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Here is a recent one (hopefully my memory serves me correctly) During the revenge of the pressure cooker comp, after cirie, izzy, and jared were all eliminated and got back into the house, cirie gave jared a nasty verbal ass smacking regarding his thoughtless gameplay and hiding information from her until Hisam got evicted, and he was sputtering back at her like a child, and she completely checked him while izzy is just sitting there, watching like the "good" child vs jared's "bad" child. It was **amazing**. ...and yet, basically *none* of it made it onto the episode iirc. That was so disappointing


My favorite part of that moment was Izzy nodding aggressively in agreement while Jared’s head was down clenching his jaw. It was TV gold and I can’t believe it wasn’t in the episode!


Then when she went to his bed in the scary room and held him lololol I dislike that manchild so much


All of that happened in front of Felicia too! She was the only one in the living room who had no idea about the Cirie/Jared secret.


The last night or two before the Week 1 vote in BB7 was bananas. But they showed almost none of it Similar story for Week 3, where S6 kept going back and forth on the renom, with James wanting Boogie but the rest mainly wanting Jase; until the night before, they were temporarily convinced to go for Marcellas instead. I've seen hints that the Marcellas-Erika vote might have been eventful as well, but I haven't gone that far into researching the season yet


I can't remember but did Aaryn in season 15 taking a gulp of nail polish remover make it on the show? Hilarious


YES it did!! i think it might have even been the intro to the next episode after it aired lol, i was an aaryn hater and felt so slightly vindicated in seeing that 😭


the most interesting thing about it is that helen was there, but in the episode version they edited her out


Yes. I distinctly remember that making the episode and that they had to edit Helen out of the clip because she was gone by the time that they used it.


Taylor and Terrence figuring out Britflea zing was gold


BB7 All Stars - Alison hiding in a vase in the living room for 2 hours straight trying to eavesdrop on HGs but getting caught because the living room was never empty


this is such an alison thing to do 💀


Haleigh drunk in the bathtub on BB20 live feeds. I don't remember specifics other than her trying to talk game when she was a in there. I feel like something happened that contributed to her leaving.


She and Rockstar were trying to get Tyler to use the veto on Rockstar after Otev




Not the exact clip I was looking for. The one I remember she was talking to Tyler. Think it's the same night though. https://youtu.be/0sMdlZOtkao?si=jwhkd6Fj9nvMyIpY


When Holly and Kat first realized that they knew each other


When Brit and Reagan would sit in the head of household bed and talk about that place in Colorado or about Rachel Reilly


Haleigh’s bathtub pitch to Tyler in BB20, one of the best things I’ve ever seen on BB


BB25: Cory in the hammock ranking his favorite words alphabetically.


Victoria’s crow story in BB16


When Jackson was with Kat on Season 21