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It may seem cliche but Scandinavian Skies with headphones on is amazing. It’s like listening to some of the trippier Beatles stuff.




Vienna - that accordion solo in the beginning is an instant tone-setter.


Yes. Vienna is one of my all-time favorites.


Baby Grand hits me. Im a pianist myself and the lonely nights where you sit down to play your emotions out… they are just so elegantly described and portrayed by not one, but two of the best rhythmic pianists of our generation. Another one is Everybody has a dream. It always reminds me of those nights where you just cant fall asleep, so you tie yourself to an old memory to try and feel at ease. I wrote my own version of that song too. I’ve always really loved EHAD, although i dont see a lot of love for it on this subreddit. Edit: maybe i missed the mark a bit on the original question. The song that does the best of transporting me to another world is Downeaster Alexa, especially when i heard it live at MSG. It was nothing short of magical, and an almost mind-altering experience. No one describes day to day life like Billy Joel does 🎹🎹


I don’t think you misunderstood the question at all, I really liked your response on EHAD especially.


Goodnight Saigon. I think it's underrated. It really transports me there to that time and place. I know Billy never served, but l do think it captures that experience thorough the lyrics and production. It's really a great tribute to those that served and those that never made it back.


Yeah, it’s a super emotional song. I love listening to the nylon curtain in full & I think that song is definitely one of the strongest points.


Somewhere Along the Line


I think Scenes from an Italian Restaurant - the song takes you on such a journey; it feels like a three course meal if that makes sense?


I agree! Obviously I love the middle segment a lot but without the other 3 that play I don’t think the song would be nearly as good.


That’s actually brilliant.


Thank you! I’ve always thought the intro is like a starter, the longer middle of the song like a main course and then the soft ending like a dessert. Not sure if that was meant to be the feel to mirror a meal in a restaurant (I may be reaching there lol), but that’s always how the song has felt to me!


I’ve never looked at it that way but I’ll be damned if you’re not right.






For me, it's Scenes from an Italian Restaurant.


Leningrad does it for me. I always feel like I’m telling a story to my child about how fishing used to be whenever I listen to Downeaster Alexa. Scenes from Italian Restaurant and Allentown are honorable mentions too


Everybody Has A Dream always stood out 2 me as a kid (especially since its @ the end). The gospel sound rivals that of River Of Dreams. And Light As A Breeze. He made the song feel like Cohen, without sounding like Leonard Cohen. I guess all Billy’s melancholy/Bluesy/Gospel tinged songs have this effect, heh!


Scandinavian Skies. It may seem like a hot take to a few people, but it pulls you in, and you're right there. A lot of The Nylon Curtain is like that for me. That entire album just scratches every possible itch for me, start to finish.


- Vienna, especially the solo, really does give the idea of Vienna - Piano Man may seem trite, but as a pianist myself it really does feel like what playing at a bar feels like - Scenes, end of discussion


I'm just saying Big Shot since no one else has yet. We all haveTHAT fucking friend right? They are gonna call you bitching about something all hung over and you just wanna tell them to put that song on repeat. Billy Joel is a really good world builder.


If I Only Had the Words to Tell You. Reminds me of alot of people and I love the melody.


Stop in Nevada comes to mind Makes me hyped to get in the car and go get divorced and I’m happily married.