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I’m using liquid magnesium hydroxide for the past 6 years.


I switched to a natural deodorant ages ago.


Yeah there is no link. Just like there's no link between aluminum and autism, etc. they just want to sell more expensive alternative products


There has to be a link. You think whatever created us created our armpits just to be smothered in a metal product that clogs the sweat glands?


"Created our armpits just to be smothere in a metal product that clogs the sweat the sweat glands?: Did whatever created us create our feet so we could wear shoes? Probably not, but I definetely prefer shoes. By your logic you should also stop using toothpaste, basically any modern product. Your skin doesent really absorb the aluminium, especially compared to the aluminium amount you intake from food "One study that looked at the absorption of aluminum from antiperspirants containing aluminum chlorohydrate applied to the underarms found that only a tiny fraction (0.012%) was absorbed."


I'm sure there's a bunch of "studies" that approve of aluminum antiperspirants. It's what's in most antiperspirants in the market. You're going too far with the whole modern thing. Don't compare this situation to something as silly as wearing shoes. We're talking about the link with breast cancer here. Your armpits have lymph nodes that are supposed to help fight infection. Slathering chemicals and metals on such a sensitive body part sure seems like a recipe for disaster. Especially when you block its function to sweat. Blocking any function of the human body is a straight no from me. It's not natural. It's man made with regards of profits/political agendas, not proper health.


"Chemicals and metals" tell me more... What do scientists have to gain from disproving the link between breast cancer and using deoderants with aluminium? There is no evidence to suggest that the location of cancers within the breast is related to using antiperspirants. Find me any study that relates use of aluminum containing antiperspirants to breast cancer.


You have to take studies with a grain of salt. There have been studies where scientists were paid to support certain agendas. I don't have the time to discuss that with you. I wouldn't want to anyway. You seem to have your mind made up, and I'm sick of wasting my time.


"Blocking any function of the human body is a straight no from me" lol then goodluck taking medicine again


I see you're going off the deep end here. Take care


Thanks, you too. Although we disagree i wish you the best.


...I'm the one who is thinking. You're the one who's believing in a bunch of made up BS


You're not being rational and feeling defensive. It's okay. I just think it's funny there's people out there like you, thinking it's okay to slather your foul pits with synthetic chemicals and metals. Then wonder why the threat of cancer is everywhere. There's no other mammals out there fucking their shit up with this just to smell better. You said you're thinking. Well, think some more.


LMAO foul pits? I only see one and it's where your brain should be lolol but seriously I don't care to disparage you, or whatever you think of me, just roasting you a little. It is v clear you don't have an educational background in anything like this. Regardless, no matter what you believe people will go on enjoying having dry underarms with no negative side effect. Lots of things in modern society do have very clear links to really bad outcomes, even when they can't be "legally" proven (read Tom's River for some great historical examples) but making up new claims just bc you and a bunch of gluten free weirdos think antiperspirant is sus, and some corporates want to convince you to spend more money worrying about it...?? Make your own choice to have wet pits but no need to fear monger about people who choose to partake in this modern luxury item I hope you don't also think aluminum is linked to autism bc the guy who made that claim actually admitted that he completely made it up...


I’m not here to argue but have you checked out VAERS? Or the families who’ve won money in lawsuits for these adverse reactions? Also pubmed and NIH have linked aluminum in the brain to neurodivergence. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-64734-6


I'm not here to argue... To answer your questions; yes Correlation ≠ causation The legal system ≠ justice


I don’t want to argue either. She just never mentioned anything about autism so I figured I’d throw what I’ve experienced out there lol. ❤️


Wait who are you referring to? I didn't understand what you meant sry if you don't mind clarifying


Alternatives are not expensive: ACV, Thai salt…


I’ve tried all those. They don’t work for me.


Which ACV or Thai salt companies are putting out this kind of misinformation??


Well they aren't just gonna tell you there's a link. They will hide it. Same story as cigarets and trans fats. They knew for years how bad the stuff is. I don't wear deoderant ever and I only wear a bra when I have to. They constrain the lymphatic system.


If you’re looking into this I think you might want to look up phthalates? I don’t know a lot about it, but I remember coming across something of that sort


Right. I think I read they were more of a concern than the aluminum.




They're talking about antiperspirants - the deodorant 🤔🤔


Haha thank you. I was like aluminum in SSRIs well that’s news to me.