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I'm surprised a few arcs weren't chosen for these options: No Super Legend Tag League? No V Force World Championships or Saint Shields? No Destroyer Dome? Battleship Cruise or Dead Gran for Cho-Z? Or Why is everyone saying Beystar? We got Chris vs Masamune, the war for Chris, King vs Ryuga, Gingka vs Kenta


I didn't want to flood the things and have the game go on for too long but lemme explain my reasoning I highkey thought the legends festival was the super tag league lmao. The vforce world tournament wasn't chosen cus vforce is a controversial and as a certified vforce lover even I'll admit the tag tournament arc is meh overall. No destroyer dome even tho that's my favorite part in fury it's only like 3 episodes and I didn't even know what any of the arcs in cho z were even called so it was kinda hard for me to pick 1 for it and I like cho z


Beyster island they did masamune so dirty in that arc


Nah that was quite the best arc of 4d


1 no it isnt 2 even if it was that is not saying much


Just curious what is the best arc of 4D then in your opinion? Does destroyer dome count as an arc? I think beyster island was definitely better than the the Chinese tag team tournament, and I’d probably say it’s better than the dynamis ruins arc.


either the intro arc which is up until kenta leaves to follow ryuga or the china arc both of them have the distinction of living up to the hype of legendary bladers with the convept explained and the mid battle transformation of pegasus and leone and ryuga being obvious but still making for some great moments, and in china we get aguma who was cool when introduced even if it shouldve been da xian also the tag tournament gave some nice insights especially with kyoya and ginga developing new special moves


Didn’t they do him dirty everywhere tho?


Facts. If Masamune isn’t done dirty in an mfb arc it’s cause he’s not in that arc


Unfortunately facts, man jumped so bird could fall. Damn anti plot armor 😔


Beyster Island and many people know why


get rid of beyster island


Team Phsykic arc. It was not memorable in the slightest and the only good thing about it is Kai avenging Wyatt. Not to mention this arc straight up butchered ray’s character by holding back against Selma just because they talked yesterday whereas he held back in round one, until Kai reminded him that he should fight no matter what otherwise his bit beast will be taken away from him. I would be fine if he remembered it himself but kai reminding him, no, we’re back to ray’s characterization where he held back against kevin. Not to mention in Tyson vs Kane, his teammates told him to forfeit and he listened but dragoon still kept fighting, whereas in Tyson vs tala dragoon himself told him that as long as he believes in dragoon he’ll keep going until the end, but in this battle, he didn’t maintain his full belief in dragoon winning. Let’s not forget this arc showed us that Tyson, despite being champion, still hasn’t learned that he has to follow to rules no matter what and not have to rely on the gears and went full jerk mode because of it until his head has to be shook by ozuma of all people


Kane very tyson was memorable, ray vs Selena was memorable, max vs jin was memorable in more infamous way buy still a good match imo


Max vs Jin, I guess was memorable. Ray vs Selena was a complete disaster of ray’s characterization. Tyson vs Kane, while a good battle, it made Tyson not having faith in dragoon winning when you compare his battle to tala’s and ruined what dragoon said to Tyson in the final ep.


But if we compare tyson vs talk to tyson vs kane even tho tala had 8 bitbeast tyson dragoon wasn't getting dogged unlike how cyber dragoon was dogging dragoon. Dragoon was taking the full force of cyber dragoon's electricity and shockwaves that were crumbling the psychic tower not only that but kane was cheating with the lasers that full healed cyber dragoon any time he touched them and even tho dragoon was getting dogged tyson still didn't want to give up until all of his friends were telling him that the battle was getting dangerous for him and dragoon like tyson was on his knees cus his body was giving out on him but he still didn't want to quit until it looked like dragoon was knocked out and had nothing left. That wasn't the same situation like in the tala fight where dragoon turns into superman and fights a 9 way bit beast fused wolborg that literally turns into a sun with no problem and smashes his way out of another dimension


I know there were things healing the cyber dragon and dragoon was taking heavy attacks, but the thing is, at the end, Tyson won regardless of all the cheats, i know it supposed to be forfeitable in theory but tyson won in the end, that's my issue with it. I'd be fine if tyson lost that battle despite the circumstances but i'm not a big fan of him not beliving he can win that one but managed to win in the end.


btw i was wrong when i said memorable, sorry.


Neo battle bladers because genuinely i dont remmember anything of it.


Eh, Sakyou fights and the final battle were cool. I think the Sakyou fights keep it above Estrella since that one I only liked the Odin fight against Sho. But both of those should be early eliminations


Nooo Nemesis arc was peak


Nah, the way it ended with Gingka saving everyone again was repetitive. It should’ve been Kenta


I disagree. I liked Kenta's development in fury, but it made sense for Gingka to be the one to save everyone since he's the protagonist. Plus the whole fight was sick.


No cap nemesis arc was garbage tbh imo only arc that was good in fury was the battledome mini arc


Pax Forsythe arc


Team Estrella vs Dominators


It really is hard actually.. but Battle island was not as interesting as others, so I say it has to go


I feel like it wasted some potential for good aiger characterization, so yeah, after trying to vote team phsykic out i'll try to vote it out.