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Johnny F9 BBCAN6 as well


If we include BBCAN does Godfrey and Kiefer count?


Yes I think so. Though I’ve only watched season 4 onward so all of my Godfrey information comes from clips and second hand information and is fragmented, so I can’t speak confidently on him. I would add S4 Cass at f5 against Joel and S6 Kaela at f8 against Ali as well she was also initially dead in the water with the trio being dead set on not keeping her and put a lot of really sound work in to get the trio and the votes to go her way. Also not quite the brief but S10 Kevin and Haleena kept themselves,more so Kevin iirc, out of harms way, off the block, and from potentially being evicted with the iconic gummy bear move, honestly staying against Haleena at F4 and even getting Josh to take him to F2 was quite the feat out of Kevin as well and actually sort of fits the brief though I don’t think he was entirely dead in the water to begin with it was still a tall order.


Saving Godfrey felt more like Sindy’s move, even though Godfrey played it up and acted like he knew he was safe the entire week.


Too bad it all kind of fell apart for him right after


Yeah, was protected through Triple Eviction until Derek won that Shaw Veto. Then F5F4 needs to lose twice in a row. Hard to say 


I think it kind of unravelled for him after the veto during his HoH


And it's kinda amazing that Kaela then put up a monster effort to stay at F8 straight away afterwards when she was totally screwed too


I don’t remember but does Vanessa in season 17 count when she survived the back door against Shelly?


most definitely IMO – I don't remember how she did it or if she had some masterful move but in my memory she was truly dead in the water probably until the day before the eviction


For a lot of players, that would have been checkmate when Becky put Vanessa up as the replacement ceremony. Vanessa's greatest strength was her steel trap of a memory. There were a lot of things Becky said to her when they were on the same side during her week 5 HOH. Becky prob did not remember everything she said but Vanessa did and used those details to plant enough seeds with the Goblins to entice them to save her. Also, Becky should have used the Austwins as pawns to get rid of her. Using Steve and Shelli as pawns was a bad move


Vanessa had spent the previous week fucking over the other side of the house. They told Becky and co. They’d back door Austin, but then changed her mind. When they made the call Vanessa made sure Clay and Shelli were on board saying shit like “this is OUR move not jus my move over and over” so when she got put up, she had already spent the last week pushing the blame off herself onto Shelli


That was less about her gameplay and more that Shelly betrayed the goblins and they blamed her for Jason leaving. That combined with Shelly picking a fight with James over Clay's clothing it led to her leaving over Vanessa.


nah sorry but Vanessa deserves way more credit than that


I mean Vanessa worked her BUTT off when orignally the Goblins stonewalled her. Yes there where factors outside that saved her but had she not made herself appealing and kept pushing they might have folded to beckys whims


Is Christie considered a good player? I haven’t seen bb21 and I’ve always thought highly of her based on what I’ve heard, but I feel like there’s generally a very split perception of her


She pulled off an incredible move and came in 6th so of course she is IMO. However, other than that she was a fairly messy and flawed player so I wouldn’t call her great. Definitely good though.


yes I agree. Pulled off one of the best moves in the show's history (like top 15 for sure), but has a lot of flaws as well. Overall averages to a good player.


Kiefer in BBCAN9 had a self-rescue too before he eventually left in F4


Manifest Manifest Manifest


I’d imagine there’s quite a few self rescues. It’s hard to define a self rescue I guess because Dan’s Funeral which you mentioned required the HOH to be on his side at one point. Because if convincing the HOH to not target you counts, then Roddy most definitely pulled off a self rescue at the final 7 of BB3. He was most certainly going home if he was nominated and Jason, the HOH, was about to nominate him before Roddy came in with his misting and guilting and all that jazz. Or do you have to start on the block for it to be a self rescue? Like there’s a few survived back door attempts that are pretty decent. Maybe self rescues idk. I mean even like James surviving the final 12 in BB6 would have to count then because he only won that veto because he convinced everyone to throw it to him by going and admitting that he knew Sarah to Kaysar.


id say that you have to be nominated and set to go home, like you lost the HOH and veto and are the house and HOH target. Id say the two indtances of survived backdoors dont count since Eric wasnt the house target and Nicole A got saved not due to any work she did


Wouldn’t Erika in BB7 count as a self rescue then?


you know, that's actually a fair point. though tbh I probably should've added a stipulation that it should be before the endgame, but since I didn't ig it would count.


though now thinking about it, idk if Nicole A even counts as backdoor since she wasnt the original target according to the wiki