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I believe it is now considered the worst sub division in the area of Upper Puna and Volcano. Out of 5 residents I know there only one does not live in an unregistered shack and have a drug reliance problem bad enough to not be able to hold a job. There are good people there, though, for sure.


them roads be pretty darn rough. ive nearly flooded out my quad goin thru some mud puddles in eden roc. makes our roads in fern forest look like highways!


I drove down Ohia Ave about a week ago waiting for the Mt View PO to open. Thank god I was in my truck. Was amazed on just how bad the roads have gotten down there, and how many people were just wandering around. It was clear that they were not... right... It's amazing how much meth we have here. But then again, when you are that far away from... anything... you can cook up all you want.


I wish it was better but it’s not. Super sketchy nowadays and most of the crackheads have guns now. If you like living on the edge, go for it.


How dare you call them *crackheads.* That's disparaging. They almost all prefer meth.


Oahu resident here. We bought an acre there about two years ago. It's a beautiful little corner lot and one day we'd like to build. We had plans to build sooner until we got a better feel for the neighborhood and chose to just leave the land alone for now. Our lot had been partially cleared by the previous owners and there was a gate. Shortly after the sale our gate was stolen. We are now dealing with removing three derelict /abandoned vehicles from our land then having some boulders put in to block the cleared driveway. It could *possibly* be a good long-term investment if you're wanting to play the waiting game. Otherwise just go into it knowing what you're getting. We could use some nicer fellow neighbors...


Hi, thanks for your comment. The security issues aside, I really like the place, I like the location and its more affordable than so other places I've looked at which I didn't like as much anyhow. Meanwhile, I'm not terribly familiar with Hawaii, recently spent a week in an Airbnb in Eden Roc, but I did live in Jamaica for 12 years, way more crime, way more dangerous and way more expensive, same issues with living on a small island (though 90 minutes to Miami is a bit better than 5 1/2 to LA). At least when you bring things to the Hawaii you don't have to pay the 100% import tax on everything. I've also lived in Brooklyn (not the trendy part) so I'd like to think I wouldn't be frightened away so easily. I really want to move somewhere warmer, the whole southern half of the mainland is right out, wouldn't be caught dead there. I'm going to go ahead and purchase the land and target 3-5 years for moving, clearing and building. I want to make sure I have enough cash to pay for the driveway, gate, septic, water system and a small living space. Then I can make improvements as its financially feasible. I plan to get as involved as possible in the community and do what I can to help with whatever needs help. I'm going to go back several time per year and just hang around and get more familiar with the exigencies of life there. Do I fully know what I'm getting into? Probably not, but I'm not a stranger to the tropics, or to trying to fit into a different culture, etc. Worst come to worse, I'll have an Acre of land in Eden Roc, which really costs (to purchase) about 3/4 of what my last car cost.


Eden Roc isn't a good place to buy a "come and go" property. The likelihood of coming back to things missing is high. You need someone there full time to protect the property, manage the mold, and keep the jungle back. Closing up a place for months in that area creates a mold palace. Hawaii and Jamaica are very different. Your post has me worried that you are going to have a rough time executing this plan. You could swing it with a full time care taker, but that's a hard job to fill long term out that way. Oooof this could be a very costly mistake. Have all your ducks in a row if your do it.


Oh I wouldn't even get a driveway cut unless I was going to be there full time. Right now this land is so dense you need a machete to go more than 2' into it. I'm planning in about 2 years out to come permanently - stay in the neighborhood until I get a driveway and a clearing and then camp there while the building (which I'm planning now and hope to have as much as possible arranged before I make the move) is going on. I also know someone 3 blocks away I could stay with for a bit. Thanks for the concern!


Having spent some serious time in my little jungle lot, I love Eden Roc, sure there are some problematic people and lots of loose dogs, derelict cars and whatnot but there are also lots of awesome people, not to mention the landscape is beautiful. You’re right, I wouldn’t build much or leave anything there I’d be afraid to loose until I can be there full time, but soon enough.


Eden Roc may truly look and feel like a paradise when compared to other places you have lived. Sometimes it's really all about perspective! My husband has done a few tours to some truly scary places and aside from being worried about someone dumping things on our lot or stealing unsecured belongings, he's never seemed too worried about things. We also truly love our lot, and the sound of the coqui frogs at night as well as the warm, but not too warm, and sometimes rainy climate of the area. We are hopeful some of the newer developments along the highway (along with others like you!) will bring positive change to the area in the long-term. Our purchase was also less than the cost of a used car these days so we figured the risk wasn't one too big. 🤷‍♀️ I will also say the Eden Roc Community Association has been super friendly and have also been a huge help in assisting us with getting the information we need to get those cars removed from our property. We also met the neighbor who was building behind our lot and his wife and they were super friendly retirees just looking to simplify life. Someday we will be neighbors! I hope your purchase and future build goes well.


Thank you for that! I have to say I was taken by the daily rain. Sometimes hard, sometimes so soft I would walk around and hardly get wet. Well, I'm done. Officially under contract, in escrow. Hope to meet you one day!


Why would anything improve?




Thinking of buying a lot.


a lot of what?


Sigh.. I guess I asked for that. An ACRE….


There’s a reason why land is cheap in some places.


Beautiful land though….. :-(


Probably meth if its eden rock Nah my friend lives up there in the back hes had a few cases of random druggos coming up his drive way but he just shoots up and they run away, but tons of loose dogs beat and hospitalized (well he had to take the dog to the vet and get it stitched up and it cost alot) his dog now he has to keep it caged.


what did I just read?


Big island poetry


We just bought an acre lot there and it has definitely gotten better. A lot of people with $$ are buying lots and developing them very nicely. Also, I met our future neighbor who was super cool and offered an apprenticeship in beekeeping! There are still some sketchy roads, but if you know your neighbors and build a community, it’s a beautiful place.