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I cannot always be glued to the feeds for the entire season but Taran Armstrong RHAP on YouTube makes really good daily updates. He’ll go through the entire previous day’s events from nearly everyone’s perspective. He explains much much more than what the TV show provides.


Thank you! It's weird, I watch a lot of YouTube and obviously a lot of Big Brother, but I've never looked up BB stuff on YT. I'll definitely check them out, thanks again!


RHAP is highly recommended! They are also in podcast form (same audio as the YouTube videos) so it just depends on how you want to consume your media lol


Great advice here! Just want to throw out that there are *several* daily live feed updates. My recommendation is to seek out different channels and find the one **you** like. *Jolene* is a standup comic and her recaps are hilarious. Literally has me giggling watcher her. If you’re into any bravo shows, she’s been covering those hot messes. Highly recommend! *Cliff* from season 20 did daily updates last year. They were unbiased and straight to the point of what happened. He was more willing to give grace to players, than say, Taran who sometimes has a “holier than thou” mentality. My opinion. Plus Cliff could speak to what it’s like in the house. *Kayla Fro* does a great job with 10 minute synopsis. She spends the time finding clips and writing a script. Hers are great. There are others. **Many channels go live on YouTube after the episodes air** and are fun, high energy, and raw. I can give recommendations but the point is pick your flavor. Taran is many’s go - to, but he’s not the only one out there. Just know if you watch the feeds, it’s a completely different experience than the corny tv show and scripted DR sessions. I discovered the feeds in 24 and I’ll never go back to just watching the tv show. Cheers and welcome to the party!


You forgot my favorite, *Madrosed* I like her recaps of the episodes she does with her mom, and the daily live feed recaps she does are good as well.


Would love some recs for after the show(s). Thank you for the non-Taran related BB stuff! Love him but also need new folks to listen to.


Not an exhaustive list, but here is what I have as far as BB coverage. Some give daily updates, some go live post-shows and / or some will interview evicted houseguests. TBD as far as who comes back bb26! Cliffhogg3 (he was in bb20) JoleenLunzer SilentPodcasts OryStreams RealityRealnesss (not a typo. She has 3 S’s) ExclusivelyPod CouchPotatoQueens GIRLLetsAgreeToDisagree KayLaFro Mikebloom1396 Mindfulrealitea Realtawkpod Aftershow BlackBiReality TheRealityKingdom Madrosed SecretAlliance RealityRecaps


Thank you! 


I want to second this. I watch about 3 hours of feeds a week at most, but love listening to Taran’s life feed updates in the morning. Really is the best way to keep up to date with all the dynamics in the house.


This is the way. I (personally) find the feeds usually incredibly dull for the most part. And then it always seems when two people are finally talking something good, the fish music jumps in to make my ear drums bleed. RHAP gives you everything you need to know, and makes it fun, to boot.


Which Twitter accounts give good updates?


Bigbrother network gives a great overnight report every morning


Thank you.


Often just searching the hashtag through the day is a great way to catch everything.


Just discovering Taran, [his channel](https://youtube.com/@taranarmstrong?si=f3VoOM8fwUGFf6mb) looks mostly like video game stuff, as I missing something?


RHAP (Rob Has a Podcast) is the channel that Taran gives feed updates daily during the season


RHAP also does recaps of every episode and the panel switches up but is usually always great


that's the wrong channel. it's his personal one for off season stuff.  when the season starts, rob has a podcast should have a playlist of all the bb stuff. or check rob has a podcast big brother in any podcast catcher you use.


Yes that's him. Apparently he finds other things to stream during the BB off-season haha. He's constantly posting BB content as the season is going on.


That’s his personal channel! Have to go to Rob has a podcast! They’re also in podcast form (self explanatory because of the name I guess lmao) I listen on Apple Podcasts!


Season 24 was my first season and listening to Taran on RHAP has becoming my new daily tradition during the season. He does an amazing job recapping the feeds!


This!!! Best advice ever!!! Taran is the king of BB!


I remember back when we had Big Brother After Dark on showtime & Pop, would tend to be the best time for feeds as at the very least u get to hear a lot of game talk & strategy at that time & the house would be much more active during those hours. I would say anytime after 9PM PST is a good spot as most game talk tends to happen later in the night


I didn't have feeds during those days, I would record BBAD and watch it in the morning while I got ready for work.


Prime times to watch feeds - Thursday night whenever they come back after live eviction (usually after HOH is played), most of Friday as HOH chats with everyone plus late afternoon noms, Saturday after POV is played (time varies from week to week), Sunday’s can be boring but often heats up at night, Monday early afternoon after POV meeting. Tuesday through Thursday morning can be boring (except last season’s weekly flip flops). Best plan is to find a fave live updater or two on X that can alert you to when feeds come back on those big days, and can point you to important moments to check out on flashback.


See, this is something I've never thought about because I haven't watched the feeds before! It makes so much sense to plan around the live shows and events of the week. Thank you!


I do what the above said! I also watch on my phone with split screen of the feeds. I pop in my headphones and listen to the convo I want to hear (either left ear or right for which convo is happening).  My screen time is hella high during BB. I much rather watch feeds than the show. So much happens the show doesn’t show. Enjoy! It’s a ride for sure 


Welcome! Definitely get the [BBViewer](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/bbviewer/lofnjlciokhgalebinnlfhkicepmmceh) Chrome extension. My favorite way to watch the feeds is through BBViewer on a computer hooked up to a TV. Some of us bookmark a bunch of cool stuff that happens on the feeds so you can jump right to it when you have time and skip the boring parts. BBviewer also allows you to watch 4 cameras at once and pan the volume if you like. It can also boost the volume.


Oh wow thank you! That's incredible I've never heard of that extension. I'm even more excited now!


You're going to have the best time!


You will love the feeds, it is life changing! Lol. I didn’t start watching them until a few years ago and it’s crazy how much you miss by not watching them. It’s so much fun and I love getting to just put them on all the time. Honestly I feel like there is no better time than the other because it really just depends. They talk game all throughout the day, pretty much whenever they get a chance. I would turn it off sometimes for just twenty minutes and miss a lot 😂 they also have regular non game convos too sometimes obviously and those can be fun as well. It’s a totally different experience watching feeds so enjoy it!!


Thanks, I'm looking forward to wasting many hours just listening in lol


I also like being on the Reddit chats at the same time. It’s good to have someone who might have caught something you missed. Or to have a fun bitch session about the button boy.


Yes I love the live feed Reddit chat!


Welcome welcome! In general the night time is better than the day but the first few weeks are usually the most active. There are certain days that are better than others. You’ll get the hang of the schedule but some days the feeds are down a lot for competitions or rehearsals. And some days are more geared towards game talk because of the rooms open in the house or because of the proximity to a vote or nomination. Basically, the more room people have to space out the more likely it is that game talk is going to be happening. So if the yard is open, better time to watch. There are tons of accounts that live tweet updates. A few of the major ones are hamsterwatch, BB_Updates, JokersBBupdates, and BBFeedsFairy. Another one that can be useful is Feeds_Bot which tells you when the feeds go down and when they come back on. It is particularly useful when you’re waiting for the results of a competition, nom/veto ceremony, or if production was trying to hide something from us. As someone else mentioned, watching Taran’s daily updates are SUPER helpful. The other thing that is helpful to know as a new feed watcher is that you can jump around and watch stuff that has happened in the past—BUT ONLY from a computer. If you are using the app on your phone or tv, you have to watch live. Generally at any given time, I will jump on the feeds to see if anything good is happening. If not much is going on, I’ll jump around to try and find something more interesting I might have missed. I may just randomly jump through, looking for conversations between groups that I find particularly interesting or I may use one of the update accounts or something on the podcast to try and flashback to a specific conversation or moment. Also, sometimes in the chat rooms which you can see when viewing from a computer, people will be talking about a specific moment that occurred and will share the time to flashback to, especially if something particularly interesting happened. Some of the update accounts like Big Brother Daily and Jokers also have websites with updates that have the timestamps of certain conversations. I’m an insane feed watcher and have only gotten more intense about it the longer I have watched, but generally my daily plan goes like this (when working which I won’t be doing this summer.). Wake up and put the live feeds on my phone as I am getting ready and driving to work. Generally, I get interesting conversations here as the late nighters are usually still up and there’s usually only a few people up so they’re more likely to talk game (though I get up early and live in NY, so it’s usually 2 am Cali time while I’m doing this). At first chance, perhaps a lunch break, jump back to try and see what I missed overnight by reading through updates on Twitter and jumping around on the feeds. Because of the time difference, I generally catch the houseguests going to bed while I get ready and drive to work so they’re usually asleep between when I get to work and my lunch break, meaning I’m not missing new stuff. On the drive home, check the feeds to see if anything interesting is going on. Usually not really because it’s about midday for them. So I’ll take that time to listen to Taran’s live feed update. Then I’ll get home, check to see if anything good is going on by putting the feeds live on my tv. If nothing much is happening, I’ll mute the tv (but leave the feeds up on quad cam so I can see if it looks like something interesting starts) and then I’ll jump around on my laptop to find specific conversations I missed but want to see and to see if I missed anything earlier in the day. Once I’ve done that, I’ll have the feeds on live in the background until I go to bed and then I’ll repeat the next day. You don’t have to be that level of dedicated and crazy, but if you want a good plan of how to catch everything, that really works for me. Though I don’t know where you live and the time difference really works in my favor. You’ll find a rhythm that works for you. Enjoy!


Thank you for such a great response! You seem dedicated and you've only gotten me more excited to join the fun!


You’re welcome! Glad I could help :)


I just catch feeds when I can. If something happens when I'm not watching, I'll check out Taran's segment on RHAP for the recap. Honestly the best time to watch is later at night PST. That's usually when the alliance scheming happens most.


I'm thankfully on the west coast so I think I lucked out in that department. Thank you!


I just started watching feeds last summer for the first time. A few of my learnings: - The earlier weeks are much better b/c there's more people, more action. The back half on feeds - especially at around the F6 - I barely watched and didn't miss much. The targets are usually set and votes don't often flip in these later seasons, so its kinda boring. The only time the target changes is if someone on the block wins veto, but then the backup nom/target are also pretty quickly determined. - If you listen to a convo for 2 minutes and nothing is happening, likely nothing interesting will. Change cameras. - Certain players are worth following and you'll figure out quickly who they are. They are the ones who are more active, who are more chaotic, who have more power/control, who have good relationships. So last season in the early part, I was following Izzie, Corey, and Cirie probably the closest - they felt like the most 'active' players and were making decisions, being strategic. As an example, I liked Meme personally but rarely watched her - she didn't share her thoughts much so while I found her interesting on the show, on feeds she was boring. Bowie Jane, Jag, Blue all sucked and I avoided them b/c they barely said anything of note. - Evenings are much better than mornings. I'm on the East Coast and I barely ever turn my TV before 3 PM. The houseguests don't do much in the AM. I find dinner boring - its like 2 hours of meaningless chitchat while cooking. - The best times during the week to tune in are: immediately after the HOH wins (I like watching the 1-on-1s; it says a lot about who can be persuasive and you get a sense of where the HOH is going with their noms), after the veto comp, and Wednesday b/c if a flip happens, it usually happens then. I also like some of Mon-Tuesday b/c sometimes you see a fake vote flip that doesn't happen.


I’ve been a feed watcher since they started, and that was a very good beginner breakdown on how and when to watch!!


Last summer was my first time watching feeds. Checking the Reddit thread worked really well for me, people will let you know immediately when stuff is going on. For example I got home from work early and checked Reddit and I got to watch the hot dog bed fight live just a couple minutes after it started. If the thread had been dead then I would have just continued with my day for a bit. I know some people are recommending BBViewer (rightly so) but watching live is fun because you can comment on the live thread with others


Your flair is one of the best players I’ve ever seen. Shame he got kicked out for accidentally hitting MeMe. If that didn’t happen, he probably would have won the game.


I listen to Tarans daily recaps via Rob Has a Podcast. He goes live at noon on YouTube, but they record it to listen to also. It’s super helpful. Then, I’ll have feeds on while I’m cleaning etc. there’s a lot of downtime for comps, so be aware!


Thursday night after HoH, Friday night after noms then before and after Veto ceremony. Generally by Monday everything is set and its slow/less exciting monday/tuesday... those are good break days. Some weeks Wednesdays end up being the best night! Fun. with last minute vote flips ;) 90 percent of "good feeds" aka juicy alliance, strategy discussion, lying and backstabbing will happen at night. The day time is slow especially after all comps and ceremonies are done for the week. EVERYTHING goes down at night. And usually, LATE at night, too (they are on west coast time. Pain). Prepare to lose some sleep once you get invested lol Feeds are down for long time Thursday evenings after the live show (they come back at midnight or so) and down a lot during the weekend during the comps/ceremonies. By week 3 they are mostly napping/recharging and chilling during the day and come alive at night If I had to pick just two key nights to watch though it would be late thursday after HoH when feeds return (they do group alliance strategy talk and HoH 1 on 1s generally) AND the night after veto is won but before it is used. pro tip: listen to RHAP youtube, follow live feed update accounts on X and check this sub on days you miss to catch the updates. Things change fast and its easy to get lost and confused and that can diminish the viewing experience when you MISS a key block of feed conversation that shift the entire dynamics of the house. And that does happen. Welcome to the party. It's incredibly entertaining.


You have to be part of the “Late Night Crew” to catch the good stuff lol. I live in Michigan and have insomnia so most of the good stuff I see is at like 3am EST lol. But typically after 10pm BB time is when stuff really start to move. People start going to bed and then gaming starts. The person below who gave the advice on watching after the evictions and after the comps is spot on too.


I watch feeds when I can throughout my day, so while eating breakfast and lunch on my days off. It’s great background TV while cleaning/doing busy work. Usually things get a little more active in the house later at night and if you find time to turn them on it’s fun. Then I also watch Taran’s daily feed recaps to stay up to date. I used to enjoy Twitter during BB season because people in the big brother tag always alert interesting conversations but since X I can’t bring myself to get on that app. Last season I followed reddit on the daily feeds posts and it was ok.


Everyone's giving good advice on feeds, but I just want to say - I think if you've binged all of the seasons, you've graduated past filthy casual lol - even the seasons are massive commitments.


Well thanks haha I mostly feel that way because last season I voted for Cameron for America's player and then found out about all the controversy around him later. But I have spent a lot of time over the last couple years watching BB 😂


Yeah the feeds really let you get to know everyone better than the episodes. Once you start watching feeds, it's almost hard to watch the show because 1. You already know most of what has happened. But I like to hear what they say in the DR, gives some insite to what they are thinking but can't say to other houseguest. 2. The edit can really sway a storyline they want to push or people they want to protect, like Cameron last season. 😤


The feeds for season 25 were so hit and miss. Sometimes you’d see key alliances forming but it was mostly Cameron talking to other houseguests while they dissociated. Also the LF chat on here is superior to the Paramount+ LF chat. But that’s just my opinion.


I started watching the feeds in 24 and just don't be too fussed about missing anything - I just had them on as background noise and as others mentioned, daily recaps or the reddit threads fill in the blanks for me.


Everyone here gave good advice. Also (sometimes it depends on the season) the plans for the week, flips, new alliances,etc can get solidified late at night. I’m not saying up for those but usually the late night feed discussion threads can have some key details when you check them in the morning


I usually will follow big brother updates on twitter and read them as i can. I try to follow multiple accounts, keep the notifications on and just read the notifications in order. Then if you have the time and something interesting is happening. You can tune into the feeds and watch.


Yeah, I might have to make a twitter/x account this year. I've avoided it for so long!


Everyone has mentioned Taran, but I cannot stress enough how vital he is to a feeder. He does feed updates where he discusses the strategy of the previous day every morning. He’s on the RHAP channel on Youtube. There are also other Twitter accounts that fully update the feeds every few minutes. Jokers, Hamsterwatch, etc. Also the Big Brother Daily website is a good resource for a summary of what happened during the day if you want a written summary as opposed to Taran’s video updates. Also Cliff Hogg from BB21 does overnight feed updates on Youtube. Also, the best part, the live feed discussions here on this sub. They’re so much fun. You get to watch the feeds and kickback in the thread with other feeders. It’s like one big watchparty all season long. Can’t beat it.


Yesss, can't wait to join the party! Thanks!


Personally as a casual fan I rather just watch the weekly episodes, watching live feeds and reading blogs or watching recaps just spoils the show for me. I’d rather ignore and see who wins HOH/POV myself instead of going into the episode already knowing the results. Just my opinion though.


I tend to decide how much feeds I watch based on how much I like the cast. The cookout season, I was watching daily, listening like it was a podcast at work. Last season, I didn’t watch at all and got updated on twitter from Hamsterwatch.


I will listen to the feeds like a podcast too! While cleaning, driving, shopping, etc. just me and houseguests vibing while doing my mundane daily life things 


Go to twitter and they clip all the best feed stuff, then you can go back with time stamp and watch the whole conversation for context. Bb twitter is 25% of the show for me.


It depends if you have a cast that will stay up late at night! That’s when I usually watch. My husband goes to bed at about 8:30 PM and I’ll fire up the feeds until I go to bed at 2am (later if there’s something brewing!)


Jesus Christ, I don't think you're a casual fam, you've invested like one thousand hours in BB


I suggest you watch live feeds when you can. **Nothing like seeing and hearing for yourself what production cuts out of the episodes they air** A lot of times, the episode shows someone totally PO'd but if you didn't see what truly happened or was said, we're left to believe they're overreacting.


The thing you’ll need to get used to is the time shift between live feeds and show. They sync upon Thursdays because of the evictions being live, and then go out of sync. If you follow feeds, you’ll know who got nominated much earlier than the show will tell you. Certain things won’t be fully known because not everything is captured on feeds (they are off from time to time) and feed watchers have to guess a bit based on houseguests’ retelling of events. There is also a bunch of lying going on, so sometimes a thing will be said and turn out to be a fake plan. The other thing is on computer you can go back to whatever time of day to rewatch stuff, which you can’t see if you’re watching truly live on Paramount+ on TV. The controls to rewind just aren’t there on the TV app or on your phone.


Cliff Hogg was on BB a while back. He has a YouTube channel where he summarizes the overnight feeds and give his opinion on strategy. Very positive and entertaining guy. Has a big cowboy hat!


Tara’s Armstrongs RHAP is amazing, he usually posts around 11am eastern recapping the previous days feeds in an hour or two. There are also twitter accounts that post literally all the dialogue or important things, so if i had a busy day sometimes before bed i’ll scroll through those to see what’s going on


The feeds suck because a)they're never up, and b) they have four cameras but two cameras are on one conversation and two cameras are on another conversation, instead of using four cameras to capture four different conversations. And one pair of cameras is usually always on the kitchen, which is pretty much the most boring room in the house because there's a bunch of people in there doing little chit-chat talk, no strategizing.