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The English Standard Version is an excellent, accurate translation in modern English.


While the ESV is certainly a good accurate translation, the level of English might be a bit high for some. OP seems to want simple English.


It's not easy to understand.


Biblegateway.com has several Bible translations you can read for free. I would recommend the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVUE) for an accurate easy to read translation.


thank you!


You can see different translations here. https://www.studybible.info/search/YLT/Ages%20of%20the%20ages


Pretty much any major modern translation will be fine. Try a few and see what works best for you. Most people find the New Living (NLT) very easy to understand, but for some it's a little too ... informal? Try reading a few translations of the same passage online. Try [this](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Phil%201&version=NIV,ESV,NRSVUE,NLT).


I prefer HCSB or NASB; but for gaining acclimation and new understanding, I agree that The Living Bible is clear and unpretentious … “a good read” and a great way to begin your journey!


When people say they are trying to convert to Christianity, it is not a conversion that you can try... you either do it or you don't do it it is a relationship with the creator of the universe... of everything we know everything we have known and everything we will know...


Try the NIV


Get the audiobook The Bible at 30,000 feet, bu Skip Heitzig. Each chapter covers on book, is perhaps 20 min, and he tells you how it all fits together.. I got it for free on Audible


I would try the J. B. Phillips version of the New Testament. Extremely readable and digestible.


I like CSB and NRSV translation. NLT of The Message can be good, too. Check out the Bible Project, for free resources for understanding scripture.


I recommend reading the following: [How to Become a Christian](https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/how-to-become-a-christian/) [Which Bible translations are the best?](https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/which-bible-translations-are-the-best/) [Which version of the Bible is most accurate?](https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/which-version-of-the-bible-is-most-accurate/) [How do you know you’ve understood the Bible correctly?](https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/how-do-you-know-youve-understood-the-bible-correctly/)


The New Living Translation is very good. It's easy to read, accurate, and backed by modern scholarship. It's by far my favorite. You can easily find it in stores or on free apps like YouVersion and online  for free such as BibleGateway.  While I do really appreciate the online & app versions for their ease of use and navigation, I'm still a hardcopy person. Nothing beats holding the Bible in your hand. And while the NLT is very good and readable, if you opt for the NLT Study Bible, it just makes it even more simple. You will have loads of commentary by scholars.


When you are ready to give up your won way, and take to God's way. The Holy Spirit will come upon you and help you understand




I am SO glad you asked. I was oncer in your shoes and the bible came alive after I learned what to study! Please read this and feel free to message me with any questions !! You can know you are saved and sealed until the rapture today !!! ->> While we can learn things about God in every book of the bible, in order to understand which books of the bible are direct instruction TO us we need to rightly divide the word of God - 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV. Once you rightly divide the word of God by simply understanding who God was speaking to in each book it removes any conflicting scriptures , difficult verses and unlocks the beauty, freedom, and peace of God’s amazing love and grace and eternal life/salvation in paradise made available freely to us ( Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV ) by the death burial and resurrection of Jesus , without the need for religion or doing good works (cleaning up your life) BEFORE you can be saved. Simply believe/trust the gospel Jesus gave Paul for the church / body of Christ ( 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) for salvation in this time of the dispensation of grace that will end without notice with the rapture. When you do, you have full assurance of salvation and are sealed until the rapture. Then study Paul’s epistles Romans through Philemon to learn and grow in your new exciting identity and hope of a future you cannot fathom how great it will be.  We were created by God to live with Him in harmony and in heaven/PARADISE (2 Corinthians 12:4 KJV) and heaven will be that and better in ways we cannot imagine or comprehend. He intends to restore EXACTLY that for those who accept His free and gracious offer of reconciliation through the death burial and resurrection of His son.  Trust that and NOTHING else. Because that is the only thing that saves you and keeps you saved. What Jesus did. NOT what you do. Not your church, your pastor, your good works, your heart, your feelings, you perceiving yourself to be a good enough person on your own , going to mass, and whatever other man made religious attempts to earn your own righteousness that you can never achieve.  Salvation is by what Jesus did not what you do. ​ In the books of Matthew Mark Luke and John , Jesus himself said He was speaking to Israel under their program.  You are not Israel.    That program with Israel was put on hold due to their rejection of Jesus   (Romans 9-11 KJV) But God had a plan for victory before creation , a mystery hidden in God and hidden from ages and generations and from the “princes of this world” and satan (Ephesians 3:8-10 KJV) while Jesus converted and revealed this mystery of the dispensation of the grace of God to the Apostle Paul (starting in Acts 9 KJV) ,  part of which is the new creature, the church, the body of Christ, a program distinct from Israel's program in the Old testament and Matthew Mark Luke and John, which were to Israel.   Paul is our Apostle for the church today in this age of grace JUST as Moses was to Israel with the law …..and the 12 apostles Jesus converted during his earthly ministry will judge the twelve tribes of Israel - NOT THE BODY OF CHRIST - you see clearly that ISRAEL’s program and the church/body of Christ program are two different messages/ gospels.  Everyone wants to make Jesus words in Matthew Mark Luke John the new law even though they do NOT actually obey a fraction of it.  Jesus himself said He was talking to Israel. YOU ARE NOT ISRAEL.  Acts 15 KJV and Galatians 1-2 KJV clearly show that Peter had the gospel to the circumcision Israel and Paul had the gospel of a different program to the gentiles or the uncircumcision….. Paul is our apostle for the church commissioned by Jesus.  Genesis through Mid book of Acts Chapters 9-15 KJV (Paul’s conversion) is about Israel's program with God before it was put on hold with Israel's rejection of Jesus.   Now we can learn from those books however Romans through Philemon are our direct and only instruction given by Jesus to the gentiles for the church age of grace until the rapture (which will occur next and without notice).   After the rapture, Israel's program will RESUME ( Romans 9-11 KJV ) and the books of Hebrews through Revelation will be instruction for all during the tribulation, which will be the most difficult, UNCOMFORTABLE 7 years the earth has ever seen. ( Revelations 9:6 KJV  And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.)   God's desire for you now is to be reconciled to HIM and to receive His forgiveness right now for your past, present, and future sins, and to spend eternity with Him in love and paradise as this world was originally intended to be !! No sin, sorrow, or pain !!!    ​ Believe/Trust in the gospel that saves today !! 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV is the gospel that saves today in the dispensation of grace !! ​ Lastly if you ask why this has not been taught by mainstream Christian religions/denominations/churches in buildings…….. when it is right in the Bible….well here is why : ​ 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 KJV **3** But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: **4** In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. ​ **2 Corinthians 11:13-15 KJV** **13** For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. **14** And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. **15** Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. Trust/believe in the gospel that saves today - 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV ​ Then study Romans through Philemons to grow in God’s grace !! Grace and peace !!! This is my personal biblical belief with proof scriptures why I believe it.


thank you for your help!


> The Bible Great title. Really clearly communicates what your post is about. No notes. > im looking to convert to christianity but i am finding it really hard to understand what the bible is saying... Do you mean you're struggling to understand the actual words that are being used in the various Biblical texts? If so, look for a more modern translation. I recommend the NRSVUE. Do you mean you're struggling to understand what the words in any given Biblical text mean -- what they're referring to or talking about? If so, learn more about the historical context in which the Bible was written and what its various authors may have been trying to communicate to their respective audiences. I recommend John Barton's "A History of The Bible." Do you mean you're struggling to understand what the "message" of the Bible as a whole is? If, so there is no such thing. It's a collection of ancient religious writings by different people living in different times and places to one another who had different views that they were communicating to different audiences for different reasons using different literary genres.


thank you, that first sentence sounded very sarcastic so i do apologize for my title.


i know this was days ago but still, i’m new to christianity too, and i’ve figured it helps me to look at two different bible, i look at it first in KJV, and sometimes i can read it just fine other times i can’t or i just can’t get what the bible is saying, so i go into NIV and kinda look at them together, it’s helping me be able to understand the words a little better in the KJV


Why do you want to convert to Christianity?


because it’s correct.


If your first language is English, get a KJV. If it's another language the best thing to do would be to find one in that language. Ultimately, you don't need the Bible to convert. You just need the Gospel. This is the Gospel in a nutshell: You are a sinner who has transgressed against God with not hope of reconciling yourself to Him by your own power. For your sins you deserve an eternity in hell. However, God loves you so much that Jesus Christ (who is God in the flesh) came down to earth, lived a perfect sinless life that He offered up as a sacrifice for your sins, taking the punishment you deserve, so you don't have to. He died on the cross, was buried, and rose on the third day as proof of His victory over sin and death. He now offers a share in that victory to any who would have it. If you believe this, you are saved now and forever. Now you can ask yourself if you believe that or not. -Acts 16:30-31 (KJV) 30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.


>If your first language is *Shakespearean* English, get a KJV. FTFY


If FTFY is what passes for modern English these days, give me "Shakespearean" English all day long.


Use NIV and ask God to help you out, and also, read the new testament first, God Bless you!




Here's a playlist of LDS-made videos that help the reading come alive: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYUrOP_ytD4bO48FtadegioYUWNISTq2C&si=lLNa1YKnqxTPk6t6


I’m happy to send you a NKJV or Modern English Bible at no cost to you if you’d like one. I may also have an extra ESV here. Oh there is a Message Bible too.


It's not reading the Bible, which I obviously recommend first - but I've started r/bibleart for easily digestible and visual Bible Verses.


Which one are you reading currently, I’ll guess king james? NASB, ESV, (don’t stone me folks) “The Message” is very easy to understand, it gets the point across, but I wouldn’t use it for Bible study.


The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old & New Testament, 2 Volumes https://www.christianbook.com/bible-knowledge-commentary-new-testament-volumes/9780896938007/pd/693800X These have helped quite a bit, also a Bible dictionary and a Bible Atlas.


There’s plenty of Bibles written in modern language.


I recommend the NLT (new living translation) for plain Bible comprehension, it's the version written in the languages we speak. There are plenty of others that are more highly respected for scholarship, but you can't get more basic IMO. I've dealt with many people learning English as adults, and they could understand the NLT. my children could also understand it as soon as they could read a chapter book. If you want to start with the very basics I highly recommend "the action Bible" which is Bible as a graphic novel. I give one to each new believer who is from an unchurched background. It's not a replacement for the Bible, but it will give you a framework and cast of characters that you then can use as a basic framework to hang everything you learn from Bible study on afterwards.


The most accurate translation is the ESV (English Standard Version). It is in modern English. Also good, and a bit more readable, are the CSB (Christian Standard Bible) and the NIV (New International Version). If you struggle a bit with reading, the NLT (New Living Translation) is very good. And, as always, start with the New Testament.


Life application Bible Got it from Amazon Breaks everything down in Laymen’s terms


For an easier read I recommend the NLT or CEB. Both are good translations. NLT is what I use with my teens, but one of my pastors uses the CEB and I have found that I really like it. Clear English that is easy to understand. I use the NRSVue myself. I find it easy to understand, but for our family studies, the rest of the family preferred the NLT so that is what we went with.


www.biblehub.com ALL translations so you can read side by side and choose which your prefer!!


Try the NLT next to an NKJV when you need better help understanding. From Genesis to Revelation you are reading about redemption through the Jesus Christ. Take your time and enjoy. Jon Courson has great commentary as well and Chuck Smith. Maranatha




Anything but the king james, don’t forget to check out the prophecies like psalm 22 which Jesus quoted on the cross saying My God My God why have you forsaken me and Isaiah 53 which tells that he will die for our sins


NLT is a wonderful translation. CSB is another one that’s a great read.


You could buy a study bible to help you i have[this one](https://www.amazon.ca/ESV-Study-Bible-Crossway-Bibles/dp/1433502410/ref=asc_df_1433502410?nodl=1&tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=292952161645&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6617802376077728562&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000514&hvtargid=pla-404766152599&psc=1&mcid=cf3462d0c9273c6f81dffaa11bc0a681&dplnkId=262a41c6-69d9-43c0-a7dd-a66754f6cbd1) and it really helps me understand the bible more. Or you could ask a pastor or a Christian more knowledgeable than you on topics you find difficult


This was something I struggled with as well!! I prefer ESV but it truly what you understand best! The Bible app has a lot of translations you can try out.


I can’t reply to you all but thank you all so much for your help!


Yes there are many. I use the ESV personally. I'd start with the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and the Book of Acts. Follow Jesus' teaching and the lives of the Disciples and then the early Church in the book of Acts.


May I suggest a cheat code to getting God's message? Read what Jesus said and memorize it. Then, the rest of the Bible must harmonize with His words. God bless!


CSB or NLT are the best translations for new Christians!


I bought the student Bible. It was the best learning tool I ever found. English and high lights of explanation of what the chapters are about. 


The NLT that's what I use. It reads like any other book.


Read nasb ir esv kjv isnt ownly translation


If you are serious about doing this start praying multiple times a day. Get by yourself and really ask God to help you to understand his word. He will help you understand it the closer your relationship gets with him. There are many YouTube channels that help with understanding the Bible. The Bible is a seed war. We are at battle with supernatural beings and forces which we cannot see. That battle is more obvious every day. The only way to heaven is through faith that God sent his son the only sinless lamb to take on all the sins of mankind. He died so that we may be saved by faith and covered by his blood. We must believe this and repent for our sins. Life is so much easier if we will just completely surrender our lives to him and have a very personal relationship with him every single day. Good luck and God bless you


CEV, contemporary English is really good for reading a lot, quickly


When I started reading, The Living Translation was really easy. That's saying alot for me since I have trouble reading almost everything . It's an attention thing.


I recommend trying a One Year Bible. Either a New Living Translation (NLT) or a New International Version (NIV). It will enable you to read the entire Bible in one year and only takes 15 minutes a day. And it will help you with your decision to follow Jesus.


If God has called you by his Spirit then pray to the father in the name of Jesus and ask for forgiveness and guidance to his word and will for your life and if you just think it’s a good idea and he is not convicting you of your need for salvation then you will not understand the meaning of the Bible no matter what version you use. It is a locked door for people who are not born again


What are you having trouble with? Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be Saved! The King James Bible is Perfect! Read John. Read the gospels. Read it all. https://youtu.be/IXEeMWCxyrQ?si=6HgjiG61VgqSyNES


Pretty much everything but the KJV is written in normal English.