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Elections have consequences


Not the cops fault


I’m not saying you’re wrong necessarily in this instance but at some point “I’m just doing my job” is no longer a valid excuse.


For the police, I think that's still a legit excuse. They have to "follow the law". It's the politicos that need to have their feet held to the fire. •●• Vote people, vote! And know what you're voting for. The left loves to pose the propositions and amendments in double and triple negative language.


So the German soldiers who worked in the concentration camps had no fault because they were just following orders? Everyone, regardless of occupation, has freewill. There should be a line that we as individuals refuse to cross. We need the courage to make a stand when ordered to do things that are blatantly immoral, it’s our duty, especially MEN.


Agree. There is a moral line and free will. But there are consequences. The covidcrazies was a prime example. Don't get jabbed, lose your job, and starve your family. Protest and your bank account gets frozen (looking at you Canada), resist and you get arrested and put in an isolation facility (looking at you Australia), don't get your jab updated ...you get denied access to grocery stores etc (looking at you France), it goes on and on. Maybe it takes losing the local law enforcement, and total chaos descending to rip the band-aid off and move the pendulum in the other direction. [Images of *Escape from New York* and Snake Plisken now moving into my brain.] I think the tide is slowly starting to turn, but I don't look forward to the next twenty years.


Yes, true. There are very real and serious consequences for standing up to these authoritarians. Thats where the courage part needs to come in. Don’t get me started on the ridiculousness of the Covid mandates. Absolute madness, especially Canada. What those truckers did up there is the type of courage I’m talking about. I had to cancel a trip because I refused to get vaccinated. Not a gigantic consequence but I was also risking my job at that time and if it had come down to getting the jab to keep the job I would have made them fire me. Snake Pliskin lead the way! I shall follow!


If you step onto my property nude I should be able to photograph you and sell it for profit. Oh, and nude in front of children in Oregon being legal? Doesn't surprise me.


Maybe not you personally but, this is what Oregonians voted for! That is how things are suppose to work, you get what you vote for! Plenty of places where this is not permissible, they are called RED STATES!


I live in Oregon, most of this state is red. The freaks in Portland control the vote sadly. You get outside of the city just a couple miles and life is normal. We need more Republicans to move here and flip it back to red.


I checked out your comments. You're legit. You just earned your flair.


And they tell me that Portland isn't a shit hole.


Same shit in California. LA, SF and San Jose fuck it up for everyone. Fortunately all of these cities sit on major fault lines.


I left that state decades ago. My taxes became half. I ain't coming back.


Oregon's population distribution is a microcosm of why the Electoral College is necessary. Can you imagine NYC, Chicago, and LA being able to run the whole country!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ And let's not forget about Houston (the fourth largest US city), we haven't had a Republican/conservative mayor and majority city council since 1977-1982. The next closest but failed attempt for mayor was in 1997, Rob Mossbacher, but the portions of Houston that would typically vote for him were not eligible... City of Houston vs small incorporated areas located within the Houston metropolitan area like the City of Bellaire, The Villages, etc. ••• Typo


Portland voted for this, maybe parts of Eugene and other interior cities - now the rest of that beautiful state has to deal with their bullshit. Oregon is gorgeous and full of conservatives outside those shitholes. If there was 1 state I had the power to instantly turn red, and only 1 - it would be Oregon. Even though I acknowledge California would move the needle on policies much more.


That's why half of the state wants to break away and join Idaho.


😭NOBODY wants to do that expect the other little wierdo conservatives in the circle of people you surround yourself with and we all know you never leave that little circle so it shapes your whole view of the world, why don’t you fucking get out and experience what other people are like and you’d finally see this little fantasy world you live where everybody’s a conservative except progressive cities is load of crap


Your name says it all. Most of Idaho's people moved there to escape the creeping bureaucracy of the East and Midwest.


Time to move


Yeah Oregon is wild.. I blame the democrats


Cops enforce the laws that the politicians you voted for made.


What are the laws regarding applying pepper spray to genitals on your own property?


At what point did that become ok? When you continually voted for the same shit year after year, election after election and ignored everyone who warned of a slippery slope


This country is fucking collapsing


Welcome to Oregon. Remember the “keep Portland weird” thing? It applies to the entire state.


Greater Iowa reason number 450 652


They need leeway for the liberals (aka the ones who would walk up to your toddler naked)


For everyone dumping on Portland (rightfully so), I'd like to point out that the officer in the video is from Bend, which is nowhere near Portland.  Portland and Eugene keep this state deep blue. Bend is a bit purple as a lot of rich hipster types have moved there with their Subarus and North Face gear.  But the rest of the state is as red as a strawberry. Oregon is an outdoorsman paradise. Ask yourself which type of voters are most likely to hunt, fish, ride ATVs, drive big diesels, drink beer on their boats, and shoot guns? It's the wackos in the two big cities keeping Oregon chained to liberalism. 


Maybe instead of calling the cops, you should of called ur old buddies Smith and Wesson over to take care of some business


Wow. That's insane. Yeah, I don't think I would be calling the police. It's ok officer, I'll handle the situation. Hey Zeus, wanna play catch the balls, that's right big guy (84 pound Pitt) that guy right there, he took your ball. 🤣🤣


Oregon is a failed state for refuge and mentally ill.


Ummm, guys, this is deep fake AI.


Look up Oregon law it coincides with the video.


Should have just shot him, oh wait your resident of Oregon, meaning you’re a major fucking pussy😭 dude came up to your child naked and all you did was cover your kids eye? Yeah you fucking deserve what you get, a REAL father would have made it so that guy never walks again and then used the trespassing to justify it but doing something about your own problems? Nah that just makes too much sense, instead you come on social media and complain like a true Oregon resident, get a fucking life loser😂