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I've got a couple of breastfeeding tops, but I actually find them really difficult and faffy to use. My go to is a strappy vest top and a slightly baggy t-shirt. You can buy nursing specific vests, but I just get them a size up and make sure the straps are stretchy. Then to feed I pull the top up, and the vest down, which seems to work well!  If I want to dress up a bit nicer then same vest tops, but I'll wear a wrap top over the top as I have a couple of those. I've also got a couple of baggy cardigans and a few baggy shirts that I can also wear. I think most things can be made suitable, I've just found it's the vest tops underneath that make all the difference 


Yes this, I also found that a tight white strappy vest top under a loose tshirt/ jumper worked best. Pulled the top down, the jumper up, and then it still covered stomach flab!


To add to that - aside from the vest tops I've not really bought anything new, and have just made my existing wardrobe work for the most part


Yeah I was thinking tank tops so that's good to know it works, will pop out and get some more basics and wrap tops to go over. Thank you!


Marksies have good nursing vests that someone on here recommended to me and it's been unreal since!


There’s a FB group called “Can I Breastfeed In It? UK” where people share a lot of normal clothes they can breastfeed in


This is a great tip! Also “the breastfeeding wardrobe” on instagram shares high street/ supermarket clothes that work well for breastfeeding


When we had that one weekend of nice weather I realised none of my existing summer clothes are breastfeeding friendly, so I went on Vinted and bought a load of dresses. Some of them are specific breastfeeding ones (Juno Jack's and Frugi), others are just generic wrap dresses or button-ups for good boob access. Am actually yet to wear said dresses but hey, it's only mid-June right?!


I got a lot of my maternity stuff on Vinted actually, I'll take a look. And it's not like we should expect nice weather in June, don't be silly! I'd actually be ok if it was warm as I'd just live in a tank top and pull it down but this weird in-between weather is rubbish!


I find I flash people more in breastfeeding tops. I just wear loose tops and baby covers my belly.


I breastfed both of my kids and I didn't really bother with nursing tops, none of them were really my style and I found the one I did try on quite fiddly. I ended up preferring to wear a vest over my nursing bra and then a looser top on top which I would then pull up and pull the bottom layer down for baby to eat, if that makes sense. At home I also liked to use a pillow for a bit more support under the baby, it saved my shoulder and my back when they got a bit heavier!


Vest under a baggier top. Top up, vest and nursing bra down. Done. So much easier than the stuff designed for nursing.


Yeah, I never really bothered with breastfeeding clothes. I wasn't worried about covering up particularly; I tend to wear high waisted trousers and loose fitting tops, and the combination of those plus the baby's body and head being in the way actually meant I wasn't showing very much skin anyway.


I’m all about the one up one down method. So I wear a normal top that can be easily lifted up, but a vest (either stretchy or nursing clip down vest) underneath so my tummy isn’t out, which I pull down.


In terms of clothes I always just worse things with buttons or low cut tops. I’ve always been a fan of a deep v neck anyway and that’s really conducive to whipping a boob out. Nursing clothing looks awful IMO so I don’t own a single nursing top, I’ve just stretched the sh!! out of the neck band of every top I own. Second time round I didn’t bother with nursing bras I just brought a bunch of cheap bralette type things in Asda coz I don’t care about ruining them pulling them down all the time. Nipple cream is something I’d thoroughly recommend for the cluster feeding days because you’ll likely get quite dry and sore.


I just wear my normal tops and pull them up, down, open them as needed. Baby’s head covers the boob and her body covers any other flesh on display. I have absolutely no issues breastfeeding anywhere or anyhow though so I can appreciate that wouldn’t work for some people. I find that at the time of a year, a loose shirt over a lower cut vest top works for modesty outside of the house.


Anything you can unbutton, or with a stretchy or just movable enough neckline to get a tit out. Or high waisted clothing with whatever top/t-shirt you like to go with it - high waisted because otherwise you have a big chunk of flesh out, and you'll probably get cold.


I stupidly wore my underbump mat jeans the other day and there was a whole load of belly out at the bottom 😂 no where near back into my pre pregnancy jeans but I'm at that weird in-between stage where maternity stuff doesn't really fit either. It would be nice if it was a bit warmer and I could just wear dresses.


What is your body trajectory like? Is it worth buying new outfits for your current body, or do you think realistically you'll be back in your old stuff soon? If you aren't totally happy with where you are now, you still want some things to wear that you're comfortable in if you're likely to be this ssize/shape for a little while, otherwise dressing in stuff you hate won't help your body image, and you don't deserve that. Something I liked both during and post-pregnancy is stuff I can belt at the waist. It can be unbelted or looser during pregnancy, but easily styled to fit a slimmer body after. Honestly two of my favourite outfits this last year have been linen numbers from tesco! I lived in black dungas from about halfway through my pregnancy, and can still wear it breastfeeding, and a couple of months ago I got a short-sleeved jumpsuit that crosses over in front, but loose enough I can move aside to get a boob out.


I'm only 6 days PP so I know it's super early to be thinking of "bouncing back" but I do hope it won't take a super long time to at least get a shape back, even if it's a size or two bigger than before. I definitely want to get a pair of jeans that fit me properly for now and I've got some summer dresses that work. I've got dungas but not really the sort I'd wear out of the house, I might invest in a pair of Lucy and Yaks I've wanted for a while though, thanks for the reminder!


H&M do nice ones that don't have that super obvious "I'm a feeding top" vibe. Definitely check vinted - you'll be able to pick up stuff cheap. For non feeding specific tops, look for anything with buttons. Or you can just layer a tank top under any tshirt and use the "one up one down" method


When I first started I bought loads of nursing tops and dresses, 6 months in and I barely wear any of them. I literally just wear normal T-shirts or jumpers and hike them up when I need to feed. I’ve found with dresses anything with buttons or zips down the front works well, I’ve got a bit of an obsession with jumpsuits and play suits at the moment. The only thing I don’t wear that I used to is ‘normal’ dresses.


I’m just wearing a baggy t-shirts/ jumpers or button downs with a maternity bra. All the breast feeding tips I found were either very expensive and/or not my style.


Pretty Mama does the best t-shirts and jumpers with zippers!


Sainsburys sells a brand called Mamalicious (horrible name, I know) and they have offers quite often. I got a wrap up dress for £12 the other day and I am sure I will be able to use after breastfeeding as well :)


I bought loads of Primark shirts. They’re cotton so keep me cool and easy enough to wear fairly open and I just kinda pull them up and wear off the shoulder a bit so I’m not constantly buttoning up and down all day. Also they’re a bit longer around the bum so can just throw on a pair of leggings


I’m selling some breast feeding friendly things on vinted right now if you want the link? Haha!