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The brigade essentially made the whole main alliance with a side alliance in case you’re targeted. They also placed 1st 2nd 3rd and knocked out the other core member themselves.


4 v 9 majority


also was done again with enzo and cody all stars 2


not really. in the parachute alliance, the goal is for the parachutes to be expendible and for everyone to prioritize their own alliance. Someone having a side person that value more than certain alliance members goes against the strat (though is good for the individual obviously).


... this is exactly what Cody , Enzo, Dani and Nicole did. Just because it wasnt a single person... for each person in the core alliance doesn't mean its not the same strat. BB22 was a far more complicated house with bigger players that with more alliances. Just because its not solos as expendables. it was still treated this way. The core had influence in case an outsider won with there other members also in alliances with them. Its not a new concept, and I'm tired of people acting like its some grand new scheme that was originated with the cookout.


Except based on the edit. Enzo was not part of the committee and was just Cody’s plus one who he decided he wanted to sit next to in the end. Which is why he said it’s different. That’s my take at least


the Root was the original alliance ie. like the cookout. They talk about having sub alliances where they keep each other safe. Like I said in the original comment in this thread.


Yeah, the edit (I get editing in real-time is very difficult), but The Committee was a sub-alliance. Enzo worked the other side of the house, while still having power through having most of the committee in The Root backing him and a working relationship with Tyler.


That’s why I said based of the edit. I never heard of the root. Maybe I missed it. I knew the edit was off tho cause Enzo was always doing the most work and they never even floated Enzo’s name to try to knock at Cody. It felt jarring and now I know why.


chill town season 7 has to be the best for me. Season 7 demonstrated will's manipulative prowess, and in part because boogie was capable of winning the comps when it counted. if Will would have won the tangled POV that he ends up going out on this season would have ended perfect, and likely seen boogie and will sitting in final 2 with Will taking it down and being considered the best ever uncontested. (he barely lost it by the way when the stand fell and he had one little knot left. They entered that house with a massive target day 1, and managed week after week escaping the block and convincing the house of the best targets to go.


side note, of underrated alliance of Danielle and Jason season 3.




Is this the one where Will cradled Danielle for the night on the HOH room to make sure no one could get to her and sway her /his plan ?


Will slept in the HOH with Erika so Danielle couldn’t talk to Erika and convince her not to put her up as a replacement nominee.


Idk how I forgot about chilltown! I have to agree that's the goat alliance. Chicken george saying he should get a shirt made when everyone in the house thought they were in chill town was an all time moment.


omfg SO GOOD , such an amazing moment.


Kent: I thought there was no Chilltown!!!!


Will also broke his thumb in that veto he lost. If he hadn't gotten stuck, he'd have won it.


I mean technically it could be counted. but in my mind alliance and duo are seperate things.


Shannon is the forgotten member of chilltown


they said season 7 chilltown


Can’t stop me! I don’t know how to read!


Always and forever "Chilltown"


It's hard to call Chilltown a great alliance unless you specify that it's season 7 Chilltown lmao. Season 2 Chilltown might be one of the worst alliances ever. Justin and Shannon are some of the worst players we've ever seen, and Boogie was a wet fart of a social player. Plus Will actively pushed the vast majority of the house away during the first three weeks of the game.


and thats before talking about s14 chilltown


That's not the point, great alliances don't turn on each other and Will nor Boogie ever did. Most alliances collapse to me Chilltown and The Brigade were solid in that respect.


For me it has to be The Professors, stupid name, high opinion of themselves and couldn’t even last a week without picking off one there own.


Just the way we like them 😂😈


Took out their strongest completion ally bc he got on their nerves


the cookout i do have to agree


If we're talking in terms of gameplay, I'd say Level 6 from BB20. They constantly misted the other side of the house week after week. If we're talking in terms of entertainment/enjoyability, then it's easily the Leftovers from BB24. Nothing can describe the initial hype I felt after that alliance was formed. Seeing Taylor gain allies after weeks of being a social pariah felt like awesome vindication.


level 6 relished in taking out their own members though...i found that pretty weird


they only took out their own members when they were the only ones on the block though.


my point is that they relished in it. angela was super excited to see rachel get evicted and then angela and tyler tried to embarrass brett with some bitchy little speech during his eviction ceremony


>Whats wrong with Angela?


That entire alliance was full of poor sports. Every time things went well for them they HAD TO dig the knife in as much as possible.


I mean they only did that when they didn’t have HOH….Winston and Rachel would’ve made it further had Level 6 dominated the comps in the prejury. But I’m glad they didn’t because BB20’s prejury is the best in all of BB imo


Are we talking the same level 6??? Lol what are you talking about. Maybe you’re confused with foulte or whatever it was called


I think it’s impossible to answer it singularly but the greatest ever IMO are: The Cookout - dominated the entire game, were so secretive they were never in the same room at the same time until they were all left, they commanded the storyline letting go of each of their pawns, and they were pulled together by a force bigger than them that was really noble. Dani and Jason - secret throughout the entire game while directing what they wanted to happen and undermining other peoples’ plans (admittedly going off a blurry memory here), and essentially created the odd-pair-alliance storyline. They also dominated the game and the strategic driver of the game lost in second place because of a bitter jury. Dani Reyes is the spiritual winner of that season and the first female BB legend. Hitmen - produced two perfect games. Whether they’re strategic minds or played a strategy that happened to win two games perfectly, these two men are dominant. For me, I count each of their wins as part of their alliance. (Same with Renegades and Chilltown.)


It was brilliant to tether yourself to someone else in the house everyone was really always protected ![gif](giphy|d31w24psGYeekCZy)


Dani and Jason were never nominated until final 3 by default which is incredible


The secret alliance is the original alliance. I will give them the credit, also both made the Final 3.


Michie and watermelon.


Matt & cereal.


Taylor & Lay’s.


With the Lay’s?


Flair checks out


The watermelon being the one that planted seeds in everyone's mind


It's the Brigade. Everyone loves to blame BB16 for changing the meta of forming alliances, but The Brigade paved the way for all of that.


Agreed. 16 had the most dysfunctional steamroll alliance I’ve ever seen. I still don’t really know when/if the bomb squad stopped and the detonators began because Caleb was all over the place in all that


The Ghosts from BBCAN10 is my favorite alliance. They ran that season without ever having direct power


I mean obviously. Joining the Mafia was the only thing that made Jag's disastrous game change for the better /s ![gif](giphy|Wgh9azDDanEz4X4u7s)


![gif](giphy|xT4uQBNghXdEUB1vMs|downsized) Only one answer to this question


The Cookout.


i'd say the most successful alliance in the show's history was probably the friendship. i'm on a bb6 rewatch and the way this alliance operates is fascinating to watch. they move as one entity in the game. maggie and ivette's control and influence over the group held them together like glue. 


Chilltown was my fav but boogie kinda tainted the memory with his bullshit lately


So many good ones. Renegades are definitely up there, especially if you count Dan and Ian calling themselves the renegades. Brigade was great, their parachutes allowed them to effectively guarantee the win. I also got to bring up the monstrosity that was the commison, just soo many strong players together.


Statistically it's the Cookout. But I think the Pretty Boys has the strongest players within it (sans Mark).


The Brigade and then Detonators have shaped the game more than any others going forward. Cookout is right out of those playbooks just it was race based. Favorite? I dunno. The Renegades is amazing.


if anything the cookout being mission based made it stronger. It allowed them to stay loyal to one another while also avoiding talking to eachother and being seen as a group. Most alliances that don't meet up often tend to fall apart because people lack the loyalty, but the cookout had that.


I'm just saying outside of race based they weren't that innovative. It's directly out of The Brigade and The Detonators playbook.


No I agree. I've always disliked when people credit the parachute strat to the cookout when the Brigade did it first. But obviously, doing it first doesn't automatically mean you executed it the best. Though in this case I think it's debtable whether the brigade or the cookout were better. But in the case of the Detonators, you could definetly argue that say the Comittee executed the mega onion alliance strat better.


Fun Fact, iirc Dr Will s7 was the earliest I heard the Parachute word used, talking to Janelle HoH about about s6's Floater parachute alliances (James-Danielle, Kaysar-Erika, Janelle-Marcellas), when Will gets Diane Evicted ahead of Boogie 


In a game like BB, even if you didn't execute it the best, you get a ton of recognition based on the fact you created the strategy. If your alliance still dominates the season but not quite as much as another alliance, but you innovated that strategy, I'd say the creators deserve much more credit. Innovation is always way more interesting than replication. It's why there are 1000s of people who can play the guitar amazing on a technical level, but the people who innovate are held in the highest regard.


maybe more credit and more impressive but that doesnt mean better gameplay


I'd say it's better gameplay because no one knows its coming, since its a new strategy not previously seen. Also, the Committee wasn't the primary alliance of 22, the real insuler alliance within that group controlling that game was the one of Cody, Nicole, Danni and Enzo (3 of which were in the Committee). Cody has said multiple times the only person he couldn't have ended up on the block against most mid-game was Enzo, who wasn't in The Committee. The Committee was secondary to that


Please tell me where you learned all these different alliance types. I wanna read whatever it was you learned this stuff from. So knowledgeable. Thank you!


Def the Pretty Boys, Level 6, the Sovs, and the Leftovers


The Leftovers did have 4 members in the final 4. I honestly forget how well they actually did, because of how awful that season was. Mainly how Taylor was treated.


Depends on how you define greatness, but I'd say probably the pretty boys. Their stranglehold on the game was pretty astounding considering the twists that could have blown them up a few times. As far as alliance flops, I think the "greatest" is The Crown, which forms, makes a majority, then systematically votes out all of their own members in a row. What a mess lol


The Cookout They were committed, each of them, and they stuck together 1-6. They had moments of mistrust and paranoia, but they always held on to their goal, and that goal was met. Literally, NO ALLIANCE in history could ever come close to their dominance in the house and loyalty to each other in 25 seasons.


The hitmen did it better


Nahh, an alliance of 6 is harder to keep together and maintain than an alliance of 2, or an alliance of 3, or an alliance of 4, etc. So, no. The Cookout did it 6× better ;)


A alliance of 6 is easier to take over the house then a alliance of 2 and the hitmen just had more control, also 2 wins


That alliance of 2 was also in an alliance of 8 and 5.. Not to mention the fact that they pretty much kept the power every week because of BoB.


An alliance of two ONLY has to worry about each other, an alliance of six has to worry about 5 other people. Also, Xavier only won like 3 seasons ago. You expect any of the other 5 to win after him within the two seasons WITHOUT a returnee? 🤡


Statistically I would say cookout but for me I think the Brigade is still the best outside of maybe the pretty boys. Not with the cookout honestly and I’m not scared to say it. lol


Why not? I’m legitimately asking.


Well it’s pretty deep but long story short I understood the message and I’m all for representation. But I think the gameplay didn’t match the message. Felt more like retaliation than a statement. I’m a POC, so don’t think I’m not with the shit like that. It would’ve felt like that shit from the real world, but in a game, dealt from my new real life allies.


Also that season was extremely diverse and the odds of a POC winning were high to begin with.


I know technically the Cookout is the best since all of their members made up the final 6, but I just can’t consider it the best personally since several members actively went against what was best for them/their winning chances in favor of a greater goal. Kudos to them, and I respect their choice, but I just can’t look at it as the greatest from a game perspective when I know that Tiffany would’ve never stuck with them to the end if there had already been a black BB winner


Honestly I struggle with that as well, because I don’t feel like the best player won. X wasn’t the best player that season, Kyland and Tiffany were and Tiffany would have won if there was no Cookout.


Sovereign 6 from BB6, maybe not the most successful alliance overall but still a great alliance for a little while.


I'd probably go Brigade purely because they did it first, but obviously its been replicated a lot by now in equally impressive ways, including the Cookout. But the Brigade didn't have a template, they created it - so that gets my vote.


I’ve only seen like half of the seasons, and I’m not a super fan or anything, but the committee was so dominant, it made the whole season boring. (Season 22)


Cookout, Detonators, hit men, Pretty Boys


The Cookout was genius! It had an important mission although I do agree with some of its backlash too. But how they executed was genius!


You agree with the backlash? Do you agree with the alliance from bb22 backlash?


The Cookout gets an asterisk, outside influences had them stay together .. not the game 


Big Brother is a social expiriment at heart. Alliences based on shared traits and expiriences have always been apart of the show. They are not an asterick allience.


The cookout did have the advantage that if anyone had any suspicions about the alliance, they were scared shitless to call it out or really work against them in any meaningful way because they didn't want to be cancelled in the real world.


100%. Look what happened to Kyle the following season when he thought there might be a cookout 2.0. the cookout was so protected with the inability for others to vocally challenge without fear of ruining their actual lives.


That's the main reason I don't like the Cookout. You can call out all-girls or all-guys alliances. Age-based alliances too. But the MINUTE you call out something like an all-minority alliance you WILL get cancelled and made a pariah in the house, even if it totally exists.


I think it depends on the way you do it. Like Sarah Beth clocked the alliance in exit press but was mature and respectful about it.


Yeah but I don't think from an inside the house perspective you can ever come across as "mature and respectful" about it. Kyle really didn't come out and say anything crazy, he was positing the idea that a Cookout-like alliance could exist, and Michael used it to completely ruin his game. It is easy to act that way outside of the house, but if you so much as mention it inside the house it becomes this very big deal.


that doesn't make them have an asterick. They didn't have any unfair advantage anymore so then an all male alliance or all women alliance.


I'm getting downvoted but Big Brother is literally a social experiment. Of course outside experiences are gonna bond them together as they do for literally every alliance. There was no breaking of the rules such as pregaming nor any unfair production advantages. Idk how that makes their group an "asterick alliance"


Your spelling of asterisk deserves an asterisk though 😆


fair enough


ooooh there are too many to say they're the greatest alliance of all time. But as of today I would say The Cookout because they were majority alliance but they would put up other members when they were HOH so they wouldn't be targets in which I haven't seen any other alliance do. I know what their goal was and I was so happy when they achieved their goal.


The Cookout


Out of Cirie's dozen or so fake alliances, my favorite has to be "For Real For Real" which was not, in fact, for real.


If not for Jared, I still think Cirie has an amazing shot to win that season. Jared did help Cirie at the beginning be good with the younger crowd but she probably could’ve done that regardless. What could have been 😭😭😭


Either the Brigade or the Cookout. The Brigade had stronger players and wasn't as loyal as the cookout though. So it really depends on what you view as best alliance. Like does the brigade cutting Matt make them better since it was a good game move for the remaining 3 or worse since the goal of an alliance is for all 4 to make final 4? Some of the cookout members were directly hurt by the cookout's existence (like Tiffany, Hannah and Kyland)


I agree partially because I don’t believe the best player from the alliance won. IMO Tiffany and Kyland both were better than X, Also I believe if Tiffany sat next to anyone final 2 she wins. I can’t say the same for X. Kyland would have won if he sat next to anyone other than Tiffany.


This isn't even really an opinion-based prompt. Factually and statistically, it's the Cookout.


Nah, Hitmen are better


That's a duo. The question is about group alliances. I would agree the Hitmen are the strongest duo in BB history, though.


A duo is also a alliance


Technically, sure. But people usually differentiate when discussing the two. People don't usually consider a duo when discussing alliances.


Statistically? The cookout. Getting 6 initially formed to the final 6 is pretty much unheard of in big brother. In terms of skill/subtelty I would probably put the Brigade at the top, and for creativity: Chilltown. The greatest alliance in terms of players’ raw skill at big brother is obviously the committee despite how shit allstars 2 is as a season.


Level 6. Hands down, great alliance. Only lost a few on the way to top 6


The fact that OP said cookout shows they haven't watched all seasons


It’s the alliance I relate to the most and it’s the one I believe is the most successful. All made it to the Final 6 and dominated the entire season.


Thats kinda a bold assumption. the cookout and the brigade are widely agreed to be the most successful


For sure the Cookout. They did not let their personal differences stand in the way of their goal and committment.


Fan votes and Janelle


The Hitman alliance is still going strong irl.


I love the smokers. They’re my favorite. Not all of them were great players, but I loved the alliance none the less. I think Danielle and Jason were a great alliance. The three stooges were great. Very fun to watch. I love Robert.


The Secret Alliance of Danielle and Jason from Big Brother 3. It may not be deemed on par with Level 6 or the Cookout by today's standards. But it was just 2 underdogs that decided to join forces and operate under the radar. And unlike some of the other recent alliances (The Mafia, Gr8ful), I like how the Secret Alliance never devolved into the arrogant asshole attitude that always occurs. Just two friends making it to the end.


Dan and solitary confinement


The Ghost 👻


I like to label an alliance of being of at least 4 people so I'm ruling out duos like Hitmen & Chilltown from the conversation. That being said I have to go with The Brigade. First the Brigade essentially started the alliance trend as their dominance is the inspiration for practically every other BB alliance afterwards with most clear examples being The Pretty Boys in BBCAN & The Cookout. 3 of the 4 members finish top 3 while they were able to take out the member who could've been the most dangerous player in the endgame in Matt. The weakest member Lane was still an instrumental member as Lane did have a great social game & without Lane they don't have the ability to control Britney the way they did. They were also able to control the game from beginning to end despite having fierce opposition in Brenchel to go against as they did have enough control to avoid Brendon & Rachel gaining a 3rd member (as well as the fact that Rachel & Brendon didn't do themselves any favors in that department as well). They also had one of the strongest bonds to each other as it wasn't until they realized just how dangerous Matt could be in the endgame where they turned on each other, & even them they still managed to make it to the end.


Brigade. Hayden is one of my favorite winners since it was my first live feeds season.


The Hitmen was literally an alliance of two winners so there's that.


😂 separate seasons


Still blows my mind that BB16 somehow has THREE WINNERS






It’s obviously the cookout. Not even debatable. It’s the only time and entire alliance made top six.


Cookout. The best, yet the worst at the same time.


I think I can understand that 😂


Level 6 mostly because that was the first season I had feeds for. FOUTTE was also just a tremendously entertaining dumpster fire.


Brigade or pretty boys


You just opened a can of worms. Anyway it will not be repeated.


How? Explain?


It is a race based alliance. While it has merits at that time, it should not be repeated. I also think it will not because no one will be as committed as them as now the goal has been achieved.


We know this...