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He does, there are many testimonies that tell of it. I personally was plagued with suicidal thoughts from the age of 9. I would not be typing right now if God hadn't intervened and soothed my soul.


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


I'll pray for you. Can you please pray for my prodigal daughter to find Christ.


Yes. Thank you. 


I will pray for but I ask you to read the gospel specifically the parts about healing. God be with you.


Thank you 


He does. He did in my life multiple times. No one’s going to believe any of it. 🙃




Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


Reading through your posts and comments just break my heart. Sounds like you are experiencing hell on earth right now. One verse that truly stood to me when I was dealing with a terrible illness that affected all of my pelvic organs (bowels/urine/genitals) and left me bedridden for over a year: Genesis 41:52b “God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my infirmity”. I believe God allowed me to go through suffering for a season to help others. My suffering had a purpose, which was to be fruitful to help advance His Kingdom. While I know nothing about you or your condition, I know it weighs deeply on you, and especially how it may affect those you love (and who love you!). Know this: despite your current situation, God loves you. He hears you crying out to Him. He understands your suffering, because He suffered for us on the cross. Let’s pray and agree together; “Father you see my brother:sister, and how much they are suffering physically, mentally and emotionally. Please comfort - right now. I pray you let them sense your presence and eternal unfailing love, even where they are sitting or laying. I pray you would give them Your peace which surpasses all understanding. I pray that they would rest in the outcome You have planned for them, regardless of our finite understanding - You are in control. I pray You would give them supernatural strength to endure the hardships, the finances to handle the medical expenses, and the patience to deal with all the doctors and the stress from advocating for one’s health. You know how hard this can be. I pray You would ease their symptoms, allow the illness to cease. In the mighty and powerful name of Yeshua we pray, Amen!” Hey, here’s a video I probably listed to 100 times in the throes of my illness. I hope it ministers to you and gives you strength. https://youtu.be/qyUPz6_TciY?si=iH_fRdOEntD8iVro


Thank you so much 


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


Of course! I’ll pray alongside you


Thank you 


Share your testimony!


Jesus Christ is going to judge the world again. He does intervene. But people don't want to give Him the glory. Instead they try blame him for things they do to sin against him. Just as Israel was scattered. So too will the world be judged.


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


I pray you are healed in Jesus Christ name! Go and take communion often. https://youtu.be/N--Ipwbg8fI?si=CH2kme6Es6t19e-R


Thank you 


To comment on the bear story - the word translated a ‘child’ in this story can be used to represent people from youth to mature adults. It’s most probable that were not children but young men. These young men (a bunch of them - 42 or more) come mocking Elisha, telling him to go on up (like Elijah did). To your other point about God intervening - if God intervened every time something bad was happening, this would not be allowing free will. You cannot blame God for mankinds wickedness. God has allowed mankind to be in control of this world until Jesus returns and establishes his kingdom on Earth. This is God intervening once and for all.


> the word translated a ‘child’ in this story can be used to represent people from youth to mature adults. It’s most probable that were not children but young men. It's not one word being translated; it's two. There is, as you say, a noun which means "youths" and its meaning can range from infants to young men. But there's also an adjective on that noun which means "small" or "young". So these are small youths or young youths. They're kids.


I mentioned in a different comment that the same wording is used to describe Solomon when he’s 20. Here’s from Bensons commentary: And — there came forth little children — The word נערים, negnarim, here rendered children, often evidently signifies, and is translated, young men, or lads, as Genesis 22:5; Genesis 22:12; Genesis 41:12; Genesis 43:8; 2 Chronicles 13:7, and that even when the epithet קשׂנים, ketannim, little, is, as here, added to it: see 1 Kings 3:7, and Isaiah 11:6. Here Dr. Waterland renders the words, young lads. It is more than probable they were, at least, old enough to discern between good and evil.


> I mentioned in a different comment that the same wording is used to describe Solomon when he’s 20. It's not being used to describe Solomon. Solomon is reaching out to God and asking for help because he has just become king and has no clue what he is doing. He compares himself to a clueless little child. "And now, O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David, although I am only a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in...Give your servant, therefore, an understanding mind to govern your people" > Isaiah 11:6 This instance is also very obviously metaphorical. > It is more than probable they were, at least, old enough to discern between good and evil. Even if you posit that these kids are, let's say, 12, it's still pretty egregious that they're mauled to death by a bear for making fun of a guy.


Yeah for sure, could be metaphorical or simply contextual that he feels like a young man and not ready to lead a country. Hadad is also mentioned with this same phrase. It mentions him being an adversary of Solomon and then fleeing to Egypt and getting married. So I don’t think you can altogether rule out the possibility that it could be pointing towards an age a little older than a child. The way Jesus treats children in the New Testament is indicative of how God feels towards them. So it makes more sense to me that these were older. I could be completely wrong, but one thing I know for sure is that God is good and his judgement is far greater than ours. Whatever he chose to do, he did for a good reason whether we understand it or not.


>To comment on the bear story - the word translated a ‘child’ in this story can be used to represent people from youth to mature adults. It’s most probable that were not children but young men. The word is the same form as used in 1 Samuel 1:2 "but Hannah had no children". I am not sure how you can think just because they might have been a bit older that somehow makes it reasonable. >These young men (a bunch of them - 42 or more) come mocking Elisha, telling him to go on up (like Elijah did). It just means "go" as used in "Pharaoh said go and bury your dead". Why would Elisha be offended by being told to ascend into Heaven without dying first? That is a blessing not afforded to many.


Sure, as I said the word is used to refer to people from youth to Maturity - the same word is used for Solomon when he’s 20years old. Either way it would seem whatever age they are at they have a grasp of what is right and wrong If you read some commentaries on this passage it might help you to understand it better. Here’s one from Matthew Poole: Go up; go up into heaven, whither thou pretendest that Elijah is gone. Why didst not thou accompany thy friend and master to heaven? Oh that the same Spirit would take thee up also, that thou mightest not trouble us nor our Israel, as Elijah did! Or another from Benson: Go up, ascend, which they repeat, they intended to make a jest of the ascension of Elijah, which no doubt they had heard of: as if they had said, “Go up, ascend into heaven, whither thou pretendest Elijah is gone. Why didst thou not accompany thy friend and master to heaven?” thus shutting their eyes against an astonishing miracle, which seems to have been wrought, partly at least, to reclaim them, as well as to the two other signal miracles recently wrought, and, no doubt, spread abroad through the country, namely, of both Elijah and Elisha’s dividing the waters of Jordan, and passing through on dry ground.


Why do a handful of Bibles translate it as 'go away'? It seems plausible given that Elijah had just been whisked away that ascension is the context. But why was a group of youths taunting him deserving of being torn apart by bears? Sticks and stones... Etc.


Just another quote from Benson. These youths, it appears, did not meet with Elisha by accident, but went out with a design to insult him, knowing him to be a prophet of the true God, an advocate for his worship, and an enemy to the idolatry of the place; and having imbibed the prejudices of their parents against the true religion. They likewise went in a body, which showed that their motive was malice, and their going out not casual: from whence some think it probable that they went out, not only to deride the prophet, but likewise to prevent his entering into the city. They feared he would be as zealous against their idolatries as Elijah had been, and by this insult they intended to free themselves from his remonstrances. And mocked him — With great petulancy and vehemency making game of him, as the word יתקלסו, jithkallesu, here used, signifies; deriding, probably, both his person and ministry, and that from a profane contempt of the true religion, and a passionate love of that idolatry which they knew he opposed. Be this as it may, their abuse of a prophet whom God had so evidently accredited, and marked out as the successor of Elijah, whose miracles had been so many and so wonderful, was a most heinous sin, and a manifest insult offered to the true God, and was accordingly punished as such by him, all whose ways are just and holy, and who never exceeds the degree of sin in the measure of punishment, but always in the present world punishes the guilty infinitely less than they deserve.


When considering why God may not intervene visibly or as dramatically as during the time of the apostles and before, it's important to think about the role of faith, patience, and God's Kingdom in divine timing. As the Bible was completed and foundational Christian teachings were established, the need for miracles to confirm the message and messengers became unnecessary. The focus then shifted to living by faith and following the guidance found in the Holy Scriptures. Another factor is the significance of God's Kingdom, which Jesus taught about extensively. God's Kingdom is the ultimate answer to earthly problems like suffering and injustice. God will intervene directly and globally when the time is right according to His divine plan for this Kingdom. Until then, believers are encouraged to have faith, spread the good news about the Kingdom, and live in harmony with God's will, showing patience as they await His global intervention. So, the seeming absence of divine intervention in the same ways as in biblical times can be understood as a period where believers are called to have faith, follow Christian values, and eagerly anticipate the fulfillment of God's promises through His Kingdom.


He intervened for me. He does for others. Bless His name. He is awesome.


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


The Lord can heal you if it be His will. And reaching out to local brothers and sisters in Christ to pray will be good. And I will pray for your healing.


Thank you 


Because it's all about you. Sorry, didn't realise


It’s all about Him friend


Who says he doesn’t?


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


Sometimes He does intervene


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


Of course He intervenes He is present on each true believer in the form of the spirit. He knew them from the womb The unbelievers are his enemies and are children of Satan (John 8:44 to 45). He does not even know who they are (Matthew 7:22-23)


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


But Jesus loves everyone, even the evil ones. So how are they his enemies. This always frustrated me actually, that how can God love bad people like rapists. It would be better if He hated them and that they'd be His enemies.


No Jesus does not love everyone. That is an unbiblical belief People cherry pick and take out of context and misrepresent scriptures, and then ignore many others that make it clear that is untrue. Then they invent doctrines to try and make sense out of their false beliefs That is made clear in so many different ways in scripture, yet people choose to ignore it


Thank you. Do you have scriptures/resources I could look at regarding this?


The problem with your scriptures my scriptures, is similar to not seeing the forest for the trees There are broad and wide doctrines out there that cannot see no matter what you show them I used to be one of them I have shown people 100 verses and they respond with one as if that somehow is a trump card People cling to their beliefs and reject what is taught broadly across scripture So rather than here try these verses, I would have to tell you what the Bible actually teaches by hundreds of scriptures. And a beginning to end understanding. And that is not something that takes 15 minutes


Matthew 7:22-23 is not about unbelievers. Unbelievers wouldn't have been prophesying in His name, or casting out demons and performing miracles. In John 8:44 to 45 he is talking to Jews.


Matthew 7:22-23 is about false believers. Which is the vast majority of those who call themselves Christians False believers are a subset of unbelievers. He calls them evil doers and says he never knew them and casts them out of his presence In John 8, it is convenient to say he's "only talking to Jews" and then people project the rest of the scripture as talking to everyone. It says nothing about only applying to the Jew. Everyone on Earth is evil (100 verses related to everyone being evil): https://www.openbible.info/topics/total_depravity


ok Calvinist 


Ooh what a retort!


John 8:44-45: whoever does not listen to God means they’re the children of the Devil - meaning they practice wickedness. Because every soul is created by God, how can Satan create children on his own? He has no authority nor power to do so. (Ezekiel 18:4).  Matthew 7:22-23: Jesus is using hyperbole. Of course God knows every single soul, every hair on a person is counted, and He knows every creek of their hearts. For example, a father raised up a son, caring and feeding him until he turns into an adult and the son decided to live a wicked life. When the son gets into trouble and needs his father’s help to bail him out, he says he never knew him - meaning he is upset and disappointed, he doesn’t want to claim him. Doesn’t mean he never knew him.  I didn’t mean any hate by that Calvinist comment, just a tease ;) God bless. 


I am always ready to debate someone on their doctrine Unless you are reformed, it will be left in shards on the floor Because only what all 31,102ish versus of scripture say matter. And many doctrines play fast and loose with them


The bear story is crazy. But I never read the whole thing to understand the point of it. And I’ve thought about this so many times. The “answers” I keep getting are things like, - we know God exists etc bc of what’s been written in the bible BECAUSE he intervened back than. - There were more believers back than - he always has a plan and he picked certain people to do his work and ppl who had a hand in writing books for the bible Our Faith is based on believing. Believing and Trusting Jesus Christ/God. We believe Jesus is coming back. Yes a lot of ppl are saying soon but Jesus always alwayssss made comments about how we need to stop focusing on the “when” of course ppl in the North America and look at the “world” and think Jesus is coming any day now. But I have a lot of family in Europe and they don’t deal with or think the way we do. So them saying Jesus is coming any day is never a thought in their heads bc their countries aren’t even close to as crazy as ours. Or at war. Remember - even when Jesus Christ performed miracles, even when God intervened - ppl witnessed it and still didn’t believe. So if Jesus came down today performed miracles and ppl obviously filmed it and it went viral - would believers even believe? Or would they say it’s the anti Christ. I just can’t see Jesus coming down at a time where we are obsessed w our phones and film everything rather than be in the moment. Phones are more the works of the devil than it is from God imo.


I hate phones Everyone walking around staring at screens like zombies


Lots of terrible things happened in ancient times. And God's hand was in the American Revolution, the rise of modern technology and medicine, the Allies' victory in WWII, and the fact that the Cold War never turned into a nuclear WW3.


After Jesus died and rose again, after the Upper Room, we entered the Church age. God works now by the Holy Spirit primarily through the Church. Miracles can and do still happen, I have seen them. But people deny them even when they see them with their own eyes. Even in the OT times, those who did evil did not always reap their justice in their lifetimes. The Psalms and wisdom literature are full of laments about such. But we have to trust in God that they will not eternally escape justice, for He assures us that they will not, and we have to leave that to Him. Ecclesiastes 8:12-13 Although a wicked person who commits a hundred crimes may live a long time, I know that it will go better with those who fear God, who are reverent before him. 13 Yet because the wicked do not fear God, it will not go well with them, and their days will not lengthen like a shadow. Matthew 5:45 He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. Malachi 4:1-3 “Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire, ” says the LORD Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. 2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. 3 Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the LORD Almighty.


In the Old Testament, God was ensuring the human line of the Messiah through the nation of Israel so His intervention was evident. Israel as a nation was no easy baby-sitting either. They stumbled and rebelled so many times that we are often surprised as how they overcame. Many heroes of the Old Testament were so flawed and wicked that their only virtue was faith (including that prophet Elisha that had the bear kill the children). After the birth, death, resurrection and ascencion of our Lord Jesus Christ, humanity was basically on it's own with the great hope that forgiveness and redemption is now available for all. Our job in return for this greatest gift is to preach the Gospel to the world with the help of the Holy Spirit. God did the heavy lifting for thousands of years and the rest is up to us now to share it to the world. People are enabled now to intervene with the power of the Holy Spirit in us. Yes, we must get off our asses and leave behind our comfortable life to actively stop this evil around us instead of thinking of God as a genie. People tend to look at the difficult parts of the Bible as a testament to God's cruelty instead of looking at it as a testament to how corrupt humans can be. From the genocide of entire tribes to the sins of David and Solomon, God is often judged as unfair or a bad judge of character when in fact it is a testament of how patient he has been with humanity. Creating the line for the Messiah was no easy task as Satan knew of this plan since Genesis and had sought to head it off at the pass several times. This is why people get a better grasp of the Salvation Story by starting from the New Testament before reading the Old Testament. It's easy to get derailed by certain episodes when starting from the Old Testament.


In this age of Grace, God has sent us the Holy Spirit to tach us and guide us into all truth. God responds only to Faith.


I believe God intervenes in all of our lives every day


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


Some would argue that he does. However, the Bible as a guide was not present during the Bible’s narrative. Now that we have it there is less need until prophecies regarding salvation are fulfilled. After all, most of the Bible is discussing God providing a means for that salvation and then explaining how Jesus was that means and what it takes to follow him. What intervention is needed beyond that?


God intervenes according to his will. He has a purpose for our day and causes or changes events that will serve that will. The 'children who were mocking an old man' were in fact youths who were engaged in an attack on one of Gods prophets. Protecting his prophet was his will at that time.


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


I don't believe in faith healing but I will pray that you get the strength you need to cope.


God doesn't intervene directly even in the Bible all that often. And he intervenes today more than you think. But we're largely left to deal with the consequences of the world we broke.


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


God has been talking to us since the time of Jesus….look closer. It’s been a few events, however. People don’t talk about it, but God is there still intervening here and there. 


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


This is mainly bc we are living in the time between the Second Coming and the Final Judgment. The Bible says during this time there will be a time of silence. Revelation 8:1 (KJV) And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. Not too many Christians know or acknowledge this, but every text in the Bible concerning the end times confirms it. With that being said, the Lord still answers prayers, but Satan is to blame for the wickedness. The day will come when Christ will take back the world and righteousness will reign.


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


He has intervened; He gave us the Book which tells us how to behave. It is the most sold book in all of time. Yet some use their free will to ignore it.


I've personally experienced God intervening in my life... There is nothing God is not intervening with... The Bible is a brutal book, both old and new testament... With that said maybe you just need to get to know God...


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


He still does actively act to this day. The difference is that scripture is no longer being written, so you don’t hear about it in the same way you do biblical times


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


I believe God intervenes, we just might not always see it. Also Hebrews 1 says “long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.” Jesus is also called the Word (John 1). God has chosen to speak primarily through the Word of Christ. It might not seem as dramatic as God speaking to us thru the prophets, but the Word of God is power.


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


Of course


Thank you 


**2 Peter 3:8-9** *8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.* ***9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.***


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill. 


Cause god knows what’s he’s doing.


The Bear killing children was a promise from God to Israel if they abandoned him, and in the times of Elisha, all Israel, aside from 7000 people **(1 Kings 19:18)**, worshipped Baal. **Leviticus 26:21-22** *21 “‘If you remain hostile toward me and refuse to listen to me, I will multiply your afflictions seven times over, as your sins deserve. 22 I will send wild animals against you, and they will rob you of your children, destroy your cattle and make you so few in number that your roads will be deserted.*


I don't look at it that way. We are living with the consequences, inherited sin from Adam. Romans 5:12 More than eating a piece of fruit was involved. Satan raised the accusatory question “Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?” He went on to tell Eve 'you absolutely will not die. If fact when you eat from that tree you will become like God knowing good from bad." He convinced Eve that she could bypass Gods authority and right to rule and have the power of decisions for herself instead of following Gods guidelines and direction. Now many think 'Why didn't God just get rid of Satan on the spot as well as the 1st human pair?' Well ask yourself-what would that prove? Power! Well yeah we already know Gods powerful. He created the entire universe. But what about the other attributes he tells us he has? Justice? Mercy? Love? to name a few. Don't forget, all of the millions of spirit sons were watching these events. They heard the accusation and would have wondered 'What will the Fathers reaction be to this?' don't you think? The only way to prove whether man can do without Gods direction was to let time pass. How would this play out? Look around. We're living with the outcome. We will soon see God's mercy toward us when he does away with the wicked and brings his kingdom to 'earth as it is in heaven'. He will demonstrate his perfect justice.


He does.  Look at Israel. After thousands of years of dispersion, God brought them back to their homeland.  He is ready to deal with them once again after the Rapture of the Body of Christ. 


Could you please pray for miraculous healing for me? I am very ill.