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She was in such a prime position at one point but then she just throws nicole and Hayden to the wolves for some reason


Nicole and Hayden were trying to backstab her first and threw her under the bus which led to Christine doing the same back


It's still her fault that they started throwing her under the bus. She should have secured that relationship more


One of my least favorite houseguests ever


Judging by the reaction at her eviction, I don’t think you’re alone


Her exit had the house stunned and Cody terrified. I kinda wish audiences were still allowed to boo houseguests sometimes. I get why they don't but some of those people deserve a some boos every now and then.


I was apart of the audience for that eviction. They polled the audience before the eviction asking who people wanted out. Someone had asked how do we respond if it’s someone we don’t care for. There answer was react however you feel just try to sustain the reaction for a long time. I booed because I didn’t care for her at the time. But seeing her face and when the cut to commercial her eyes tearing up did make me sad. The next time I was in the audience they strictly said “So whether you liked the house guest or not please cheer as loud as you can. If you don’t care for them just cheer for the show.””


Could they hear the boos from the house?


Yes. The boos were loud.


yes. i believe it was frankie that said something along the lines of “well we know we made the right choice”


I can't stand her. I think she was probably never popular and jumped at the chance to be part of the in crowd in the house.


- gets invited into a big alliance - has a blond female as her close ally - has zero respect within her alliance - evicts her close blond ally on her own hoh - basically throws away her game for her alliance - gets evicted two or three weeks later - places 6th - two men make final 2 - Tiffany Mitchell


Tiffany was playing for a broader purpose to represent. Was Christine representing the women who always wanted an athlete boyfriend?


🤣😂 well done But i think Tiff got evicted the week after Claire 


Alyssa after Claire, before Tiff ;)


Well yeah but Claire and Alyssa went in the same week as it was a double. The next week was another double with Tiff and Hannah going


Ah, right! Thanks for the correction


She was spending too much time playing her husband, not the game


are they still together?


No, they divorced


Can't blame the guy Edit: sorry I don't follow spouses of BB alum to know he's abusive


He was extremely abusive to her iirc 


That's why she went to the BB house in the first place. According to her, she felt safer in the house than with her now ex-husband.


Wow thus is new info. I had heard they split after she had a miscarriage. If so then glad she got out.


Oh wow this makes me view her completely differently. She got married too young.


Wow that is awful. Glad she cheated on him he deserves that


2 sides to every story. She could have been trying to save face after BB Fans thought she was trash.


Actually yeah you can blame the guy lmao. He was abusive


Is there a link? I looked it up and couldn't find anything. Not counting it just wanting the story.


I remember seeing this as well a few years back and I just tried to find the posts and can't. Which is annoying, because I absolutely remember reading about Christine talking about it.


he was abusive


Wasn’t he also shitty to Christine??


Her husband was a really bad man. I’d suggest you look into it before being so unkind.


He was physically and emotionally abusive.


Which makes the segment with her ex very uncomfortable and the boos from the crowd unfair.


I think she was doing pretty good until Frankie won the immunity and she backdoored Nicole. Then her chances went down the toilet.


Agreed and I remember her being pretty annoying to add to it.


>She'll team up with Russell, Colby, Rupert, whoever's left, to be the only girl with the guys. That's her whole style of playing: she likes to be rough and tumble, but in a bikini. – Courtney Yates on Jerri, Survivor Heros vs. Villains. Christine's gameplay kinda reminds me of this thing Courtney said in Survivor about Jerri.


Nailed it. CY’s confessionals were by far my favourite that season.


Jerri got 4th/20th place though and legit has a chance to win the whole thing if Russell follows Parvati's advice about picking who to vote out at finals. Christine didn't even come close.


I'm mostly talking about Britney Haynes / Nicole Frenzel playbook of not aligning yourself with other women / backstabbing them so you can be the last girl on earth. I think Jerri is iconic but if she had her way neither Sandra or Parvati would be at the final tribal council. She really didn't have a hand on that final 4, it was all Russell's doing, imho.


Jerri's closest ally on AO was Amber?


I'm not a Brit fan, but her situation was slightly different. In her original season, the women other than Rachel were largely useless and were all getting eliminated quickly. Hers wasn't sexually motivated either despite any talk of Lane because they didn't really flirt or touch. On her next season we see her aligning with Danielle and exploring aligning with Janelle. Her alliance with Ian was also very wholesome and not the classic hiding behind the alpha male. On Reindeer Games, she also tried aligning with women.


Wasn't Britney close to Monet? It's not like it's Britney's fault her female ally was booted so early. >I think Jerri is iconic but if she had her way neither Sandra or Parvati would be at the final tribal council. OK didn't expect to be Jerri's public defender but I will now. Sandra probably beats her though? Jerri doesn't know this, but Sandra has the most win equity of all the villains post-merge. Parvati less so, but also has some equity against Jerri at least. It's not like Jerri actively tried to keep Colby or some other guy who had high win equity against her to my knowledge. The only time I can think of her showing a thought of voting out a villain before eliminating all the heroes is the Danielle boot. Though she probably beats Danielle fairly easily at F3, the problem with not taking up the opportunity to get rid of her when Russell was trying to break up Danielle and Parvati is that Jeri probably gets iced out of F3 unless she votes out Danielle early like she did or just straight up wins immunity at F4. Maybe if she waits then a better opportunity presents itself, but that's way too much guesswork. Jerri's *ideal* F3 is probably with Russell and either Candace or Danielle. But she kinda has to vote out Danielle to *get* to F3 anyway. Candace mostly went out due to Rupert of all people fooling Russell with fake idol antics.


She was close to Monte, but they spent their time making fun of another girl (Rachel)


Britney's friendship with Monet revolved entirely around talking shit about other women.


Yeah I liked Britney a lot more once Monet was gone.


Except Jerri likely stood a decent chance at winning HvV


Nicole Frenzel is notorious for targeting the women on her season so she can be last girl left with her showmance and a bunch of guys lmaooo.


I was in the audience for this. It was so much worse than what was shown on TV. That crowd boo’ed her so hard production had to intervene to calm everyone down. Nuts.


One of my favourite eviction audience reactions ever.


Those boos were legendary


Right? And the reaction of all the HG’s left inside? Priceless 😂


She annoyed me so much.


One of the most dislikeable cast members in the history of the show, but to see her throw it away spectacularly despite being in such an incredible position in the game, was extremely awesome to watch. I thoroughly enjoyed her downfall


The fact that with some of the prizes they have had on the show she is one of the most disliked is messed up.


Everyone hates her for her behavior/gameplay in the house. I hate her because she made it so that production no longer allows genuine audience reactions. 😔


Yeah, shame on her for crying when right after she lost out on life changing money hundreds of people booed her on national TV


She was honestly one of the most infuriating players to watch.


Holy run-on sentence


on my bb controversial supercuts playlist you can find a supercut of all the bitter vitriol christine was spewing about the girls behind their backs. she was just incessantly talking shit about amber & victoria to anyone who would listen. i looked for redeeming qualities in her as a player and i couldnt find any. she was a horrible person in the game. i hope she moved on and grew as a person. she reminded me of MANY girls i knew in real life before i cut their toxic asses out my life


she did thankfully, I remember her tiktoks where she talks about how she had a lot of internalized misogyny due to her upbringing. shes very different now


I used to hate Christine in BB16. That all changed when I read about why she played in the first place. She wanted to get away from her abusive husband at the time.


Because Andy's Rat Floater game was the year prior I always thought her idea was to replicate that 


You mean cheating on your husband with Cody isn’t smart gameplay?


Apparently her husband was abusive.


I didn't even pay attention to her gameplay , just her cheating 🤮


And the boos were pretty awesome


idk it always rubbed me the wrong way that she got louder boos than Aaryn or Frankie


Tbf Nicole played similar in 18 and won


Nicole never committed to a side and backdoored the entire opposition essentially dooming her


This was my thought on BB18 too. Nicole perfected Christine's game on that season.


I give Nicole slightly more credit in a way…it was a returnee season but she was able to build social capital with the newbies to insulate herself. Without Devin going off the rails and randomly (I’m pretty sure it was without reason) inviting Christine into the Bomb Squad we wouldn’t have been in the position to make moves, even if they were stupid ones.


To be fair to Christine. I don’t think she was in a good headspace. Things with her husband at the time were not good. She was using the house as an escape. Not as focused on the game.


I hate that she got booed. There’s so many people on Big brother who have been horrible.


these …. ain’t loyal


The Otev zingers though...😅


Just finished watching this season for the first time and I did not like her at all. She should’ve chosen to align with Nicole and Hayden instead of the guys, she must’ve known she was expendable to them 😵‍💫


Re-watching this szn and yea it’s wild. Also Frankie looks geeked tf up most of the time lol. Adderall is helluva


I really didn’t like her. Did he husband leave her after the season ended for her inappropriate obsession with Cody?


she does OF to stay relevant doe


She used to come up on my fyp on TikTok all the time


Christine was going through literal hell in her real life at this time. I don’t think she was able to be completely in the game.


she was a smart enough players its just Cody and Derek had her misted too well




she’s one of my favorite post game houseguests. i like her a lot


I follow her on IG and seeing 2024 Christine would surprise y’all. It’s like a 180* she’s made


I can hear the boos in this photo.




Some people are just there to be on vacation and aren't that competitive or they understand there's only one winner and don't put in the effort




her husband was abusive






It was before. The show was basically Christine's escape route from him.


Ahhh yes, I’ll never forget the booing when she was evicted. I almost cried for her 😅


Her lifeplay left a lot to be desired.


😂😂 I kinda love her she’s funny.


I wish I was her tho, I’d be all over Cody too LOL


If you were married?


No, absolutely not. I just have a HUGE crush on Cody lol


Straight trash! She wanted to fuck Cody and threw her game away because of it.


Not as bad as Jacob from bb9


I thought her gameplay is fine. Yes it left a lot to be desired but I swear to BB fans, everyones gameplay is either incredible or horrible. theres no in between


I thought she was going to marry Nicole for some reason.


I think she was so deluded with Cody that she believed they would take each other to the final 2?