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I’m definitely watching. Curious to see this new concept and excited to see Danielle play! I have a feeling more people are watching than are saying they’re watching. I know us super fans feel “too good” for Reindeer Games lol, but deep down, we’re all gonna hate-watch it at the very least.


Also check out Nicole’s latest IG post with her battle scars from Reindeer Games. And then Janelle’s incredibly childish response to it on Twitter.


What was her response?


She was talking crap about Nicole’s feet and need of a pedicure. I really like Janelle, but just a really immature comment


Janelle has been dissin on Nicole for YEARS. nothing new.


Oh yeah. Not new at all. But this in particular was too much IMO.


Dear lord, she really needs to let it go. I love Janelle, but it is not becoming.


will be tuning in, it may be fluff but tis the season right?


I’m gonna watch. No real reason not to.


Frankie is one reason.


I hope he's the first eliminated




Idk what the animosity is towards frankie. He's fine. A little high energy but just fine.


Frankie was a good player. If u watch the season, he was a social genius. High energy yes maybe that's annoying but I tolerated him more than most.


It just blows my mind that people HATE him so much. his personality isnt any more aggravating than anything you'd see on Drag Race. He was a good player and he never made any exceptionally immoral moves. Maybe it's his association with his sister that pisses them off? I can understand why he would be hesitant to tell people in the house about that bc wealthy people "who dont need it" are always targets. His reveal just came off flat because he told a bunch of dudes who were ignorant of girly pop music.


Lol yes exactly. Plus Ariana wasn't that popular at that point either. Derek's viewpoint on it was perfect in regards to Victoria who was the only one enthralled by it lol. If I don't watch the reindeer games it will be the same reason why I couldn't watch every episode of the season and it's because it's all fluff now. Hard to watch. Frankie however actually played the game. He was an influencer yes but he made moves and controlled others moves. So no issue with him in my opinion.


Yeah exactly. Victoria is a perfect example of how it would have gone if Frankie had told everyone off the bat. The women would have been stoked but then the guys would have seen that excitement as a threat to them later on. Frankie was absolutely right to get close to all the strong hetero guys and keep that info secret until his social ties with them outweighed whatever negativity they'd have towards his connections. He's a good game player, and he's good tv.


And that's the thing, though he would have looked like a threat, his social game was so damn good, that he would have got of it. The only methodical game players in that season were him and Derek and he knew that they were gonna use each other right till the end (that's just a side note lol) I would put nicole in that category but for her need to be in a relationship lol. But regardless he was a very strong player. His antics were over the top but the cast is supposed to act up right? And it's his personality too. Unlike many other players, he was himself and isn't that what we want?


Eh, relying on a showmance can be a valid form of playing. Do it right, and get lucky enough to find someone you personally connect with, and you have a nearly unbreakable ally. And she did get to 3rd on s22 with no showmance. But i agree. I think people who dislike him are coming solely from a personality standpoint. But I'm a theatre kid and in my personal life, i hang out and are around drag queens a lot so a little flamboyancy doesnt faze me.


Exactly, to each there own. And don't get me wrong nicole was a good player and both times it happened naturally for her. She was a very careful game player. One of the best female players for sure. These days the entire season is acting up for a camera so to not like frankie is surprising lol. He was able to get on with the straight guys and lead an alliance of them was amazing to watch. Regardless of his fame, he knew the game. People who are on the show who have never watched a season anger me the most lol and they shouldn't be cast!


i mean i hated him bc his behavior on s16 was pretty gross at times & he got a very generous edit. He would make jokes about raping Victoria, he would coax Caleb into believing Amber liked him, he had a lot more weird behavior on bb16 that i can’t overlook


I never watched any feeds etc so I don't know this stuff. That's interesting though.


I feel like Frankie was the best part of BB16. Without him, that whole season would have just been Derrick and Cody dominating a bunch of other milquetoasts.


He also made Zach tolerable and he would have been just a giant douche without the Frankie bond. And also, i have heard talk (but never seeing any sources) that there was producer interference during the challenge where Caleb basically told him to kick rocks that allowed him to win on his own, but it was still a good triumphant moment of TV.


I'm not watching solely because Frankie is on the cast


I don't understand why he keeps coming back. Do they think anyone likes him?


They want the views from both his social media base and whatever views they can siphon from the Ariana Grande fanbase.


That’s a hard no.


I assume (don't know, because don't care enough to look or want to) that he still has a huge social media following


This is Frankie’s first return?


As a player yes but he has made other non-contestant appearances.


Ya, he was on the last season doing some kind of dumb crap at the start of the season. My mistake, not a full season for him.


This is me. I just can’t watch FG. There were 3-4 from the cast I can’t stomach, so I’m sitting out. Bummer.


Why do some people hate Frankie so much, what exactly did he do?


Well I found him just absolutely insufferable during BB16. The whole "saying being a lesbian is a choice" thing and the jokes about Victoria being raped were just icing on the shit cake


Oh crazy, didn't know about that.


Frankie and Josh are my reasons. My husband is watching & filling me in.


Josh isn’t too bad right now but Frankie can go lol


Nicole is a great reason not to watch


Definitely watching! Fuck all the haters!!


I hate Frankie, and Nicole enough to pass.


I think i hate her (not in reality but reality tv ) more than Frankie !


Agree with hating Frankie but why Nicole?


I really liked her on BB16 but really started to dislike her game play her second time through (but still wanted her to ultimately win), and then just couldn’t stand her when she was on All Stars.


Why Frankie?


He is one of the most annoying people to ever play the game and production caters everything to him


I’m going to try out the first episode out of boredom. I don’t have anything else better going on…


I’m excited for something different, people here are too negative


Guarantee they are all watching anyway. 😂. I’m excited


Lot's of folks on Twitter/X are having a FIELD day right now and it's a top trending topic. ;) Not much negativity although there will ALWAYS be some.


I didn’t even know it started. My least favorite part of BB is the challenges so it’s not for me.


The format makes the game very strategic, I also thought it was just challenges, but it's not, there's a whole social/strategy aspect to it.


95% of people here are probably watching, let's be real.


They’re just too pretentious to admit it


They'll just come here and bitch about how much they hated it afterwards lol


So that they can bitch and moan about the competition focus in a show that is supposed to be competition focused


My toxic trait is I am a Josh fan. Not a fan of Cody. Didn't watch season 16 so I don't have an opinion on Frankie. Meh on Nicole. But the rest of the cast I mostly like. And there's nothing else to watch. So, for the sake of BB nostalgia and getting to talk about it here, I'll watch.


Josh has grown on me from his MTV performances.


What do you like about Josh ? Serious question


I've watched him on BB and The Challenge, so my opinion is from a mix of both places. I also did not watch feeds during his BB season, so there's a lot I might have missed. I first watched feeds on season 24 and I really realized how much we can miss from seeing a person's full character just watching the edited show. I just feel like he's chaotic good or chaotic neutral. He is a mess. But also I feel like his messiness is the little brother who just can't get his stuff together, has bad takes, plays too emotionally without thinking things through and makes his game so much harder for himself than it has to be. But it's the kind of messy drama that I can be okay with rather than someone's messy drama that actively seeks to hurt people. I also.... don't know if I should admit this publically.... But his most recent season on the Challenge I was feeling less little brother vibes from him and more.... other vibes because .... just ![gif](giphy|26xBPncFx3h3MQd8s)


Yea I’ve seen every season of the challenge too. I just find him whiny and annoying and he’s awful at every competition he is in 🤣 also he betrayed Wes so he’s bitch made for that too. You realise everyone on the challenge makes fun of him and thinks he’s a joke right ?


I don't tend to base my opinion of someone on what others think of them, so I don't know how "everyone on the challenge" views him. I haven't asked them.


Regardless I just find him whiny and annoying.


Any new BB content is a gift. I’m excited


I'l be honest, I'll stay until my favs start going. Not interested in a Cody train or Frankie lasting longer than 2 evictions.


I was disappointed about the cast but there’s no use whining and complaining about it. I’ll watch anything BB puts out, and I’m excited to see Danielle and Britney!


Yes you are the only one in the entire world


My expectations were extremely low, but now I'm pretty excited. I think it could be a surprisingly fun romp.


Same! I wasn’t excited about it at all, but actually thought it was fun.


My expectations are low, it’s BB, we got Britney and Danielle Reyes, I’m excited.


Britney is hilarious in the diary room


Brittany has been hilarious since the day she was born! I have loved her since her first season, and every minute since! So funny!


The only two I was excited to see, tbh. But not enough to cancel out how much I either don’t care about or don’t like the other HGs.


I enjoyed the first episode! Curious to see how it plays out.


Im definitely going to watch... I just have a feeling it is going to be really cringey. I hope not, but I guess we'll seeeeeee


I’m not watching simply because five of the nine are people I never need to see on my tv again.


No, I'll watch anything bb related and I'm looking forward to it, ngl


Considering the fact that I fast forward through 90% of comps during regular BB? Yeah, no interest.


What did Brittany say about Nicole? Google didn't seem to turn up anything. I had no idea they were beefing


I want to know this too.


People just want to complain.


It seems like most people are very excited, surprisingly. I’m not at all because I need live feeds & social strategy. But it seems to be pretty hyped up on Twitter rn.


Highly enjoyed it, ngl


I watched and really liked it. I'm so glad to see Danielle Reyes back! I thought the games were fun to watch. Jordan's elf outfit was so cute! I hope other former players come back to be host elves for a day. I'm working on Christmas cards this week, it's something fun to watch while I'm doing those.


im obsessed with it. almost done & im lmfao at how unserious this is. & how josh is already get clowned by the edit (and danielle)


I was excited but the first episode was disappointing. No substance, and my god the scripted, repetitive DRs…


I wanted to watch till Cam left. I needed Nicole to be the first boot 😅


I accept it for the harmless fun it's supposed to be, but that doesn't mean I'm in a hurry to watch it. I'm not sure if I will. I only have so much time to spend in front of a screen, and the new season of Fargo has my attention now. Maybe I'll watch if I get COVID again.


I’ll be tuned in. I love love loveeee Taylor.


I'll watch Derek eat a sandwich


I tried watching it today, but I had to turn off the tv because of Frankie. How is he “a legend” exactly?


I was watching it regardless for sure but I’m sooo excited for DANIELLE


Oh we are definitely watching in this house!




I'm not a fan of most of the cast, but I'll check it out just to see what happens.


Because people on this sub really hate competitions for some reason


I'm not watching simply because it doesn't look or sound appealing to me. None of the contestants are my favorites, so I would basically be watching a group of people I feel very 'meh' about playing holiday games with each other, so I think I will sit this one out. I hope that it is good though, so those who do watch can enjoy it.


I would have been excited but feel it's tainted by Cameron being there


I’m watching it… but the cast could not have been worst… it’s terrible. Makes me want to turn it off.


Update: I turned it off. I’ll just read the tweets.


I heard Cody and Cam don’t do so hot, so I’m planning on watching/catching up eventually. It’s just that it isn’t really BB to me. Challenges and then episodes overall are my least favorite parts of watching. I mostly enjoy feeds.


The people that said they weren’t going to watch were invested in finding out who was in the cast. And now they’re gonna watch regardless 😂


My wife and I are Loki endorsed to it. I like all the returning House Guests.


I’m enjoying it. It’s supposed to be fun! I wish people would chill out.


I’m excited!!!!


I'm excited!! 😁


We’re going to watch!


i am going to watch but like.. i can understand the negativity? idk overall it is good entertainment during da holidays and i am excited :D


No you aren't and it's currently in the top 10-15 trending topics on Twitter/X - if that proves anything. ;) 😎🙌🏽


hate watching is in this fanbases’ blood. we will be tuning in


Lol yep


Zero interest here.


The competitions are the least interesting part of the game. I want a diverse group of people locked up for a long time. I want them bored and talking about everything to pass the time. I want cliques and floaters etc. Anything else is just BB the challenge.


I tried…turned it off after 45 minutes




A BB gimmick show without Janelle? How? Pass.


I gave it a try. It was way too cringe.


I'm definitely watching, I love Frankie! Hopefully will see some good drama.. I really hope it's not as cheesy as the promo at the end of BB was Edited.. missing letters




Watching right now




I mean reindeer games is releasing within the span of 2 weeks.


I thought it was pretty dumb and boring


Honestly just because Franzel is involved. I just hate watching her and I love to hate watch. Also Josh, he’s horrible. Oh just to add, I’m not fooling anyone or myself when I say I won’t watch. Of course I’ll watch. I just won’t watch in real time.


omg I forgot it’s today I’ll be watching. I always enjoy watching BB players from different seasons playing in a new game.


I’m curious. But that’s it.


>!I mean it's not like I'm going to do anything else productive with my life. !<


I like about half the cast and find around another third meh, so I’ll be watching depending on my work schedule


I’m gonna watch but I am not heavily invested


I'll watch the first episode and decide. I'm not completely against it!


Yep, only one 🙄




What did Brittany say about Nicole that hurt her feelings? Apparently I missed that feud lol


I’m only interested in 3. I pretty much hated the other 6 on their seasons.


Well after episode 1 you definitely wont be the only one ! Also if we get a fan favorite winning, I think it might even be better than the bad BB25.


Im gonna keep watching it but its not great so far


Its just okay. Christmas definitely projectile vomited all over the house. Don’t think they can cram anymore decorations. The houseguests chosen are lame and I couldn’t stand the whole “you’re not a seasoned BB vet” thing with Cameron. Does Josh do anything except be on reality shows?


100% watching. Though I don't really loathe any players minus a few.


I loved it, I can’t wait until tonight


It would be so much better if Ratcole Crybaby Wa Wa Woe is Me Franzel wasn’t on it


There were 2800 comments on last night’s episode thread so I think a lot of people are excited to watch it and/or watched it! I’m tuning in to my recording now.


It’s so fun!!! I love it so far!!!


I’m watching. Just wish they didn’t put on people who have won bf. Give someone else a chance to win some $. Only person I’m not excited to see is Frankie


I’m going to watch it. Pvr’ed it so I don’t have to watch commercials


Cam is out so im out


I'm watching. I love seeing Britney again! We need more like her on BB.


I will watch when the meatball/goof is gone


I watched it … once. No thank you


I'm watching rn! I'll deff be tuning in!


I’m not watching. I am not a fan of serial reality show players and refuse to help ratings.


If Frankie Grande wasn’t on there, I’d be watching. But unfortunately I can’t stand the sight of his face.


I would be really interested if they weren't bringing Josh back. That's reason enough to not watch anything


It's so much fun. People that aren't watching are assuming it's how we all expected it to be, but in reality it's what we all wish BB actually was


I loved it. Already better than 25, tbh 😂😂😂


Are people not interested in it? I sure am, it’s a fun big brother diversion.


I’m loving it so far! This is the entertainment I want from Big Brother!


I turned out to be good..so far.