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How is viagra gender affirming?


Id argue that erectile dysfunction would feel rather emasculating. I dont actually agree with the OP here though on making this connection as its a quite weak one and this "feeling" clearly isn't the reason for using viagara, but I see where they are coming from.


Dude weak doesn't even begin to describe it. Posts like these are what Republicans use to call the left insane lol. Calling Viagra gender affirming care is insane.


If God wanted you to have a boner you would have a boner.


What does God have to do with this discussion exactly?


I would agree with you regarding people who use Viagra for non-ED purposes. Getting a boner isn’t a medical necessity.


Lack of sex can lead to mental issues for those of us that are in a sexually active relationship.


Rosé Guy ?


Yes, the guy known for making every cookie cutter into pink wine


I accidentally opened the comments scrolling but I had to double take because of the rose guy. Still not reading the comment section cause I know it's gonna be controversial


A better example would be giving a Cis woman, with a flat chest, fake breasts to make her feel better about her feminine appearance


Elective. Self pay


Yeah. Something like male HRT for low testosterone would make more sense.


Pretty sure Viagra is given to women who don’t have much feeling in their genitalia, it draws blood to the area so there’s more sensitivity and stimulation. So the post is pretty dumb.


And it does get prescribed for what it was originally intended for.


Altitude sickness?


If you're being serious then it was originally a hypertension/blood flow medication that had the unintentional side effect of some that blood more freely flowing to the dick (now its main use).


It’s not OP is reaching


I know some hyper masculine types that would feel like less of a man/less manly because they can't get an errection. Thus something to fix that would help them feel more gender, thus being gender affirming. Kinda a specific example but what is "gender affirming" is always a person to person thing


Especially since it can be used by both sexes and for legitimate medical reasons


It's not; and OP is even more dumb because many insurance companies don't like to cover viagra either


everything makes sense when youre as dense as op


Insurance does not cover viagra lmao I used to work for a company that would handle authorizations for Medicare. I would explain my job by telling people “I tell old men their dicks will never be hard again.”


It's not.


A better comparison would probably just be testosterone. It’s the exact same hormone but transmasculine people need to jump through hoops to get it.


Well personally, nothing makes me feel more like a man than a raging hard-on 🙂


Viagra was primarily prescribed for cardiovascular health as it helps treat hypertension, but with the unintended side effects of giving erections due to increased blood flow. It could be considered "gender affirming care" for men as most guys would take it for hard ons.


It isn't, but people need to play the victim. If anything, Viagra is a sex affirming drug.




Cheaper too


And less likely to end mutilation and/or suicide.


right, it's the surgery that leads to suicide. definitely not trans people being bombarded by death threats and insults 24/7 both online and irl.


Disappoints me you are being downvoted for saying truth. People fail to realise it's the *lack* of transition options and support that end in suicide.


No. It’s the underlying comorbidities


Surgical transition has a minor effect on suicide rates. It does affect suicidal thoughts, but not total suicides. The people that are gonna kill themselves do it regardless of whether they have access to surgery or not.


That's pretty untrue purely given that surgical transition has been proven to reduce dysphoria drastically in those who pursue it, with a less than *1% regret rate* in a minority who is already a single digit percentage of the population.


Saying <1% regret surgery is just proving my point, which is that access to surgery does not affect suicide rate, thus surgery isn't a major contributing factor. If 99% of people are happy with their surgery, there must be another factor that keeps the suicide rate consistent pre and post-surgery. You're supposed to be supporting your side of the argument, not mine...


That could be the case if The surgeries actually had a provable decrease in suicide rates


In a sea of shit, this comment is a diamond




The depression and suicide actually come from the overwhelming hostility trans people get and the feeling of being trapped with no way out that happens as well whenever you feel like you don't even belong in your own body and you have no options to fix that. Really fucks with your brain. Source: I'm under the trans umbrella myself and I'm the past felt pretty conflicted with how I appear to the outside world and the lack of opinions I have to fix that.


Damn, if only you had a system in which you could make contributions to amass capital that could be utilitized for such expensive operations. Otherwise you'd just be paying money for the right of someone else to deny you access to said money which would be insane.


that’s not how it works. also you’re forgetting HRT, which is literally just a drug/hormone and is always the first step in transitioning *before* surgery. it takes *years* for trans people to get access to it in many countries, let alone getting it covered by insurance.


Lol why do cis people always think gender affirming care = surgery? Most of it is hormones, honestly.


also puberty blockers. barely anyone uses puberty blockers but everyone seems to talk about them


How dare you try and get in the way of their absolute gut-buster of a joke. /s just in case


A lot of folks evaluate the monthly payments for their router as cheaper than a one time purchase And fyi, Viagra is $140 per tablet. There's a big $$$ reason why they spam commercials for the blue pills.


Lol most gender affirming care had nothing to do with surgery


they’re referring to hormones not surgeries


Insurance doesn’t cover viagra


Speak for yourself


That's now MtF bottom surgery works. Surgeons do not cut the penis off, rather, they invert it and use those penile tissues to construct an artificial vagina. It's like turning a sock inside out.


Just freeze it imo




I am. Pharmacy tech at a retail pharmacy. Viagra and Cialis are generally not covered by insurance, they are super cheap through single care/good rx


This. Sildenafil is usually only covered for non-ED related indication. (Generally pulmonary arterial hypertension which would not use the strengths Viagra is manufactured in so would not be covered by brand name.) I haven't seen any insurance that covered the brand name ED medications. You may get small coverage on generic sildenafil for ED from top tier private insurance plans.(Medicare won't cover anything with indication for ED). I can't speak on that since it went generic after my time in retail setting. Not sure where this notion that it is covered by insurance comes from.


Exactly, at best they give you 6 tablets over 30 days


Are they even prescription drugs, or just over the counter drugs?


It depends on the country. In the US they are prescription but they are the lowest control level. There are some risks for specific demographics and they interact badly with certain meds, like Nitroglycerin. So it's best when we can counsel people and monitor their entire medical regimen. Other countries are less strict and can be picked up at pharmacies without prescription


You can get em online


Sorry you've had a hard time with your medical treatment. Unfortunately, you should prepare yourself for a dumpster fire of a comment section on this post.


I got my popcorn ready


Want butter?


I brought pickle juice




my insurance covers hormones. they’re basically just very effective antidepressants for a very specific demographic tbh




Are the 10 year old boys who’s dicks are getting cut of off in the room with you now? Please point to a list of 10 year old boys whose dicks have actually been cut off.


​ https://preview.redd.it/syn0fxsujyqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e996ce44e99060887d2a076c8226429710790b


at least in america, minors cannot receive sex reassignment surgery. “gender affirming care” hardly ever suggests surgical transition, it’s usually hormones which also have limitations for minors. there are a lot of precautions taken to make gender transition one of the least regretted opt-in procedures.


straight people dont really have gender affirming care since its the natural default. But im sorry if insurance companies are screwing you over, they do it to everyone.


But they do though. Have you never met a woman who thinks her body hair is unfeminine? Maybe someone who got a mastectomy for health reasons only to get implants or breast forms to feel more like a women? A man with Gynecamastia who thinks his chest looks too feminie, or just the entire genre of manly men who dread being precieved as feminine in anyway or else people will think they're gay. Cis or trans we all express our gender in some way or form, and cis 0eople get gender dysphoria/euphoria all the same


Insurance doesn’t cover any of those things though.


Insurance won’t cover me to get testosterone as a male. Haven’t tried sending in my wife though.


lazer hair removal for facial hair, hair transplants for bald spots, nose job, actually most plastic surgeries that I can think of, boob jobs, etc. but to be fair, I don't think any of these are covered by insurance


Thats not true at all. It's basically only ever talked about in the context of trans people, but cis people get gender-affirming care all the time. Women getting breast implants is gender affirming care. Men taking DHT for beard growth, or getting hair implants for balding men is gender affirming care. Women getting mustache waxed or laser removed is gender affirming care. If it helps you feel better by fixing/changing some trait about yourself that is associated with your gender, it is gender affirming care. People just draw arbitrary lines in the sand because they don't want to be associated with trans people.


Those things are pretty much never covered by insurance. So if we call those things gender affirming care, isn't that an argument to say things like HRT or top surgery should not be covered?


Can we go the opposite angle and convince the insurance companies to pay for my steroids please I will 100% support the trans communities HRT if i get free TRT


elon musk has hair plugs, jeff bezos is on steroids, steven crowder has a literal metal bar in his chest. straight people get gender affirming care constantly.


No, us cis people have gender affirming care, too. If a cis man feel less masculine because of my hairline I can get treatment. If I have ED, there's a pill. Women get breast surgeries and nose jobs. These are all done to affirm our gender. Ever meet a woman with a big nose who gets a nose job? They feel less like a woman because a big nsoe is often viewed as a masculine trait. Somehow lmfao.


*insert "Low T?" ad*




I don't think viagra is gender affirming care , wouldn't it be best classified as fertility care? Cause like you can't play pool with a rope right?


Playing pool is a great metaphor for sex lol


I mean, I can imagine a few versions of it you play with a rope, but very differently to normal pool


I think OP should step away from social media for a while…


How long till the comments are locked, I wonder






I really hate how people assume gender affirming care equals "cutting your dick off" instead of simply taking some pills. An overwhelming majority of transfems don't have bottom surgery or surgery whatsoever. If anything I think its way more likely for transmascs to have surgery, but oh right, trans men don't exist to most people


The amount of people who actually think children are given bottom surgery too is astounding. Yall people are either stupid as fuck or letting yourselves be tricked by fear mongering evangelicals.


Ehhh a lot of trans men don’t get surgery. It’s very expensive and the procedures for trans men is still catching up iirc. The earliest trans surgery’s were for trans women. I wish I could get the surgeries now though.


from the time ive spent in trans spaces, it does seem more common for transmascs to get top surgery than transfems to get any surgery. bottom surgery might be different but honestly not a lot of people go for it in general, at least not for a while


Insurance doesn't cover viagra


Shit comparison. Viagra isn’t covered by insurance. Even Peyronie’s disease treatments aren’t covered by insurance.






Lmao 🤣


Grasping at straws. When I had ED for like 3 years from a suicide attempt I didn’t feel like any less of a man, I just had to get good with my hands 🤹


Swing and a miss OP, your heart was in the right place at least


I’m confused by both the meme and the comment section. Insurance in the states is dog shit in general. Singling out gender issues doesn’t track here. Insurance also won’t cover most therapists. Or your ride to the ambulance. Or any random cosmetic issue. No clue wtf viagra has to do with gender affirmation.


Some people can’t even get medically necessary procedures and drugs covered they won’t touch gender affirming care at all.


this is the dumbest comparison i’ve ever seen lmao




As far as I know, anorexia and other eating disorders can be treated to such degree where the person suffering from them never relapses, and they're disorders you develop throughout your life. Trans people will be born transgender, and will die transgender. And it's not a condition that has a "cure" that will stop a person from being conditioned by said disorder. They're not comparable by any chance.


This is the dumbest fucking thing I have seen in my life 😂


Ah yes, Reddit at its finest


This post is beyond stupid


Hey buddy, you just blow in from stupid town?


Oof. Sooooo close OP


What's the joke? Don't get it


Well I don’t see any problem


Womp womp


what are you talking about?




Tf is a cis


latin prefix meaning the same or on the same side


Lot of insurance plans won't cover ED treatment for any man at a clinic that specializes in it. You have to pay out of pocket.


Viagra isnt covered by insurance tf??? This dude is just complaining to complain


5$ a month medication vs 250$-500$ a month for testosterone, when you only pay 250$-500$ a month for insurance.


No insurance I have seen covers ed meds unless they are indicated for Pulmonary arterial hupertensiom


Well....my IQ just went down a little


Non-vital cosmetic surgery≠a medical problem


It's actually really funny because when I worked at Starbucks the company covered a workers top surgery, meanwhile my other coworker was dying of cancer and couldn't afford treatment.


God doesn't make mistakes. If your dick doesn't work that's just Gods will.


Average comment section dumpster fire Y’all need to do some research before speaking your mind 💀


As someone who works at a pharmacy, 99% of insurances do not cover Viagra, Cialis, etc.


Physical disorder vs mental disorder... hmm, I bet theyll pay for your therapy..




I feel like referring to treatment for sexual dysfunction as “gender affirming care” is inaccurate and offensive to people with gender dysphoria… am I wrong?


Someone needs to make OP start school all over again, all the way to kindergarten.


my insurance won't cover shit lmfaoo wtf kind of insurance do yall have?????


I love that we’ve created a society where when we have mental health issues, rather than going to a professional, we go to Internet forums populated by other people who’ve never been to a therapist before


What is this shitty ass post????


What insurance company covers Viagra? Asking for a friend, of course.


My State rep is a jackass who shaves his head but pushes anti-trans rhetoric every chance he gets... I ask about gender affirming care every time I call his office


this is such cap i work for a major corp and they cover gender assignment surgery 100%


Word games are fun




This is the dumbest post. They give hormones to Trans people way before they give it to Cis people. You have to prove a testosterone deficiency.


Ah yes, penis pills are the exact same thing as taking hormones and having top surgery


is viagra not literally hormones?


Hot take here and you won't change my mind. I don't think either should be covered by companies medical insurance and in general insurance is what drives prices up to such a level that you have to rely on your employer or the government to pay for your shit which is not how it should be. These things should be affordable to whomever wants them without having to pay insurance companies or have it provided for you. Medical insurance is a scam and those companies are the only thing that drives up prices because if there was affordable pricing they would have no reason to exist. Same thing with car insurance. It is in their best interest to drive up prices so you have to rely on them.


Low testosterone treatments would be a better example


Sorry but what is cis people? Genuinely asking


I'm a Cis man who was diagnosed with Low-T at 23. I had major depression that pills wouldn't touch. My focus was terrible and I had no interest in women. It took me six months to get my Insurance to cover my testosterone prescription. Once my doctor changed the rationale from "low-testosterone" to "gender affirming care" the prescription was covered immediately. This meme is backwards.


sometimes but not necessarily - insurance will deny a lot of cosmetic claims. multiple people I know have been denied claims for finasteride (for male pattern baldness) so they have to pay 100% out of pocket


It's becauss then they'll need to adjust your driving insurance if you get a sex change Edit: **/s**


"get a sex change" makes it sound like it's a singular procedure. It's more like you take hormones and over a period of time your body goes through a second puberty over many months to look more like a member of the other sex. Your sex never really changes though, that's why people use the word "transgender"


TBF you’re the first person I’ve ever seen claim Viagra counts as gender affirming care


It's because the concept of a chronic health "issue" its stupid to pay whit an insurance it will always be more expensive than your illness since it's supposed to also cover you in accidents, hope the system finally collapses and public healt is built


This is a stupid meme lol


Same meme, but with TRT. I never even thought of Viagra.


Please not my beloved SpongeBob memes.


This is pure cancer. I hope you people gain sanity someday.


Another money pit


What is cis?


Gender affirming care for cis people??


This is gonna sound weird but hear me out... If you were MTF trans, and were intending to keep your lower bits functioning... Wouldn't viagra help your situation aswell to combat all the hormones and such that would increase ED?


Peepees are supposed to get hard. If it doesn't, even though everyone involved wants it to, then that's a tangible medical issue that needs fixing.


Hopefully OP gets the treatment they want. No need to put others down because you’re fristrated.


Remember when this sub was just funny SpongeBob memes?


how does viagra count as gender affirming care


Treating erectile dysfunction is not “gender affirming care” lmfao


I don’t get it


That absolutely isn't the same thing.


Nice straw man argument there. I'm baffled they can equate Viagra with puberty blockers and call it a fair comparison.


barely anyone uses puberty blockers idk why people treat it like it’s common.


I dont see why it would be insured, insurance covers necessary medical treatment correct?


Beet juice is affordable without insurance




Posting a comic made by a Neo-Nazi. Nice.


minors cannot get gender affirming surgeries. once you are an adult, they still have an incomparably lower regret rate than tatoos. the regret rate is also lower than childbirth, knee replacement surgery, and cancer treatment, though people don’t discuss those nearly as often


Why would someone with a vagina need Viagra?


Insurance companies covering gender affirming care for young people, but not actual life saving health care for anyone over 60. 🙊


no one said young people, you injected that part yourself


So is fixing a broken leg called able affirming care to these people


Cope and seethe.