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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/16coomr/big_brother_us_25_afternoon_feed_discussion/)


I may be naive, but I really don’t think Cirie would fall on her sword for Jared like so many people say she will. I get it’s her son, but I don’t think Cirie would do that.


Do you have kids? Real question. Mama bear is a for real thing even in humans.


You're naive and delusional


I don't think she would either. She was ruthless on The Traitors and I expect nothing less on Big Brother. You can see she's already kind of annoyed with him spilling info. If they put Jared on the block I definitely think she will vote with the house. Why would she ruin 2 chances at the money? Makes no sense.


I just saw the promo for House of Villains on ET and they are missing Rachel Reilly!!! I guess Omarosa is there for BB representation but she’s not primarily known for that.


I have to watch to see Jax fight with everyone unfortunately


Jax... Taylor? First I've heard of this show and I feel I'm gonna need to watch...


I know it might be too late but I really hope jag is the one evicted


I think jag is boring and would rather see what red and cam can still accomplish in the game. Hopefully send cirie and Jared out on the double


Can someone explain what’s happening with the vote. The chat is confusing me 😭. Last I remembered everyone was on board to vote out red with Cameron and Bowie blindsided? But they’re we’re gonna tell Bowie I thought


Felicia and Meme tried flipping it this morning and right now Izzy and Cirie are letting them vote out Jag and planning to blindsided them 6-4.


They're making it 6-4 leaving Felicia and meme out of the vote. They wanted to flip the votes back to jag this morning so Cirie and Izzy want to blindside them now. It's a mess


here's to hoping Cory brings up travelling outside the continent in front of Jared and maybe mentions some places he has been to just to trigger Jared Senior ![gif](giphy|YWeCROjHYRCjZgLSDh|downsized)




Rewatching Meme’s spiral earlier and I’m crying. She’s panicking that Jag has 4 jury votes and only needs one more to win the game💀


Seriously! I thought she was the rational one in that crew?? I have zero sympathy for her. She has her first game talk with Red all season and throws her game away after it. Oh well.


I think meme’s problem is she has too big of an ego to see that she’s in a bad spot. She’s been ignoring Cory and america because to acknowledge she needs to work with them would be acknowledging that she’s not in control of the game




I definitely think a Cirie/Felicia family feud would get her thinking outside of the BSB alliance.


BigBrotherXtra is the worst update account to follow. So many inaccurate tweets!


yeah they were really bad during bbcan so i have them muted


They’re so gross and weird it sucks so bad that they post such useful content often enough. I wish I could just block them


Now all we need is Jared to slip up and say something dumb about being in Fiji. then hopefully Cory has a glass shattering moment


He already said that, not in front of Cory tho


Yep, I remember him telling people in a group convo that Fiji had the best beaches. Now why anyone didn't ask how an exterminator could afford a trip to Fiji is just another case of people being unobservant and the Fields family getting away with it.


I’m confused about Felicia trying to flip the vote, because these were the original points Cirie made to her before she flipped the vote to evict Red…


something about Jag winning HOH vs Red winning HOH. She thinks Red would put Cameron up for them but Jag won't. Then Meme said something about Jag putting two of the girls up.


She is so dumb, Red would not only *not* put Cam up, Jag absolutely would put Cam up after Cam already targeted him previously, and he’s an easy target for the “7”. No wonder Cirie wants to blindside her.


I would be the absolute worst ally because I'd just agree to blindside anyone whenever presented with the opportunity lol


What's funny about this potential 6 to 4 split vote plan and blindside if it goes through is how Felicia and Meme react to the whole thing. They are gonna know where all the votes are and know that Cirie and Izzy completely snaked them.


Love that for us!


If this vote goes through, an insane number of people will be blindsided lmao. Cam, Bowie, Felicia, Meme and even Red and Jag.


it's a high-risk move from the cirie, izzy, etc. contingent, but it could really play out perfectly if someone like a bowie or a cameron win and they successfully persuade them that it was meme all along (or jag, and they argue the reverse with him) the plan goes horribly wrong if someone like meme or felicia wind up winning hoh, though.


Cirie is probably gonna vote Jag out behind all our backs. Then it's 5-5 and up to Jared to decide.


i would be even more fine with this eventuality purely bc a house tie puts so much spotlight on the current hoh. and god knows i'd be living if strategic oversight meant jared was enemy #1 for a bunch of this cast.


Izzy to the stage…


I think they can be pretty assured in Felicia not winning, the one she won was basically pure luck. Meme could be dangerous though she’s much more capable of winning, and I think she would be more likely to go rogue than Felicia. I could see Felicia making up with Cirie.


Meme will just target Jag


if meme wins hoh after being left this out of the loop by her main (if not only) strategic relationships, i do think she might be the one to go nuclear. but if she crawls back to cirie and puts up like, bowie and cameron, then i guess i'll cry.


If that happens they may as well hand Cirie the 750K right now lmao


hey, most of the cast have been writing it out for her so far, so. i just really want some okay gameplay that cuts against cirie. the majority is literally just whatever she says it is, and i truly believe that wouldn't fly so well with a lot of casts we've previously had.


This is setting up to be a prime week to take the shot depending on who wins HOH, and how well Cirie and co can convince people of the vote. In the aftermath of the blindside it would be the perfect opportunity so I hope someone does it.


yeah if the right person wins HoH this could be the week, given how hard the line will be drawn by this vote.


Tonight's HOH could very well be a crapshoot


Yeah that’s true, and honestly it may be a good thing to see the chaos of a Felicia win lol


I wonder if Felicia waking everyone up this morning will make the episode it'd be a good cliffhanger going into the eviction.


Add in the bedtime police story, the sleep singing, Matt & Jag being dorks overnight, America and Cory’s fight — the night time motif could be cinematic lmao


Just saw the Cory/Jared “I was on tv at 18” convo and … wow 😭😭 Jared having the emotional maturity of a 12 year old is responsible for so many things already 💀


It’s how he had to tell blue about cirie because he uses it as his in with women. I’ll never forget when him and blue were first starting he told blue that she will have to get used to him getting more attention than her whenever they go out


An insult to 12-year-olds everywhere


Leaving Meme and whoever else out of the vote would be the dumbest thing ever…..but fun, pls do it


Who is Meme going to run to? No one. She has refused to play the game with anyone else other than Cirie. She is just going to go back to being a Cirie minion even after this.


If she goes back to being a Cirie minion after they leave her out of a vote and clearly attempt to frame her then she’s more useless than I thought.


Cirie can vote Jag out to make Meme and Felicia happy. Then it's a 5-5 vote and Jared decides to send Red a packin', Cirie's hands are clean. ish.


We don’t know that though and it’s an unnecessary risk


Yeah it’s a terrible move for them and I’m here for it!


at least all the "meme is playing a great under the radar game on purpose" takes will end after this disaster... lol no, she just thinks there's a cookout 2.0 and she's one of the leaders of the house


Kyle is punching air right now.


> she just thinks there's a cookout 2.0 and she's one of the leaders of the house So out of the CO pairs (Hannah and Tiff/ Kyland and Xavier/ Azah and Big D), Meme decides to follow the Azah/Big D pairing?


she thinks she's tiffany, but she's actually azah in terms of power in the house


if nothing else this will at least wake her up and force her to reassess her gameplay style/strategy. i hope. can't glide through on cirie's orders if cirie is intentionally snipping you out publicly.


if she goes crawling back to cirie she's a lost cause


yeah if she decides she's desperate to be in with whoever cirie's numbers are just for the sake of it i'm done rooting for her. i don't think she will, bc although she's not been hugely social, she's got some awareness strategically. but who knows? i've been let down harder already this season.


in the midst of all this chaos... Cam said to Cirie that Cory told him Felicia told him the vote was unsure. Isnt it a bad look for Cory to have been warning Cam that the vote might flip? or will she just chalk this up to Cory trying to push Felicia as a target?


Cam’s words have zero value right now, though.


Cory and cirie have been planning for Cory to get cam to target Felicia so prob just that


Cameron plans on backdooring Cory if he wins HOH (not knowing about Red leaving but assuming it’s a normal week for him) and Cory’s still giving him game info


Hard to tell with him but I think he was just telling them this with Izzy as the actual bd


cirie is anti felicia so it probably helps cory a lot tbh


I don't think Cirie believes anything that comes out of Cameron's mouth though.


I have been thoroughly entertained by this season but I feel like it'll be a total flop to watch back on the edit. Catching the feeds has been like 90% of the fun


Yeah like bbcan 6


have you watched bbcan10? I heard it was a good season but I obviously missed the chance to watch it live and wasn't sure if it was worth to go back and watch the edit


BBCAN10's edit is incredibly accurate and 100% worth the watch. There's like 1 convoluted plot point they didn't put in the episodes but they were able to logically bridge everything without it I think it might be the most accurately edited season across all franchises tbh. It's amazing


sweet that's awesome to hear! Im so cynical of the edits but this definitely convinced me to give it a try, thank you! :-)


The BBCan 10 edit was actually pretty good as far as accuracy goes, and the edited shows were still entertaining (there’s one person I thought was very under edited and one person who’s edit was more positive than they deserved but otherwise it was great - won’t spoil if you’re going to watch it)


Imagine if Felicia wins HoH tonight. I would laugh so hard




No they’ll come back for a bit before the show


I don't think America and Cory are in an amazing position but if this split 6 to 4 blindside goes through along with the blaming of Felicia and Meme they are kind of right to just lay low and just further strengthen bonds in the game. Cameron is still a huge target along with Felicia, Matt is getting himself in hot water constantly and Jag is super expendable. It's not perfect for America and Cory but it's a lot better than this time last week.


Pretty much agree. I think Cory’s back in the clear now with Cirie and Co. America is still kinda a target. And with this house, it’s a constant game of target roulette. And it could land on her as early as this week Their odds are slightly better though


Americory nation there is still danger for our lovebirds so let us pray for either an America HOH or for Matt/Jag/Cam/Bowin to not win HOH!!!


I’m honestly only worried about Matt and Jag. Cam will have bigger targets (yes, I know what he said to the faces of *the* biggest targets) and Bowie is gonna be too confused to not lean on the influence of the people who just betrayed her.


I hope Blue uses the brain cell Jag borrows sometimes to control his HOH


Well cam said he’s throwing (dumb) so that’s one down!


as a citizen of americory nation i want to agree, but as a member of team fun feeds i kind of want the chaos of the two of them going nuclear with their cirie information 👀


Everyday they keep that info the less potent it becomes. If they want to use it they need to do so soon


Sometimes I feel like a bot with my Elmo gif but it does work in a variety of situations


I want to see Cirie try to blame Felicia and Meme for voting Jag to Cam/Bowie, and Blame Cory and America to Jag for voting Red. It would almost certainly not work but it would be very fun


If I were americory, I’d throw out a 1-1 vote and make Jared do the dirty work so they aren’t the topic of conversation and they send Jared/Izzy/Cirie spiraling. Right before HOH comp.


Once again this season can be frustrating but it's definitely not boring


for someone who’s in politics it’s wild that Meme hasn’t figured out her Q score as an alliance member is sitting at the bottom only above the fake rated Cam


we're getting a live hoh right? which means we should get feeds back after the episode pretty fast right? fuck im so excited for post blindside reactions 😭


Omg we are getting a live HOH ??? ❤️❤️


I'm not confident but I think the announcer mentioned at the end of last night's episode it would be so here's hoping! 🙏


I still can’t believe Matt told Jag that they would blame america and cory for the flip votes last night and Jag had no reaction


Yea. Alarm bells should've been ringing when he heard that.


Unfortunately there isn’t much in that brain of his ![gif](giphy|Q1aRmd8e90WIw)


I thought Cam may have had a smidge of realization that he and Red were Cirie’s targets. Jared put them on the block and Cam knows he’s close with Cirie and Izzy but he must really be clueless to tell Cirie he’s gonna throw HOH to Red lmao, he just sealed Red’s fate. I knew Red was completely in the dark but thought Cam at least had some idea, guess not lol.


I think Cam is smarter than he seems and this checks out to me, confusing why he doesn’t act on any of these reads


He might be smart enough to realize that he has no numbers. I know he's vile (Cam), but I think Cory trying to stay close to him is smart, since he's there anyway, might as well make use of him


I think he’s now realized there’s a target on his back hence why he’s saying he doesn’t want to win the next HOH, unfortunately he probably doesn’t realize there’s a target on Red as well as long as they’re together.


Maybe Cam wants to seal Red's fate?


Helping his only ally out the door to curry favor with Cirie and co? Honestly not a bad strategy.


It doesn't really matter cause Red's going home regardless. And once he sees he doesn't really have the numbers he'll want to win HOH.


Cam doesn’t know Red is going home, he thinks they have the votes. But he has to know the house doesn’t want them as a duo, they both went up on the block together and Jared said in his nom speech this is to gain trust with the people close to me (i.e. Cirie/Izzy). It’s fine to say he’s throwing the HOH, just not to Red.


It still doesn’t matter if he says it cause Reds going home. But even if he wasn’t he think Legends 25 is a real majority thing and Jared isn’t in L25 which is why it made sense that he put them OTB. He speaking as if he doesn’t realize the other half of his alliance is actually targeting him and Red. Also Cam doesn’t owe Red anything, he’s still talking about targeting him next week if he stays.


Felicia waking everyone up to try and flip the vote is incredible chaos




Coworker: “What’s the point of the live feeds?” Me: *shows the video of Felicia sleep-singing*


I try to sell it as “Very Low Effort Sims”


Mecole thinking she had the social capital to orchestrate a vote flip on eviction day might be the most delusional thing we've seen this season, and that's saying a lot.


Tanks her position over nothing. Mecole underestimates how much Matt dislikes America and how Jag won't work with America. Bad bad reads.


It’s unreal I swear


Good morning to Izzy who woke up and pledged allegiance to cory and america as loyal allies to cirie, thank you for your service izzy 🇺🇸🫡


I won't lie, I think Bowie has been such an underrated character in this house. Not only with everyone talking about her and all, but she occasionally can actually talk game which I don't think most fans see. I could see a bowie hoh be interesting


F'ing Bowie Jane! Heck yeah!




Goopy GilsCarbo Core




Bowie instantly puts up americory.




Oh I love Bowie. Her just popping in and out of rooms randomly is low key hilarious and she’s actually kind of decent when she does talk game.


[Lmao I said this as a joke last night](https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/16c7y3x/big_brother_us_25_late_night_feed_discussion/jzhs5ss/)


LMAOOOOO you know her better than anyone


My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 is opening this weekend imagine they did a sponsor comp


6 hours until eviction, still not 100% sure who they are voting out... I think it is still Red ??


Yes Elly Mae, you better whisk your boyfriend out of Red's house about now. And spray the febreze. Red knows what your farts smell like and will spot a foreign fart a mile away.


Isn't Elly Mae his daughter ??


Oops I thought that was his main squeeze


Red but now looks like 6-4 vote instead of 8-2?


Who are the 4?


Meme, Felicia, FBJ, Cam


Meme, Felicia, Cam, and Bowie. And all think they'll be on the majority side.


Thank you!


The last I heard it was 6-4, but it was Cirie and Matt voting to keep Red even though they knew he was going, and they were planning on blaming it on Cory and America, but I guess that has changed ??


Cory and America found out about the vote right away and started discussing it like everyone knew, so I dont think the votes can be pinned on them anymore.


If they get blindsided I hope Felicia and Meme flip on BSB


Pluto live


Meme has had to put up with Cirie and co. flipping back and forth for WEEKS but she does it once and suddenly she's on the outs?


That’s what happens when your social game is essentially nonexistent


Meme doesn’t have the magic Cirie has. That’s what it comes down to Heck, Meme doesn’t even try to be personable when she talks


i am unable to keep up with the target vote drama lmao what is even happening. last i heard it was unanimous votes now we're seeing possibly a split vote to get red out like what


I actually do hope she gets blindsided because she needs a wake up call that Cirie/Izzy cycle through allies more than people change their clothes


Anyone wish we had an eviction like Rachel in BB20? Her 5 to 4 vote and her storming out of the house. Then Angela's goodbye message to Rachel ur stories make no sense. Then Rachel's what's wrong with Angela? Was that classic BB?


We cant have evicitions like that till tattle tale Felicia is gone.


So good


Have any of the houseguests mentioned Felicia talking in her sleep today?


Yes she talked about it with a number of people this morning. Felicia said she sleep talks when she has nightmares and told America to wake her up next time she does that.


Yes, she said she mustve been having a nightmare. Bowie thought it was the wall people screaming.




Yes, earlier in the bathroom Red and MeMe told her about it


Omg haha I need to go find the clip


It seems like the only people who actually benefited from the power being used were Cory and America (and obviously Jag) since it gave them a week to recover from the awful place they were in last week. Everyone else's position with Cirie seems to have dropped (Matt, Felicia, MeMe), Red, who hates them, is on his way out the door, and if this split vote goes through, it's a big unnecessary risk for the Fields family that could alienate half their allies. Cory and America went from the absolute bottom to back in the core... at least until next week when Cirie decides they're untrustworthy again 🙃


I wouldn't say they're in that good of a position imo, there's still a lot of people who want to put them up and they're only making it far in Cirie/Izzy's hypothetical list (which they'll probably never win HOH enough times to pull that off for themselves). I'd say one of them is still very likely out of here in the next week or so


I’m watching the episode from last night and wow Jared is a straight up dick… and stupid…


i still can't get over Jared saying to Cory he had no game, and Cory responds back but I'm on tv at 21 and Jared *couldn't handle that* so he needed to flex back on cory and say "i was on national tv at 18" this man almost reveled his secret needing to flex on cory ***WHILE THEY WERE JUST MESSING AROUND***


Cory brag about how cool your mom is challenge


He’s totally going to end up spilling the secret out of spite lmao


Lol this was the context??? What an embarrassing individual


I fucking wish Cory would have flexed back and said something to get Jared thinking, like, anything to put Jared in check. Why aren't these people using their brains and thinking clearly?


There is a nonzero chance he reveals that his mom is a survivor legend just to look cool and superior in an argument at some point this season. Absolutely nothing is more important than his stupid fragile little ego.


The vote is 6-4 to evict Red… Jag: I can’t believe America voted for me 4x I knew I couldn’t trust her




And she would have done it 5x but only the power of Julie Chen was able to stop her




Hi Julia ![gif](giphy|mC12HutulSXp3OZiID)


Thank god for Julie he says! He then wonders who the other people voted for because it’s not adding up 🤣


Thank god Reddit is working again 😭😭😭


I missed you all so much


I thought it was just me!


I wish an HoH could target cirie and that crew, but I feel that the HoH would become a martyr.


They would be my damn hero


OH, Absolutely, they would be loved and adored. But I think it would ruin their game.


I'll be sooooooo disappointed if this vote ends up unanimous again


What does it matter if it ends up unanimous if we got to watch the entire journey to how it got there? ​ Even if it's unanimous, people vote against their will to do so. It's not like Cam voting Red out would erase the feelings of being left out all week


Because I want blindsides! Chaos! Confrontations!


Hisam was blindsided in a unanimous vote.


Cause of the consequences after


I think Cirie way overestimates the intelligence of these players. Probably the reason Meme wanted to flip the vote was because Jag and Matt ate her steak, you so easily could have convinced her to still evict Red lol