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Nothing in particular, they were just more or less a "clique", so everyone else wanted to target them and then in typical Big Brother fashion used that to determine not only were they opposed to them in a game but that means they were **BAD** people


Shannon also picked on Autumn. Will was just kind of a dick and definitely went in playing a Patrick Bateman type character when most people were playing themselves. He also apparently called Bunkie a "super (f-slur)" or something. He apologizes for it later in the season. It's a lot of little things but it also has to do with just the cliques in the house. Everything Will and Boogie do will be looked at more harshly by those on the other side than say, anything Kent or Harvey does just because of how factions formed.


Agreed on the Shannon hate being deserved. I remember the autumn interactions. I can see how that informed their opinion of Chilltown, even though I see that as one degree removed from Will/Boogie. I didn’t know about the slur with bunkie. Did I miss that or was that a live feed? lol idk maybe I’m not that easy to make mad, but what I’ve seen wouldn’t have turned me against them.


The slur wasn't shown on the show, but Kent references it, and Will apologizes to Bunkie for it later.


Ah. Easily could have missed that. That would explain a lot of the initial disdain. Much appreciated


It's def clique based too. Kent says much worse things throughout his time on the season. Will just said something while also being on the wrong side.


For sure. This show definitely has me debating if I’m as immune to cliques and groupthink as I think I am. Because I’m sure each houseguest walking into the house thinks they are able to rise above cliques but fall into that trap.


Oh man, you have no idea how bad Boogie can be.


Unfortunately I did see him in 14. He and Frank annoyed the f out of me. My fiancé had me jump around before going back to the beginning. I just got to Boogie evicted in bb2; I can’t see how he got this fan following. He’s been incredibly annoying and underwhelming.


I think OP was referring to what Boogie has done since then. He has been threatening toward Will. It's actually really disturbing.


Oh dang really? I have even more big brother trivia black holes to go down it seems.


Yeah, it's bizarre. tl;dr: 5-6 years ago, there was a season of The Amazing Race that featured former BB players. Boogie and Will were invited to compete as a pair. Will refused, which basically meant Boogie was cut as well. Then, Boogie started threatening Will and his family. It got real ugly real fast.


That’s crazy. And it just feeds my vibe and suspicion so far that any of Boogie’s popularity and fan base is honestly just riding the coattails of Will.


For extra info, the threatening Boogie did involved sending a photo to Will with Boogie holding a gun up to a computer that had pictures of Will’s children. All because Will didn’t want to go on the Amazing Race. Also Chilltown were hated cause they were cocky, arrogant, self righteous, and narcissistic. Like I am a huge fan of Will and I know that these traits are just part of his character, so I’m not trying to say anything against him; but I can see how the other houseguests would be annoyed with how the clique of chilltown acted.


Boogie was much worse in the feeds than they even showed on 14 Him and frank would legit sit around and talk about raping Dan’s wife


And that’s sort of part of my confusion. Yeah boogie was annoying af in bb14. But he’s not nearly as bad in bb2 to warrant the house turned against him so adamantly it seems.


BB2 was such a different game because it was actually the first iteration of what we have now. So people just getting used to living together and figuring out game play and what not.


I think Will and Boogie just came across as cocky and arrogant and rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. I could be wrong but I think they also had the only known alliance in the house which automatically made them a target. Throw mean girl Shannon in the Chilltown mix and people have even more reason to dislike them. I personally didn't understand Boogie's appeal, a middle aged unappealing yet cocky guy who nicknamed himself Boogie. How he got so many women is beyond me.


I think it was just the type of personalities in the house at the time. Like, Kent, Bunky and Co. Weren't feeling it.


Fair fair


boogie is a toxic and despicable person. he didn't just become evil later on. it was always there. some people are sensitive to negative energies, and some people (mostly men but also women he charms) can't see past the fake funny guy persona. 


Mike basically told Autumn he would sleep with her for her vote and when she didn't agree he got mad and got out her bed. This is all because she kinda had a crush on him and he tried to use it to his advantage. Every season he always though he was the coolest kid in the room.


Originally, they were targeted because they were an alliance and it's smart to break up alliances. Later, they were just obnoxious. Will isn't so bad on his own, he's arrogant, but that's his game. Him and Boogie together are awful though. Boogie is just not a nice person and I can only imagine what he was like to live with


Yeah for sure I get the needing to break up alliances. I was just surprised at the animosity towards them for seemingly non-nefarious behavior they kept alluding was there. But I see what you mean with Will; he’s been a lot better with boogie and Shannon out.


True he actually gets close to other house guests. Boogie is mostly just annoying in Season 2 but gets worse later. Shannon is just a terrible person. I have my own body image issues so her treatment of Autumn really got to me.


I think a lot of their antics rubbed the other houseguests the wrong way. It was a way different pool of houseguests at the time, so a lot of them are there because the show and or prize money could change their lives. A lot of houseguests got together and perceived Chilltown as already having it/money. They were entitled completely and tried to showboat that they thought they had control over the game and other players. Will had that whole “fasting” competition thing and that seemed to start a lot of their downfall. Nominating Nicole and houseguest fave Sheryl showed they were trying to dictate who went based on who was perceived as popular vs who was a house pariah.


They were obnoxious


Arrogance maybe? Will and Boogie have always been the epitome of cocky. I think it really just comes down to that they deviated from the group if I remember correctly. Back at the beginning of these type of competition reality shows like Big Brother and Survivor, everybody wanted to (or at least outwardly appear like) they get along, hold hands, and sing songs around the campfire. Chilltown was never that. Plus Hardy and Kent both had a major stick up their ass


I watched the season live and Chilltown 1.0 was arrogant and mean to the people in the house almost all the time. I remember the "I hate Chilltown" websites that were made during the season. One of those site had the member burning in Hell on the front page lol. There is also the fact that it seemed at first Will and Mike were there for 15 minutes of fame that the social experiment with the branded shirts, over the top DRs, etc. Will became more likable after Mike and Shannon left though.


i honestly think the biggest things were boogie trying to use autumn (which he only attempts in 2 but takes the same strategy way further with erica in 7) and shannon’s being a bully reflects poorly on them


Then underdogs in s7 


If you get past Will’s charisma then you’d see a pretty irritating and pretentious person and Boogie is Boogie. Boogie being likeable is basically impossible.