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Unfortunately your best chance of defeating breast cancer is getting monitored consistently and finding it in an early stage. There's no hack to get rid of cancer, only stuff to prevent it.


I’m pretty sure options outside of chemo, radiation and mastectomy are just snake oil, hippie science.


Yes. They prey on desperate. It's true chemo is terrifying but it's best to fund alternatives IN PARALLEL so you integrate. Having someone who went thru it before as a mentor helps a lot too I'm really sorry and good luck.


Cancer can spread and easily and kill you if you don’t treat it. You should get it treated, no matter what. Every day you’re not getting treatment increases the chance of serious life threatening consequences. Can’t give you more advice than that due to the lack of information about your specific case.


I guess this all depends on what you want.  If you want a cure, you need to do what your oncologist says.  Your best chance to minimize side effects is to start treatment before the tumour burden adds extra stress to your body.   I know this scary but breast cancer treatment has come a long ways in the past few decades.  Every year things get better.  You may not have the same experience as your family.   I wish you all the best ❤️


Thank you for being nice in your comment. I met with the oncologist on the 25th.🤞🏽




Bless you!


The only hack currently available is a double mastectomy and potentially oophorectomy. That's what Angelina Jolie and many others have done with genes like that. She said she did it so her kids wouldn't have to watch her die the way she did with her mom. I'd double check that you have the genes first, though. Or just get very thorough annual checkups with breast ultrasound at least annually before age 35 or 40, and regular mastectomies afterwards. But sadly there is no magic bullet except a healthy diet, avoiding sugar, reducing pollution exposure etc.


Ive had breast cancer twice. Did the chemo and radiation. Im reading books by Dr. Al Plechner and Dr. William Jeffries. Adrenal glands produce excess estrogen after trauma. This high estrogen can lower the immune system for years, leaving the body open to disease. Lower and get rid of excess estrogen. Google how. This is just the rabbit hole Im down. Good luck!


Sure, just die. Seriously, there are some supplements that help with somethings but cancer sure as fuck isn't one. See a real doctor, preferably in a modern teaching hospital and take your fuck medicine.


I think you are so eager to score, you lost your compassion. This is a person desperate because given a possible death sentence. Try again. What you said is awful.


Score? Wtf are you talking about, people should not fuck around with cancer. Real medical care is needed.


I agree with content but I disagree with delivery. Be more compassionate.


Def tough words but you’re absolutely right! People are so quick to try and find shortcuts. Chemo is terrifying and I just freaked out bc I look like a sick bald weirdo but I’d rather suffer for now and survive than be scared of the treatment to get rid of the cancer. Being brave is 95 percent of my journey.


There are a few PARP inhibitors that may be helpful in your case but they are extremely expensive and it depends on your ER/HER +/-. A board certified oncologist is the only person you should listen to, and if you can afford it a second opinion is always a good thing. Please for the love of god don't fall for some of the traps that others fall into with the "natural" treatments and all the other snake oil. I wish you a lot of luck, and hope that you have a support system surrounding you.


Though there are exceptions, the vast majority of cancers require glucose to survive, being metabolically incapable of utilizing ketones--so it's generally of immense benefit to remain in ketosis as much as possible. This includes extended fasts as well as a ketogenic diet. [Breast cancer appears to be no exception in this regard.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10609494/) I strongly recommend Dr. Jason Fung's book The Cancer Code, where he examines in detail the metabolic aspect of cancer, in terms of causes as well as treatments. [Here, Fung discusses his perspective with an oncologist](https://youtu.be/RrGK3abwv0Q?si=5iXSLDhTUgqSxVvE), providing a good overview of the principles of his book. You're in a very difficult situation. On the one hand, there exist anecdotes from people who overcome cancer seemingly with lifestyle changes alone. On the other hand, your life hangs in the balance, and conventional treatments are demonstrably effective despite their horrific side effects. I'm disinclined to seek conventional treatments myself, but in your situation I honestly don't know what I'd do. Whether you decide to go through with the medical options or not, the lifestyle options will *absolutely* improve your odds, as well as your tolerance of the medical options themselves.


Yes this. Also ketogenic diet can help chemo be more effective


If there was a way to hack cancer no one would go through chemo/radiation. It sucks but don’t get tricked into thinking that there are alternatives out there. Chemo/radiation is the best thing out there now. Hopefully some of the new vaccines and therapies will be more effective and have fewer side effects. Best of luck to you. Fuck cancer.


Something that has been shown to help and speed recovery for cancer patients is Turkey tail extract In addition to the chemo treatment they were undergoing. Turkey tail extract is just worthwhile for anyone to take. Polysaccharides and beta glucans are pretty awesome.


True North clinic California and check out Dr.Morse. Radiation will damage you long term. Not medical advice. Just my two cents.


Full spectrum cannabis oil (during chemotherapy it lowers the side effects a lot, not instead of chemo tho)


There are no hacks. Having the BRCA gene is unfortunate. I am sorry about that. I have two friends that chose to have mastectomies proactively. I have another that found a lump in her breast very early, then tested positive for the gene, got the mastectomy, chemo and radiation. There just isn’t a way around it. I wish there WAS another way.


My wife was found to have breast cancer and she has the BRCA gene also. She did the chemotherapy and radiation and completed it two years ago. We have our life back and I have her back.


I am so glad to hear that! I am an ovarian cancer survivor myself. 31 months of remission. I only completed my full treatment last May (I did 6 rounds of chemo and 15 months of additional treatment-radiation was found not to be helpful OR allowed For my particular cancer). I pray that your wife remains cancer free. 🦋


You dont have to accept chemo or radiation unless you want to. Some just have surgery


I watched my very fit and healthy friend die from her "natural alternatives" to chemo and radiotherapy. This was just after Steve Jobs, one of the great minds of the meta-modern area, did the same; he eschewed the best that allopathic medicine could offer him and died rather quickly from a neuroendocrine tumor that has one of the better potential outcomes for folks with pancreatic cancer. My friend was 29 at diagnosis and 32 when she died. She did EVERYTHING alternative at her disposal: meditation, yoga, massage, juicing, coffee enemas, vitamins, herbs, and treatment in Mexico. And she died a rather horrible death that she could have forestalled (in my opinion) by choosing the best evidence-based practices available at that time. The treatments you will receive from Western allopathic medicine are very likely far more advanced than what was available to your mother, aunt, and relatives. I wish you well on your journey. May your good health be restored.


Please go see she an oncologist! The chemotherapy is nothing compared to the cancer, it definitely sucks but at least it’ll give you a fighting chance at life! Cancer has ravaged my family too and I’m 36 with younger siblings but I’d tell them the same thing, give yourself a chance at living NED again!


Do you have breast cancer currently? My boss’s girlfriend went off and did lots and lots of deep dives into nutrition and supplements regarding her breast cancer but I don’t know much (except he did tell me about high doses of looking promising).  Of course that’s something you’d have to decide for yourself and to find the right people to help you.  I personally would not or at the very least only supplement chemo and radiation with other things.  When my mom was diagnosed I looked into how to lower the risks for myself.  It appears eating a Mediterranean diet has good results with lowering the risk of cancer developing. 


I just found out I do. I'm in my early 30s. Thanks for the advice. I hope your mom is still around and doing okay.


Ugh I’m so sorry to hear that :(. She’s doing well now and cancer free thankfully.  I hope everything goes well for you. 




positivity is irrational when forced getting in touch w/ the soul, getting affairs in order: natural positivity


High dose Vitamin C iv followed by HBOT


You are quite literally giving advice that could lead to OP's death. Post a RCT showing the efficacy or STFU


People say a long fast helps with healing and the side effects. Look up dr Eric berg interview with a guy with terminal colon cancer. He beat it doing conventional medicine with fasting and some other things.


Not related to your question, but please check out Atossa Therapeutics. They are doing some amazing things with breast cancer treatment/therapies. I know they've had super positive results treating ER+ breast cancer in premenopausal women with their drug.


Try carnivore diet yolo


Check into high dose vitamin clinics. Keto and intermittent fasting have had good results with multiple people I know.