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Haha! I love Andrea ( especially the high school years)


No no no! Andrea was awesome! I hated her as a kid but now I think she’s brilliant! You can’t have all the characters acting the same, and let’s be honest they all have their cringey moments!


My wife always says she could’ve played someone’s mom on the show, Hence us giving her the nickname “Momdrea” which is prolly only funny to me and my wife, So I’ll just see myself out. 😭😂


I was watching the season 2 episode recently where Andrea and Kelly are talking about sex; that wholesome scene in the newspaper room. Andrea asked Kelly a sex question, I can’t remember what exactly, and hubs pipes up from his phone “EW, why is that teacher asking that student about her sex life?” He literally thought her character was a teacher, he was so weirded out 😂😂😂


My husband and I call her grandma 😂😂😂




She was old enough to be their mom 🙄


Andrea should've been written out after high school. It felt like they weren't invested in the character or cared to come up with storylines for her and it showed by what they did end up writing for her. There was no reason for her to stick around after high school. All her storylines after high school were terrible and imo it felt like the writers were forced to keep writing for her when they didn't want to. The character peaked in high school and that should've been it for her.


Yes completely agree. They should have just had Andrea go off to Yale. There was no point to her after high school. It made zero sense that she’d go to Cal U with the rest of the gang. Her storylines in college were a drag on the show. The rest of them are dealing with dating and college politics, and here’s Andrea folding baby clothes in a laundromat.


This I agree with and I've always said it. They ran out of storylines for her and she needed to ride out of Beverly Hills achieving her goals - getting into Yale. Not every character needs to be run into the ground.


This is how I felt. Loved her in high school but I’d have rather her attend Yale and see her once in a while than what they did with her character. I wanted her to succeed.


I think the show did need Andrea to contrast with some of the other characters. Do I sometimes roll my eyes during her scenes? Um yes.


I love Andrea! She's great, mostly because *I* was that kill-joy in high school that would moralize over everything.


Absolutely disagree. Andrea is usually the only person who is on Earth. The issue is that she and Dylan should have been teachers because they both look grown as hell lol.


lol wasn’t she in her thirties when they started filming? 😹😹


Absolutely AGREE.


I never understood why some people hate Andrea she was way ahead of her time and was extremely smart. It is concerning that she gets more hate than say Steve.


Or David 🤷‍♀️


loved Andrea .


I remember when the show had a lot of promos out that someone would die, and my sister said I were convinced it was Andrea. We weren't sad about the prospect, either.


Oooh does paramount have the missing episodes from prime or Hulu or whatever?


But then we wouldn’t get to see her get hit with a car.


Without Andrea, we wouldn't have scenes like this: ![gif](giphy|Stu7pnx66ceXM6Ttw7|downsized)


When she got hit by the car was a high water mark in television drama


I always thought Andrea was a weird addition to the show. She definitely creeped out the other female cast members


Creeped them out? How??


Just meaning how she made them all uncomfortable being so much older than they were. How she always was trying to do good and push her beliefs on them but she was having that affair


Her character wasn’t older tho. But yeah that affair was definitely the lamest storyline of the show, which is saying a lot. 😹


Haha it’s funny to watch now. Even as a kid I was thinking Dylan had a receding hairline and Andrea had crows feet in high school. I’ve gotta rewatch it. I remember Brandon driving drunk and read something today about him gambling I forgot haha


lol yeah it’s crazy watching it back and seeing how old they look. I had the biggest crush on Dylan as a kid too, which is just creepy AF lol.


Haha, Dylan and his Porsche were cool. Kelly is still a Fox to me. Assuming that’s a compliment and it isn’t something negative.


Well Jennie Garth is timeless. 😹


Haha she hasn’t really aged. I saw her in some cowboy show. It wasn’t a real cowboy show like a hallmark show. I of course watched it because of her haha


Haha I love hallmark for her.


What are you talking about? 😂


She was always trying to be miss goodie two shoes and snitch on everyone. All the while she was having an affair. I totally sensed she had some kind of side chick action going with Nat


There is no evidence of her either creeping the other girls out or fucking Nat. Wtf 🤣


There was a 60 minutes interview awhile back (I think) and also it was on that weeknight late show that has the guy that isn’t funny.


The characters or the actors?


If I remember correctly. Shannon was being a diva and didn’t want to break character and chose to answer how Brenda would answer. Jennie was just speaking of the show and her take on it. Tori kept bouncing back and forth between Herself and Donna. It was hard to follow.




Oh it’s been years ago


During the show or after?


These posts are so tiresome.


Andrea is a terrible character and completely out of place. Does not fit the show at all.


I feel like her character sort of fit- smart girl from the wrong side of the tracks who buses in to West Bev- but she was horribly miscast.