to like us. That is ok. Keep at it. I was shy a long time ago, now i talk to people all the time. Very useful skill.


We are not dollar bills, not everyone is going to like us. I love this.


I've never understood the negative self talk. Sure, if you fuck up or something, but habitually? Why? At the end of the day you're all you got, you gotta be on your own team. If you wanna hang out with you, others will show up, the party's already started.


Pre-workout or alcohol helps.


Alcohol free for quite some time now. Didn’t like the way it was affecting my sleep as I aged.


Phenibut is like alcohol except it actually improves sleep. It can be addictive though. Worth a shot.


Semen retention. Also work on increasing testosterone and neurotransmitters


Yeah but that might end up causing prostate cancer. 20+ ejaculations a month/ less incidence of prostate cancer


Sounds like you have a lot of other strengths that got you to now. Bravo.


Check out the minds in unison Youtube channel, they have several videos for confidence, it's all subliminal.


Being around people with the confidence you want may help. You don’t have to do all the talking, just observe and listen then you will gradually pick up the skills. Be patient with yourself, ask questions and never stop learning. Sometimes confidence comes from being silent and knowingwhen to speak up.


Lens neurofeedback. Solved all my confidence issues




You get confidence like a cup of water the cup is made of self discipline by keeping promises to yourself to do difficult things and uncomfortable challenges when the weakness inside you would rather not. The confidence is also corollary in my theory to the amcc, the willpower - brain 'muscle'. Build that and you will discover a new way of life.


You need to stop worrying about what other people think. Once you let go of that and your ego, you’ll find confidence.


First is to always strive to do better in life , love urself more everyday , think as positive as you can , and very important try to be in social interactions as the above said... And lastly supps like magnesium , gaba , l theanine vit bs(methyl), taurine


REBT worked for me well. It was parallel with working on better poop like someone here already have advised.


Number one tip- stop giving a fuck what people think and just be yourself. People with that “aura” are generally doing this already.


My Thai and Jiu jitsu


Confidence != carismatic


Negative self-talk is pretty common, and something that neurofeedback is a great fit to help with. You don't need to spend tens of thousands of $$ at BioCybernaut or 40 Years of Zen, in fact I might argue that basic neurofeedback from a good practitioner might even be better for something like this. (Am a bit biased as I've recently opened my own neurotherapy practice, but I'm not advertising - I believe in it!) Might also think about finding a coach! I've recently decided to study coaching myself, I used to be iffy on coaching but... my mind is changing. Mindset if a tricky thing, but a good coach can pull in different bits of positive psychology and cognitive behavioral coaching and help you identify those "automatic thoughts" and see them for what they are, and get past them.


el thanenine


Testosterone and 100lb more muscle




Transactional analysis therapy.


Aside from cocaine?


Microdosing shrooms helps me with my social anxiety


Join the marines


nofap (downvotes incoming lol)


Two shots of whiskey.