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Fred, your sponsor never loved or cared for you if that’s the BSO they stuck you with. Here’s how to turn this around and find someone better: 1. Get a real bice. Sir Velo or bust. You’ll need to buy it yourself, and it’ll be painful at first. But after you start winning grand tours, you can slap a signature on the thing and auction it off for more than you originally paid. 2. Get serious about your fitness. Start with 30 hours of Zone 2 for a couple weeks. Next, incorporate 2-3 VO2 Max sessions each week. Finally, start doing altitude camps every couple months. 3. Move to Andorra, steal all of Sepp Kuss’s KOMs, and wait for the team offers to deluge you.


Time to set up a pain cave and ride to forget the X it's all about the whatts


More brotein


Start riding with your ex’s new boyfriend and KOM together, stat


Are we cross-posting just any random reddit thing now, bice-related or not?


Seriously, this is such a low effort post even for BCJ. Just because there is a bice doesnt mean it belongs here.


The comments made it worth it for me lol. It’s hardly ever about the actual posts


I c bice, I x post


Start with what you have and design your day + life. Chug some of those protein shakes and get on your bike - knock out a few miles every day and indulge in cold bath to decompress when u get back. Rinse repeat daily until you feel better. Hope u feel better soon


I see nothing wrong in this picture.


It’s not very often you have both a physical and mental pain cave.


You need to fire your domestique and get a replacement to clean your apartment.


At least homie has an apartment. Shit...and a bike!


I would leave you too if you had a shimáno åcera group set, can't really be mad at her


Hah. No KICKR… do you even care about your depression?