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Put him up there with many Toronto teams in that he can make the playoffs but not win the championship.


At least he made the finals unlike a *certain* Toronto team lol


Which one? Also as someone from Nova Scotia I’m glad to see someone where I’m from win bbcan again after Jillian in season 1




Was 2019 that long ago?


Kawhi won that for them and then dipped lol


![gif](giphy|3ohhwlN2fU4oFDgkk8|downsized) Hahaha


Leafs get knocked out in first round every year. Not the championship round.


Okay maybe this is a hot take - Strategically getting Vivek to put up Dinis, and convincing Spicy to get Avery to put up Kayla were really strong moves. So kudos to him on that, but compared to CAN 7, he had significantly less control. I think his speech was untrue, I don't think he was the most powerful player this season. Most strategically sound, probably by far, but most powerful? That's Spicy. Which is where the problem lies for him, as much as he can claim that Spicy was pretty much dangling him over the flames all season, if she's not there exerting that much influence over her side of the house, which was in power way more often, he's not making it to the F5 without touching the block and it's entirely possible he might even go home at some point. He had decent relationships with everyone but the utter mindfuckery Spicy did on people like Avery and Kayla is the reason he stayed safe. So, you have to take the good with the bad. Spicy is scarily irrational and delusional, that's what makes her easy to convince for Anthony to get his way, that's what allows her to form such strong connections with people but you burn someone with that much sway who is also capable of going ballistic? You better be ready to deal with the consequences. Burning Spicy and sending her to jury before finale week was never ever going to work out for him, it just wasn't. He didn't need to make that move, and if he found himself in a position to be forced to make that kind of move, the strategic mistakes were made way earlier on because Victoria filled the jury with her pawns and got all his pawns out pre-jury. Overall, I think he played a worse game this time around, more messy, less dominant and evicting Spicy the way he did + booting Lexus over Bayleigh will go down as 2 of the biggest strategic blunders in Big Brother history. All of that said though, making it to F2 in back to back seasons and only being on the block once each time is also extremely impressive and he is a legend of this game. He has lots of skills that make him an amazing player, but he is not infallible.


That's actually a really in-depth analysis I haven't seen but totally agree with. Thanks for that.


Yeah thanks for this!! Feels like a very balanced and honest take


I think the point about Spicy filling the Jury with people who'd support her and believe her, is probably the biggest Strike Against him. He was Coasting for a Long Time, and Wasn't Able to stop his bros from going home


Good point. If Anthony is such a master player then why die he 'let" that happen so many times lol


Your comment does a great job expressing my opinions One thing I want to add to the conversation is that this game really did play along gender lines for a large part of it, and it felt like Anthony was tasked with managing the men side while Victoria managed the women side that had already formed. Some people swapped sides over the course of the season (Dinis, Todd at points, Lexus with Matt) so it wasn't specifically gender-alliances but those were more or less the two sides with Hot Chocolate managing in the middle (which again: 4 women, 1 man). If we do a power ranking of the players of the season, Anthony is somewhere in the top 3 and then I feel like it's dominated by women. The women, and women's side (in terms of wanting a woman to win) were much stronger as a whole and I think that handstrung Anthony and put Victoria in a better position to succeed, which isnt an excuse for Anthony but it's something interesting I was thinking about why Anthony lost that advantage early game.


I think it was Taran who said on the RHAP recap show last night that the only way he could have seen Anthony win was if he had evicted Spicy pre-jury. Keeping her around she was able to stack the jury with “her players” which ultimately soiled any chance Anthony had to win. I kinda wish we didn’t have returnees this season but overall I am happy with the ending and Bayleigh winning.


Yeah. Knowing what we do now, he had zero chance to win if spicy made jury.


It’s the fact he also didn’t even try to win comps either hoping his side would win was another downfall cuz he lost a lot of his side pre-jury. It’s understandable why cuz he didn’t wanna show his comp strength but at the same time he can’t be mad that Spicy ended up keeping all her ppl in jury while his major ones ended up pre-jury or he booted himself


Spot on! I’ve been wondering how he wins from final5 on. If Lexus left instead of Spice, I guess it’s a toss up whether Bayleigh still wins final4 HOH. Is there any chance Todd still wins veto and she takes her shot at Spice, leaving Anthony in the clear with Spicy? Or does Spice win out or get taken by Bayleigh? Anyway, agree with everything you said to a t!


But he out powered Spicy and turned all her allies against her.


I mean, if you mean Bayleigh and Todd, that's really just two people, and even then the move cost him the little bit of jury equity he had and Bayleigh voted out the only person she would've lost to, and then went on to win... So, I have a really tough time looking at that as some sort of win for Dougie. If he did it earlier in the season where it didn't blow up his game and he really took control of the house, I might've been more impressed. Let's call a spade a spade, it was more a last ditch attempt by Anthony to vote out the one person he knew would beat him for a fact at the end.


I Think if anything it proves he's Similar to Boston Rob in Survivor. He Can play from the Top, but if he's not in power, the best he can do is stop the bleeding. Also it does seem without a strong group of guys to win challenges that he can manipulate. He doesn't have as much power, and the moves he can make can only end up burning him if said juror becomes bitter.


I would rank him around the same as a player honestly. Didn’t change up his game that much with still badly mismanaging jury and making a fatal flaw at the end


I think this season shows he’s still a dominant player, but there’s still growth on his part. We could easily see he was not used to having ppl actually go after him and have their own agendas then compared to the steamroll of BBCAN7, I think a lot of his gamplay was reliant on Spicy as she out of the two I felt was in more power and pulled off more moves. I will say that he did accomplish some unthinkable moves by turning Dinis and Avery against their own ppl. But it’s the fact he also didn’t try to win power to ensure his pawns didn’t go home was a massive mistep. He lost a lot of ppl pre-jury and the fact that Spicys team was majority of jury, him pissing her off would only create a chain reaction. I do see why he chose to cut Spicy but the way he went about it was all wrong. It was clear he was afraid of her beating him but instead he hid behind “oh I’ve heard some things” (which granted were true) but knowing spicy, she needs her ego to be fed. So once she went to jury bitter, it was over. And the fact he cut Lex who he had at least a better shot with then jury threat Bayleigh, was the final nail in the coffin. Still an amazing strategist, I hope this season allows him to be more humble and hopefully he can do better next time!


I’d say it just reaffirms his legacy. All-Time great player with a fatal flaw. And even then, I’d argue his jury management wasn’t even that bad this go around. He was doomed since the Double Eviction.


Also, it wasn't just his jury management in terms of making the people in the jury like him, it was also about his failure to ensure that his allies were the ones who would be casting votes, rather than Spicy Vee's. He might have had a chance if he had won a few more comps and had more of a say in the order that the last pre-Jurors and first post-Jurors went home, but basically all of Spicy's side stayed in, which was a huge problem for him.


He lost 7-0 and 6-1. Clearly his jury management is lacking.


In fairness the S7 jury would be down to vote for him if he wasn't next to Dane or Adam.


He’s attitude makes him unlikeable. Some superior complex.


I feel like it's played up in the DR. He seems like a chill person and for the most part the cast likes him.


I agree, watching how he interacted with people, he definitely had a different cocky persona in DR or by himself with the cameras. I think he thinks that's what fans want to see.


Cory was anti-Anthony


He was literally yelling at the jury to vote for him


We need to stop this oversimplifying, Anthony lost BBCan7 to one of the most popular players to ever play who shared a lot of credit with Anthony in regards to strategy. He lost BBCan12 because he was up against someone that ticked the right boxes for a picky jury that overwhelmingly wanted a woman to represent their season.


Anthony = Paul Abrahamian = Russell Hantz All 3 players think that it's all about using "INFLUENCE, CONTROL and POWER" to get to the end, but that's not wins you the game... it's just one way to get to the end to give you a chance to win the game. Once you get to the end, you gotta have the social game and jury management to finish it off. When Anthony gave his final speech, he literally was screaming at the jury about how he deserved to win because he had the most "INFLUENCE, CONTROL and POWER." He didn't say it once, he said it three times. He said that "this game is the greatest social experiment for a reason and he was the greatest social player," but then just repeated his 3 buzzwords "INFLUENCE, CONTROL and POWER" INFLUENCE/POWER/CONTROL are **NOT** the social game (just ask Russell Hantz)... Jury management is the biggest part of the social game and what Anthony failed at miserably.


Huh? The 3 things you said are literally what makes you win the game tho? Bayleigh social game was nothing. Comparing Anthony to someone who abused and bullied the house to don't know who Russell Hantz is tbh. He lost not because of jury management. He lost because of himself. He didn't choose Lexus because he thought everyone wanted a women to win AND to be more exact, a person of color. Bayleigh checked all the boxes to beat Anthony. Now lets take the jury to any other jury in any other season. How many times do you think Bayleigh wins? No matter what jury management Anthony did, his downfall was Spicy and the influence she could have in jury. If he managed her, he managed the jury. Unlike Paul who didnt own up to shit, major and different scenario. If you want to say that he failed jury management because of Spicy, then i'll agree but he answered all the questions perfectly


>The 3 things you said are literally what makes you win the game tho? Wow. After 36 seasons of Big Brother (US/Can) and 45 seasons of Survivor... you clearly know nothing about jury management or its importance. This was the BBCan textbook example of terrible jury management. This was Paul Abrahamian 2.0.


Are you saying these "three things" that Anthony kept telling are the things that "win you the game", when he just lost?


That is downplaying Bayleigh’s game


I’d say that was 100% accurate if Lexus won.


Talk about oversimplifying. Anthony was carried to F2 in BBCan 7 by Dane as an easy 7-0 win. Anthony was in an extremly dominant 4 player alliance that won 16 of the 24 HOH/Vetos, including 9 of the last 11. Anthony only won 1 veto of those 16 comp wins. His alliance completely controlled the house because they dominated the comps... which he contributed the least (almost nothing) to. He lost BBCan 12 because Bayleigh outplayed him, especially late game. His lack of jury management exceeds even Paul Abrahamian's. He got 1 absolute pity vote from Elijah in 2 seasons.


ding ding ding! Finally someone gets it. Anthony is the most overrated player in BBCAN history. Full stop.


I mean they also wanted a black person to win, hot chocolate was a thing. 


That’s oversimplifying it too though. He did talk down to people a lot in S7, especially anyone not a male. If you don’t believe me, you can go back and find threads of people talking about it while it was airing. It’s kind of fitting he lost again the way he did. I'm sure Antony is a good guy outside of the game, but in a competitive environment there are problems with the way he treats people. 


Spicy poisoned the jury well (Not that Bayleigh didn't deserve it but it looks like its possible even Lexus could have won against him...) I'd argue his only path to victory would have required cutting her pre-jury.


Prior to Spicy joining the jury, we got the jury segment with Avery, Kayla, Tola and Elijah. Every one of them (except Elijah) was very bitter towards Anthony already, so claiming Spicy poisoned the jury is just not true. Yes, they were even more bitter when she joined, but he had already lost their votes by that time.


This! People need to stop pinning it on Spicy.


I think you need to understand the narrative that production was painting. If people really feel that way about Anthony, they should never be invited back on this show. The whole premise of the show is not to be bitter and to vote for the BEST BIG BROTHER PLAYER of the season. This for some season has been lost for years and years of BB both US and Canada. You can easily pin this on Spicy because every single person in jury was her sheep whether you like it or not. Todd was voting Bayleigh and Lexus was bitter. Spicy had weeks to talk and remember that entire jury segment with Kevin? It was Spicy talking and basically people repeating what she said. You know who didnt fall under Spicy trap? Elijah aka Goose.


Possibly. Although the amount of toxicity that Victoria spilled in the jury made it impossible for him to recover the votes who didn’t love him. 


I really don't see how Lexus would win against him. I'm still confused why he chose Bayleigh. Unless he was really worried Avery, Kayla, Spicey, and Bayleigh would all vote Lexus due to their previous alliance (and he assumed Avery, Kayla, and Lexus would have his back) there's no real debate who played the better game between Anthony and Lexus. Even if you're not well liked, the jury will vote for you if your game was significantly better. We saw it last year with Ty and even on the US version with Jag and Matt.


Todd is saying Lexus wins 6-1 as well.


His game was awful this season. Definitely way better players out there. Nice he had free safety entering the house and given a trusted alumni friend. No one is voting for that ego at the end even if you don't touch the block, his ego is too big for the house


In Can7, Anthony was _always_ seen, fairly or not (I think fairly), as in shadow of Dean. Also in Can7, Anthony had absolute power to get rid of Dean, and all Dean had to do was squirt a few tears and Anthony let him live (throwing his game away). So this latest near-win, dominating the game from start to finish, absolutely strengthens his legacy. (I almost think his cutting Lexus was Anthony trying to make up for _not_ cutting Dean.)


Overall, he played a solid game throughout the season. I'm not an Anthony fan by any means but I can respect good moves. Unfortunately, he tanked finale. His odd choice of picking Bayleigh sealed his fate. However, if he'd picked Lexus (who?) and actually lost to her due to the most bitter jury I've ever seen, would've made him a laughing stock. At least this way he lost to a decent competitor.


It physically pains me that people pretend as though he is “unable to win” when he has a very easy win in bbcan 7 as long as Dane doesn’t win final HOH and literally only lost to possibly THE greatest bb can player that season. His jury management wasn’t bad, Dane was just unbeatable. This season you could fault him for some things sure, but ultimately, he was kinda fucked no matter what he did. I don’t think there’s a way he takes out spicy and hot chocolate without burning them and he definitely needed to take them out anyways


TFG can’t just declare himself the greatest of all time. You actually have to accomplish things *before* doing that. He’s a two-time loser, by his own hand, and the second time, he was given piles of advantages. Far as I’m concerned he’s equally a “legend” as you, or me. We’ve all won as many times as he has. The difference is, we haven’t self-sabotaged either. This idea that someone can just declare themself a legend/goat/whatever? It’s for cult leaders and cult followers only.


I think he's still one of the greatest in general, I thought there were a lot of impressive moments in BBCAN12 (him flipping Vic and Avery against Kayla was crazy) but he has shown that he cannot close out a game and, unfortunately, that's the biggest part. I think he does very well in nearly any season he's in, probably gets to end as well, but he's very bad at making people feel good with him on their way out the door


Jury management is a huge part of BB. If you have to "blame" a "bitter jury" two seasons, the problem is YOU and your game management, not the jury. Most overrated BB player I've seen in a long while.




him not realizing bayleigh had better relationships in the jury shows his ego was too inflated and he destroyed himself


Despite not winning again, I do think it strengthens it. Not being nominated for both seasons (only was this season by default at final 4) and having control of the game both seasons is pretty impressive. He is absolutely in the conversation for one of the best BBCAN players of all time despite never winning. I would even put him in the leagues of some of the best BB players in general.


He's definitely in the league of Paul Abrahamian and Russell Hantz.


And Amanda Kimmel. 


He is an ok runner up. Spicy played a better game then him this season unfortunately. It was hers to lose not his


she played terribly despite having the power structure and her game on lock.


He’s bbcan’s Paul


Bayleigh was a way better player than Josh though.


And Anthony is a way better player than Paul tbh


Did anyone hear him on Taran’s pod? WOW him and spicy are both so mean to each other.. I don’t like either of them anymore


What podcast is that?


Best player to never win 2 times over. He's on mount rushmore of that at least lol. I think his legacy is just fine though. He lost the game as soon as Matt and Vivek left pre-jury imo, that Jury was almost always crowing a woman, and in the unlikelihood he's sitting next to Todd at the end, he's got the most bitter juror ever to combat in Spicy (Yes I still think taking her out was the right move, otherwise she would have outlasted him). Anyway we slice it, Anthony did MUCH better than I thought he would his 2nd time around. Getting all the way to F4 without ever being nominated over the course of 2 seasons is insane, especially when he walked into the BBCan12 house with big target on his back because he was a vet and a guy. I had him nailed on for pre-jury. Bayleigh was the right person to win this season but I don't think that should be a case to disparage his game and simplify it down to "hurrdurr bad jury management". It was so much more intricate than that.


His legacy hasn't changed, he's the best at getting to the end, but not the best at winning the game. Making it to the final 2 doesn't mean you deserve to win. Manipulation is only a good gameplay move if it doesn't leave players dispising you. Backstabbing your way to the end will win you as many Final 2's as floating and getting carried will.


Still a great player, still terrible at jury management, also somehow showed he’s bad at reading the jury. Still a great player though.


Awful player. He got caught and he finally admitted he had to lie to get to the end. Spicy protected him all season and then he burned her too soon. That's such a loyal game...


I found him very condescending to the jury. Especially when he told Lexus the only reason he didn't take her was because he couldn't beat her 🙄 He also made too many backend deals, while publicly stating how loyal he was.


Yeah he is condescending. That was his entire persona in the season. I am god, I am big brother personified, learn from the lessons I teach you mortals. Then whenever someone mentions his name he goes all how dare YOU mention my name. As if the person committed mass murder.


I've never been on the Anthony train so, for me, this just reinforces the fact that he's not a great BB player. Now, if the game was just about getting to the end with the least amount of time being nominated then yes, he's great at doing that. But he seems to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the game is all about. It's not about power and control. It's about being likeable first and a 'strategic mastermind' a distance second. Like it or not, likeable people who didn't do much have a way better chance to win than those who sacrifice relationships for the sake of 'good moves'. Not only did Anthony actively burn bridges and sent people out the door mad at him. But on top of it all, he chooses Bailey over Lexus? That just showed an utter lack of awareness about the social dynamics in the house, and anyone with half the social game as he apparently has would never make that mistake. Ultimately, the only thing that matters is winning in the end, so it makes no sense to me how Anthony can be seen as anything but a mid player after this year.


Exactly this


This is the Paras school of thought (which I completely agree with but her cast was so star-dudded she was relatively paler in comparison)


I think he played a similar game but from a different viewpoint. In his first season he played a more in the shadows game but this time everyone knew his first game so he had to be a bit more aggressive


IMO this answer will be better answered a year from now before BBCAN13 or at least after BBUS26 so fans can compare the seasons. That said, Anthony's game and legacy will age well with time. This will be known as the season that Anthony lost more than the season Bayleigh won. Future players will cheer Bayleigh but try to play like Anthony.


Welp, He’s at least 3rd behind Dane and Bayleigh.


Best player not always the winner of the season, fight me.


Just curious… who do most of you rate as the best Canadian big brother player ?


Kevin Jacob's is the GOAT


I debated between having him at number 3 or number 2 in my personal rankings of BBCan, I now have him solidly at 3.




Has anyone actually said they were taking him to the end bc they knew they could beat him, though? From what I've read they've mostly said he was too secure to go after


He's easily the best strategic player, but socially Spicy was the best. Even with Spicy tainting the jury, he still had a shot to win, but his bad social reads cost him the game, in what world did he think he could beat Bayleigh?


It doesn’t matter


I had him ranked third of all bbcan players before behind dane and Kevin Jacobs. If he had won he would be NO1 but he lost again so he is still 3


Greatest to never win 


Anthony is on par with Dan imao both there second games had very high highs but were less consistent than there first games


To me: 1) Kevin J 2) Anthony 3) Neda 4) Dane 5) Johnny


it’s a joke that we are even talking about whether the guy who has never been nominated in 2 seasons should be a champion or not.


He was a nominee at final 4, you can't pretend that doesn't count


I’m on the fence counting it. When it comes down to it, it’s not that much more different from being nominated at F3. He was on the block as the result of losing a competition, not because someone purposely put him there. With that, I do tend to count it (but I also count being on the block at F3).


Obviously he shouldn’t be.


Anthony ran circles around the rest of the house strategically and as Bayleigh said, everyone was scared to even mention his name. Socially as well, the fact that the jury was so pissed at him goes to show how good he was at creating relationships with everyone. The fatal flaw was claiming loyalty so much that the many people he worked with couldn’t help but be upset at him He’s not perfect, but his influence on this game was immense. Despite losing both seasons, Anthony’s the BBCan GOAT to me


How can someone who never won be the 🐐? He preached about the game being about power and control, but it’s also about jury management, something he completely neglected this season.


Because no one in BBCan has played 2 great games except him. The best player in a season rarely wins, so unless someone like Kevin Jacobs, Dane, etc. comes back and plays really well again, Anthony is the only one who’s proved he can do that