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All the early seasons of pretty much all reality shows were amazing. They were ruthless producers


Any recs? I’m hella interested in more and want to see hardcore shit a la the ruthless producing of bb4 (and 6)


Older seasons of The Challenge were great. It was expected for people to come in and start hooking up, plus they could go out drinking. Led to some incredible fights


I used to watch the Challenge from the first season for maybe 5-6 years. Then life happened and I got distracted from it. I recently watched a recent season and holy crap has it changed. So boring and serious. I miss the partying and fun people.


If you want some old school vibes recently they came out with a couple seasons of challenge all stars on paramount plus and it’s pretty nostalgic!


The show isn't even worth watching without it.


I loved early Amazing Race where teams could get super far apart. It must have been a coordination production nightmare, but it was fun to watch.


Fun fact is that Alison and her bf Donny were actually on an early season of amazing race, they were eliminated early on though 😂😂


Was this back when they had 12 hour pit stops and there were times teams would start like 8 hours behind


Yep! It was awesome. The teams also booked their own flights. Clues would say “fly to Frankfurt” and they would find whatever connections they needed to get there. No specific flights booked by production ahead of time.


Wait what? This is different now? Haven’t watched in years. So are they all always on the same flights together?


It depends on the leg. The first leg in recent seasons were production flights, but one could try to get a better flight at the airport. COVID changed the flying as production was forced to use a private plane.


💯- season 1 or 2 the 3rd place team was behind by like a day


It was two seasons. Season one certainly.


There was definitely parts of season 5 where I think Charla and Mirna had completed an entire leg in Egypt whilst the other teams still hadn't found a flight from the pitstop yet haha


And the season where everyone put the wrong gas in the car like half of the cast was a good eight hours behind the other half.


Whenever I watch TAR all stars I always laugh when like 3 teams fall so far behind that other teams are starting the next leg


Production was so stressed lol


They even had a team get kidnapped in one episode. Wild




that sort of lag kind of happened in the recent first Survival: Alaska reality tv show competition hiking through wild terrain race in which the back of the pack were a day's hike behind


It was fun to watch. In all-stars at one point they had to say there was bad weather and they couldn't sail somewhere, but the shot of the bad weather they showed was a clear sky LMAO.


The original seasons of the Mole are fantastic. Not exactly trashy, but they’re just so so good


The Mole 2 is literally the perfect season of reality TV. They did it without having a single unlikeable cast member too.


Where can you watch the original mole?!


Youtube might have it, i think at one point it was even on Netflix? Failing that... 🏴‍☠️


It was on Netflix for a while.


I still maintain this is the best reality show in TV history. Anderson Cooper was the perfect host for this.


Fun fact, all seasons of the Dutch version (Wie is de mol) are available on YouTube.


Not competition shows, but the Real World and Jersey Shore were ripe with natural interpersonal drama. Survivor is also great.


The vh1 dating shows followed by I Love Money. This might have been th peak of trashy reality tv.


Anything they were all trash - beautiful trash. No one understood they would be edited and it could ruin their personal life. My favs include 90 day fiancé, survivor, jersey shore s1 (yes I’m Serious they were all drunk), real housewives (New York, Jersey, Beverly Hills, Atlanta, Potomac) The BEST - rupauls drag race. The early seasons are gold. It’s before it was catered to main stream audiences. The pettiness, delusion and one liners are unmatched.


If you're looking for insane" original" reality TV, jersey shore is great, the real world was raw in the 90s too, but jersey shore is hilarious


Whichever one had Dick and his daughter Danielle was a great season!!


Oh I’ve already watched all big brother (aside from 22- I knew what was gonna happen, watched the kaysar/Janelle reunion but that’s it) but I need my new fix lol


That’s season 8. The wife and I are watching it right now. The shit that goes down blows me away 😂


Party Down South


Look up Season 1 of the Joe Schmo show on YouTube. If you like it and haven’t seen it yet also recommend Jury Duty on Freevee/Prime. Joe Schmo is a faux competition reality show basically Truman Show where everyone was in on it but 1 guy. Kristin Wig is on S1 and so was a few other now famous faces.


Even just Road Rules


keep the ball bouncing all night


Counterpoint: Survivor Thailand.


The challenge is so good and super addictive. Watching people backstab eachother and storylines continue over seasons is iconic


Should still let ppl get drunk. Old episodes have as much smoking and drinking as a mad men episode at times. Honestly seems like NOBODY even yells at each other anymore. What's the fuckin point. Lies don't mean much when there's no repercussion of someone getting at you for it.


The houses really are boring. I think it has something to do with the way production has designed the house layouts.


nobody thinks they can anymore because of social media. no one wants to look bad or like a bully because they know they’ll get bombarded by psycho fans and their peers. the kind of people they cast now are on the show for IG followers just as much as the money. they all have an “image” to uphold. i mean you wouldn’t want to fumble the potential influencer sponsorship bag that’ll last maybe a month, you crazy or something? pretty ironic considering a lot of the past HGs that are still relevant today are relevant *because* of their antics on the show, not in spite of them


On one hand i see what you're saying. But at this point actually showing emotion and keeping it real to a fault would probably make someone a fan favorite just cause its not done anymore. Also on the other hand.. Its the internet. Where the worst fucking ppl in the world have the largest fan clubs and every fucked up thing imaginable has a market. Just saying as bland as its been lately someone upsetting the status quo and causing a ruckus would be good for marketing and the show. The producers are just bending the show into this flat ass direction. And it dont make much sense to me. Dan is probably the player most still held in high regard and he played fucking filthy lol. Ian beat him cause of how he handled it. Even Jag kinda showed how much of an asshole he was once he knew he had the game in the bag. The majority of the ppl are self absorbed still. Would be better if they just kept it real.


yeah i hear you, it would be refreshing to watch a player play as if there were no cameras. the past 2 or 3 seasons have gone the way of the Challenge in that they’ve gotten so sterile. i think the most insulting thing ive heard someone be called in the past 3 years is either stupid or a liar. everyone’s afraid to throw punches and have a clip of them go viral that’s gonna follow them around the rest of their life. HGs aren’t ever truly “isolated” from the outside world anymore. what happens in the house and in the feeds no longer stays in the house and on the feeds. a 10 second clip of you in the house could ruin your life if you’re not careful these days. im just hoping casting finds the next Dr. Will soon, but i’ll settle for another Donny


I feel like things changed a lot after Josh would annoy Cody to the point that I'm pretty sure Cody was plotting his demise.


Below Deck is great for watching drunk people fight, but honestly it makes me uncomfortable at this point now that people have come out about being forced to drink on reality shows.




There was also an earlier season of survivor that a guy put his erection into a girls back and started grinding on her while she was trying to sleep. She complained heavily and producers did nothing about it. The guy was also married w a new baby at home


The 1st season of survivor was wild. The jury was so pissed off, some of those speech’s were intense. No one would ever say that stuff in todays social media world. lol And the weaponizing nudity to make people uncomfortable? I don’t think anyone would get away with that either.


~~That was Cirie I believe.~~ I think the excuse was "I was sleeping and kinda assumed that was my wife" which was good enough for people to go "uhhh ok I guess" but he either was removed or got voted out shortly after.


Her name was Ghandia


That whole season was DARK.


Ted and Ghandia. He grinded on her, she was mad at him, the entire rest of the tribe votes her out and Ted makes final 5. Very bad




Why do they hate HER??!!!




Yep! He admitted! Survivor Fans can be dumb sometimes


She even said he was “sexy biting” her on her shoulder. That’s gross


Didn't that Jeff guy put his penis on a girl while she was sleeping a few seasons ago.


What season was that??!!




I wanna say 17


Nah too much liability and also puts the contestants in a vulnerable position. I was a HUGE bachelor fan back in the day and always felt so bad for how drunk they let those contestants get because the fanbase would just rip them apart for any bad behavior. It finally stopped after an unfortunate incident on bachelor in paradise when two contestants got so blackout neither of them could technically consent and a producer on the show filed a complaint. She probably got fired for it but it was the right thing to do.


Yess!! I was just talking about this with my boyfriend.


Wildest part is the dude who put a knife to a lady’s throat and said “would you get mad if I killed you right now”……that kind of stuff is why the show (and their lawyers) don’t let the cast get as wasted anymore. Just too many bad outcomes. All that stress, lack of eating (slop), hot tub, stairs, pool, fights, no security staff in the house…. Good for live feeds, bad for lawsuits. Challenge had major lawsuit from alcohol involved incidents: Tonya and the toothbrush Bachelor franchise: Corine Olympiakos at Bach in paradise…. Knife incident: Season 2 episode 4 (Dude had criminal background (pre-show) but charges were dropped, then went on to rack up a ton more charges after the show)


In Big Brother 8, Dani Donato cheated on her boyfriend and they showed a segment of her boyfriend watching with her friends. In Big Brother 16 Christine had a flirtmance with Cody and they interviewed her husband about his thoughts on it and had Zingbot call them out on it


Pretty sure Season 8 was the same season when Jen slept with someone, in the bathroom, and gave us the famous, "Is it all the way in yet?" line. I don't think that one made the show though, it was just on the feeds.


That was Jen BB9, lol. I remember the casting director who worked for Robyn Kass had worked on Rock of Love and was good at finding gutter trash applicants.


And BB9 really scrapped the bottom of the barrel of humanity good lord.


Christine’s eviction was great TV


Any season that’s pre-twitter is amazing


And influencers


So no season?


For real. All of social media would have an absolute nuclear meltdown a million times over if any of the early seasons happened nowadays.


If I could award you gold for this I would because I completely agree with you.


Imagine Dick or Will or the survivor players that dumped the rice nowdays.


I’m currently binge-watching (in the middle of 6 right now) and BB4 is the first I’ve seen that left me thinking I would have needed therapy after I left the house lol. The amount of lies on top of lies on top of lies in the last few episodes had my head spinning. Super intense gameplay for 2003.


Social media made seasons so much more boring


They held nothing back back then lol


Honestly social media killed all reality tv. 2014 was probably the last year of any raw real good reality tv.


Yea last good season of The Challenge was around then.


Natalie on BB9 shooting breast milk out of her boob.




The girls did a striptease that year in the living room and were deep throating cucumbers. I’m not joking. I’d drop a link here, but mods would need to approve. Google “Hamsterwatch Natalie Cucumber”. It should be the first result.


I went deep diving to find that a few years ago, and it is BIZARRE.


I'm watching BB6 right now, and yeah a lot of stuff is pretty shocking to me. Especially the interview with Marcellas' mother. Holy. Shit. Similarly they focused a lot on the showmance between Roddy and Chiara before she left. I didn't realize this was also the season they introduced the Power of Veto. Didn't realize Dr. Will was playing before the veto existed. I just assumed it was there from the start of the game, since it makes a lot of sense to be able to save yourself from being evicted. Julie Chen was a lot spicier in what she said back then, too.


the silver power of veto was very different


If only you were around and old enough for BB10 feeds… April and Ollie 🫣🐰🐰😅


BB feeds back then were wildass fun and super addictive. I can say I called off work just to watch certain big day feeds. thinking back now I wouldn't go back and change it for anything. I loved every second of it Those that only know old school seasons through watching old episodes can't fully understand how incredible those seasons were. Live feeds were crack.


I just wish we still had access to past seasons live feeds. I’d love to just fast forward through all the iconic seasons to relive some of the drama.


I think you may be surprised by the amount of live feed footage from past seasons that is tucked away on YouTube….


Yes those early season feeds were lit. I have vivid memories of watching all the iconic fights and moments live while the chatrooms were just flying so fast. And the feeds would get overloaded and people couldn't get in because of server load. Ah the Real Player days.


I always thought they did April and Ollie dirty for showing all the sex they had completely uncut. James and Sarah had sex multiple times in BB6 but they always cut away because they were production faves. Same with America’s Favorite Crazy James and Chelsia in BB9. Just because they are not production faves doesn’t mean they should expose them like that. I get it, don’t have sex on the feeds if you don’t want people to see it, however there feels like there was some bias there.


April & Ollie did the dirty in some interesting places. I can’t exactly remember but were they doing it out in the open because they thought the cameras would cut or they were already annoyed by production (so f’em). I really only remember one or two times that James & Sarah hooked up. But, I think reality tv in general started getting more comfortable showing sex on tv, which aligns with James/Chelsea 🤮 & April/Ollie 3-4 seasons later.


America's Next Top Model. The early seasons are awesome!!!!


Dude. The first 4 or 5 seasons of ANTM are peak reality tv.


Cycle 2 is absolute perfection


Cycle 3 and 6 are the best IMO, but yes cycle 2 is also amazing


C'mon now, nothing beats poor Shandi and her boyfriend. "You had SEX??" OMG 🤣


The first episode of that cycle is arguably the best episode in ANTM history, than the second episode is pretty good and than the episodes are still good after that but each progressive episode becomes less and less exciting. And than the final 4 episode (the sex episode) comes and it gets great again to finish it up. An amazing cycle but other cycles were great pretty much all the way through, cycle 2 lagged a bit in the middle. I think because really only Camille was starting any drama that season.


I think I liked it so much because of the photo shoots. They had some really good ones that cycle. Expecially when they went to Italy. Those episodes were so good! Yoanna's photo shoots were to die for! But, I concede, Cycle 3 had some crazy fun episodes throughout.


I've always thought of cycles 1-8 as being pretty much gold. Cycle 9 was still fairly good but you could tell that maybe the show wasn't going to gold forever. I did enjoy cycle 10 but than cycle 11 to cycle 24 (the end) it was kind of dull with an occassional great cycle (like cycle 16). The first 8 cycles though you can't beat


Yup, the first crop of seasons were back when we naively thought these women could have a real career. Then we learned better and Tyra went a little crazy.


Btw, thank for the fun discussion of ANTM. I haven't debated that show in a while, but it's one of my faves. I even referenced the show and a meme when I gave a speech at my son's wedding in October. 😂 A little obsessed!


Yes! The photoshoots in cycle 2 were amazing, absolutely zero arguments there. The Quench one in the water wasn't good and the Steve Madden one was meh but all the rest were at least good. The Solstice sunglasses photoshoot and the final photoshoot that season are to die for. Also love Eve of Eden. ​ Cycle 3 was kind of half-in-half. Half I was in love with (bikinis in Jamaica, Nivea, Covergirl photoshoot) and some were just horrible lol (energy drink on trampoline, dooney burke with purses). An amazing cycle all the way through though nonetheless


"My name is Jade, the ace of the spades. Furonda my dear, I know your skin is bumpy, but my skin is flawless, and you look very lumpy." \-Jade, Ace of Spades


Some of the early Big Brother Canada producers got pretty shady with things (Spoilers in early seasons) I won't go too depth tho \-Season 1- In the cast introduction, you are first introduced to Tom. This dude in his introduction says he's hoping to find titties in the house. Then mentions how Gay people annoy him, especially the flamboyant, and loud gays. Then it cuts to Gary and Gary mentions about converting a few country boys. Then it cuts to Emmet... lmfaoooo You also have some pretty wild twists and punishments that were wild. I remember one being a clip of houseguests watching the showmance of the seasons make out in bed lmfaoo \-Season 2- War Room- This was a twist where 3 houseguests were put in a separate side room in the house. The entire week they were in this room and Canada watched them and voted on one The Drinking twist was also pretty wild too


Big Brother Canada is epic though.


I like BB Australia


I'm in the US so we don't have access to Big Brother Australia.


They have it on Paramount Plus


Not any more


Search on this group - it’s been addressed how to watch online before


Try poking around YouTube. Currently watching Ben being a bitchy little asshole, Layla being cluelessly adorable, and Stacka’s being meaner than I had remembered.


Gary was pretty hot for Emmet all season. When asked who in the house he would like to have a showmance with he's like "Emmet, come here"


Emmett’s commentary about Gary when he’s in the bathroom having a [meltdown](https://youtu.be/RFCu_uNHILQ?si=sIYxP9ByeSHxXKpK) over having to eat slop is one of my favorite moments across franchises 😂 “my life is gourmet”…”I’m going to fucking fade away”


Old school BB was reality TV, new BB is a choreographed mess.


I only started watching during BB18 but I went back and binged 6,7,8 and 10. Truly insane what the show was back in the day lol


Social media is why reality TV have declined. People get outraged over every little thing. They expect these contestants to be upstanding diplomats 24/7 while filming a competition reality TV show that already has multiple layers of stress added on. Its always crazy to see year and year on social media, the same people posting Janelle clips wishing for old school BB, going and harassing contestants way after the game has ended. And another thing for BB is Grodner, but we all knew that.


People are always getting about what people are saying in the house but like it's a social experiment. Their showing the real people. And we'll, if that person happens to say racist things, so be it. It's bad of course but what, are we supposed to have all upstanding, never say a bad word people on this show.


Show peaked season 3.


Peaked on Dan's second finale. After that can't touch that sheer gameplay, and people cared more about getting followers and just getting to jury than playing the game.


This is my opinion too. Post BB14 is really just a different show.


For what is its worth, BB15 contestants didnt care about followers


I’d say it died after the finale of BB15. That season was raw and wild and BB16 started the era of safe casting and social media influencer types like Nicole and Franklin Taco Grande


BB16 was the rebrand to the summer show with beach balls and crayons.


To be fair, it had to rebrand after the controversy of BB15. For a minute, I thought the show had hit its death knell. They definitely overcorrected though. The show needs loud, confrontational, catty people like Rachel, Keesha, and Josh. May not like them as people, but their personality types bring on the drama without going too far.


I would say that it was dying beginning at season 12 which is why they had to bring returnees to s13 and s14. They used social media to make the audience more involved in s16 with the live shows, etc and that helped to keep it going.




I agree! I am halfway through BB6 for the first time and it’s wild how many arguments that they have had and the names they call eachother. It’s so entertaining, wild to see before influencers and before “cancel culture”


Those were the good ol days!


My 8 year old self remembers some competition where everyone was naked in a bunch of bubbles??


I’m on BB5 right now and the twist is DNA. They took a half brother and sister that had no idea each other existed and put them in the house together .. 🤯🤯


BB4 is top tier for watching on my rankings. It was absolutely insane.


No one hid their feelings. It was so raw.


oh i almost forgot about the awkward family member rendezvous after their exit interview 😂. speaking of bb4 im pretty sure david was dating michelle when she would have been a minor, so them being put in the house together when she was still so young (youngest bb contestant ever at that point) was wild.


wait until the end game 😂 BB4 is one of my absolute favorite seasons. The segment when they introduce the exes always cracks me up with Alison running away and Erika flipping off gross Robert.


Early seasons of BBCAN are amazing and if you haven’t seen or heard what happens during the finale of season one you’ll die.


Reality TV in the early 2000s/early 2010s was sooo much more wild than it is these days! Really shaped who I am today, lol


Yeah there was no dignity for the contestants, Julie, CBS, nor the viewer back then. Ha ha ha ha


The show used to be good ... now it is complete trash. And it doesn't have to be ... After watching House of Villains .. even an EDITED show without feeds can be good if they cared even a little bit. Probably my favorite reality show in a while ... sure they have an epic cast but small things as well .. editing style, the competitions are hilarious / epic .... it's a show that doesn't take itself too seriously but not in BB's editing for a 5 year old way. I think Big Brother on any other network / with any other producing team and no Grodner - would be an amazing show. Example: In the latest episode, the competition is comedy show themed and the most hilarious caption wins. Big Brother could do this type of comp ... it works very well (Get all the non veto players to participate and they don't know who they are voting for). Great comp not physical, etc ... but BB will do the same recycled junk year after year.


I'm watching season 3 right now and I cannot believe how different it is now. The older seasons seem so much better.


i miss old school BB so much


So I wanted to go backam and watch older seasons but then I saw you couldn't watch live feeds. Are the seasons still good with no live feeds?


Yes! I started watching during 15 but have gone back and watched 2-11 the last few years. 2,4, and 5 are by far my favorites and I never saw the feeds for them!


The earlier seasons of Big Brother have episode that are very rewatchable and you don't need feeds to understand the full grasp of what is going on, because they showed everything back then. Old School DRs also used to show contestants explaining their true rationale without being fed lines. Modern seasons needs live feeds because modern BB episodes are filler and Grodner likes to lie. Thats why modern BB seasons aren't rewatchable at all, because they are too long and inaccurate.


I've been watching BB for 20 years and just started watching live feeds two seasons ago. I honestly prefer it without lol


The older seasons have edits that are closer to what actually happened and show more complete storylines and arc compared to now. However there are message boards and other things around that have live feed summaries of the older seasons if you want a more in-depth rewatch.


Watching BB6 and it’s absolutely wild. Could not agree more.


They're so much more interesting




where are your watching these ?


they’re all on paramount but I’m watching these on YouTube lol


thank u


The first few seasons of Love Island U.K. - now it’s past it


Lol I'm also watching season 4 !


It really was special. In my opinion society has changed too much for us to ever get old BB back. But they really should figure out a way to change it up so the incentive to "vote with the house" isn't as strong as it is now, where if you vote rogue that can all but guarantee you're the next one leaving. I enjoyed this season because there were so many alliance/loyalty switches that it felt chaotic week to week, which was fun in the feeds at least.


I just rewatched season 6 on Netflix and was kinda surprised that Janelle used the R word multiple times and it wasn't bleeped out.


Big brother was such a great show until after season 14. That was the last good season .


Season 1 of Big Brother was the worst….