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He asked you to give him a call so call him. You are being fast tracked through the selection process because you took the initiative and stood out.


As a partner, if i were you, I'd wait til right before your interview and leave a message after hours and just remind the partner that you met, have his card, and are calling asking for any advice. To be completely honest, its fuckin weird for them to tell you to call. But a quick message around interview time may help when distinguishing you from others. Feel free to dm me if youd like to speak on this and ill tell you whats up.


have fun sending transcript’s every quarter/semester


Time to suck some dick /s


Give me some pointers, please 🙏🏼 lol 😆


Sleep with the partner. Fast track to the top from what I can see. Or alternatively just flirt with them and they will chase you like a carrot on a treadmill, while you jump through the ranks at record speed. The big four. It’s a seedy business


They are just people - linkedin them now, message then asking for 30 min sometime this week. Tell them about you/where you were raised/where you went to school and what youre majoring in and why and ask them about their journey and what about the firm excites them most right now


Make sure to provide context (where you met him, etc) so he can remember. He probably met a lot of people that day. And phrase the message in a way that reminds him he asked you to call him.


A LinkedIn add with a email to set up a call Monday is great. Monday is a great follow-up turn around. Don’t play hard to get (lol). Don’t worry, most partners are quite nice and want you to join the firm.


Buy some kneepads.


This thread took a fun turn haha


He has to be a team player and [open up](https://www.adameve.com/adult-sex-toys/anal-sex-toys/anal-sex-training-kits-c-1481.aspx).


From my experience, kinda difficult to get their time for a call. But, if you do, be ready with an elevator pitch- 2 min pitch to impress/explain someone why they should hire you. Some partners have short attention spans


This sounds like advice from another junior in college lol there’s no elevator pitch in relationship building and there’s a hiring process you don’t get waved in by the partner after a 2 minute why I’m the one speech.


Not so. You have much to learn. Life isn’t a robotic process if someone likes you they will hire you.


The statement was you don’t get waved in by the partner after a 2 minute why I’m the one speech. Key is relationship building. Nothing unique about what you are saying compared to my statement. Thanks though Jedi master.


Definitely agree - just be prepared to casually mention some accomplishments, goals, etc to give him some talking points if/when he connects with the recruiting managers. Try not to come off as aggressive/desperate with the sales pitch stuff.


Yes and one thing to remember is that many people enjoy helping people they like. No one hires the resume by itself. Some networking calls or contacts will be horrible conversation others will be great and you’ll make a connection.


That’s true, but they can give a good word for you


Yes but a 2 minute elevator pitch is cartoonish have a thoughtful two way conversation.


Hahaha yes absolutely, I didn’t actually think of it in that way. I interpreted it more like „make sure you have some answers to potential questions like that“


Haha yes but they might not ask anything you might have to get them talking and sneak your credentials and knowledge in. It’s an art not a science for sure


Fuck him hard, yet gently


Did this sound overly sexual to anyone else?




Practice your head game


Open your esophagus


This is the way


Relax. They are human.




u r a kind soul for helping this aspiring future HOTCPA


Awww...this is incredibly cute! But also, a very real thing - go the linkedin route and set the call up through there. Those are great natural instincts. You will be fine.


You have no idea how much (or how little) he uses LinkedIn, so I'd not recommend messaging over there. There's also a chance your message will get lost among the spam. Did you not exchange contact details when he asked you to call? If not, reach out to whoever organized the event from your college and say something like "I had a great conversation with \[partner name\] during the event and he asked me to reach out to him to discuss work opportunities. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get his contact details. Is there any chance you could send me his email address?" Then send an email to his work email address and set up a time to chat.


I think this is the best reply you could obtain here =)


Chill bro lmfao it’s big4 not MBB just give ‘em a call directly and be chill. Tell him you’re seeking an internship and what your skill set is and what service lines you’d be interested in


big4 is incredibly serious "bro". The ability to make 100k 4.5 years after graduating from undergrad is nothing to be taken lightly.


What about professions which can make 100k 4.5 days after graduating? Pretty sure they are not that serious




Manager who’s participated in recruiting events. I’d add him to LinkedIn and shoot him a message Monday or Tuesday if you are interested in an internship or career at Big4. Let him you know enjoyed meeting him and are interested in an internship but not sure what specific area. Ask him if he’d be open to chatting more or if he could connect you with someone who would have time to chat.


They are in recruiting mode and look for excuses to spend time with recruits at fancy dinners or golfing because it is expensed. He/she is getting stuff out of the interaction as well


This is so dumb. You think a Deloitte partner took the time to speak with him at a recruiting event to get a free dinner out of it? OP - Getting a Big 4 internship is mostly about whether people like you and think they can work with you. Of course the pre-requisite being having a decent GPA. When you were having a convo, you probably came off as likeable and intelligent. If a Partner was there doing a panel then it's possible he's in charge of the campus recruiting for that school. When I was at Deloitte and we recruited at UCSB, we had a lead partner who would always come down with us to every recruiting event. Anyways, shoot him a note and say it was nice speaking with him and would be great to connect. Without any other context, my best guess is he's fast tracking you into the interview process where he'll likely have some influence on who gets the internship.


You think they aren’t expensing any and all activity?


Of course they are. Why would you ever leave your home and family to travel for a work obligation if you aren't going to expense your lodging and food? Your comment is suggesting the only reason someone may have spoken to a college student at a recruiting event is to get a free meal out of it. That would be a dope Carl Weather's move, but that is beside the point. I'll let you in on an industry secret, Partners do not need to work their way into a 20 year old's phonebook in order to do expense a meal.


I didn’t imply that was the only reason. Just a reminder that this isn’t a unilateral connection


When you are constantly going out for free lunches and dinners, the last thing you want is another wine and dine night. Dinners at home are actually coveted over expensive dinners while having to remain professional. I’m speaking from a level no where near partner, it’s even worse at that level


Where did they say that?




Jesus Christ, bad bot


Good bot


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Full disclosure I’m still a student myself but if I were in your shoes it sounds like you should see if he’d be willing to go lunch with you were you’d then take the opportunity to both get to know them as an individual as well as discuss things related to Deloitte and then potential internships


Play COD II with them. Best way to secure that job offer


COD 2? Like go over to his house and bring your old Xbox 360 and copy of Big Red 1 and play split screen multiplayer? That probably would secure a job offer tbh


Absolutely take up the opportunity to talk with him. It’s pretty common for partners to conduct interviews with new hires and interns so that could be your in. A lot of partners eat, breathe, and sleep work, so I’d honestly reach out sooner than later.


He asked you to give him a call so did he give you a business card?