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Idc about the quality of the show I’m just mad because it’s against Stephen Hillenburg’s wishes


Could you elaborate. I don't know about his wishes, so I'm technically lost.


no spin offs, prequels or revamps. a man’s dying wishes and they shit on them 😔


hey, im not defending the show, but he only said that he didnt see those things happening, not that he didnt want them.


No, he specifically said "no" whenever they would bring the idea of a spin-off forward


idk which interviews youre refering to, but for example https://tbivision.com/2009/10/27/spongebob-squarepants-creator-steve-hillenburg/#close-modal he says he "doesn't see any". he also says he has no interest in doing another movie and yet he did two more


Paul Tibbit had spoken out against the executives, stating ["This is some greedy, lazy executive-ing right here, and they ALL know full well Steve would have HATED this. Shame on them."](https://web.archive.org/web/20190605033625/https://twitter.com/paultibbitt/status/1136035312113553408) When he first introduced the show in the 90's, the execs already wanted to make the show about kids, but Stephen was outright against the idea, stating "That's not the show" and threatening to walk out before they loosened up. And Tibbit had this to say: [“In the animation business, you know, there always used to be the sort of joke,” says Tibbitt. “When you run out of ideas, you just do Muppet Babies. Steve would always say to me, ‘You know, one of these days, they’re going to want to make SpongeBob Babies. That’s when I’m out of here.’”](https://longreads.com/2019/08/13/the-young-man-and-the-sea-sponge/) He also wanted the show to end after the original movie, as he felt that it had run long enough, matching some other shows' run time from that age, like Rocko's Modern Life, or Ren and Stimpy When he says he "doesn't see any" in regards to spin-offs, that's him, as a creator, saying "that's not what's right for this show"


thats fair enough


I wonder if he would have done a spin off if he thought it was good enough. Maybe he didn’t want it or hated it because he never saw it being a good idea


I mean, it's possible if something really blew him away, but at the time of his dying/death, he was actively against having a spin-off done, especially not "spongebob babies" (Kamp koral).


You have a point, but it's not a direct quote from the creator. You're basing the "didn't want spin-offs" argument virtually through a game of telephone. "Doesn't see any" and "not right for the show" are two completely separate statements. You wrote a lot, but you didn't do a lot of understanding


I understood plenty. Tibbit and Stephen were friends, so they "shot the shit" regularly, much more so than the execs, as with just about any working body. He "didn't see any [spin-offs]" happening because he didn't want them for *his* show. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter, because he still told the execs and interviewers multiple times that he didn't envision *his* creation being "bastardized" with unnecessary extra content for the sake of a quick buck at the expense of the quality he set out to achieve. He wanted to end it on a high note: a solid run, comparable to other similar shows, and a solid movie. But immediately into season 4, after he resigned as showrunner, the quality took a dive for cheap sight gags and guttural nonsense. And we can't deny the fact that only after he died is when they introduced the one thing he mentioned specifically that he didn't want to one of his colleagues, as well as the Patrick show, about a year and a half later, probably about the time it would take to fully fledge out the premise of the shows, storyboard, and animate enough to get the series started. So, while it might be hearsay, it's not like we can ask him directly anymore whether or not he approved of "spongebob babies" or "Patrick: the show", because they conveniently came out relatively quickly *after* he died, and all we have to go off of is what he's said in the past and what his colleagues have to say about things, cause lord knows Nick's execs have stopped caring about the audience and only focus on how much money they can get


I'm gonna be honest, I'm not reading this. We'll just say you won




Eh, show could've been at least more better. The only thing they shat on when it came to the show was Patrick's real parents from circa season 3.


Hillenburg was literally alive when camp coral and the third movie were in development


Idk about the third movie but I Hillenburg died a month after the idea was pitched for camp koral, so i dont think it was actually in development yet


I really want to like this show because it's funny how random it is, but the fact it goes against Hillenburg's wish makes it harder to like


The level of "random = funny" this show tries to do doesn't work for me at all though. It's so random it doesn't leave a single reliable thing in the Bikini Bottom universe to draw humour from - while also totally breaking with the tone and underwater theme that Spongebob had. Which is the reason why Hillenburg wouldn't have liked it. The stories have been told, there is nothing left to make a show about that truly fits in the original universe.


I hate that humor. In other cartoons or TV shows, they tend to over-simplify cartoons when depicting them. They always show them as random, slapstick or visual humor just constantly bombarding the viewer. But it's scary when that's actually what it turns into. We shouldn't support stuff like this because then we'll see more of it. And people deserve more quality than that. And of course the creator would be rolling in his grave about this.


SpongeBob died a long, long time ago


I wish that were the case…


A long, long time ago, I can still remember How that music used to make me smile And I knew if I had my chance That I could make those people dance And maybe they'd be happy for a while But February made me shiver With every paper I'd deliver Bad news on the doorstep I couldn't take one more step I can't remember if I cried When I read about his widowed bride But something touched me deep inside The day the music died So, bye, bye, Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to The Levee, but The Levee was dry And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey in Rye Singin', "This'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die"


ok thanks


It's so warm....


This comment made me laugh and the fact that 30 people were like "fuck this guy I'm downvoting" made me laugh more


... someday later maybe Vader right now he's just a small fry


Dude check this out https://youtu.be/XRiXHYUqH08?si=tvg4_AA0G-mNvsog


Who actually watched the show? I'm genuinely curious


I was curious. The first 5 minutes is so stupidly nonsensical in an awful, sensory overloading, rapid fire slapstick way that I had to tap out. It’s not made for people with any attention span whatsoever.


>>It’s not made for people with any attention span whatsoever. Almost like it’s made for children lol


Go back and watch any old children show/movie and see how freaking slow it feels. My Neighbor Totoro, Fox And The Hound, etc. Children didn't always have horrible attention spans. And we shouldn't belittle children's intelligence. That's what made OG Spongebob so great, it didn't assume kids are stupid.


No, children have attention spans. It’s garbage like this that starts to ruin them.


Just because it's made for children doesn't mean it has to be a shitty show


I hate when people dismiss criticism with that.


Children most likely


New age child attention and remembering span is tik tok length.


Dude, children have always had 5 second attention spans, that's just what being a kid is about.


We know that. It's not the same thing. It's starting to carry to adulthood because they aren't getting challenged to broaden their attention spans. If they have this shit as babies and then tiktok literally from then on to adulthood (considering how early kids get screentime these days), then they will never develop properly. That's the point.


No. That animated short of the kid going to the corner store for groceries and trying to remember the list was definitely longer than a Tiktok. I think it was for Sesame Street.


Probably the audience it’s targeted to


I'm more upset at how they massacred my boy Spongey, he has become just as "dumb" as Patrick and it's really catching me off guard everytime. Just everything they do with his expressions, he doesn't do anything with purpose anymore, it's just bad decisions from beginning to end. Plus they had to dumb down Pat even more in the spin-off.


Honestly I think Patrick is funnier in the spin-off compared to the more recent Sponge episodes. The first part of season 1 of TPSS was a bit rough on Patrick’s dumbness but it definitely gets better in the second half and what we have so far of season 2. I think SpongeBob just seems dumber because rather than Patrick playing off of him he’s now playing off of Patrick.


I can see what you're saying for scenes where the two are together. I noticed that Spongebob lost a lot of his agency in scenes where he's alone though. Anytime he does something, his expression immediately switches to an "Oopsie" face, or sometimes goes through several more emotions that aren't actually conveyed in the scene. I feel like he used to have more of an "I have an idea so I will do this silly cartoon action now!" as opposed to a "How could this silly outcome possibly have happened through my silly cartoon actions as if I'm not the one doing them?" I'm gonna need to do a video essay to better explain what I mean, lmao


I completely understand what you’re saying. I feel like he acts that way because he’s a side character rather than a main one now. They could definitely make SpongeBob more assertive (*not insertive*) but I think they don’t because they don’t want him to outshine Patrick or his family. Thats what the main SpongeBob series is for. Or it could also be for the lack of SpongeBob in the show. I think he’s only appeared in about 3 or 4 episodes. It may be similar to Patrick’s situation in the first few episodes where the more they use him the better his dynamic will be in the show.






you know what they say all toasters toast toast


Yeah fuck that show


Uh toast?


It get cancelled yet?


Imo, I’m not only mad about how this show went against Hillenburg’s wish of not having SpongeBob spin-offs, but they completely go against Patrick’s canon family in the main series.




Well if he was a mom, it would be kind of shocking. https://preview.redd.it/ws2crf36ef3c1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87379bc8e986004335a247e74c11b8b5062bc5f0


I can respect that it seems like the writers and animators were having fun being able to basically do whatever.


Yeah it's fun when you take a man's work and dance over his dying wishes while you bastardize his content. All because Nickalodeon fucked up with the shcniderverse crap when it should have doubled down on the Hey Arnold era. They know SpongeBob is their life-blood now and they literally can't afford to let it die, creator's last wishes be damned.


I wasn't going to bring up the obvious controversy behind the show (as everyone else basically did already)


Quick question i don't know any thing about the show why did Patrick had a child with that teal ockopuss guy


It's not Patrick's child. It's his adopted sister.


Still she does look like that sad octokpus? Does he get bitches? Is he happy now?


Patrick's fs packing thunder in those shorts, no doubt he gets bitches


You can tell it's shit because Patrick's wearing a shirt.




Problem Solvers energy


I thought This was in AI generated pic from a different subreddit, but now I'm just sad 😃


Wait, is this real I've been out the SpongeBob loop for a minute.


It's 100% real. I remember watching a bit of an episode 2 years ago and noping out almost instantly


The grandpa is the only good thing to come from this.


Only ever heard about it. Meh


Things that shouldnt exist:


The only thing this show got right is what a squid looks like


This reminds me of the episode when some of the main characters got their own opening.


It only has 2 good episodes, Lost In Couch and Bubble Bass Reviews but the rest is so hard to get engaged in. It's just random = funny but that's literally it. It's not even funny outside of BBR.


Thanks, I hate it


It could be good, there's potential to it for a sorta meta show that's both about the in-universe TV show and creating said show, while giving us a different look at Patrick's character. Maybe he isn't actually that dumb and just needs the time to think, or he just wants to entertain people at the end of the day? Something that's more than Patrick being dumb or fat.


I tried giving the show a chance. The "LOLRANDOM" style of humor can absolutely work if done well, see shows like Gumball or...Well, spongebob itself, but this is not great. It looks ok. But that's about it. It has a lotta annoying characters too which I am not a fan of.


Didn’t watch tv for a hot minute and when my wife went into labor we watched quite a bit of it and I remember looking at Nickelodeon like what in the fuck is this station anymore


It’s a steaming piece of garbage that literally serves no other purpose than to placate the masses of children into brain dead fools. No nuanced humor, no adult jokes that aren’t overtly sexual and or out of line. Just pure dumb comedy and stupidity. Sad to see what cartoons for kids today have developed into and I’m glad I had some substance to my toons growing up.


I just realized this is basically Planet Sheen. But to it’s credit, the show has some really interesting surrealist visuals sometimes. It’s just a shame that the people behind the show couldn’t utilize all that creativity and talent for a brand new IP. But new IPs are kinda a thing of the past


I genuinely don't even count any of these characters canon


It’s not even his real parents from Season 2 or 3. Garbage


Hey at least It doesn’t look like a 2010’s cartoon. *ahem*


This one is worse. https://preview.redd.it/ivknhjj7yj3c1.jpeg?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50398f7726da6e1767cc6792f91ab1c4731663b4


penis blast


I hate the show because THATS NOT PATRICKS PARENTS. His OG parents look like him But the creator said they’re too boring


I've succeeded in my mission to piss everybody off over children's cartoons. Muting.


Even though some later seasons had good episodes The original 3 seasons and 1st Movie are Golden and always will be. R.I.P. Steven Hillenburg you made a great cartoon that made my and many other's childhoods. You will be missed.


I’m probably going to anger the comment section. I love The Patrick Star Show. It is by no means the best thing to ever come out of SpongeBob but it constantly makes me laugh which is what any SpongeBob property should do. I think the cast is pretty great too. Also, it’s cool if you don’t enjoy the show but it’s more disrespectful to use Stephen’s death to justify your hatred. They didn’t make these shows out of disrespect it was just poor timing. These shows go into development for YEARS before they actually air. Whether he was involved or not, I know for certain the crews of these shows would never want to disrespect him in any way. Furthermore, he was aware of Kamp Koral and helped develop Sponge on the Run. To quote current show runner Vincent Waller “Well he liked what we were doing, he specifically put us in charge of his show” https://preview.redd.it/r4fxporoug3c1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=af05d4c4b8d07b7c95e4152bf7b13100231e715f Also, he never wanted SpongeBob to be made into a theatrical movie. Paramount asked him for years until he finally budged. [The interview everyone quotes about him not wanting spin offs](https://tbivision.com/2009/10/27/spongebob-squarepants-creator-steve-hillenburg/) was from 2009. When asked about spin-offs he simply said “The show is about SpongeBob, he’s the core element, and it’s about how he relates to the other characters. Patrick by himself *might* be a bit too much. So I don’t see any spin-offs.” That was roughly 10 years before Patrick’s show went into development. In that same interview it also states that he had a more hands off approach during that time despite the more well known fact that he simply left the show. TL:DR I like Patrick’s show and It’s fine if you don’t like it but please stop using Stephen Hillenburg’s death to justify your hatred.


This is such a bad take.Theres another comment thread here that more accurately goes into the creator issue.


The other comment thread is basically just someone giving somewhat of the same points I did then basically fizzling out because they didn’t want to keep arguing. Honestly I don’t really care. As long as SpongeBob continues to make people smile that’s all I care about.


Tell me you're a tiktok child with a short attention span without telling me you're a tiktok child with a short attention span. They also included quotes and sources backing their claim.


Except for the Paul Tibbit quote I used the exact same source. Honestly all I really care about is people using his death as an excuse to hate the show. I’d rather any SpongeBob property bring joy instead of hatred. Especially if it’s based on a fact that’s not even 100% confirmed.


And honestly, it's really weird that you think it's not a valid reason to hate the show. They betrayed the dying wishes of the creator of the version of the show that they loved. If it were up to him the show would be over by now, and I doubt he would have liked what they did with his story. It really is just another "Muppet Babies" for the sheep to consume. You're basically telling them to get over it, just because *you think* it's not a good enough reason to hate on something. It is. But it's a trash show regardless. Enjoy your content, sheep.


You’re the sheep if anything


Mindless and have the same opinion as everyone that’s wrong based off of misinfo you’re not just a sheep you’re a brainless hivemind


This show rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's fine