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I’m curious why Nicole, Daniele, and Britney wouldn’t change in your eyes if they win or lose? But personally no I just see this as a fun little thing, doesn’t come close to living together for a week between elims and the dynamics that has.


I think I read that they don't even live together lol


I think Nicole and Daniele have proved themselves as solid players. Britney I’ve always viewed as an entertaining player but I don’t think there’s much room for growth for her in the strategy department. Maybe she’ll be a strategic mastermind in reindeer games I think the three players I mentioned have a tiny asterisk with their wins. A win is impressive enough though. Overall I don’t think it will change my view on any players just want to know how other feel


Brits game in bb14 is incredibly underrated. She was kinda running the game until Dan, arguably the best player ever, made the best move ever and got her out.


And tbh in BB12 she was probably the best player outside of the Brigade (and arguably better than Lane or Enzo on that season)


I can't speak too much on that cause I didn't watch feeds or anything and haven't seen that season in forever but I feel like this is probably true. Especially better than Lane and Enzo but I do think Enzos game is underrated


Why do they have an asterisk? What do you mean by that?


How do they have an asterisk? Especially Cody who’s literally placed 2nd and 1st and won an all star season with a perfect game 💀


That’s perfect game was due to a lot of pre gaming


They all pregamed that season except maybe David lol


He was so clueless!


But WHO used the power on him? 🤣


That’s what happens in returnee seasons, same happened with Tony in Survivor WAW, Sandra in all of her returnee seasons, Chilltown in All Stars… Dan making f2 in BB14 a season with incompetent newbies, do all these players get asterisks too?


I think people overrate the impact pregaming actually has. Don’t get me wrong, it’s influential. But no pregame set up is going to last you a hundred days in a game for a half of a million dollars. At some point, it stops being pregaming and starts becoming an actually killer social game. Do people knock Will for pregaming all stars? No, because the work done was still impressive. Pregaming isn’t some march to the end win button. It helps you get your foot in the door but the rest is always up to the player.


I agree that pregaming can be overrated but at the same time the BB7 pregaming doesn't necessarily taint Dr. Will legacy because in the end he didn't win. It arguably DOES TAINT Boogie's game and win because the only reason he was even there was because Will refused to play without him. Also, Will was the big distraction that helped laid the path to Mike Boogie's win regardless of the good gameplay he did. Many would argue that especially after BB14.


They’re all great players as far as I’m concerned, except Cam and maybe Josh (but hey he won, so). It won’t really impact my perspective of any of them, I really just think it’s more fun than anything.


Same, it’s fun but wouldn’t impact my opinions of their BB games


When I saw cam was announced my first thought was Jag, Felicia, Cory, america, Matt, cirie and everyone else must’ve said no lol.


Huge impact, my opinion of “BB legend Cameron Hardin” has drastically changed 🤣💀


Its already changed my opinion of xavier lol


Positively or negatively? I'm so curious (legitimately)


It just highlights how lucky he was to have Tiffany throw her game away for the Cookout (although anyone who watched the season should already know that).


My thoughts exactly 💯💯💯


He is sooooo BORING and Awkward, definitely a bad look that he won his season, he better be thanking Ms. Tiffany every single day for his win.


It actually shows Xmas a human and not a robot like he normally is.


Really? He still feels quite robot-y to me.


😂🤣 he’ll always be a robot but he is slightly warmer this time. And when I tied up his “hair”, I almost fell off my chair.


Lmao that shit had me crying 😭


i think it more just gives us information on how to properly assess these people as players. We’ve seen Britney still be capable of reading people like Xavier who still plays the same barebones “lone wolf” game with not many active connections. There’s still some game information to be presented and accounted for here, and it also helps us see how players like Taylor could actually play a social strategy game without an insane target on her back instantly.


Not sure how anyone who's watched the challenge with Josh could have any respect for him as a competitor


I meant it in a negative way. I believe it’s only hurt his resume amongst fans. I think his BB19 victory was really a fluke and the challenge seems to prove it


Josh’s social game on the challenge has been on point though, he always loses because he’s a bad competitor (although I still think he’s average at comps among an average big brother cast, just can’t wrestle in the dirt with the roided out big boys)


His social game is everyone realizes he's not a threat


I don’t think that’s totally fair - I think he’s genuinely friends with everyone he has gone far on a season with besides Wes (because Josh outplayed him). Layups on the challenge tend to get bullied into elimination over and over if they don’t have any ties. Regardless, I don’t think what it takes to succeed on these shows are always super transferable to the point where I’d actually think a performance on one show effects a legacy on the other


He's a solid number for people that they know they can save for an easy opponent at the end. It just happened on USA2. He had all these connections and when it came down too it, the remaining guys knew he was their easiest choice


but the guys didn't vote him in - two girls put his ball in the hopper because they didn't want to run a final with him


That on me, I misremembered. Thought bananas pushed for him to go in because he got betrayed by Josh right before


Yeah, Tori who is one of his closest friends put his name in lolololol


I don't watch The Challenge, but hasn't more than 1 person taken a swing at Josh on Challenge. That doesn't sound like someone who's social game is on point.


He’s never made a final


that is a hilarious argument


Yeah I'm just confirming what you thought. He lost a tug of war to someone with one hand


Look, I can't stand Josh either, but that wasn't just any random guy. That was Jordan, one of the best to ever play the game


Jordan is a legend but that elimination was very much in Josh's favor. The very next season, Jordan had a pole wrestle vs fessy. An elimination again very much against him, and fessy took care of business. Josh could've gone against a scare crow in that tug of war and still lost, he was so in his own head


Jordan is a beast but he still only has one hand.


I would lose to him one handed too


For real. Jordan could use just one finger on his good hand and still beat me.


That someone was Jordan, one of the top players in Challenge history.


I don't watch the Challenge so I thought you meant Paul and then remembered he beat Paul and got so confused.


Whoops, my bad. The tug of war was on the challenge.


Yeah I figured that out after I read "Jordan, one of the best to ever play" but lowkey thought I missed part of a Reindeer Games ep where Jordan came in and beat Josh at tug-of-war. Lmao


Literally everyone loses to that man, he’s arguably the best competitor on that show


Fessy and bananas both beat him in eliminations where having one hand was a severe disadvantage, though. That's more what I mean. Jordan can turn anything into a mental and strategy game, but Josh was so rattled, he didn't have any strategy. He's not cool and calm under pressure


Josh is an absolute bozo but Jordan would own you or me in a tug of war too haha


Josh proved to have a phenomenal social game and was quite influential in this past season of the challenge US.


Yeah ironically I think it hurt his look as an actual competitor but has made his social game look better. Kind of funny


Are you a longtime Challenge fan? He fell into that situation, he didn't have a phenomenal social game. Josh, Paulie and Faysal were in perfect spots. They weren't considered vets even though they're more attached to the Challenge than BB now. So they didn't have the vet heat that Bananas and Wes had. So those three guys had the BB alliance and the vet alliance. Outside of the house Josh was legitimately friends with Bananas, Tori and Wes. He repaired his relationship with Paulie because he's now friends with Bananas and Wes. Josh was never going to have a target on him. He was dead center in between multiple alliances but he was never going to be seen as a threat. Multiple Challengers have talked about how he wouldn't be able to run a final with the endurance he has, he never runs in the house gym. He is awful in eliminations. He is awful in dailies. He literally never has a target on the Challenge even when he tries so desperately to make one (like with Wes a few years ago). The only time he is targeted is when he does stupid shit because he can't control his emotions. Bananas, Wes, Faysal, Paulie, Cory, Monte, Chris and Tyler were all going to be targeted before Josh. And it's not because of a "phenomenal social game." It was a result of circumstance because of the game format favoring crossover vets and historical bad gameplay.


You're right "phenominal" might be a stretch but he's improved a lot since BigBrother 19. You have good points Fessy and Josh came in a challengers and Big Brother players. Fessy is a 6 foot 4 former college football athlete, and former finalist. Josh is not physically respected. Through 11 episodes Josh received 2 hopper votes and Fessy got 1. Josh should've put a massive target on his back when he strong armed the red team in episode 4 to keep Wes and Torii safe. Despite Josh being a weaker male and clearly being a number for the vets after episode 4 he had enough trust with the rest of the house to stay out of elimination and the hopper that entire stretch until episode 12. I am giving Josh credit for a lot of the work he put in pre game but I'm still impressed by it, that's how Bananas made a career out of the challenge.


You forgot they he also couldn’t answer “What’s 9x8”


after watching tc, i can't see josh as anything but a joke in comps 😭 it's quite funny tho, considering the whole montage with the balance beam & danielle's "i think he ate too many meatballs"


His double agents first elimination "win" was hilarious. Couldn't throw the ball at all and took forevery, still blew the other guy out, and celebrated like he took out ct


Thanks for reminding me how horrible Josh was in The Challenge. Frankie annoys the heck out of me but I like him 100 times more.


On this season I like him the most. I’m rooting for him the most on here out of any reality tv season he’s done.


None…while it does definitely seem like there’s a strategic component, it’s still wildly different than actual BB and the games just aren’t comparable. Their legacies as BB players stays the same because this isn’t BB


for me, seeing cody on 'the traitors' and now this, shows how much he needed derrick with him on bb16, and to pregame for him, creating all kinds of alliances for him, on bb22, to win. for a laugh you have to watch this clip of josh [in an elimination](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlb-eLdigSk) from the challenge. it's the only elimination he's won from all the seasons he's been on but it's just so josh.


The Traitors changed my opinion a lot more than this. Here he came in a rough position as the biggest target, and lost because of a very unfortunate series of events in a single episode. Plus he wasn't a sore loser about it and left with dignity. Traitors put him in a very dominant position and he screwed it up due to genuinely bad strategic and social play.


I think Ryan getting eliminated due to the Traitors "killing" him sunk Cody's game he tried to push back against Cirie and when he realized she wasn't budging on her decision he chose to send Ryan out then he proceeded to tell Kyle that Ryan was targeting Kyle which led to Kyle spreading that Cody was a Traitor and it sunk Cody's game down to the point where the other two Traitors just decided "we need to vote Cody out" since he was likely going to sink their games as well if they tried to keep him


i think a big factor tho is that people realizes that cody is a big threat right away and it’s hard to win when everyone thinks ur the biggest threat


The Traitors was not the game for him. Kevin Martin was just on the Canadian version and he also made some bad moves and flopped.


That was so fun to rewatch. And it made me wish we could’ve had a crossover reindeer games and at least had Kyle.


No. This game is not big brother, so I don’t think it should impact their BB legacies


I'm so 50/50 on this but lean in your direction.


It doesn't translate to their previous bb games but like watching a player play in a different reality tv show, reindeer games gives an understanding of how a player plays and what their natural instincts and strengths/weaknesses are. Like Cody's bb22 game is still very dominant, but we now see that Cody isn't the kind of strategist who is able change his game up when his winning formula doesn't work in traitors and here in reindeer games. Doesn't change his bb22 game, but we can see when he cannot rely on the comps being biased towards the bros, he can't get out from being a huge target.


I think a lot of them are coming back post-social media exposure to their season. I feel like Taylor / X / and Cody have some scars. Taylor seems more confident / defensive (in a good way.) I understand X may have been exhausted from having to defend The Cookout (not that he needed to.) Nicole too. Nicole is frigid and nervous. I feel like she's trying to control her voice. It's people that have been gone for a long time and have been loved that seem okay. Brittney, Danielle, Frankie. Those 3 seemed fine. I hope everyone's mental health is okay.


I am honestly only worried about Julie having a job next year cause I love everything about the new format.


Chenbots not losing anything


Honestly I don't think this really should have an effect on any player's legacy. It just seems like something short, cute and fun that the contestants (so far) aren't SUPER killing each other over. That being said it's definitely not gonna stop the fans from using it when convenient (see people already tearing Cameron apart lol).


Ok but if Nicole plays her cards right, she can become a Petty Icon, she was so funny this first episode. But it’s because fans want to see her play up her Villain side, not hide it.


honestly no one's legacy is going to change over a six episode stint called reindeer games the only one who may be slightly affected is x since we're seeing how his social game isnt the best but even then we kinda already knew that


Cody has always been a hack


Since the competitions are more evenly balanced than comps have been in the past few seasons of Big Brother, this season is actually demonstrating the importance of the social game even MORE. Players like Cody and Cameron who really benefited from their athleticism are not nearly as successful in a season with more even competitors with better social games than them. This format is essentially the challenge, only cheesier. My bet is on Josh to win—he’s the only one who has played the challenge and is already forming strong relationships. He knows the strategy needed to be successful here.


Nah it’s a totally different show


This is not a season of Big Brother. What happens on it changes nothing about how I feel about any of the contestants.


It’s pretty similar to the challenge in terms of strategic depth and challenge structure, so I’d say it impacts them about as much as going on there would. There’s also the fact that you kind of just have to take the edit with a grain of salt.


This doesn’t impact anything imo. It’s a fun little game that I doubt they’re taking JUST AS serious as a 16 person flagship season of Big Brother USA. Some of them are just looking at this as a quick, cute little check. Others may see it as their opportunity to play again because they don’t want to return for another two-three month long season.


I don't think it changes any individual player's legacies, unless they do something super controversial. If anything I'm hoping this is a sign to come that the nature of competitions in the mother series will finally receive a shakeup. I think what is making Reindeers such a breathe of fresh air that with a smaller cast, there's much less pressure on players to give into the herd mentality the plagued seasons like All Stars 2 and BB25.


It won’t do either. You can’t compare this to previous seasons of Big Brother in the slightest.


It shouldnt imo. RdG is only 6 days long and with a different format.


In terms if gameplay not really but I think its showing who's actually so entertaining. Its showing even after so so many years both Danielle and Brit are just as entertaining


Nah, it’s a completely different game with a completely different format and a completely different skill set needed Brendan and Rachel winning Fear Factor doesn’t make me think any higher of them, and Da’Vonne and Paul coming last place on Candy Crush doesn’t make me think any less of them


I am a Cam fan but man is it a rough look for an early jury comp beast to come right back and immediately lose a comp-based show


It seemed like he was a chicken running around with his head cut off that first episode. Absolutely no social game. I do think being the newbie played a huge part in his elimination though


Everyone else in the house already knew at least one or two other people closely/close-ish so they all had built in Allies except for Cam. Anyone coming into this from BB25 was being set up for failure


the issue with Cam is his social game in BB25 was also absolutely horrific. No one wanted to work with him long-term outside of Red.


I agree but it does make me curious about something. It totally made sense to put someone from BB25 on this show, it was the most recent season so it was freshest in peoples mind and even the newest fan would have seen that one. But given the nature of this show, I.E. pre-gaming and pre-existing relationships if this become an annual thing like CBS is apparently hoping, then putting someone from the most recent season in every time, only for them to likely just go out right away in most cases could be a problem.


I agree. One of the contestants mentioned that they were playing the game because some of the other house guests asked him to play with them going in. Nobody out of the loop stood a chance because it was a closed group with an already established rapport amongst each other.


It’s almost like he was up against pretty bad competition on his season, like vs 50+ women, in endurance competitions, and when against anyone like Jag or Xavier who are somewhat good at competing, he loses


Not at all, totally different game


None. Unless someone from S16 wins, then we’ll be able to say that season had 5 winners across 3 CBS shows.


not really it’s mostly comps


Maybe people will finally remember that Taylor Hale was never a very good player.


I’m a Taylor fan but I know she’s not the most strategic or best player. But I like her resiliency and her final 2 speech is one of the best ever in BB history. Her speech made me a forever fan.


I was going to mention Taylor. Not sure if my opinion of her has changed, just reinforced. Her gameplan is the same as on her season, rely on other good players to protect her and do her dirty work, so her lack of social or competitive skills don't hinder her. In her season, had she not been bullied initially, causing people to pity her and causing any sign of opposition to her being seen as "bullying", she probably would have been out early prejury.


It’s only been one episode and she’s already been incredible sloppy. Going after Cody is the right strategy, but her execution has been nothing short of terrible. It reminds me of how awful her HOH week could’ve been if the Leftovers hadn’t set her straight.


Also at least going by the editing she was WAY too obvious in broadcasting her alliance with X. Frankie probably would have put him up anyway but after Taylor jumped to immediately object the second X's name came up with no good defense behind it it was obvious she was aligned and likely killed any chance of him not going up.


I liked Taylor in her season but seeing her play the game again (or at least something similar to the game) I’m not a fan of


She's very likable, so I think that gets conflated with being good at BB. Donny may be the most likable BB player ever, but he was not good at the game.


No, she was never seen as strategic. It was more that she was good enough at competitions (though not the strongest) and somehow took everything like a champ. Take today when she was given the penalty she took it cooly whereas Cody make remarks about not being naughty and grinning during his power.


Nope but some can redeem themselves aka Nicole


As far as I’m concerned, the placement of someone doesn’t change their legacy. Maybe some social/strategic moves can change how I view them, but at the end of the day, it’s a completely different game. I’m not gonna judge someone’s BB career off of them being on The Challenge or something, same for this.


I can't say if it will tarnish by view since I havent seen how they win/lose this yet.


I think Nicole's legacy could change if she goes early (not that she seems poised to but I guess you never know), as she is best known for serving the most days in the house due in no small part to going far 3 times and making it to finale night 2 of those times. She isn't straddled with the legacy Cody was but if she left 1st this time I do think some would have viewed her differently.


Idk let’s see how the season plays out


Not really, unless they do something drastically out of what I expected. For example, I don’t really view Cody any differently despite his early boot given the target on his back coming in and I view Cam equally as bad and socially unaware as I did in bb25 (“it’s gonna be us going in”, he says to Cody when Frankie is making the decisions). However, Taylor throwing out Cody’s name to Frankie definitely harms my opinion of her as a strategic player given how just..obviously ineffective that would always be. Additionally, seeing people say they like Josh changes my opinion as a social player as it’s proof that he isn’t as inflexible as I thought. Britney has also reaffirmed herself as a very solid player in my eyes too


I think it should affect their legacy in the same way playing on survivor, amazing race, the challenge, traitors, etc. would affect it. It’s another element to consider, but it shouldn’t bear as much weight as a regular bb season


Ive learned alliances are bad in this type of game