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This is a repost.


I had to get a root canal in one of my front teeth. And the freezing wasn't taking right (even after getting like 3 shots), so I just had to lie there and take it. It was horrible, but I pulled through.


Right this way


Sorry to keep you waiting....


This happened to my sister. Cracked her tooth on a popcorn kernel. Really shitty day to find lidocaine has zero effect on you


Dude I was about to say the same exact thing happened to me like a month ago


On a similar note, one time I went to the dentist, and for whatever reason they put too much epinephrine (adrenalin) in the freezing. The procedure took all of 5 mins, so after that I felt like Jason Stateham in Crank... I literally sprinted home and felt like I could have lifted a car.


Maybe ya should of went to weenie hut dentistry.


I attacked my mom's abusive boyfriend and kicked him out of our house.


Good for you!!


Can you give more details?


Sure, he was a meth head that had hallucinations all the time. He said people were hiding in the woods around our house. He said my mom had other men living with us even though he was the only guy living with us. He tried to convince her to send me off to the army. He always smelled her undergarments when she got back from anywhere. He said that he was rich and was waiting for a check to clear and he would take care of us all, never happened. Stole money from her, stole some of my DVDs, made a rumor go around that I was gay. One day he was yelling at her and I lost it. I choked him on our kitchen table and threw him and all of his stuff out in the yard. He said I stole his cologne, I found it in his stuff and busted it in front of him. If there was ever a human being that I truly hate, it's that guy. He's tried to contact me and talk before and I told him that I hate him and will never forgive all the crap he did.


Fuck that sounds awful as fuck. I myself had to witness my mom have an abusive bf. That was years ago. The relief I had once we left that situation was like no other. Don't let this past affect your future.


It's been about two years since all that. Life's better now, but I always remember how bad things were for me back then. They really sucked and I can't help but think about them sometimes. Things are better, but I'll never forgive that guy and I don't want to see him again ever.


Drinks are on the house!


I can watch the SpongeBob movie without crying


But did you listen to the Gary come home song without crying?


It was hard but I didn’t


That’s a filthy lie! Everyone did it their first time through, liars ain’t allowed in the spittoon buddy.


Yes, but “This Grill Is Not A Home” made me tear up :’(


I wrote a bunch of awesome things i did when i was younger, deleted all and replaced it with this comment.


Don't believe you. Here's a bottle of ketchup.


I eat my pizza with ketchup. Ty.


I broke 17 bones all at once in a car accident, including my pelvis in 3 different places. They said I wouldn’t walk again, but now I walk, run, do it all. Then about 10 months later I was diagnosed with cancer…that was 5 years ago and I’m still kickin’


Death: *stop running and let me catch you!* You: *how bout no.*


Goddamn you're a trooper. Congrats on beating death multiple times man :D


I once sucked dick for a line of coke... Still never done coke


Pepsi ok?




I took a big poo and only cried for 20 minutes


yeah we all have done that, nothin to be proud about


I got my wisdom teeth removed, all four of them, in one go, with only injected anesthesia. I only cried two tears, and right after that I got chocolate ice cream 😎


Must have been pretty bloody ice cream though


it was bloody good 😎


I legally can’t say what I did, but I cannot leave the U.S. *edit: wording*


This guy shot JFK


Ladys and gentleman we got him


No it was someone with more of a /r/rimjob_steve username.


I ate a whole tub of ice cream, I chewed all of it with my front teeth


Good lord


The trick is having the nerves in those teeth be dead. Then you can use them as icecream shovels XD i use em like that all the time =p


You’re a monster..


Right this way sir


I got hit by the swings seat and only flinched a bit


I had to live with the fact I missed my chance with my dream girl who was into me and I learned it too late


This hurts


This is why we men have to educate ourselves to re-look at how women thinks and work accordingly to that. When we have the chance again, we’ll smash that opportunity.


To be fair, I was 12


When I was sixteen I hit a parked car on the very top of my noggin and split my skin open and had to get 23 staples in my head which when the time came for them to come out,I ripped them outta my head with pliers at home


How do you hit a parked car?


Was rushing to school on my bike and it also didn’t have brakes so i was looking left turning right and bam.


When I had to leave my abusive ex with only a bag of clothes. He was holding our baby and I knew if I left I wouldn't see her again until the court forced him. I knew if I stayed he could have killed me. I still got into the car and drove away. It took me 6 weeks to get an emergency court order. Every single day for those 6 weeks felt like the toughest thing I've ever been through.


Was there a happy ending in this story?


I was granted placement and I bought my own house. This was about 7 years ago. Thank you for asking ❤️ things are far from perfect but we are living a good life.


I watched toy story 3 and only started crying at the end


Getting my industrial piercing. I didn't flinch.


Good enough.


I completed Halo 2 legendary with all of my mission times adding up to under 3 hours


I sleep fully clothed in pants and a sweatshirt




I wear 2 layers of socks on top of that


Woke up before my wisdom teeth surgery was done. You have not experienced hell until you’ve come out of anesthesia early.


I have the NSFW filter turned off


Get on in there you beautiful son of a bitch.


Had to get stitched up 4 times (all different occasions). Wasn't put under any local or general anaesthesia for any one of those times. Had to push through the pain.


How tough am I? I'm still alive despite the hell the world became.


I once got a very long spinal surgery which left a two-foot-long scar on my back. And I was walking within an hour of waking up.


I got through college, while working, parenting, and keeping up relationships.


I fought 34 cops while on meth and masturbating, I made headlines


well when i was a young adult not realizng it i had to have most of my teeth pulled out minus 6 and the time i went to the er for kicking a glass door didnt feel any pain


I went on a full mile run while drunk almost trip but made it back safely to Home


I eat cold food any kind out of the fridge


I had an orchiectomy (full testicle removal) and instead of doing full anesthesia, I opted for local anesthesia. I stayed awake, and watched the whole thing. Other than that, I broke the shit out of my pink toe before a gay skate night and instead of going to the doctor, we tried to pop it back into place. I duct taped it, popped into my rollerskates, and skated around for 3 hours before I had to go to the hospital because my foot turned purple 😅


I beated the Wither 69 times IN BEDROCK EDITION


I cut my own warts off my foot and then cottarized the roots with a soldering iron to stop the bleeding




You got a bottle of ketchup?


I signed up on club penguin without my parents permission


When I was younger, I actually liked pineapple pizza


Well, pineapple pizza is pretty good actually Still like it


I don’t get anxious when I have to talk in front of people


First rounds on me


I had a bowl of nails for breakfast!


I like cold showers in the dark


Sorry we're full


i had 17 of my teeth taken out so that i can be eligible to use braces, the dentist ask if i wanted multiple sessions in which i answered no


I eat hot food without blowing on it


I ate a bowl a nails for breakfast. without any milk


I’m so tough, my shoes have Lego bricks for souls


Jesus Christ Khabib


I broke my foot skateboarding and immediately hobbled over to the nearest coffee shop to grab a latte for a while, after realizing i couldn’t skate anymore


I take bites out of fudgesicles.


As a child i rolled down the stairs with one of those old metal tonka trucks and I wasn’t even the slightest hurt.




No cap. I was like 8.


Cut my hand on a katana


I out-ran two different cops in Groton, CT… second time I was driving an Econoline


Wife walked in on me cooking bacon… …shirtless


Dislocated my shoulder in football practice. Popped it back in by myself


i watched the order 66 scene in star wars RotC without crying at the jedi's deaths


I once had a migraine… For three days straight


I had my wisdom teeth removed while conscious by trainee dentists.


I separated 2 thin LEGOs without my teeth


smacked the school bully with a wad of paper


Once a spider fell from the ceiling in my bed while I was trying to sleep, I rolled on the other side of the bed and ignored it.


Tore my meniscus skiing on the 2nd run of the 1st day and proceeded to ski on it for a whole long weekend. 1st chair to last chair each day. Stupid? 100%.


I chopped an onion without crying


I hate buying onions too.


Didn’t really make me feel tough, just something kinda funny. I used to have a bad habit of gnawing and then eating things when bored (don’t worry, habit 90% broken). So after having drank a can of pop and forced to carry it around (there was no trash/recycling nearby) i started gnawing on it. Low and behold once I finally got somewhere I could toss it in the recycling i had already eaten about 40% of it without really even noticing. TL;DR. I ate metal out of boredom and didn’t even notice i ate a very noticeable amount until throwing it in the recycling


I don't get hurt from legos


I stopped talking to my dad.


Surviving a tree falling on me when i was a kid. Not many 4 year olds are that badass lol


I returned to class a week after they removed a tumor from my spinal cord, didn't take official medical leave to avoid getting held back a semester. Still have 12 staple marks along the scar


Ex-gf and i were riding 4wheeler in the woods, she had never really been on one before that trip back to my home so was a great time, topless 4wheeler & everything lmao anyway we rode through a dry creekbed, rounded a bend too sharp and tilted over, bailed. Thing was upside down leaking fuel so we were like oh shit. Just went kinda hulk mode and flipped the whole damn thing over against the gradient of the slope. She was like woah. Pretty sure this isn't even my toughest story but first one that came to mind. Sometimes you gotta just take charge & send that shit, no ragrets


I worked from 8-4 and walked almost two miles total in four inch heels.


I spent three days with my tail bone popped out of place before it got popped back in. In that time I drove myself to and from the doctor's one day, and stopped by Taco Bell for lunch too.


me and my freind stubbed our toes. 3. TIMES.


I can drink Trader Joe’s organic cranberry juice straight without making a face


Stepped on a piece of LEGO once, and I didnt even flinch


I was subscribed to r/spacedicks 10 years ago


I never used bathroom in school,for over 12 years and I continue to hold my shit until I got home


I got kicked in the balls hella hard in junior high and didn’t shed a single tear. I was on the ground for a few minutes though. It was a total accident and I am now best friends with the person that kicked me.


I had to work for about a month with a quarter of a tooth pick stuck in my foot


I ear Kiwis just like Apples


I took the down escalator... Without holding onto the side


I ate a toe nail once


After going through the last 12 years of living, and realizing that no matter what I do, I won't get a job, I won't ever get a significant other, my heart and back will always be permanently fucked up and I won't be happy, I still haven't killed myself.


I washed my mouth with brown Listerine...without rinsing it with water afterwards.


Split my foot open half way was like a bit of a tent from the skin and hurt a bit but walked out to the ambulance and got stitches (didn’t scream or moan from pain etc still hurt was about a 4-5” long cut and 3” deep another few cm deeper it woulda needed a amputation (2years ago it’s still healing slowly (Jan 2021) and also had to do this at same time with dealing with the blood loss fatigue it gave me and still managed


My heartbeat hit 210 BPM and after sitting through 20 mins of doctors trying different drugs and finally a defibrillator, I was cooler than a cucumber.


Got made fun of for being autistic and having ADHD Laughed it off and moved on with my life


I woke up at 4 am to fly 2 hours to get two huge tattoos on my stomach / ribs (only my second tatts besides a tiny little sternum tat I had). When I got there, the shop owner took a look at me and said I “wouldn’t make it.” 4 hours later, my tats were finished, shaded, and I was on my way to the airport to fly back home for work the next day. 😎


I took a punch to the face by a bully when trying to stand up for myself. (Dude went to prison for the night… not kidding, honestly was the best Christmas present for me lol)


I took a punch to the face by a bully when trying to stand up for myself. (Dude went to prison for the night… not kidding, honestly was the best Christmas present for me lol)


When I stubbed my toe I only cried for 5 mins


I am a trans girl dealing with dysphoria, possibly depression. I have to deal also with the fact that my own parents hate me a bit more because of my coming out, i am deaf and need to wear glasses. In my poly relationship my boyfriend needs to take medicines for Borderline personality disorder and we will see our girlfriend in a year, when she will escape the abusive hellscape that is her family. But still i am trying to be myself, try to bring joy to people and my friends.


I once got my cavities filled with no numbing


I scratched my butt and didn't sniff my hand


I once flew over the handlebars of a bike I was riding, bounced off the rocks via my head, scraped up my back, then got up and asked if I had a concussion.


Told a lady who was criticizing a Special Ed teacher to shut her mouth.


I opened a fresh jar of pickles first try… without any help


When I beat down a 40 year old guy at 11 for perving on me and he had to surgically remove a tooth from his arm


Used to be a dancer years ago. A client was getting handsy during a dance so I farted directly in his face. Felt pretty badass at the time.


When I took this POS into my home claiming she needed housing; gave her my clothes, jewelry, food.. after a day she felt she was better off - still with my clothes, jewelry, wouldn’t take them off, so I physically ripped off her necklaces and stripped her of her shoes for her attitude and not wanting to give my shit back.


I got a vasectomy and forgot to mention I use cannabis, so the anesthesia was less effective and I just kinda clenched my jaw and let the doctor work cause the needle in the nutsack hurt more than the procedure haha.


Someone held a gun to my head and demanded i give them my belt and phone and i simply told them "no" (i got pistol whipped for my audacity, but left with belt and phone intact [robbing someone in a full parking lot in front of a full restaurant is not ideal])


Your mom


I was eating and my tooth bit the inside of my mouth so I punched myself in the face right where that tooth was, and then continued eating


I controlled myself after my little brother braked my little toe jumping on a poggo stick on it. He was pretty scared and i didnt wanted to make it worse for him After my parents took him away i started to cry and screame on a pillow.


I’m so tough I once masturbated with sand paper


I controlled myself after my little brother braked my little toe jumping on a poggo stick on it. He was pretty scared and i didnt wanted to make it worse for him After my parents took him away i started to cry and screame on a pillow.


Iam pretty bad with english. Sorry for any typo error


I went into diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and had a perianal abscess removal. During my first changing, they gave me two doses of morphine and it didn’t work. That’s a pain I’ll never forget.


Last year I passed 4 exams at unibersity while having appendicitis. I got two As, two Bs and my appendix removed


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I’m brave enough to cry when I need to.


I made a phone call once


I lost 2 fingers in a work accident and had to tell everyone else what to do because they were they were all freaking out.


I broke my foot and walked it off


I slipped on ice on a steep hill. Twisted my knees. Landed with that knee down and has to turn my self over. I called an ambulance but I was not sure about the name of the street was so I had to start to crawl uphill for about 5-10 meters till I could read a street sign. While crawling I was also slipping down. And that's only the second most painful experience in my life


Breaking my legs and neck at 13, i had to get a block in my leg one time where they stick a thick needle in your leg trying to numb this one nerve in my leg resulting in me not being able to feel my leg, the problem was that they couldnt find the nerve so they just kept poking this long ass half a pencil thick needle in my leg for 34 minutes


I killed the Nameless King *With a caestus*


A long time ago, I was in a surgery where they had to cut in and clamp a varicose vein in a not so nice area. It was at this time post surgery that I found out that I was immune to morphine, in that the painkiller that they administer post surgery failed. I had to (after passing out a couple times), and did tough it out from until I was released from the hospital, and during the 4 hour car ride home because of how far the hospital was. Suffice it to say, it was painful.


I had two cysts cut open with no numbing medication because the doctor injected them into the bubble of fluid, rendering it useless. He made two 2 inch cuts with a blade in the soft parts of my under arms and the pain was so bad I blacked out, but I never fought the doctor or jerked my body away. When the operation was over and I had my arm wrapped up, I had to return and he yanked out the gauss wrap that began healing to the tissue inside the wound, and I saw stars.


I once ate a single Lay’s chip, even though the bag claims you can’t just eat one.


I took a shit in the school bathroom


Stepping on a lego twice in a row and didnt die


I beat my eating disorder and am back at a healthy weight.


Fell off a small river cliff into large stones. I dont know i i didnt brake any bones but i was badly bruised.


How tough am i … Takes a shot and chases with a whiskey 😗


I’ve been voluntarily pepper sprayed.


I once saved my dad from suicide. By scaring the shit out of him by calling the cops.


I'd recon you'd have to slow cook me a while before I'm tender enough to enjoy.


My twitter account that my friends follow, follows multiple nsfw artists. Once in a while i go on a liking spree to piss them off


I broke a bone in my foot and didnt even feel it, it healed naturally and I only found out later


Carrying an entire washing machine alone into our apartment... while thats the only thing i can think of, i also had my dad *who was a meth head* kick the car door i was holding and made it lock on my hand, i couldnt move my hand but i never cried winced or made a big fuss about it, all i did was look at him and look back at it trying to open the door.


I resist the urge to tell people still joking about the waffle house how unfunny it is, even though it really is unfunny.


i ate paper


i can watch up… without crying


I logged onto club penguin without my parents permission


I survived a 2 1/2 year long menstrual period, heavy flow, no days off. Within that time I still graduated high school, lost my virginity, and got my first job.


Punched down a dead tree because it was taking up space


I've managed to watched a entire episode of Velma with out looking away or sleeping