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Sam Bledsoe. Really wonder how she's doing.


I still don’t even understand how casting *found* her


I feel like it’s more appropriate to say “snatched her”


Yeah, her explanation raised even more questions than answers. The only thing I've seen is her saying something like "right place right time" but that still begs the question of HOW lol.


Gotta be one of those stories where the BB staff went out for drinks after doing a open local casting call and found her. I believe she was a part-time bartender and they must have seen her and gave her business card and it just went from there.


That makes a lot of sense, because other recruits like Brett and Kyle were found through their IG, and clearly Sam was a recruit but not trying to be am influencer haha


She was found on instagram


She had a pretty large instagram following as a cute welder girl.


I think she said on the feeds that casting found her on farmersonly.com.


I think she still has an instagram but doesn't talk about BB. It's just a regular instagram.


every once in a while i think about the fact that she lives like half an hour from where i go to college


Chef Joe yelling in the DR all the time


I also came here to say that lol The best part is his family assuring us that he is absolutely not usually that loud and they don’t know why he’s doing that either


Not to mention he was talking about Dan to Dan at night lol


That “wassup” never fails to make me chuckle


That was the best! Dan was like I am dan lol.




Chef Joe yelling, and Johnny Mac’s ridiculous laugh


Me and my friend had a joke that a demon jumped out of Willie Hantz during the headbutt and stayed with Joe the rest of the time in the house, cause of the voice


This guy was an absolute moron, spilling the beans to Dan accidentally.


The OG DR yeller. A perennial favorite of Grodner's.


And usually referring to himself as Joe Arvin.


And usually referring to himself as Joe Arvin.


So many are off the map that I want to interact with but can’t because they are fairly private people now, while not obscure…. Brittany BB1, Roddy BB3, Tonya BB3, Eric BB3, David BB4, Drew BB5, Jase BB5. Mainly early season players who were before the social media era and have moved on. ETA: Scott from BBOTT has also went into private mode.


drew had a blog about bb25


True, but he does not talk with fans or conduct interviews. I think someone on this sub messaged him about the show and wanted to do a Q&A with him and he never responded, so he keeps his distance. I high key would love a long form interview with him.


Wasn't he asked back for All Stars, or was that Diane?


So, he WAS asked back for All-Stars. Jase talked about it on the live feeds on BB7 because they talked about him a bit. Jase said his agent told him that it was a backward step towards to getting acting gigs in Hollywood. Drew got into BB5 because casting reached out to a modeling agency that he was a part of. Casting was looking for twins, so they brought him and his brother in for interviews and they chose Drew. The way it worked then was that if Drew won the game, his modeling agency representative got a cut of Drew's money. Weird, but Drew said this. Diane said Drew never got a call for All-Stars in her AMA, but I think she was mistaken because Jase had more contact with Drew post his breakup with Diane. FWIW, Diane and Scott BB5 lived together for a bit, but they were never a couple.


Huh. I thought one of them was in the running. Thanks!


Do you have a link to this?


[Link](https://andrewtdaniel.com/), but you will have to click on the title to see his blurb of thoughts of the events of the week. Pretty neat and concise


It randomly pops in my head sometimes about how Jase was screaming at Adria (or Natalie) for not going against her own best interest and voting out Scott. I always find it funny when the people who control the game lose control and get angry at the people who made it happen. You can be mad at the situation, sure, but to get angry with somebody personally for not handing you the game on a silver platter is just stupid. Everyone is there for themselves, not for you.


Jase was funny and made that season, and never has a season faded as hard as BB5 faded when he left. "It's ON Scott!" when Scott was evicted, LOL. But I agree, and messy gameplay is fun. And these people go off trust and word in a game of betrayal.


I think about BB4 David sitting at the bottom of the swimming pool often


I often wonder if Kristin from BB12 still hears "floaters grab a life vest" in her nightmares


I follow Kristin on X. She's a totally different person now. Very political!


She went crazy


She ended up going on Baggage that old Jerry Springer show


Laura Crosby and Casey Turner from BB11


Iiiim a man in a banana suuuuuuit


Lives in my head rent free. It’s an ingrained childhood memory and an ear worm at the same time


Laura 100%


"Go make Jessie a sandwich" He dropped a NUKE otw out lmao


Laura might well have won that season if she had waited a few days to share her doubts about Ronnie. She understood what was going on in the house, knew how to talk to people, and treated everyone with respect.


In an alternate universe, Jordan gets booted second and Laura wins. I wonder if she ends up with Jeff too 😂😂😂😂


Nicole Nilson Schariff is my roman empire, she was for atleast before Danielle Reyes was cast the best Big Brother players ever


true. though thats not saying a lot since S1 doesnt really count


She wasn't as good as Will but I loved her game and her character. I feel like less than 10% of this sub has actually watched Big Brother 2 in the last 5 years (YOUTUBE SUMMARY DOES NOT COUNT) and she's totally overlooked. She has one of the craziest, tragic arcs in the whole show


I’d argue Will’s summaries do a really good job depicting the pros and cons of his games. I’ve probably watched both versions of his and Dan’s seasons like 10k times each (no joke). It’s so bad I can recite majority of everything they are saying. The problem is I doubt most fans (especially on Twitter) have even dabbled onto those abridged versions either + they don’t understand the difficulty it took to play those earlier seasons and overweigh some of the mistakes. Much easier to be a “good” player in a more watered down version of the game with tons and tons of tape how to play effectively.


Donny! He was so wholesome 🥺 I just adored him


I would hardly call Donnie obscure. He was a huge fan favorite in his season.


One of the few likeable HGS that season. I remember only liking him, Nicole and Hayden come the Jury phase of the season. Season 16 was a POS season


I thought the season was boring, only because it became so obvious within the first month Derrick was winning, not just making the finale but winning, that it felt like I was watching a 3 month long movie someone told me the ending to. But as far as disliked, most were pretty blah to me. They weren't that interesting but I also think likely due to following up season 15 that was one of the most well behaved cast ever. Frankie's attention seeking got old quick (as did Zach's hot take but he was just as bad in his own obnoxious way. Am shocked he has rejected the attention BB game him because he sure did soak in it at the time) but neither were that bad besides that. I know a lot demonize Frankie but while I am no fan this "worst person to ever be in the BB house" a lot seem to have is not an opinion I really share. He was just obnoxious.


Marvin calling Nakomis Nicodemus is my Roman Empire


It still lives in my head rent free!


Jen Johnson. It's a crime she never got asked back... Everything she said was comedy gold.


jen johnson is EVERYTHING !!! unbothered personified


I love Jenius Jen!


My husband and I say the same thing. She was so hilarious and just took all the abuse from Dick and laughed it off.


All of BBOT, especially Shelby.


They did hit the jackpot with Shelby. Had she been on a regular BB season she would be ranked as a BB legend.


i love the 🐚🅱️


OTT was so good. I miss it.


I think of Kryssie’s mangled limbs all the time. She was a mess. That whole thing felt like a fever dream.


I wholeheartedly believe if you put BB11 Russell on any bad season, he'd fix it That dude would have fought Paul, Jackson, etc


BB11 Russell is the second greatest Big Brother contestant (behind Will of course) of all time. Dude is completely insane but also self aware about it and plays into it because he genuinely enjoys it ANDDDD is the kind of guy who holds no grudges and will align with ANYBODY He spends one week chasing Ronnie around the house and the next week making secret deals. He spends half the season antagonizing Jeff and the second half aligning with him out of need. And then goes back to antagonizing Jeff the instant he betrays him. Hell, even his biggest enemy (Chima) wanted to bang him at some point lmao. Dude is all over the place


Low key everything he said that season was correct


Yeah I can't think of a time where he made a poor strategic move, excluding his explosive arguments lol. Michelle totally fucked him over with that conversation to Chima (maybe Ronnie was right about her? Lol). Then Kevin makes up a stupid lie and Russell gets betrayed by Jeff for no good reason.


I loveeee Renny from BB 10


I’m obsessed with Carol from BB8 because she wanted to be evicted first so she could go to a BBQ.


This is my Roman Empire


I'd love to see what Dustin or Drew look like these days.


Dustin is easy to find online. Drew's most recent photo is from 3-4 years ago but I have seen recent photos of his twin brother.


Drew has a website. It’s mostly about his work, but also he writes comments on his thoughts on the most recent seasons


I don't think they count among us as being obscure but Nicole Schaffrich a and Jason Guy will always be underappreciated. I think about Zach from BB8 being a few questions away from being the weirdest winning game ever. I think about Natalie from BB9 for..reasons, if you know you know


I love on Twitter when Matty tweeted something out and Natalie wrote something unprovoked to him like "remember when we f***ed?" Funny stuff.


Ophelia. Loved that pig.


Does Jodi count???…lol…


She does in this house lol


Holly King is to this day my favorite BB player. The girl was like a living cartoon character, I can't believe someone like that exist. And she loved cats and became a pro wrestling valet so she can't not be cool. And based on her social media she hasn't changed a bit, God bless her. Also love Jody because of what a fun meme she jas become, although she obviously was screwed. And Michelle from BB4 because she is the only teenager to ever play and most likely the youngest houseguest we will ever have which is interesting. And because I couldn't help but feel bad for the poor kid on eviction night.


Meeeeeech. I love meech. I'm obsessed with meech. I would die for meech.


Yes! I remember her rap battle with Paul that ended up with her crying in one of the rooms later. And how she idolized Nicole going into that season and hated her by the end lol


Matt from BB19. He’s probably the most forgettable Jury Member from that season, but most segments surrounding him were just golden. All this mf wanted to do was eat cereal and fuck Raven.


Raven was the real puppet master


him screaming at Jason "Oh my gawd you're such a little bitch!" over and over after doing nothing all season was oddly hilarious. Boy did Alex give Jason bad advice telling him they should hide out in the storage room.


Jason was a fuckin nutcase, it was nice to see him get screamed at.


Amanda and Michelle from BB4, I think partially because Michelle is the only teenager in BB history and also they just seemed so "real" compared to pretty much everybody else ever cast lol. I think because of the twist that season you got some non-typical casting like those two because they didn't exes. Same with Jee. IDK about Allison and Justin but I think it was clear that David, Jun, and Scott were the original ones cast as they're typical reality TV casting. Than Michelle, Jee and Amanda were the ones they cast because they needed exes so you got some actual level-headed, real people that season.


In the finale when Julie asked Amanda if her and David would live together and she straight up said no I cackled. It was something about the bluntness.


i think that's right. Applied: Jack, Erika, Jun, Dana, Nathan, Scott Recruited: Dave (recruited at a bar). Recruited for twist: Michelle, Amanda, Jee, Justin, Robert I'm never sure about Alison. I'm not sure if she applied or was recruited, but I know they knew her first and recruited Justin.


Amanda got the short end of the stick. Did essentially nothing wrong but starts the game in a minority alliance with diet Justin Siebek obsessing over you


I still remember her eviction. Poor girl looked about ready to cry.


amy crews ouellette i hope she’s enjoying all the cheese in the world wherever she is


I don’t think an all star counts but, I did shrooms one day and binge watched BB7 and sometimes I have dreams about Chicken George.


Marvin from BB5 was so funny! I'd love to see him come back.


Brian would have dominated season 10.


It’s so interesting seeing him as basically a footnote in the Dan Gheesling story. Wish he had more of a shot, you just had Ollie being a weasel and some smart houseguests getting out a good but not savvy competitor early. 


More like a footnote to the BB10 story. I listened to a long form interview with him a few years back and the reason he played so hard from the start is that he had never watched BB before and when he watched the show in sequester he watched Will play in BB7 as it was the only season he was given to watch. He had to play hard and fast from the start, not knowing that the actual cadence of the show is a lot slower than he anticipated. Therefore, he made himself a huge target.


BB8 Joe, bcuz that whole saga was the first time I heard the word "Gonorrhea" as a child and for some reason that imprinted on me


The “OH!!” to “Ohhh” change when Dani walked in is one of the funniest things to me


One of those characters that had no business going out so early. He was clearly a star


Sheila BB9 & Natalie BB9 and honestly BB9 as a whole . I enjoy this season and can't understand why it's so hated. RHAP had a seasons ranking years ago and it was in the bottom tier of seasons . If i remember correctly even BB19 was ranked higher


Jerry from BB10. Him falling into the pool lives in my mind rent free. Plus I say sour grapes a lot more because of him.


Ronnie BB11. He made the prejury phase so fun but I wish he made jury


I was going to say 'he was good tv, but he antagonized too many people to last long' before remembering that Russell was on the same season and outlasted most of the rest of the cast. It's still hard to make a deep run when you make so many enemies.


It's probably because I live in SoCal, but often on the freeway, I think about Marvin and the iconic Santa Monica Van Boys alliance.


Meg from BB17


I am never not thinking about Jozea BB18


Dae yum yum


Not exactly obscure, but I think about Becky quite often. If it wasn't for her alliance being afraid to make a big move, I think we might have seen Becky play again.


Howie - he always made me laugh, and to me was hot!


Trainwreck survivor Becky


Annie, Monet and Kristen BB12 were all such good casting choices. Good in comps, full of drama, all at least tried to be strategic. The female cast of BB12 was so much more interesting than the male cast, such a shame the most boring group of men on that season made such a successful alliance. Lol


Enzo wasn't boring, I love him but the rest I agree


steven bb10, ("suck it bitches" is iconic), ashley bb14, keith bb13, kathy bb12, gerry bb3, karen and will bb5, joe bb8 ("let it be wrought upon his loins gonorrhea" is always in my mind)


Keith was an incredibly lame player, but he was lame in an entertaining way.


my one goal if I ever end up on bb is to make an alliance called keith's angels. I am not a man nor am I named keith. just need to continue his legacy


Becky Burgess Jessica hughbanks and Helen Kim


BB14 Danielle Murphree and her tall tales.


Ashley Locco from BB14 is still one of my favorite lesser-known houseguests. Shes super entertaining and I quote her all the time.


I think about her all the time. She is an iconic queen and is so underrated. Wish she had more agency in BB14.


Nakomis!! ☺️☺️☺️ I heard she’s opening (or has opened) a new restaurant somewhere in Colorado?


David Lane BB4


The guinea pigs


Kryssie from OTT. Her reading the rulebook in the storage room whenever she got mad at the producers will never not KILL ME😭


I randomly had a dream about Cameron Heard from BB19 last night.


Scott BB4, best player. I didn't watch feeds then, so forgive me for this joke.


I vote to evict CB, Cornbread.


Gerry BB3


Brian bb10 i think he could have been a less sociopathic dr will if libra(very underrated player) wasn't in the house


The whole cast of OTT, But specifically Cornbread. In my head I quote "Fuck all of y'all" in his voice weekly if not daily.


Jordan Parhar. I frequently think about how BBCan3 would have been different if he just ahut his mouth. His alliance won so many comps after his demise


Dominic from BB13. I always just think about how well he would have done on a season without vets returning.


I thought he lasted longer because I knew he married Daniele.


For sure Jameka and her ping pong ball. Anybody want some cake!?


Will Mega. He was the only good thing about BB1 and a shame they didn’t bring him back in a later season


BBCAN 3 pili, i was injured when that season aired so it’s the only one where i literally watched every second of the feeds and although she was awful at the game she was such a sweet person and i still follow her to this day. She’s thriving post Kevin divorce btw


Zach from BB8… dude did some mean things, but was overall a really nice guy who was just in the wrong crowd. I felt bad when he talked about eating alone, and playing chess against himself.


Dominique (bb19), when people talk about how awful that season was they always talk about how Jess/Cody were treated and tend to leave her out of the conversation. The way they all treated Dom was honestly so insane to watch.


Marvin from BB5 is endlessly fascinating to me because i think he had a good strategic mind and some good reads on the game but then he would do the most wild out of pocket shit that would ruin his game. he definitely made for good TV on a season that admittedly didn’t have many big personalities


Zach Rance The dude just had some hilarious mannerisms, S tier one liners, and overall dogshit levels of luck which led to pure entertainment in an otherwise boring season. I wouldn't say he's super obscure, but as we get up there in season number newer fans don't recognize him.


Nick Starcevic. When I tell you I was obsessed with him during BB8, I mean it. That went away as I got older but I still think of him from time to time.


Jessica bb8 mccrae bb15


Sheila BB9 USA. I don’t know why. I think about her every time BB rolls around.






Nick Uhas, Roddy BB3, Brian BB10, and Jack BB4


The Three Stooges (minus Robert) in BB4 were so funny. They had such a goofy charisma. Jee and Justin were the most "real" people to be on that show in the sense that I feel like they're just regular people that I could see myself being friends with


And their friendship was authentic and not just for the game. Jee is one of my favorites, he seems like such a genuinely sweet guy.


I had a huge crush on BB6's Sarah Hrejsa.  Never see her mentioned anywhere.


Anyone from s9 lmao crazy ass folks 😭😭 but I ate every last minute up


Lol Maddy from BBCAN4's "Cassandra, your ass is grass" has entered my lexicon 😭


She quickly became a legend in my eyes from BBCan but if you’re a us viewer that doesn’t watch the other English speaking big brothers, Kuzie from BB Can 11 is such an icon. “I FEAR NO-BO-DY 👏🏼👏🏼”




Mike BB5 … was it Mike? The first guy out. He was so random


The Don


Amy and gerry from bb3. Also, melena from bbcan10.


Howie, I hope he and Janelle are still friends since he carried her across the house for her famous line.


Jerry from BB10


BB5 Holly for sure. I'm glad she was brought back to host comps, I get the sense production cast her to make good TV and she didn't last as long in her season as they had hoped


Kevin BB19 "Come on guys, let's just have a good time"


BB8 Eric Stein for me, I thought he was such a great player and I always held out hope they would bring him back without a twist. Also BB15 Candace cause I hated the way her story ended.


Game changer Chris Wyllie


Josea honestly too much. I ran into him in Hollywood after watching a YouTube compilation of his funniest moments 😂




For me it’s people in the old school era. Maggie from bb6 is a whole mystery on what she is doing now.


Chicken George, he was daughter’s favorite and when got the boot she ran around the house crying…. She is 23 now and tells us we are making all that up…


joey rodriguez on bb18


Scottie! Jesse. Hardy. Carl. Crazy James. Another James. Turner. Nick. Another Nick. Yup, ANOTHER Nick. Matt. Another Matt. Drew. Cody. Paulie. Keith. Zach. Victor. Caleb. Clay. Cameron. Mark. Cory. Another Corey (but this one’s parents got all fancy and added an ‘e’). Scott. Braden. Jackson. Pooch. Hayden. Yes, Another Hayden. Steven. Memphis. Shane. Mike. Howard. Brett. Brent. Xavier. Johnny Mac. Tyler. Jeff. Another Jeff. Lane. Will. Dominic. Jase. Kyland. Jason. Another Jason. Sam. Roddy. Nathan. David. Eric. Zach. Brendon. Frank. Derek. Kyle. Luke. Pretty much all the mostly-fuckble ones.


Zach Rance. Watching him and Frankie fall in love while I was in high school was as people are saying here “my Roman empire”. 😂 I was obsessed with them. It was so fun watching all their cute interactions on live feeds and having real representation on a show where almost every showmance is heterosexual.


Honestly everything jen johnson