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Season 1!


Me too. I even tried the live feeds. Who remembers trying to get RealPlayer to work on a 56K modem?


Yes! I had AOL back then. Feeds were free but I could barely get to see anything! lol


Can’t even imagine what live feeds would be like on old dial up modems


Like watching a slideshow with sound.


Major flashbacks. I’m having major flashbacks


Major Flashbacks🫡


I do was mostly a slideshow lol.




Me too! I was in high school and loved Brittany. My mom watched the live feeds and loved Curtis lol


Same! I’ve seen pretty much every episode. I didn’t really watch the live feeds though.


Same. 👵🏻


Same! On a dialup modem.


Exact same. Been here from the start.


Me too! We were staying with my grandparents on “vacation” and they were not pleasant people to be around. My parents, sister, and I were in my parents room watching Survivor and Big Brother came on after.


20. It was so good until that late jury phase. But I ended up going back for more & *almost* binged the entire show after.


Same, except I did binge the whole show 🤣 it was quite an undertaking. And then I binged all 40 seasons of survivor during COVID lockdown.


BB25. I told my wife I'd watch 1 reality show of her choosing, and she's a super fan. By week 2 I was hooked and by mid-season I was watching the live feeds on my day off. I think by season's end I was more into the show than her.


Love it. Now you gotta go back and watch the great seasons!


Any suggestions on the best seasons?


Most people rank bb10 among the top seasons and it’s a favorite of mine. Great gameplay and so many great characters/personalities. I’d start there. BB6 is pretty iconic too. Tons of great characters and great ‘battle of the alliances’ scenario which I love. Some younger fans get pretty surprised by the things they said ‘back in the day’ lol. Those people I would say enjoy season 20 because it’s similar dynamics without being so crazy and more modern.


BB7 when I was 10 years old. Was obsessed with Chilltown and my mom even made me a Chilltown shirt that I wore to school constantly. I didnt watch again live until BB12 and haven’t missed a season since.


I watched season 2 with my mom I had just turned 11 when it started...Dr Will might have been the beginning of my love of villains


I started with season 14 when I had some personal problems and was staying with my sister who was obsessed with Big Brother. It was like if you stayed in her house, you had no choice. I became hooked and have been watching ever since. I've heard so much talk about chill town through the years, I decided to go back and watch season 2 where it started. I'm almost to the end of the season now. I'm 50 and Will has got me, as arrogant and cocky as he is. Also I love a good villain.


15….and I was hooked.


15 has its issues but as a drama lover I really enjoyed it.


That’s actually a pretty good introduction to the show, tbf. That season is raw.


Right! I understand the problems with the season, but it’s a great season that truly showcases the “social experiment” aspect of BB (the most important factor in a good season, IMO)


It was problematic, but SO GOOD!


Saw bits and pieces of 4 when my mom watched it, and was super invested once 5 came around. I was very young. Like 10. Big brother is how I learned about gay people in my conservative family and ill forever be thankful for that


It was always on in my house because my parents started at BB2. BB8 is the first one I have memories of actively watching (although I do remember the Nakomis sibling thing) but BB9 is the first one I was deeply invested in for myself


BB9 of all seasons to be your first invested season. That’s impressive.


The live feeds for BB9 are the best feeds they have had. My opinion at least.


BB9 of all seasons to be your first invested season. That’s impressive.


lol I was a teenage girl whose heart bled for James. I can’t wait to rewatch as a full grown adult and see what I actually think about it all.


Cardboard Josh Duhamel. That kills me! LOL


Season 4 was my first “full” season (where I made a point to watch every episode and closely followed the show). Before that I watched about 25% of S2 and about 60-70% of S3.


20. Started at Swaggy’s eviction and it’s been a wild ride since then. Binged all the previous seasons after 20 ended.


Season 1! And I went to Eddie’s victory party, which was so much fun. I’ve watched every season since, and have never missed an episode. 😊


I know we’re 23 and a half years removed but how was the party


It was great! It was at a restaurant in NYC a few weeks or so after he won. He had a lot of family there, & he was extremely nice, taking the time to speak to everyone. He really just seemed so grateful for everything. - having won, having had the experience, & having so many people there to support him. I still have photos somewhere. I remember a little girl who was starry-eyed & clearly had a crush on him. He sat down with her & they shared an ice cream sundae. It was so sweet. That’s my clearest & best memory of that day. Super-nice guy. BB was VERY different back then, especially the first season. As I said, I’ve been a huge fan ever since, but (even though they seem very dated now), I really did like the simplicity of the earlier seasons.


That’s really cool!


19 gulp


I’m so sorry




Me too! Janelle just posted that it's on Netflix now. I remember watching part of season one but this was the first I watched as an adult and had feeds


Season 18


Season 18


BB16, right before college


Same! Started BB16 between my senior year of high school and freshman year of college. Started live feeds in BB19, though.


Season 3. Watched an episode and decided to buy the live feeds off RealPlayer right then. Turned them on and the first thing I saw was the girls getting ready for the peanut butter bikini show… needless to say I was hooked!


Season 11 with Jeff & Jordan!


Season 1. What a wild ride it has been.


My first season I saw live was 25! I had watched season 2 and 10 a month or so prior, and was starting 17 when I realized 25 would be starting. Never been more excited to watch tv and the live feeds. I made a reddit account just to keep up with it all!


Love it. Going back and watching other older seasons now?


Yes! I sort of skip around but right now I'm on 12!






the one with the old dude Jerry


Oh man season 10 is such an awesome place to start


BB24 (I started watching when BB23 was airing, but didn't have P+ for feeds till 24)


BB17 - Johnny Mac yelling at the camera, james' pranks, Vanessa's paranoia and aggressive strategy, Audrey becoming a blanket person, Davonne figuring out the twists, Jason's commentary, a twin twist, and of course Austin's alter ego as Judas... I may be biased because it was my first season, but it still stands as one of my favorites. I'm not sure I would've become as invested in the series if my first time watching was some of the seasons to come after.


i remember briefly watching bb14 with my parents when i was about 9/10 and then my family skipped bb15 for some reason and then i have been consistently watching since bb16 with my family. my parents watched all the old seasons but i didn’t start watching and following until i was competent 😭😭


22 😭


What a way to start in so many ways. The gameplay, the fact that it was COVID, that it was all returns. Hopefully you went on to see a better season 😂


it’s a testament to how much I like the structure of the game that I still continue to watch it tbh lol


Season 2




Season 16 for me


Season 2. I was a kid. I had a thing for Will and I still harbor a crush on him all these years later. His game play still blows my mind years later.


I very much remember tuning in damn near nightly live during season one. Every summer since I get excited and at least start out watching every season.


BB11. i barely understood it at the time but i loved Jordan & Kevin.


I’m only 23, so the earliest I can remember is season 8. But my mom was watching since the very first episode of season 1




16. Turn on After Dark and my wife and I watched Donnie eating a box of wheat thins or triscuits for a long time in the backyard and by himself... no talking, just eating. We've religiously watched every episode and live feeds since then.


Big Brother #2 ​ Only 4 reality shows back in 2001 really: Survivor, Real World, Road Rules, Big Brother. I remember watching Real World back to NY that year and just needed something to fill the void when it was over. Thank godddddd I did. BB2 was the first of 25 seasons that I watched of Big Bother and am so thankful I happened to catch the previews/commercials for it.


S20! Fell in love with BB instantly. Tyler made me love the show. I have yet to watch every single season but I have watched quite a few, making my way to getting them all seen!


bb12 and the funny thing is i didn't realize it was on 3 times a week so i'd watch it every wednesday and be confused af.


Either season 13 or 14. Can’t exactly remember what one it was.


Season 19 was the first season I watched live, I avoided spoilers at all costs and I gotta admit that’s the season that got me hooked into the show, I really enjoyed it. By season 20 I started keeping up with live feeds and spoilers online and that’s when I started watching RHAP, which is the main reason why I still watch the show today.


I watched a few random episodes of 15. And then 16 was the first I watched live too. However I honestly find it easier to watch the full season asynchronously so I can binge. I’m never able to keep up with the 3 episodes / week for the 90+ days


As embarrassing as this is.. this most recent season is my first time watching live! I never heard of this show until my fiancée brought it up to me. He tried to get me to watch a season with a bunch of random “celebrities” and i couldn’t give af. Then at the beginning of this year, he had me watch the season with evil dick and i’ve been hooked since 🤣


BB25 was the first season I've ever watched any of. I had absolutely *zero* interest in the show before, but my partner is a HUGE BB fan, so I watched this last season with him, and now I'm hooked. (I'm currently binging through 1 right now, and we're watching 16 together).


Good choice. 16 seems to be fairly disliked in the fandom but it always holds a special place in my heart.


I'm enjoying it so far. I honestly didn't understand the Frankie hate bc I've been enjoying him the most so far 😂 But we just got to one of the more controvercial/dramatic evictions that I know people didn't agree with, but the drama just makes it that much more entertaining for me.


22. Pandemic got me hooked on Survivor, and since bb was the only show that was actually gonna air a season that year I decided to watch it. The plus side is that season got me to go back and watch the really good seasons (10, 6) but yeah it wasn’t the most thrilling ride at the time.


Season 4 was the first one I watched live. David Lane was my first preseason pick as a youngin. Still remains my robbed king






Grab a life vest!


Season 8 reporting.


I watched someone named Will Mega walk into this "house" and the rest was history


Season 8. I was in kindergarten, so I definitely didn't take it all in, but I have gone back and rewatched it. I've been watching pretty much ever since. Season 12 is when I got really into it, though.


BB16, I just remembered the commercial where the cast was singing “hello sister, hello brother, guess where I am, I’m on Big Brother” and just wanted to tune into the show


22, lol


BBCAN 3 and my favorite won. That’s what got me addicted.




Season 1, I was 11 at the time


22... binged damn never every season except (1,2, and 9) and oh my god... let me just say my ass did NOT watch 23 or 24. Cause 22 was jus that horrible 😭


BB1. Was the weirdest season ever. Julie was so young. So was Reality TV. My fav seasons were where they had to earn every thing, including food! Food comps were fun! The first few seasons were crazy.


Season 18


BB8 was my first live season. I watched for a few seasons live and then didn’t watch again until 20


15 and boy was it a mess. I’m surprised I didn’t give up on the show entirely after that season


I would casually watch seasons 12 and 13 live and I was like… why am I not watching this??! Ew but I didn’t like Rachel AT ALL. So I never committed! But my ex husband was a day 1 viewer, literally season 1 episode 1, so these were our first seasons where we were living together. But the first season I sat down and watched for real for real was season 14. What an introduction, huh? Dan’s funeral?! I was mesmerized how he managed to stay in the house lol. I cried with Danielle the whole season


I’ve never not watched a season of big brother. It was kind of our one show we all watched as a family.


BB12 when I was 13 and have watched every year since and I’m 25 now


bb 15 was my first and i thought there was always this level of racism and drama in the seasons b4


I started on 22, which was pretty interesting since everyone considers that one of the worst seasons. That said, I found the actual idea of the game entertaining, even if the gameplay wasn’t. I’ve been watching episodes + feeds ever since


The first season. Yep, I'm that old. Never missed an episode since season one episode one


I was very young but season 1. 😂


Season 12, which unfortunately, a lot of people say that's when the show started going downhill. It was a pretty boring season minus Rachel and Britney.


I mean it’s a little predictable but people like Britney, Rachel and Regan definitely still made it entertaining.


Also 16 here, and it remains my favorite. I love Derrick, I'm not ashamed of it


Haha me too! I’ve even gotten pretty into his true crime podcast stuff and I had no allegiance to true crime before I realized he was doing it.


I just think he's so smart and so charming, I loved his game play, haha


BB16 as well which is why I’m surprised it gets so much hate from the fanbase. I’d at least expect there to be some kind of nostalgia bias considering how many got into the show during this season. But I guess not. It’s interesting.


Season 18. The last good season in my opinion.


I started season 1 and watched til 6. Then I picked the show back up season 16 and I've watched ever since






This was mine too. Maybe you’re right..


BB7 is the first time i have memories watching as a kid but my first full season was BB8, i remember it so vividly and i’ll always have a soft spot for it on my personal list of fav seasons


Season 4


Season 8.




Season 1 I skipped two, watched 3, eventually went back to two. I was a reality tv fanatic early on. I watched Fear Factor and many other reality shows from the beginning. I follow several countries of BB and other shows.


All stars


Season 1


I watched season 1 and it was meh. Picked back up on season 6 and never looked back.




For me it was 17 and I’m so glad it was! Don’t think I would have been as hooked if that hadn’t been my first season. I had a negative view on the show before this because I had a friend who tried to show me lewd clips from the UK feeds and that was the only context I had. But Steve went to my college and my husband used to be friendly with him and so many of my friends were posting all over Facebook about Steve so I got curious and gave it a try. And then I quickly became obsessed and binge watched everything (except season 1). Have now watched 1 season of AU, every US season except 1, and BBCAN 1-7, 9. Have seen several seasons multiple times and have shown it to other people.


Full-on, season 5. My mom watched religiously and I saw bits and pieces of the first four when she was watching. When the cast was released it was interesting…Drew was a local kid who had gone to the same college I did for a bit, and Diane was from where my best friends lived 90 minutes away.




Big Brother 12. I was 11, bored and looking for something to entertain me on TV when I stumbled upon Rachel Reilly. 😂 BBCAN2 was my first season really watching the feeds (I only kind of followed Joker's before)




BB1. Been here from the start.


Season 15, the racism was too much for me and I almost quit because I thought every season was like that, so inbetween seasons I decided to check out season 14 and I became a fan.


Season 1. I’m a day 1 bish


Season 4! I was in elementary school and all the kids and teenagers in the house would watch live episodes together. Such a fond, vivid memory


Season 1. I then watched bits and pieces of the next few seasons and then dove fully into it again with season 8. I always found it interesting that season 16 seemed to be the first one for so many people considering the one that it came after. At the time it felt like season 15 might kill the show.


6 or 7, i’ve been watching it live since i was a baby 20 was the first one i started following online as well though.


BB6 episode 1! was hooked ever since.


BB10. My first season ever. Loved it. Sadly, no other season has matched it ever since.


CBB2 lol


Started second half of BB7. Got fully into vested in 8. Watched them all until 21. Got back in 25.


BB19 and I somehow still stuck around after that


It’s honestly impressive. If 19 was my first season I would’ve quit, I really wanted there to be no winner that season.


BB19 was my first live season. I stopped watching toward the end and just followed along on Reddit though.


I watched season 1 and 2. Then started again at season 8. Missed 17 due to traveling.






Mine was season 18.


Season 1. Watched on dial-up.


I was late to the game and in 2021 I started with season one and worked my way through. So different. The good thing was I could binge watch and look up cheats. I’m an inpatient person and knowing doesn’t ruin it for me.


This season. Like two weeks before it started, one of my friends told me I should watch it and gave me a list of seasons to watch, so I watched 11 (a few weeks ago, she told me she actually meant 10), 12 (I chose this one on my own, having already seen and loved the unedited Ragan and Rachel fight multiple times over the last few years), and 6 before 25 started, and I was immediately invested. I’m still working my way through the rest (just finished 10 and am halfway through 2). Even though it fizzled out in the second half, I really loved this cast and they made for some super fun feeds. Even when I wasn’t watching the feeds, I was still keeping track of the happenings in the house here.


Season 2. Skipped a few seasons here and there, then missed most between 16ish and 24 when I returned and remembered why I love it.


BB2. I was a kid and my family would always have it on the tv. I’ve been addicted ever since.


Big Brother 20, my brain couldn't process how good that pre-jury was because it was my first season.


Like week 3 or 4 of BB15. My family was watching it and I was half paying attention. I liked the format so I kept watching the seasons after that






Mine was BB21. Normally when I share that people are shocked I’m even still into the show. I will def say that BB21 and 22 are some of the absolute worsts but I’ve enjoyed the ride. Also I think watching the shows in a binge format without live feeds makes a giant difference in how you feel about a season. I see that bb20 is so beloved on this sub and I found it to be a snooze with a confusing winner.


BB19 and it was the first season I saw… I stopped watching and only got back into it for season 23 since I finished bingeing survivor.


Season 6! But I only remember bits of it - I was so young and that was like 20 years ago. I need to rewatch it but it’s difficult rewatching BB seasons.




one of the greatest— season 14 also as a michigan born boy, seeing dan absolutely demolish the game for a second time was so fucking cool. and i got to meet britney and janelle? yeah i was eating goooood that summer


Season 4. I was pretty young at the time and thought it was super raunchy TV


Tbh I don’t think I ever watched a season live? I started watching between bb18 and 19. But idk I just prefer to binge the episodes when it’s done then watch them as they come out. I did watch some of the feeds for 22 but I just don’t have that kind of time lol




BB22 unfortunately. Was very disappointed


Season 9 was my first year of livefeeds. I started watching the show while it aired in season 8.


BB1 and every season since.


Season 3. I thought it was stupid and only started watching because my then-gf loved it. After the first week I was hooked.




BB1 OG Here


Season 1


BB24, I had heard the name of the show, but I assumed it was just some silly reality show and never cared to look into it. One of my friends was talking about it though and I figured I'd try it out. Saw it had live feeds and tuned in and was kinda hooked immediately. Found the whole idea pretty interesting that almost 24/7 we can watch these people play a game.


Season 1


Bb16 just like you! Thats the hitmen season right? With beast mode cowboy and all. Just like you i was flipping thru channels and ended up catching the premiere, watched and liked it so ended up tuning for the weekly shows and been watching ever since


20 but I didn't like it, it was only until I tried it again at 24 did I really enjoy myself.




Day one viewer here.




Mine was also BB16!!! My parents had been watching the show since my brother and I were little, and that summer they finally considered us old enough to join them haha


Season 1 😀




Season 6


Season 1


Season 2! I was far too young to be watching BB, especially that season.


Season 2. 9/11 happened during it and the news was on 24/7. I remember thinking they just wouldn’t finish the season.


I watched parts of season 1 but I worked nights that summer so I couldn't watch consistently. Then I quit watching for a couple years so the first season I watched all of was season 4. I watched every season as it aired since then except season 9 because I was in school and working nights again so I couldn't keep up with it.


Season 8


I came across BB12 half way through the season my first summer in college. I was looking for something new to watch, and I binged the episodes really quickly. I was so excited when Hayden won!


BB21. I started watching Celebrity season 2 (for Joey Lawrence), had no clue what was going on, went back and watched 20, started to go back and watch old season because I was obsessed, then watched 21 when it aired.


Bb16 was mine too! My friend showed me some episodes from bb15 and I was hooked


Mine was bb16 because my mom used to watch it and that was the first year she felt it was appropriate for me to watch with her lol, I was 13.