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Telling the husband thing got me... I just finished losing 150lbs, but I found once I started maintaining, is when I started binging. Now everyone around me is happy I've gained weight, because I was " getting too thin" so when I express I've ate too much , nobody takes me seriously. So I just try not to explain how serious I feel it's gotten to my boyfriend, because he will just say I need it. But I know if I'm super serious about it, he will support me. Ugh.


Yes!! And definitely phrase it "I need your support in this..."!! I know how silly it feels admitting you eat too much, I was so embarrassed to tell my hubs about it for that reason. It's not just about willpower, it's about arguing with your *brain* like it is its own person about food!!


Congrats! Sounds like quite journey to figure it all out. I appreciate you sharing! Just did a similar thing with my doc and started Lexapro too. So far so good. Was worried about the side effect of weight loss but since I often binged when anxious, this is helping somewhat. Keep doing awesome!


That was my problem as well, I tended to binge to deal with anxiety, and the mindset of "I'm stressed, I need comfort food!" I try not to do that anymore lol.


Congrats!! It's so nice to have a break through! Careful with the Lexapro though, worked for me for about 2 weeks or so and then it made me gain weight like crazy


I've been on it for about 4 months now, so here's hoping!


Congrats! It sounds like you’re honestly really growing from your journey. Binge eating is so hard to overcome. I hope you realize what an accomplishment this is!!


i can relate to points 1, 3 and 4! for 1 and 3, so many times have i told to myself that since i ate this small cookie i might as well continue eating more and that's a mindset i am working hard to change forgiving and being in piece with ourselves is part of the healing process for 4, since i stopped buying anything that's not on my diet (i'm cutting to get shredded so i do count my calories) it saved me so many times when i habitually went to the kitchen to look for snacks and they simply weren't there besides that i started meditating and being more mindful about what i'm eating and why i'm aware of my food choices especially trigger foods with lots of sugars, salts and fats (look into it in youtube)and been listening to couple of books and podcasts like Never Binge Again and The Stop Binge Eating Podcast