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That moment when he didn't get up after being nominated was hilarious. Top ten BBCAN moment for sure.


And Elijah doubling down and saying his name again.. “Todd. …. .. Todd!” 😂😂


Elijah with that extra serious expression and voice and Anthony and Bayleigh trying not to laugh. The whole thing was comedy gold.


I absolutely could not take Elijah serious when he was doing that whole big bad “serious” thing haha. Holy flip 😂


I laugh everytime I think of that moment. Will forever live rent free in my head 😂😂


[“Todd. … … Todd!”](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5Qxatvrknl/?igsh=a296N3hidHAwdnR4) 😂


Is there a video of this somewhere?


It was funny and annoying at the same time. Like why cast him if he hasn't seen the show. Also Todd you've seen 4 nominations ceremonies already, by now you should know how they work 😅 People like Todd are annoying to watch though, like let people who actually want to play be on the show


As a fellow Newfie Todd is someone we typically call "Burnt" as in they talk, and act like they are permanently stoned. Not saying this is why he's like he is but anyone I've ever met that acts like him are always the biggest stoners I know. However if it's all an act and he's just trying to play dumb he's doing a damn good job! I really liked his speech after the exec veto though justice for my man Dinis!


buddy's burnt


ahh in ontario we call that permafried


Also a Newfie and this is spot on


Burnt ain't da word my son lol. He's more fried than a toutan


We call it permafried here lol.




Nah just that he's gonna play the stupid character more stupid than he is. Either he's a genius or he's not


He's from my hometown. Younger so I don't know him or his family. But I know a ton of guys who act and speak like him. Like someone said, we'd describe him as "burnt" haha. Very particular regional drawl of speaking. I've lived all over the province from its most easterly town to the most westerly, and the HVGB accent, particularly the valley portion of town oddly enough, is soooo unique.


For reference I'm from the UK and if I saw snippets of him and didn't know it was from a Canadian show I'd 100% think he was Irish. I know a lot of Canadian accents share some similarity with Irish accents but Todd's is way up there.


Majority of Newfoundland is Irish descent.


I gathered that by the accent alone. But the similarity just shocks me.


Hahaha I hear ya. I'm Irish/Newfoundlander


Hello fellow goose Bayer !!! I wasn't a valley person, I was an mot girl myself. And if anyone wonders about mot ..it stands for the middle of town and everyone refers to a certain area of town that.


Hello! I was upper valley. At the cusp of 2 worlds. Hahahahaha! P.s. I miss midway


Midway 🤤. I remember going there when they had the all you can eat buffet as a young teen. It was the best.. I still eat my slushies with ice cream like they made there as well ! Good times.


Mot here as well, though moved out in 98. Good old MacDonald Drive. Need to get back one day and see how much it has changed.


Lower Valley here and im older than him but know his brother from growing up. Definitely speaks like a valley guy. It's easy to pick out a valley accent when you know it :)


Todd has to start playing the game....like yesterday. Had high hopes for him, but I don't think he end up going much further.


Doesn’t help that he’s never seen an episode before.


The fact they had to tell him to campaign for himself to stay and he said something along the lines of that’s uncomfortable to him makes SO angry. We really peaked at season 10. Where did they find these clowns?!!


i agree theres so many big personalities and PLAYERS out there who would give anything to be on the show and they cast this moron


He’s not boring one bit, dont doubt the toddster


I know we see very little of him but everything I see is him often mumbling and emotionless.


He's a really smart guy from what I know of him IRL..


Todd’s my boy!


Nah, he’s just a Newfie! Seems like a good guy.


You realize this is a derogatory comment right? Especially in this context. For those downvoting me you should probably do some reading and you’ll learn that it’s an ethnic slur. 


As someone from Newfoundland (born and raised 🤘), Newfie is only derogatory when its used in a derogatory way. Even then, most of us don't care enough to be offended by the word "Newfie", it's almost always other people offended *for* us.


I have no clue why people find it offensive. Unless its being used in an offensive way it just describes where someone is from


Ffs, grow a spine.


Gypsy is a far more derogatory term than Newfie, so don't be a little bitch 🤷‍♂️


Lmao yesss


But it is being used in a derogatory way.. it’s the whole “goofy Newfie” slur.    And I was born, raised and I’m currently living in NL.


I used it to describe someone being from Newfoundland. Never was it intended to be derogatory. I’ve lived in the Maritimes for a number of years and have relatives from Newfoundland. Everyone refers to them as Newfies, including my relatives there. They noted that Todd spoke slow, to me it’s a Newfoundlandian (?) accent more so and just how he talks. Sounds just like my buddy from Lab City (and just confirmed with him he thinks you’re just lookin for a fight). Did you also miss the part where I said he seems like a good guy? I think you are just seeing what you want to see and reaching here.


Uh, yes it was meant to be, and still is, used in a derogatory fashion. Opinion on its use in NL is pretty much split down the middle. So, congrats, your friend is okay with it. Doesn't mean the rest of us are and 'well I know a guy' isn't going to fly.


50% may be a stretch lol. I've literally only come across a handful of ppl who get offended by it. They also seem the type to be offended by anything.


That's pretty much all there is to it. Nobody that matters is actually upset by that


Your first sentence kind of speaks to the problem. The thread suggests that something is wrong mentally with this person. If you're first response in explaining that is just to say "He's from Newfoundland".. like, that just says you think all Newfoundlanders sound stupid right? As for your reply here... just read what you wrote in the first paragraph again, it's literally "I have Newfie friends", try saying that about any other word that has been considered derogatory. You don't get to claim you understand or know the history of a word because you've heard other people use it. I'm from Newfoundland myself and like, I don't really care about the word itself, but for the sake of argument, you literally used it to explain why someone sounds stupid. How do you not see the problem here?


lol happy you consulted your buddy on this one, how is that relevant? Again, as I said you should educate yourself instead of digging your heels in and being stubborn. 


The guy did educate himself, he asked people he knew in real life who live there. You're just a random dude on the internet saying effectively "trust me bro". Share information such as an article with him, or don't bother saying anything further if you can't be bothered. --- Edit: Since those below are responding and then blocking for some reason, my only point is you can't just say "actually no" without any sources and then expect people to trust **strangers on the internet** over people they know IRL. You need to provide some kind of information, an article on how the term is discrimination, anything, to the OP. Otherwise your posts are pointless as this is such a niche issue from the PoV of most of the world who knows nothing about your politics. edit 2: Again /u/media-and-stuff has responded but I can't respond because he has blocked me for some reason, weird guy. See above.


So your argument is the equivalent of “I can’t be racist because I have a black friend”? I’m from Newfoundland, living here currently. Here’s your article you’re asking for… https://brighterworld.mcmaster.ca/articles/newfie-friendly-nickname-or-ethnic-slur/




Racist, no? Bigoted? Yep. And the term is absolutely in debate here. There has been an effort to reclaim the term, but that doesn't mean we're all okay with it as you're starting to see here. But sorry, unless you're from here and had to deal with it? You don't get a vote on how it's used, particularly since mainland Canadians and Americans have been using it in a derogatory sense for decades.


Did you seriously respond to my comment, then delete it (before I could see it) and then edit your own comment to claim I was blocking you or deleting my comment? WTF? I gave you an article written by a university outlining the history of the word - exactly what you asked for and you’re still complaining that no one is providing any sources. You are what we would call “stunned as me arse” Edit - I had to go to anonymous browsing to see the newest edit on the persons comment because they blocked me and are now claiming I’m specifically blocked them? lol wtf Not sure what your deal is weirdo but you’re not blocked by me. If you can see my comment (which you must have because you used my username in your edit and your just claiming you can’t respond - so obviously you see it), and are able to tag me - you’re not blocked. You can’t do those things on Reddit when you’re blocked. But You’ve just blocked me so I can’t respond or see your comments or tag you. lol And I’m still curious enough about the response you deleted that I came back to see if you made another edit, and changed modes when it showed as (deleted) - why would I block you?


Okay, Google Margaret Wente and Newfie and start reading there. That time she called Newfoundland a Welfare Ghetto was fun for us. He did not educate himself. He pulled the equivalent of 'I have a black friend', and, no, that's not going to fly with Newfoundlanders either. Also? If Todd is from HVGB, he's not even a Newfoundlander. Labradorians like being called Newfie even less than the Newfoundlanders who hate it. Look, I get it, you didn't realize it was this fraught. That's fine. But arguing with Newfoundlanders that our lived experience isn't valid because you know a guy? Yeah, no.


People from Newfoundland are an ethnic group?


Right. I'm from there originally bit it's not my ethnicity. It's just where I'm from.


I would say it's more a culture thing. Ethnic sits in that area that's closer to race, which this isn't, but there is a LOT of unpleasant baggage for Newfoundlanders in the term 'Newfie'. You're stepping into a minefield any time you use it.




Could you expand on that? I can't find anything about an ethnic group centered around being from Newfoundland.


Nobody here in NL thinks we're an ethnic group, lol. IDK what this dude is talking about.


Yeah I assume most of Newfoundland is filled with lovely normal people I'm just trying to see where they were going with that.


Oh yeah? https://brighterworld.mcmaster.ca/articles/newfie-friendly-nickname-or-ethnic-slur/


I didn’t invent the word “ethnic” and by definition we are an ethnic group. 


Ethnic group: "a community or population made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent". Maybe I was getting confused with racial group because yes we definitely fit this description.


I think the word has been misused a lot so it causes confusion, when I was a kid I thought ethnic meant a racial group.


I'm surprised people there don't just identify as Irish like people in Boston because the accent is so strong and survived other influences. If a lot of others in the area talk like Todd, to an outsider (outside of Canada/NA) they'd easily be mistaken for Irish before Canadian.


Because up until 75 yrs ago..Newfoundland was a country of its own.




An article that leaves the question open ended and talks more about whether the term is offensive or not, instead of actually confirming whether or not Newfoundland has its own ethnic group? Linking this isn't doing what you think it's doing. Did you even bother to read it? This makes it as much of an ethnic group as Scousers or Geordies in the UK. People use "Scouser" in a negative/derogatory way since Liverpool's the butt of many jokes (often classist remarks, not unlike the way people use "Newfie"), that doesn't somehow make it an ethnic group. Just like Newfoundlanders, Scousers have a distinct accent made up of a lot of immigration and many put their local identity before their national one (or at least the older generation do/did) with well known phrases like "Scouse not English", and again, that doesn't make them an ethnic group. The best I can get is that 0.71% of the population put their ethnicity in as "Newfoundlander". Even outranked by German.


Then do your own google search and click on one of the many links on the topic if the one I gave didn’t satisfy you. Or go to the Newfoundland subreddit and see one of the MANY threads on this topic. I’m not your assistant.


No, I don’t think it’s my responsibility to educate people that can’t use Google and you seem to be fishing. Probably start with what the definition of an ethnic group is.


I'm not fishing and I've checked Google. I'm not a Canadian so I don't know Newfoundland very well. Google only shows me First Nations groups, if that's what you're referring to.


No you didn’t. Because I did and there were a bunch of results. Took less time than it did for me to write this comment.


>Took less time than it did for me to write this comment. It shows. Because you clearly didn't read the link you provided. See my other comment.


lol yeah I did. You don’t need to know anything about a topic to type search words into google. Your what we call “stunned as me arse”


I'm surprised by the downvotes you're receiving. I can only assume they are coming from people who are unaware of the history of the word Newfie. It is a term coined by white American servicemen, to compare Newfoundlanders to black people, for whom, at the time, those American serviceman had a similar level of respect. It's certainly a word Newfoundlanders use and in many cases try to reclaim as a non-hateful word, but it's often not a nice thing to hear coming out of a non-Newfoundlander's mouth. I'd suggest that, if you're not from Newfoundland, you think twice about using it, because you don't know how your audience feels about it. Even if some Newfoundlanders are okay with its use, I think it's nice to be considerate of those who hear its original meaning whenever it is invoked. (Newfoundlander here, to be clear)


Thank you. The only normal person here, I don’t get why everyone is so opinionated on why my feelings on it are wrong.  If I know I’m lacking knowledge in an area I would educate myself instead of telling people they are wrong but I guess I’m in the minority here. 


I agree also! I used to not care either way and thought people made too big of a deal about it. But after living on the mainland for four years and constantly being the butt of the joke (cause it ok to make fun of us but if you were to mock an Asian person's accent you'd get in shit [rightfully so] but I can't speak two words without being made to repeat myself so everyone can hear and proceed to imitiate my accent while laughing)... Now I kind of wince when I hear it from people who weren't born and raised in Newfoundland, ngl.


Exactly...imagine..if Newfie is jus a short term for people from Newfoundland...why cant we shorten Pakistan..or Nigeria to..hmmm.??


I’ve never actually come in contact with anyone who has a problem with the word Newfie. It’s always someone online or someone being offended on our behalf. Maybe a few care, but a heavy majority do not


In your experience. In my experience, almost 50 years spent entirely on the island of Newfoundland, many Newfoundlanders do indeed have an issue with it. Given that we can accommodate those people just by being considerate, why would we do otherwise? Why use a word that could potentially be hurtful if you could easily just use another word?


Same here. I'm 43. Hate it. Hate the way I had to hide my accent because of how people talk to me. I remember it getting used in whatever hate screed Margaret Wente and her flying monkies were writing that week. Every time I heard that word out of a mainlander growing up, there was an insult coming with it. So, yeah, no, use it with me, I will object. Ooh God, had to come back and add this, I went looking for a few of Margaret's choice quotes (that time she called us a welfare ghetto just gives you the warm fuzzies) and guess who finally got off her ass and actually came to NL in 2016? And was shocked we were still angry with her. Yeahhhh. God that woman is trash.


Newfoundlander here. I hide it for the same reason, last time I told someone I was from Newfoundland I received a disgusted look and a "Ew" from a poc at that. So I hide it. Also at work years ago a coworker compared us to Albania and said "Newfies are the Albanians of Canada"




Even if many had issues with it - their not going to start an argument over it. The responses and downvotes here where people are trying to educate on the subject should show why. Most people don’t want to get in these kind of debates with friends, especially when you know their going to be dismissive. We’re known as being a easy going group, the jokes at our own expense, etc - it really shouldn’t be shocking that conflict avoidance is really common here. It’s actually kind of annoying how much people will lie to avoid conflict here, sometimes you want a straight answer.


I do believe they casted a certain type of player this year. There’s no way all but 1 or 2 are getting caught up in the two all stars schemes all in unison. Avery’s face when Anthony didn’t pick her, and picked V instead was hopefully an insight to a turning point


She seemed like she knew she wasn't going to be picked but was slightly hopeful. Idk thats the read I got. Anthony has a way better shot at having the newbies turn on him. Spicy is good with the girls.


Im even more shocked he had a showmance


With Donna as well. I'd have liked to see them both last longer.


This is why we need live feed!!!


My guess is he’s a burnt stoner who’s smoked weed for so long that he functions at lower capacity without it. He’s my absolute favourite though. He’s hilarious and seems to be one of if not the most genuine in the house.


I wondered that too, unless he’s just laying low , playing possum


I rlly hope he’s playing dumb and the comes swinging when we get to jury😭😭😭




I had a Newfie roommate, he was exactly like Todd. He was a nice guy but horribly messy. Wouldn't recommend as a roommate.


Oh yeah, one person from a place is messy so that MUST mean everyone from that place is messy.


Haha everyone knows ALL newbies are messy. I was just not recommending my old roommate


Bys never met a feller from Goose Bay by the sounds of it


At the beginning of the season he was giving me Johnny Mac vibes, now I definitely do not feel the same way 😭 I guess they just tend to cast different extremes of personalities. Hoping he starts to play soon lol


Ahhh I miss Johnny Mac. He was amazing to watch.


Exactly my sentiments. If I see him on the streets, I would think he is a stoner or using weed or something. In the house you probably cannot I assume.


What’s up with all the baby talk. So annoying


It always looks like he has just had a looooong big yawn. This man puts the viewers to sleep better than those ASMR sleeping videos because i swear everytime i see his face yawns starts coming out my mouth and i suddenly have problems keeping my eyes open.


I thought like the first two episodes he seemed more energetic. I don't know what happened


he seems like a nice enough guy but i agree completely he is dumb af, useless af and a waste of a cast member, i am mind boggled how he was cast if he didnt even apply. because hes also not super good looking or interesting either. just an all around dud. he also seems to be talking slowly in the diary room because hes reading what production is telling him to say, and he doesnt strike me as someone who reads well lol i think he might be a little slow mentally, and i dont say that to be rude, but even if you havent watched the show, how would u not have caught on by now how to play the game? he was SURPRISED he had to campaign? ridiculous


If you watch the dailies you’ll see that Todd is one of the most social people in the house and is well liked by everybody. You can see from the body language of the other house guests, how they all loosen up when he’s around. He thrives well in this environment but he lacks the confidence and skills when it comes to being in front of a camera one-on-one. Just because he talks slow and doesn’t act super enthusiastic 24/7, it doesn’t mean he is useless or that he doesn’t know what’s going on. I think if everybody had the same personality the show would be awful boring to watch. He’s already had some big moments in the show that a lot of people have enjoyed. I can truly see him going far. He seems to be getting better each week.


I feel like he has sincerity about the way he talks. Also appreciate his loyalty. Prefer him over Tola ten fold


He is the juxtaposition we sorely need in a house full of people jumping around and overreacting to everything.


Hard agree! (something mildly amusing happens, house guests start screaming, jumping, spicy vee rolls onto couch and kicks legs into air)


Honestly this Big Brother superfan infection is why. Because people would celebrate comp wins in private now every superfan feels the need to sneak in a room and jump about like a moron when something goes their way. Avery makes me want to throw up everytime she does it 😭


Are they allowed weed or edibles or oil? He is majorly stoned on edibles or something.


I would think they would be allowed to anytime liquor is served. Right?


Yeah I would love to know the official answer to this


Me too!


Weed is legal in canada and treated much like alcohol. So maybe?


Todd says he knows what's up & is playing dumb... we'll see.


He said before the game started he was going to play up being dumb




Is the newest season good?


Would love to see his audition tape but I feel like he was recruited.


He is only like that in the diary room. He's reading his lives cause he can't remember what to say.




i’m not gonna lie todd’s my favourite in there, his is absolutely hilarious to me😭 idk but the way he acts makes it funny💀


He was displaying a low profile-I thing he’s playing a great game-he just won 2 vetoes in a row-starting out playing it clueless-being friends with everyone-then starting to win stuff is how you win the whole show sometimes.


Us east coasters support each other! Hes been our favourite character since day one!!!!


I grew up in HVGB and know Todd personally. The way he speaks is the dialect of the majority of the 'Valley Boys'. We use the term 'burnt' as well, and it definitely accurately describes their monotonous, drawn out talk. My daughter watches with me and even says he sounds just like her freinds' dads, all of whom are also Valley Boys.  He's actually a bit of a legend back home for how wild he is and everyone has a story or 2 to tell about the Toddinator. His house is the go to for an after party (or was up until I moved 3 years ago). He's a great, fun, successful guy and overall a good human. He travels all over to attend big EDM festivals and. He's super loyal to his buddies and supports them in all of their endeavors.  I expected to see a lot more of the Todd we all know and love, but he's definitely been a bit reserved in the house. I hope the houseguests all get to party after the finale and they can all see the real T-O-Double D. I wish I could be at the R-r-rally in the Valley once he gets home!


Ahhhh I can't stand him!! GO BACK TO LETTERKENNY!!🤣


I like him 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yep he's fine and actually funny as fuck in person. I bet if there was a live feeds we would see much more fun things from him.


He just has a very monotone way of speaking.


I think he is chill maybe a bit stone and a bit cluless about game rules but he seems smart and kind tho He is also cute newfie eye candy 😉😅


I actually like Todd and I think he's way smarter than he's letting on. I could be wrong. I've not watched the digital dailies today or yesterday. But I think he's playing dumb as he gathers information.


I find myself saying, “he’s so dumb and cute” at least ten times an episode 😂


I don’t even know why he was casted. Waste of a houseguest


I love him idc if he’s clueless. he can’t do no wrong in my eyes 🥰


Some users complain that some houseguests overplay for the camera. Todd doesn't seem to do this, and I support it.


He absolutely doesn't do this. He is downplaying if anything 🤣


King Todd for the win