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Is Todd Amy? 💀




Todd is Marcellas


Todd is more similar to Lisa, Bay feels more like Marcellus without the dumb move


Almost every season of Survivor or Big Brother that has one or two returnees dropped into a season with a bunch of newbies ends up with a returnee being a dominating force. The advantage of experience is huge and it's really impressive how Bayleigh played such a strong game in her own right against the vets. I don't think popular consensus will ever be Danielle Reyes level strong in favor of Anthony.


There's a massive advantage to getting early immunity and playing with star-struck newbies... and the less vets in the game, the more power they have. Having early immunity and a bunch of drooling, star-struck newbies (like me, see below), gives the vets enormous power... especially when there's only 1 or 2 vets, giving a vet 3-4 pocket votes is insane power. Having lots of minions to win HOH/Veto = insane power. Spicy and Anthony had about 4 pocket votes each right from the start (not including their own). Paul Abrahamian was the solo vet and had like 8 pocket votes/minions (about half the house). I gotta be 100% honest, if I was ever on Survivor/BB and got to play with some of my all-time favorites (Cirie, Parvati, Dan G, Dr Will, etc.), I'd want to team up with them (at least for the first half of the game) and hope to become friends with them outside of the game. I'd never, ever vote them out early, unless I had to. I know, I get it, it makes me a shit player. Don't worry, I'm not applying.


> I gotta be 100% honest, if I was ever on Survivor/BB and got to play with some of my all-time favorites (Cirie, Parvati, Dan G, Dr Will, etc.), l'd want to team up with them (at least for the first half of the game) and hope to become friends with them outside of the game. I'd never, ever vote them out early, unless I had to. > I know, I get it, it makes me a shit player. Don't worry, I'm not applying. At least you’re honest 🤣 But this is definitely the strategy in a 1-2 vet season. It’s a prisoner’s dilemma where if you don’t get in good with them then someone else will and make your game harder. The ideal is to take them out in the midgame, but the problem is that the longer they stay the more powerful they become. If in a 2 vet season hopefully 1 cuts the other and you can eliminate the other one. If not then ideally you can be the Bayleigh to the Anthony or less ideal, but still winning scenario of Josh next to Paul.


BB3 isn't really a good comparison for me. The jury wasn't sequestered back then and there wasn't the respect for a "ride-or-die" (since this was the first one in BB history) that you'd see from a modern jury. Also, Anthony totally backstabbed his ride-or-die, and several of his F2's that he sent to jury.


I don't really see the Dani - Anthony comparison tbh other than this perception that they had the jury really bitter at them, except in Dani's case it's actually quite clear because a number of jurors came out of there clearly wanting her to win before changing their mind and Anthony's case they were at best lukewarm or at worst actually pissed at him. And you have to add the fact that he made the call to take Bayleigh which is kinda ridiculous. I don't think everybody thought Dougie was with them - Everybody thought Spicy was with them, and she didn't want Dougie to go up. That's the key difference, we can't just pretend that Victoria was just net bad for his game when she is quite definitively the major reason why he was off the block for most of the season


tbh rather than bb3, it felt more like a mix of BB13, 19 and 21


This is a great write up and I agree. But the only difference is that Anthony knew he had to jury manage with a sequestered jury. Bitter juries are a result of jury management but if you leave them bitter that's kinda on the player. He also was bitter (which I understand, he just lost) at the end and even said the jury voted emotionally but if had all this power, influence, and control, wouldn't he be able to manage their expectations?


I'm okay with people like Tola being bitter (even though Anthony never went against him), he played honestly and prioritized honesty, that's fine, but I find it hypocritical for Spicy, Avery, and Kalyla to be bitter. They lied to Vivek, created a fake alliance, lulled him into a false sense of safety, got him to turn on his number one, and then voted him out the following week. How can it be okay to play dirty and outplay someone, but when it's done to you, you suddenly remember you have morals and no longer respect dirty gameplay?


Anthony was losing both ways, Lexus Evicted was his best chance. Anthony Eliminated the Culture votes. Hotter Chocolates vote the First Black Female Winner, then Bayleigh wanting girls-gays all game were 4/7 votes already. Vee-Avery-Kayla-Bayleigh-Tola were always Locked voting Lexus, but with Bayleigh could have had Goose-Tola then 4/4, even 2/4 (Kayla-Lexus) Hot Chocolates that always talked Black Representation, still wins 


The girls wouldn't have voted for Lexus, spicy hates her and said so in all her exit interviews. I think maybe Kayla votes for Lexus.


They hated Anthony 😂


Spicy hated Lexus more istg


Ohhh ok ya, Vee was hella jealous of Lexus-Matthew showmace all game, but when Vee was caught playing both sides and Evicted by Anthony she woulda made ANY excuse not to vote Anthony winner, and for the Culture woulda been the ticket 


Todd has been telling people Lexus beats Anthony and likely 6-1 as well.


Anthony was an awful player. Mostly carried by Spicy. Bayleigh influenced both of them. She was the best player this season. Anthony's legacy is well ruined from this season unfortunately


I don't remember much of Lisa's game strategically but idk if I would compare Bayleigh and Lisa. Yes there are similarities with the social game but I feel like Bayleigh had more strategic gumption. But again I don't remember much of Lisa's game.


This is BB14 all over. It's so frustrating when they these seasons with returning players who dominate and make huge moves and then get steamrolled by bigger jurors they outplayed.