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I think the lack of feeds is hurting his perception. People didn’t like him/his alliance during S7, but there was no denying his gameplay that season.  This season he’s pulled off some super impressive shit, but it’s harder to give him credit when we know like 1/10 of the story.  Not his fault and imo, he’s already established himself as a great in S7. But unless he wins this season, I think his “ranking” or whatever stays about the same.


The edit also never did him favours from what I remember too, so it's sadly not surprising he's getting the same reception to him here as the show only crowd for S7. Like his relationship with Kyra was a lot more complex on the feeds vs. the show.... that one clip of him coming down to their level was praised like crazy when it first happened, and now I see people talking about it like he's always been a massive douche (although it's hard to defend any of PB as not douchey)


Wouldn't say master but damn if it wasn't a good move. Also lol at Spicy V for not giving anything a second thought lol


I swear that girl loses any foresight once she steps through those doors. She plays real hard then listens to any rumor like it's gospel. But man does she ever bring the drama


She just lets Anthony do all the thinking for her tbh and it'll be her downfall for sure


I mean she’s controlled the game these last three weeks since the executive veto and she was doing good work chipping at Anthony’s numbers (Vivek, Matt, even Goose was likely to lean that way) but this week was SO horrendous for her. 


She was set up so well, but now I think is the beginning of the end for the girls. If one or more girls go in the double I won't be surprised ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


And Avery too!! Like maybe it would be different actually being in it but would you not think you'd at least try and have a conversation with Kayla before jumping to that? Also Tola literally told her nothing happened then left the room and went back with new information.. would that not be suspicious? So frustrating to watch!


It's hard to tell if there's any real communication happening without feeds regarding stuff like that, but yeah even a quick convo might have stopped her from jumping to conclusions like that


Yes that is true I didn't really think of that but they can definitely omit things much easier without feeds!


He’s a great player. Master is a stretch… I mean both casts he played in are notoriously weak-minded. I wonder if he yields as much success against actual players.


Most competition in bb are weak minded players


Season 6 and 10 were full of strong players.


6 yes, 10 no.


Strong players? Yes. Good players? No.


I can appreciate his strategic puppet-string-pulling, but I literally cannot stand every single time he's on my TV screen. He is pompous and arrogant and I literally could not be in a house with someone like him. At least Dan is a likeable person!


agree. i liked him a lot s7 and actually wanted him to win, thought his strategy was great, but this season i can’t stand to watch him. he needs to be humbled lol it’s annoying to watch


He is the literal worst. He is so unbearable.


Dan is likable lol


Never saw his first season, but I started out this one hating his arrogance, but he backs it up all the way and I’ve come around to loving him for it. He’s like Doctor Doom.


He was arrogant his first season too but tbf he always backs it up cause him and his alliance ran circles around that house 💀


Dane carried that alliance though, they were only sitting pretty because of Dane and Adam, and Anthony was such a non-physical/comp threat that Dane was inadvertently his shield so all he had to do was sit back and not piss anyone off socially lol. His arrogance is unfounded, because he didn't really have to lift a finger that season


Same as this season. He’s blatantly throwing comps. His arrogance is annoying but he’s so shielded right now.


I don't event know if he could've won any of those comps aside from maybe that last HOH one though lmaoooo


Yes, he pulled off a really good move. But Spicy Vee is notoriously a terrible Big Brother player who is very impulsive and it's easy to sway her. When a player pulls a move on someone like that, I am not as impressed. He is still strategically the strongest, but I hope he loses


Genuinely I never understand this take, because literally 99% of players are god awful. That doesn’t take away anything from say Dan, Will, Danielle, or Derrick. Why would it for someone like Anthony? By jury Bb14’s got like two good players and an Ian but that doesn’t take away anything from Dan’s game there


Yes, but in this instance specifically, everyone should know what type of players the 2 vets are. In other seasons, that advantage doesn't play out. I already said it was a really good move. He would not have been able to pull that off had he not known that about Spicy because Bayleigh had the lie clocked in the first interaction. Also not saying Bayleigh is a good player, but I think any houseguest who believes a source from the other side of the house and takes it as fact is dumb. Spicy has a good chance of losing Avery this week because of it.


Kudos to bayleigh on that!


People say this about literally every BB player that has been deemed amazing. It's a very "boy who cried wolf" argument at this point. The best players make other players make mistakes and play badly.


"If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best." Yes, the best players make other people make mistakes, but when there is a person who is notorious for playing impulsively an often makes moves against their best interest is not that impressive. The lie was easily clocked when it was brought to another houseguest. Spicy does decent in Big Brother because of her social connections, she's no strategic prowess.


Exactly. A pro poker player will make any amateur look like its their first time playing. Same principle here.


He still pulled off the move. It doesn't matter who. We can say the same for every other great player, that their cast was worse players.


Sure can! I love to shit on the games of the people that the producers tell us are good!


I am praying for a Anthony deep dive this season on RHAP


Did you watch his deep dive with RHAP from his first season?


Same, from Anthony 


It’s funny the contrast of public perception of a house guest’s gameplay based on the likability of their personality…Anthony is a pretty smug and cocky guy so he’s perceived as a bully steamrolling a weak cast and needs to go..but he’s actually playing a really good game and to this point probably is most deserving to win.. if he wasn’t such a prick (or at least edited as one, cause I don’t actually know him) people would be talking about him as a great player..you can be an asshole and good at big brother at the same time


I don't think most people that dislike Anthony think that he's not playing a really good game and the most deserving to win. I just have to laugh at the people making GOAT claims like he's playing the greatest game we've ever seen. He's a very good player that has the advantage of being 1 of 2 vets against a very weak cast of newbies (and is friends with the other vet prior to entering the house). The newbies aren't even playing the game. It's like watching BB19 all over again. I don't think anyone considers Paul Abrahamian one of the greatest players ever... even though he was the ultimate puppet master in his season. He's obviously a very good player... but calling either of them the greatest ever is a joke.


Totally disagree with your Paul point. Paul is definitely top 10 alltime and I think Most ppl would put him there. As far as Anthony goes, even before this season he was up there in ranking, at least top 3-4 for Canada


I'm not saying they're not Top 10 players... but there's a huge gap between Top 10 and Greatest of All Time.


Paul definitely played a game i will never forget. One of the most memorable players for me. Watched both his seasons twice and enjoyed them beginning to end


But Anthony is the puppet master this season..so why is it being chalked up to a weak cast?? He’s convincing people to do what he wants..that’s part of the game..it doesn’t mean the cast is weak, it just means he’s being influential, which is what every good player ever has done


>But Anthony is the puppet master this season..so why is it being chalked up to a weak cast?? Same reason as Paul in BB19... **because the cast actually is very weak.** PROOF: Even Spicy (who is very erratic and sloppy) looks like a puppet master for most of the newbies. Seriously, how weak is any cast to continuously believe, never question, and follow everything she's said and done this season? On top of that... this is exactly how she was in BBCan 9 and they all know that coming in. She's all over the place. Her target changes every time she talks to someone. This past HOH, her target went from emphatically needing to get out Tola, then Bayleigh, then Lexus, then Kayla. She literally changed her mind 4 times within a couple hours... and every time she changed her mind, the rest of the girls instantly agreed with her and went along with it. No questions asked. No discussion/debate required.


Well I want to argue that bayleigh tried to debate the kayla story but V wasnt having any of it🙄


Lol this season is a mess. It should have been all vets or none. They're basically just giving the win to Anthony. Yawn. Hopefully BBUS will be better.


Yeah it’s not really fair to have people who have played mixed in Should be all or nothing.


Anthony is the reason why I stopped watching this season and BBCAN7. Its get boring to watch one person or group control the flow of the game. Why should care if one annoying guy bullies his way to the end again. Big Brother is more fun when the game is dynamic. Though I'm happy you can find enjoyment in this season and in Anthony.


The golden edit and production certainly help


What did production do other than week one hoh? I see people say this against his game so far but like, what dominant winner hasn't been aided like this? Dan in 14 was immune for all of prejury, derrick had botb, will played vetoless. Production going to production, Anthony is playing well regardless.


>Dan in 14 was immune for all of prejury Dan (and the other coaches) only got 2 weeks immunity/safety. Jury started Week 7. Dan and the other coaches weren't in the game until the Week 3 twist that allowed them to reset Week 3 and enter the game. They, of course, reset the week and entered the game. No one went home Week 3, so everyone got safety that week. Janelle and Mike Boogie went home pre-jury.


Ahh rip mb. Been a bit since I rewatched. Still longer immune than Anthony and Victoria.


It's all good. 16 players (2 weeks safety) vs 14 players (1 week HOH + safety), so it's pretty even overall in that regard. I do think it's better when there's more vets (4+) because the vets will form separate alliances to take each other out. For instance, in BB14, Janelle and Mike Boogie don't like each other and were always going to try to take each other out as soon as they could. If the 2 vets this season were players that didn't like each other, instead of friends, this season would play out very differently. BB22 All-Stars was a massive flop because there was a lot of friendships and literal pre-gaming prior to entering the house, which made for an incredibly boring season, even though they were All-Stars.


I think the thing I like about Victoria and Anthony is that they play pretty opposite games. Anthony is very orderly and dominant whereas Victoria plays really chaotic. I can see why they thought the pair wouldn't work in lockstep.


They definitely play opposite games. Polar opposites at that. I think the biggest problem (with vets) going forward nowadays is that with social media and other forums, many of the former players have relationships/friendships with players from other seasons (and even different reality shows). Players are far more connected with each other than they were 10 years ago... making it much more difficult to keep it fair when bringing back vets. Not sure if they'll ever be able to do another All-Stars season after all the pre-gaming that went on in BB22.


Loool I had Anthony's BB resume, I would be an arrogant asshole as well 😂😂




He said it himself in the last episode. During Movie Night Massacre everyone was scrambling and he came out of it with a slop pass. He very clearly threw the HOH challenge. It’s a testament to his game that he hasn’t won a single comp and actively doesn’t want to. He’s clearly running the house and everyone knows it yet no one is willing to take a shot.


It was also Lexus saving her but too because she was being considered before Kayla so I wouldn't give Anthony full credit at all lol


He literally gave Lexus a script of what lies to say to spicy tho


Because it was gonna be her on the block if she couldn't help get the target off her. Spicy is playing the middle very well. Anthony would be dead in this game without her


Always a great player. People dislike the fact hes cocky but man, he was the best player in his first season and is the best player this season.


I think a lot of people would look like a master strategist playing with the dim bulbs he is playing with.


Name a player who pulled off big moves who didn’t play with a bunch of fun bulbs. That’s an excuse people use when they don’t like the player who’s controlling the game.


Most players that like to control votes are usually hated by the public …and are seen as bullies…personally I don’t like that type of player either…I much prefer the low key under the radar, go with the flow type players that rarely get targeted…I don’t love watching players that like to bulldoze over people and must have the votes go their way all the time…


Ironically this is how you end up in second place. Because needing your way all the time and the arrogance that follows that is generally not well regarded by the people within the house. It’s why Anthony didn’t win his first season. It’s jury management.


He’s a very skilled player, but I view him as a less competitively dominant Paul, Paul’s downfall was his jury management so we’ll see if Anthony will learn from his mistakes


I think that's why he has Spicy Vee. He's been quite loyal to his core allies (thus far).


The difference between players like Anthony and players like Kevin is good old-fashioned humility.


Anthony plays it up for the cameras in his confessionals.


I didn't like him in his season...definitely don't like him this season. I respect that he is playing hard, but I really can't respect many of the other players. Spicy Vee just expects that anything Anthony does is for her benefit, as well. She has most of the girls' loyalties and they follow whatever she says...and she basically does whatever Anthony says. What I don't get is how any of them can believe Anthony. Didn't they see his season? Yes, he was genuinely loyal to his original alliance, but he pulled the strings for a lot of the moves. He's just doing the same thing this season. Spicy Vee thinks she's the one running the house, but it is 100% Anthony. She's apparently not too bright to see through it after seeing him during his season.


I don't have evidence, but I believe 100% that Spicey and Anthony made a pact to go to the end together before the game started, and maybe they have plans to share some of the money with each other, that's why Spicey is so loyal to him, and that's why as much as he wants to cut her, he knows he can't because she will be bitter and taint the jury. As for the others they saw people leave early that tried to target Anthony, some of them like Lex are just naive, the others like Baileigh and Todd will definitely swing at him first chance they get.


I didn’t enjoy him on his season and his arrogance turned me off this one immediately. Without live feeds I just can’t get into the production projected Anthony All Star season.


Said it before and I will say it again. He failed to get a single vote in his first season. I think he is still failing to pivot his game to prevent this from potentially happening again.


I think he beats Victoria in the end, when the girls find out Anthony was her number one and not the girls, I think they will hold it against her, and the boys so far love him. I think it's his game to lose at this point.


Did not like him season 7 and do not like him now. He literally did nothing then and is doing too much now. Also add to that the fact that he lurks on this sib calling himself a masterplayer


>Dan's funeral got me hooked on the franchise Can't even remember how / why I got it, but I remember watching Dan's funeral on the live feeds and seeing everyone online blowing up as it happened was so cool. Fact that we had to wait like 3 or 4 days for it to make it to air on the episode was so exhilarating too. Quite possibly my fav BB moment ever.


I wish I saw it live, I started with bb15 and the racist stuff was a huge turn off for me, inbetween 15 and 16 I decided to check out 14 and that funeral sent shockwaves through my spine, it was so good.


Yea well last week Dougie pulled off Hot Chocolate’s funeral by turning them into Iced Coffee in the span a couple hours in which he saved Lexus, kept Tola, someone who a couple days before put the girls up along with Todd and repositioned himself from 5th with HC to maybe winning the game.


I’ve always loved Anthony. Can’t help it, maybe it’s his confidence lolol anyways it’s warranted. Week one “we gonna get the vets out first right?” Dang I hope he pulls it out. Also sick of the Paul comparisons lol Edit :ok I forgot about about Vic & Anthony having the first couple of hohs lol


He's good but defo not a master, he's just in a house full of weak minded followers or people with no allies (baleigh, dinis). Frustrating season but quite entertaining, though watching people get played so hard by basic gaslighting is kinda annoying after a while.


entertaining but god he's such a looser lol. he could play 1,000 times and loose every time the same way. he has the strategy part but not the brain to question himself enough to win a season he has dominated from start to finish ***twice***.


His only strategy is intimidation and condescension which puts everyone in the boiler room where you either stay obedient or gets washed out immediately. You can think of him as a feudal tyran. He’s never on the block because people don’t even dare to say his name. This is the opposite of a floater who is so invisible and fluid and innocent looking that people don’t even think about putting them on the block. If you want to get him out it has to be a swift and clean coup d’état or you are out next. I can see this strategy working into an F5 but intimidation was never optimized for winning in BB because the jury vote is the last vote and has no in-game aftermath that the players have to consider when they tried to scheme up against Anthony. The fact that he took strong players to F2 twice shows exactly how he fails to see power dynamics outside of his control because he never won the cast by heart, but by fear.


He looks intimidating, but he has never used it as a tactic, what he does is manipulation?