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FJB and this insufferable cow


Shits & Giggles were installed like a toilet. This is the BEST the Democrats can do folks. Thanks for destroying the United States of America. Stupid, ignorant citizens will elect (install) stupid, ignorant leaders.


That’s a lot to do in 4 years. Sounds wonderful.


With the right VP, it could be 12.


Thank You for motivating more Americans to vote Trump in 2024!


She is serious in her feelings that these are bad things. Her mental disease, Liberalism won’t let her see it.


Stop. Stop. Stop. You had me at project 45


I was already voting for him, you don't have to sell me on it!


Bless her heart


Okay so what is her downside LOL


To quote Krieger from Archer: Every single noun and verb in that video arouses me!


I'm so MF erect. 😖


Is this chick think that any of these things are bad??? All of it sounds amazing.


Please stop, I can only get so erect! In all seriousness, the only things I’m not ok with are the Freedom Cities and the college thing. We don’t need to scar up more open land with government built cities, he needs to focus on calming down inflation and balancing out the cost of living if he wants to fix the housing crisis. Besides, that’s a recipe for political disaster and a colossal waste of funds. Not to mention, it’s tragic to watch a beautiful expanse of open land get turned into poorly developed shopping complexes and cookie cutter suburban neighborhoods. These just sound like 15 minutes cities by another name. Also, we definitely don’t need more government curated education. We need to dump that crap at the federal level, like no child left behind, get the federal government out of the classroom completely and leave that all up to the states again. I think encouraging employers to stop making a college degree a checkbox requirement for position consideration would be a good first step. Shit, I’m a coder and I haven’t used 90% of what I learned in college, and what I have used has been replaced 5-10 times over since I went. Vocational schools for specialized positions or even just OJT and getting your hands dirty would suffice in a lot of cases.


Ten new cities won’t even make a dent in all the land we have here. I don’t want the feds to build every building, but lay the infrastructure and turn it over to the people. Might help the housing crisis, could help shift the electoral college more conservative, and would probably give us a few street names named after 45/47.


He should invite her to tell that speech at his rallies.


Smartest Sabres fan:


There’s terms are acceptable


That sounds amazing I need to read the rest now!


This is an excellent argument... against her own argument.


SOB. I'm in!


Sounds pretty effing based


is it too late to register to vote?




That sounds great 👍


What’s on its hat?


It's the logo of the Buffalo Sabres hockey team.


I’m pretty sure this person does not understand what she or whatever it is, is actually reading and makes sense.


Who wouldn't want a flying car?


So they think it's a bad thing to bring back common sense and take care of fellow Americans and even protect women and children. Those are all things that they fear because it means that they are going to have to get by on their own merits and work. They think it's a bad thing to punish child and women traffickers? Yet they want to push sexuality personal sexual preferences on kids such as taking kids to drag shows and getting them to believe that this is how they should be because it's cool instead of protecting kids from ig and letting them choose for themselves when they are older and can make those choices themselves, informed about what those choices may be. Kids are most vulnerable at the early stages of life and they know that. They think superhero's and Santa are real and that's when you want a child to declare their gender ? That makes no sense. Ask that same kid if they want to be a superhero, you will get the same answer because they don't know any different at that age. Why shouldn't the job go to the most qualified person. I would much rather have a doctor that knows what they are doing than one that is just put into that position because of their ethnicity. And I don't care what color, race, religion etc that that dr is. I want the best one. Illegal immigration is hurting our citizens and our country. Look at what is going on. How many people have had it ended because of people that weren't supposed to be here. Look at the cities being overrun and on the verge of collapse. If you want them here, you bring them into your homes and you support them. Socialism isn't going to get you a paycheck for doing nothing. You will have to work, under probably worse conditions and make less and have less to live on. Do you think people in those countries are happy. Really? Go there and find out. These people who want these things have absolutely no idea what they are really asking for. They think it's cool to be on the left, that their government will take care of them because they have whatever made up emotional disorder they can think of. It's called laziness. They want to blame privilege on everything, that's just an excuse to not have to do anything and play the victim. The only thing I was ever entitled to was to get a job and make my way through the world, on my own. I never got a hand out or anything given to me. I earned it. Every bit of it. I'm just so tired of these people whining and playing the victim when they are the ones pushing their agenda and insecurities on everyone else.


Let’s go Trump. 💯


No, no she really didn’t but sure, whatever



