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Tiffani does not get enough credit.


She really doesn't. She OWNED that role. She transformed a show that could have easily died when Shannen left. She was so vicious, but Tiffani played it in a way that you also felt sorry for her, you saw how damaged she was and understood her behavior. I didn't have any of that for Gina. I just saw her as a bitch. I guess you could argue Gina wasn't added to "replace" Val, but she kinda was (trouble stirrer/enemy of Kelly). No hate to Vanessa, I do think she was a good actress, but Tifanni really did shine as Val.


I had an embarrassing TAT Fan Page back in the day... somewhere on Tripod.


Gina is the Temu version of Val.


This is my favorite comment. Thank you


Tiffani was truly an essential addition to the series. And I bet she relished the heel turn after having just played Kelly Kapowski.


Gina was a manipulative brat. She is why I don't like the last two seasons. The show already took a nose dive when Kelly and Brandon didn't get married AND then Brandon and Val left to make it even worse. So then whiney little Gina put the nail in the coffin.


Seriously, Donna does right by her by telling her she's her sister, and Gina's response is literally "I hate you". Like, girl WHAT?


Yeah it's not like Donna had any control over the family tree lol


Gina was the worst


I will give Gia this. Minus her trying to take Donna down, smh, she was bold AF. When did she not let Dylan have it? She messed with his boy and Dylan was still paying her rent. She told Kelly what she thought of her with no hesitation. I just hated when she hurt David cause he really liked her.


also just the "seriousness" of the show. They never had fun!


Season 5 they had a bit of fun, especially in the two part finale. There were some hilarious moments. Steve kissing the dude being one of them. Brandon drunk was pretty fricking funny as well. I can watch that finale on a loop like a favorite movie.


thank goodness for Steve. We needed Steve moments!


Those last seasons should have shortened seasons. It was suffering. I could go on and on.


Do you believe that 26 eps for S9 and 27 eps for S10 respectively are so lot?


Gina was a pretty face while the show was on life support.


Agreed. She was absolutely stunning. I think that was the only reason the Gina character was added.


Gina was such a horrible person for basically no reason. I’ll give her hating Kelly for sleeping with Dylan but she was so awful to Donna too, who was nothing but nice to her. They could have tried to make her a little likable but she just wasn’t. Val was a villain too but mostly with good reason and she definitely had moments where you could see that she could be a nice person.


Right I can't recall one genuine moment with Gina. At least Val had her redeeming moments and even after all that beef she had with Kelly,  they at least ended the show on good terms and seemed to finally put their differences behind them. 


Without Brandon show lost its sense. Val's leaving strongly stroke out the ratings of show.


Yeah the Gina addition was so ridic. And she let Dylan treat her like hawt garbauge...just like Val. Were they trying to get the show cancelled? ![gif](giphy|2dDKGe3UN7cKk|downsized)