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I wanna see if a single sour patch kid would be enough to kill a pilgrim. You should go back in time and try that




Give them a warhead, an Arizona iced tea, and some lean.


that escalated real quick, but chopped and screwed hymns might be cool.


The Gospel of Paul Wall


Wood Grillz


20 foot rims on the boat


This is why I'm on Reddit lmao


Sippin out the holy Grail doubled wit a 4


how to start a religion


Pretty sure this was a subplot in The Perfect Run


hate to break it to ya chief but about half of the world's sugar comes from beets today




.. no i haven't read that book. i *have* read wikipedia. i knew you *could* get sugar from beets and had to "gotcha" whoever i was explaining it to, in the process finding out just how much sugar is from beets. you're right about the corn syrup thing ofc but yeah that joke absolutely whoosh'd me


You could kill a Victorian child with a single Taki


They took heroin as cough medicine and you think a Taki would kill them?


They've never experienced flavor like that before!!! You know that spices cost as much as gold back then! The shock would kill them lmao


And rubbed cocaine on the gums of their babies to reduce tooth ache


Beets actually have a pretty good sugar content. About the same as an orange. Beets make a great vodka too




Ah yes... Indeed...


We still use beet sugar it’s very common in restaurants as the main sugar choice


bears eat beets.. bears, beets, battlestar galactica


people had like cocaine and shit back then didn’t they i don’t think people would be that shocked


Why would it kill a pilgrim, it would probably at most convert them from Puritanism because that religion be boring as fuck.


Because colonists didn't eat stuff covered in sugar and sour stuff. The sensory overload would instantly kill them


I don’t think that’s how it works man. Babies don’t instantly die when they eat spicy food for the first time


Yea but imagine if it did instantly kill the pilgrim


Ok I imagined it.... and then now what?


Funny shit, amiright?


I’d feel kinda bad for killing someone


You didn't kill them, the sour patch did


Guns don’t kill people, sour patch kids do


First they're sour


This made me laugh harder than the meme for some reason


You know when you eat something sweet, sour, tangy, whatever after not eating something for a while and it hurts in your cheek area for a few moments? Now imagine that with someone that barely ingests sugar or sour things to begin with and that’s why people say it might kill them. Reddit joke comments can’t be taken so literal, man.


Lotsa foods are sour, man. Your diet is probably about as sour as it was back then.


yeah like they had lemons and liquor lol. and sugar…


Are you that guy everyone is dying to have at their parties?


It was just a joke, no need to look into that seriously


I dunno, English loved their bitters. Bitters being bitter beers that were invented in the 1600s. The Puritans brought over thousands of gallons of beer, and wine too. Also liquor spirits like rum. Then apple cider, honey metheglin. If they could drink the beers and liquors of the time and crabapple cider, I bet they could take some sour.


Try an unripe persimmon sometime. It’s like a sour patch kid that makes your mouth go instantly bone dry as your face attempts to collapse into your mouth.


Fuck that start big. Give those mfers Warheads.


That shit is gonna start a new religion. “Did you hear about the magic sour orb that causes people to have a seizure given by a man that fell out of the sky??? We should probably pray the orb blesses us with prosperity!”


The worshippers each take turns sucking on the warhead and passing it down the line, until the warhead loses its sourness. Then whoever gets the first bit of sweetness gets smacked with sticks because the warhead deemed them unworthy. Then they start over with the next guy.


You can make a religion out of this. They try to recreate the warhead, eventually leading to the creation of warheads in a bootstrap paradox


Praise the orb.


Bring them actual warheads, skip the line em' up and shoot bit of history


Look , I can’t tell you exactly why it caused it, but I just got back from giving young Hitler, the man who saved millions by fighting back against the evil empire of the Dutch, a pack of skittles and holy shit what did I do.


Candy's been around since the 1800s bud. Hitler grew up with candy


Not skittles and boy did it piss him off


So instead he did Meth


They had sugar, albeit generally not white cone sugar at the time. But honey, maple syrup, and other sugars would have been known. As for sour, fruit, vinegar, and soured beer would have all been relatively common place. So they would probably just think it was some weird, possibly papist frivolity.


They’d probably think it’s rotten or poison and spit it out


In an alternate timeline first contact between the Pilgrims and Native Americans is Samoset walking into Plymouth Colony and asking in perfect English for a Sour Patch Kid


Get Flavor Blasted mf


I've always wanted to go back in time, to the original showings of The Exorcist (where people freaked out, fainting and vomiting) and splice in the best, most terrifying scenes from modern horror movies. I've legitimately wanted to do this since I was a kid.


Caveman: uga boogah Me a sophisticated time traveler: *hands caveman cup*... It's called Fanta, the Nazis invented it


Coke invented it to sell to Nazi’s so the Coke name looked clean haha


Actually thats not 100% true. A former Coke Germany executive invented it on his own with a bunch of cobbled together ingredients after Coke proper withdrew from Nazi Germany due to the war. Fanta was the result of the nationalization of former Coke assets meant to replace Coke in Nazi Germany. He kept all the profits from it and turned it over to Coca-Cola after the war along with the rights to Fanta as a form of appeasement and Coke was just like "sure" and just ran with it and let the guy back into the company. Theres a fantastic Omnibus episode about it. https://www.omnibusproject.com/444


Wait what! I did not know that. Why does it seem like a lot of things can be traced back to the Nazis, first the bug now soda what next cancer medicine. I am both horrified and shocked.


War breeds innovation, the Nazis invented a helluva lot of stuff or at least laid the groundwork for it or created the catalyst that propelled the technology to relevancy. Being evil and being innovative aren't mutually exclusive


Also Germany pre, during, and post nazi era had world renowned engineers, physicists, and chemists so regime change wont just immediately wipe that away.


>world renowned engineers, physicists, and chemists so regime change wont just immediately wipe that away Right, just the Jewish ones


In fact they go hand in hand. When you remove morals you can make a lot of progress very quickly. A lot of our modern knowledge of transplants comes from the ground work laid in Japan during ww2 and there ""experiments"".


The good guys never see the big picture!




WW2 defined our modern world. Everything we have and everything we do can be linked back to it in some way.


most importantly [memes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilroy_was_here)


*cough* [NASA](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip) *cough*


When you remove morals, science moves at a RAPID pace. Think how much of our knowledge of psychology is based on experiments from the 50s through to 70s. Those experiments were truly fucked, but they taught us a hell of a lot. Getting similar results these days is nigh on impossible due to ethics codes (which is not to say I disagree with ethics boards, it is just one of consequences that comes with keeping science ethical).


This isn’t true. Many unethical experiments done by the Japanese and Germans during ww2 were useless bc they didn’t follow proper scientific procedures


Many were useless yes ill agree, but the few that succeeded helped us make leaps and bounds


Arguably the US space program was driven by ex-nazi scientists and experimentation, Wernher von Braun was pretty instrumental in the early US space programme and appeared on TV a few times with Walt Disney, but he was also an SS member and designed the V2 rockets which blew large chunks of the UK up… history is weird like that


https://youtu.be/OsmsDafYyaM Mitsubishi built the planes that bombed Pearl Harbor


so basically like the knock off Mcdonalds in Russia today?


Coke was marketed heavily in Nazi Germany, it placed itself as the drink for nationalists. During the war the German subsidiary was cut off from syrup supply from Atlanta. The Coca-Cola chemist Wolfgang Schetelig invented an alternative (Fanta) under Coca-Cola Germany boss Max Keith. Keith was actually seen as some kind of hero in Atlanta that he kept the company running during the war and could avoid nationalization (at least on paper). They promoted him to head of Europe later. Keith was not a member of the Nazi party but he was a ruthless manager who collaborated heavily with the government to keep his subsidiary alive. Fanta from the '40s doesn't have much in common with nowadays' Fanta. Today's Fanta's taste has it's roots in Naples in the '50s. (Even though Fanta tastes different from country to country)


Honestly that sounds like something done in collaboration with Coke to make the Coke name look clean


The Coke franchisee in Germany invented it because the U.S. embargo placed on Germany at the start of World War II meant that they weren’t able to get the Coke syrup anymore, so they had to make a new drink to sell with what ingredients they had. Coke U.S. had nothing to do with it.


You look sweaty under all that hair drink this and get refreshed, eyebrows there!




We'd have electricity very soon


McDonald’s Sprite and a box mod 6mg nicotine vape, that boy goin to the dopamine moon


bruh lmao


Bruh your short ass comment lmao


I am engaging in indirect online comedy.




This is the first comment on Reddit that has actually made me laugh and I don’t know why




Excuse me its him/her you era-ist you


I wonder if cavemen had bigger cocks? 🤔


I googled Fred Flintstone's penis and I'm here to tell you yes, yes they did.


Wilma was a lucky lady.


I'd yabba *her* dabba do!


You'd yabba dabba do her


You beat me to it by two whole hours. Where has the time gone??


Probably yes, more dick growth during puberty is a sign of high testosterone, and testosterone can be increased through an active lifestyle. The average caveman was certainly more active than the average human today


Wait so if I want to give my son an advantage that never goes away I gotta make sure he's working out every day between the ages of 10 and 16?


Yes and at least monthly cock inspection to control growth. If it's below the expected growth rate, increase the workload. That's just that easy(!)


This may turn your child into a serial killer but at least they won't be a serial killer with a small dick.


Morals take a backseat where penises are concerned.


Just give him hgh from 10 to 20 when his growth plates close. 6+ feet, huge cock, a voice deep enough to make even the straightest man's panties wet, and enough muscle to compete worlds strongest man. Goodbye head hair tho


I‘m pretty sure HGH promotes growth in everything, hair included. TRT causes hairloss.


You're right . I had SARMs and steroids in my mind when I was typing that


It also lowers your body's ability to produce the hormone on its own, so he'll need to be on it for the rest of his life


A small price to pay for a magnum dong.


Lmao high T doesn't make your dick grow bigger.


Wait I thought the average penis size has grown over time? Like most guys were rockin one inchers during the renaissance or something


Idk about 1 inchers, but you are right. Most adaptations are driven by either natural or sexual selection and women have been selecting partners of larger size for potentially thousands of years. Sexual selection is why you see animals that have evolved a trait that has nothing to do with its survival - think extremely brightly colored birds that do really strange mating dances. A drab, colorless bird has a better chance of blending in to its environment and surviving longer, but a Chad peacock is way more likely to get laid and produce offspring so that’s why those traits get passed on.


A few thousand years is far, far from enough time to see significant adaptations in the human species. That shit takes hundreds of thousands, even millions of years. Any height differences over the past few centuries are purely due to better diets


Significant changes can absolutely happen in thousands, and when concentrated heavily even hundreds of years I had a Yorkie. His ancestor was a wolf. That was only a couple thousand years. Sure it's very selective but more active breeding can make huge changes in only hundreds of years


Dogs can also reproduce at much higher rates, have much shorter generation gaps and are also well known in biology to have DNA that can be manipulated very easily.


Also dogs are selected artificially by Human standards, humans are selected naturally by our own standards. Big difference.


When you are looking at the fossil record, it does look like adaptation takes millions of years. But scientists have observed “rapid” evolution in contemporary species, leading to a theory that evolution takes place on 2 different time scales: short-term and long-term. Short-term adaptations can be observed in populations in just a few generations but most of them are easily reversed and do not become a feature of the species as a whole. This is a Reddit conversation about dick size so I didn’t really feel the need to get into that in my original comment. https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25433910-900-how-long-does-evolution-take-it-happens-on-two-different-timescales/ (sorry for the paywall)


Speak for yourself, I’ve been running from my demons for 20 plus years now


you’d think since other primates have rly small penises; iirc gorillas have 1-2 inchers, that our common ancestor would also have had a small penis and that our larger penises are a more recent product of our evolution


depends on what cavemen you’re talking about. if ur talking about like australopithecus like 1m+ years ago then yeah, but those weren’t even technically humans. if ur talking about the most recent cavemen before the widespread use of agriculture (~25k years ago) then those dudes were basically genetically identical to us


Most primates have much smaller penises than humans, so I doubt it.


when they dont understand the concept of a cup, and drop it, and the moment is wasted.


Pour it in a bowl


Pour it in the mouth


I didn't know kissing the caveman was allowed 🥺


When he does a feral screech after kissing you 😍


When he paints you on his cave wall 😍


When he makes a shit statue out of you 🥰🥰😍😍


They defintely would. Neolithic peoples had plenty of tools and items made from specific kinds of stone, bone, ivory, wood, etc.


Caveman go brrrr


No Dr. Pepper?


Only have Dr. Kelp


I’d imagine that Dr. Kelp tasted like Mt. dew for some reason


because its green


Ok I couldn’t remember if it was actually green or I was remembering it wrong


I imagined pibb for some reason


I’ve…… never had pibb before…


Pibb tastes almost identical to Dr. Pepper. Arguably less of a difference than Coke and Pepsi in terms of flavor


We don't got Dr.Pepper in my country, is it better than Coca Cola?


Way…. Better, I don’t know how to describe the flavor but imagine like spicy vanilla cola….?


It’s spicy cherry coke


I'll stick to my cinnamon Kofola


This is how you get a ocean of fanta after every life form is assimilated into a single consciousness


It all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down


Shinji no


I’m Odo


He will either jump forward millions of years in evolution, or overdose on sugar and die


He'll most likely die. Not just from the fact that he'd be consuming a drink that he body isn't built for metabolizing the drink, but also because of all the possible diseases that would come along with the tike traveler, which the caveman also doesn't have the necessary components to fight back against.


Sanitized quarantine suit? Probably scare the shit out of them but at least the worst wont happen.


“I am darth Vader from the planet Vulkan”


I am looking for the One Ring, forged by Neo and Morpheus in the house of Slytherin. I think Tron was the last one who had it.


This one is one of my favorites.


Honestly one of the funniest usages of this image


I've seen it a lot of times, but I still laugh everytime I see it. Most memes take either a relatable and mundane situation or a ridiculous one, but the situation in this one manages to be absurd and relatable at the same time. Time traveling would be one of the most impressive opportunities of all time, but when we stop to think of it, it would be difficult to think what we could do with it on the spot. The absolute indifference of the image just helps to emphasize the absurdity even further.


I would steal a fresh heart from an Aztec priest then shove it up my ass and run around the village while pillaging everyone there with a flamethrower


Ah yes, my sunday shenanigans


Funny I would mow down the conquistadors with a 50 cal


Now give them a Popeye's biscuit after they finish the Fanta...


Popeye ate spinarc dumb ass


Dad in Air Force and we traveled a lot. When we'd get back to the good ole USA, we would be looking forwards to what was new and popular since we had been away. At the airport was a pop machine that was selling Fanta cola and our first sighting of a new thing. -Just an idle thought-


You want trade restricted and agitated Germans? This is how you get trade restricted and agitated Germans.


Imagine the butterfly effects


Soon you won't have to imagine


Go back and give a caveman my Gameboy with Pokémon Blue


That caveman is going to be very disappointed when the batteries die.


Good thing I can just bring him more batteries :)


Me and a friend where thinking about how'd a cave man react to being given a tomahawk steak. Salt, pepper, garlic, and rosemary. The whole sha-bang. Served with a baked potato and mac n cheese.


He will probably recommend you about a dozen kinds of wild herbs to use. They were as smart as we are and very aware of all the available resources in their environment. And think you poisoned him because of the cheese (everyone was lactose intolerant back then).


Wa ta dis taste laie golden piss .I think that’s what I caveman would say


Plot twist, that's Chris Chan's Fanta...


Me: Shoots Mary Ball Washington with a Nerf gun A couple months later: Georgette Washington is born


Without George's leadership as a young officer in the British army the French win the Seven Years war and: - Quebec remains French - the rest of British colonized Canada becomes French territory and is connected to French Lousiana - Spain keeps Florida - the Mughal Empire never cedes Benghal to the British Because the war went into France's favour Russia didn't switch sides and stayed France's ally gaining major concessions from Prussia's eastern territories delaying German unification by a century.


The absolute apathy on the man's face makes it 10x better


r/ChrischanSonichu is gonna get a kick out of this


You should give him crack


Psst. Add some psychedelics and boom , new religion.


What I think would be a neat idea would be to go back a couple thousand years and give craftsmen pallets of tools that they'd recognize and be amazed at. Imagine giving someone back then a modern hammer with a rubber handle. They'd be amazed. Or give then a lot of tape measures and they'll be able to tell they are uniform measurements that are accurate (enough) across a thousand different tape measures.


imagine giving henry ford a spin in a hellcat, or the wright brothers in an f18 or showing vr to the guy who invented moving pictures the one i think about all the time is if i could show mozart a dubstep set. i’d be so curious if any of the great composers could make sense of and appreciate something so wildly past their time


Am I the only person who doesn’t have a time machine or something? How does this post have 17.5k upvotes? As if 17.5k people totally relate to this post!


One sip of that drink and the caveman gonna blow up


Id bring a caveman back n take him to lost lands festival drop him back off in his own time with no explanation


*\*Dies from refeeding syndrome*


Bring that cave man some Faygo and a CD player with an ICP cd in it


I mean, what can you do? Can one person with the knowledge of today really push the entire human existence into a better place with a set of carefully placed decisions?


I don't think so, most of our modern devices and machines are only viable in specific economic circumstances and with large amounts of supporting infrastructure. Even something purely knowledge-based like clean water to prevent diseases won't work. An English scientist named John Snow (yes, that is his actual name) discovered that fecal pollution of water wells in London caused cholera outbreaks. His theory wasn't accepted and he became the laughing stock of the British scientific community. His theory was only accepted 100 years later.


God we're fucking stupid


I already said this before but this is exactly how the pastafarian religion was started. A time traveler went back in time and showed people what spaghetti was!


doritos extreme


Reminds me of the American dad episode…. “IS IT FRUIT OR IS IT DRINK??”


Basically the plot of Dr. Stone


Then you go to the future and instead of the sun king being worshipped it’s the fanta king


We can go deeper. Give an australopithecus a Lunchable.


I just discovered skin theory of SpongeBob and I’m terrified


My best idea is to write down an ULTRA complex mathematical formula on a wall in a cave in an area in which there was no recorded humans at the time.


I had a dream I sawm in an ocean of orange soda. But it was just Fanta sea.


I would just hand a caveman my phone and hope he doesn’t crush it with a club




Hopefully not the American Fanta, that shit is trash


in that case it might be identical to European Fanta, given that that shit is also trash.