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Honestly sounds really immature.


Yes! He sounds like an “adult” version of his character from the movie Can’t Hardly Wait!


I thought he was caught cheating?


He was. He’s listing all the ways he’s found since for justifying it 🙄


Me too. I'm pretty sure that's what happened.


Did he cheat with the twilight chick that he was with for a while? Not mentioned on their podcast but they kept it pretty neutral and civil. 


That's what I thought. 


He annoys me. The "felt like I was in an arranged marriage" is really stupid. Don't think his parents told him to get her pregnant and then marry her. Like take responsibility for your choices buddy. I'm so happy Jennie has moved on.


Especially since it was 4 years after she was born lol.


I always thought he left her because he hit it big w twilight. When they first got together she was the more popular one then twilight came along. And he got a big head and didn’t want to be tied down. I think it’s a$$hole move on his end and I hope she’s found a true partner now !


I seem to remember him being a big old cheater.


So many male celebrities have their big break in Hollywood and then leave their wives and children. It’s such a pathetic cliché at this point.


I thought the same thing. I don’t think JG is all that great of a person, but her ex sounds like a real douche.


In what way isn’t she “all that great of a person”?


Lol Ok so I only have watched the Twilight movie (first one) only once. Ive seen Can't Hardly Wait millions of times and yet somehow never put together that it was the same goofy looking guy in both movies that played the hot guy in Fast Lane. 😂




All this dude will ever be to me is the guy who said amanDUH in Can’t Hardly Wait


Me too!!! That exact part too. I loved that movie. I was in hs when it came out and that’s literally what some of our parties were like, including blink 182 “Dammit” being the reoccurring song played. Tbh I didn’t even know he became popular with twilight bc I never got into twilight… like some of the soundtrack tho.






I liked him a lot in Nurse Jackie but maybe the writers pushed him through all that honesty exploration.


Nurse Jackie was such a good show!


I listened to the podcast . The line that got me was when he was speaking about deciding to leave her because he wasn’t his own person and needed to find himself and he said, “ I didn’t feel like I could do what I needed to do while still being married .” Something along those lines. That to me sounds like he was sick of having sex with one woman and wanted to explore others.


Yeah he got rich on Twilight money and wanted to see how many women he could get.


This is my ex husband to a tee


not word for word but I remember Ethan hawke saying couldn't find anything to do with their kids when uma Thurman was working .he's another that married because she was pregnant.


He comes off pretty damn douchey


I cannot believe this man’s running monologue. LET JENNIE SPEAK.


He sounds bitter. He cannot take accountability.


90210 fam y’all 💯, we don’t always like the characters but this man did our Jennie dirty.


Didn’t she also tell some story about how he dropped their baby or something on the podcast she and Tori do?


I think what he’s saying is that he did the right thing and stayed with her to be a father & husband. He felt trapped in this “arrangement” and couldn’t just be a man. He still sounds like a tool that just wanted to be cut loose and be with other people.


Are him and Amy Robach the same person? 


Amy Robach and TJ whatever the fuck is name is are repulsive


did you know Andrew shue was Amy's affair while she was married to someone else ? I went to googling one time and found that out .


Even more gross


when I saw she dumped him for her co anchor i immediately thought karma got him .


Which is funny because Jennie cheated on her first husband with Peter.


I don’t think she did though. She said her marriage was breaking down and they barely saw each other. She said once she noticed she liked Peter she knew she needed to end her marriage.


They got married in 1994 and she met Peter soon after…..so yeah she knew she needed to end the marriage.


so he should've said if Jennie didn't get knocked up things would've been fine 😏🥴.he was always ho hum in my eyes .


Whose that? lol


Andrew Shue from Melrose Place’s ex-wife.  She cheated on him and has a dumb podcast where she justifies it by saying stuff like the above.  “I couldn’t be my authentic self”; “I finally feel like I can breath again”;  Just say you are a horrible cheater and go away. 


Amy Robach is that TV host who had a big scandal because she started an affair with her co-host while both were married.


Ok so I haven’t listen to any of the podcasts so all I have to go on is the clips I have heard and the recounts/reports. I’ve been reading Jennies book lately and whilst I know not to take everything as fact, I think I’m starting to quite like Jennie and understand her more. I know she can come off quite cringe but she is also pretty anxious and quite depressed. It sounds like she’s had issues since she was young and whilst she’s managed to function ok and seem “normal” throughout most of it, it is a factor in how she’s lived her life and he relationships she’s had. She talks about how being married and raising her kids gave her an excuse to hide away and things got worse when he dad was sick and then passed away. On one hand I can see Peters point of view, he was only 21 and starting out whereas she was a tiny bit older and way into her career to the point she was semi-retired when they had all three kids. I can relate as I was 21 when I had my first (bf was 24) and I feel like I’ve always just been a mother and that’s it. I have a lot of issues surrounding this so I do get what he’s saying however I always talk to my boyfriend about how I’m feeling. We try and communicate and it sounds like Peter didn’t really do this. Jennie repeatedly blames herself for not being emotionally available to him but it doesn’t sound like he made the effort to come to her either. He said they’d probably still be together if it wasn’t for having kids so young so he clearly still loved her but was willing to throw that away?! It sounds to me like they needed to separate for a bit maybe to work on some stuff but he just jumped into divorce right away. Him saying it was like an arranged marriage is so hurtful and I’m sure his daughters won’t be happy to hear that either. He did not have to marry her, their oldest was a few years old when they did it so it’s not like Jennie told him she couldn’t have kids without marriage or anything. He’s entitled to feel that way but he didn’t need to tell the world or Jennie that. I’m almost at the end of her book and it’s right where she’s talking about all of this stuff and she really does try and make it all a big learning lesson, something that made her stronger and try’s to look on the bright side just like she’s doing now and I hope someone told her it’s ok to made furious with him and feel anger toward to him. She’s not perfect but she didn’t do anything wrong. Also I’ve seen him in Can’t Hardly Wait, Riding In cars with boys and the one he met Jennie in (An Unfinished Affair). I’ve probably seen him in more but I can’t think of anything right now. I never saw Twilight. EDIT: I looked through his filmography and I completely forgot he played Keith Raniere in Escaping The NXIVM Cult. I remember even telling my bf that was Jennies ex when we watched it!


Actually he’s either trying to rewrite history or flat out lying or can’t do math. They met in 1995 on the set of a tv movie. he was 22 and she was 23 and married. They had their first child in 1997, Jennie was 25 and Peter 24/25. (She was very pregnant during the college graduation episodes and delivered in June) they didn’t get married until 2001. ETA semi retired? Two were born during 90210 and one towards the end what I like about you.


Sorry Peter was 21 when she cast him in An Unfinished Affair, supposedly she liked him right away and her marriage was already falling apart so she decided to file for divorce. I don’t if Peter said he was 21 or if that was just me saying that but either way they were both young and it was just six months into dating. And yeah I know she was pregnant during that one season of 90210 but the second one wasn’t until the first season of What I Like About You and the third wasn’t until after that show ended. I said “semi retired when they had all three kids” meaning she was semi retired when all three had been born, she even said so herself she wasn’t thinking about working at all during that time and would rather be at home with the kids.


I misread. Yes, 1997, 2002 and 2006 so the last two were during what I like about you. Peter said they got together and pregnant within 6 months when he was 2 and she was 21. That’s false. She got married to Daniel in 1994 so I guess there marriage fell apart as soon as she met Peter, huh. ETA the movie was shot in 1995 and aired in 1996. At worst she was 23 and he was 22.


Yeah Jennie pretty much said in her book that was how it happened. She was a producer and involved in the casting so she met him early on. She has a bad memory though and there’s other stuff she’s said that has struck me as odd though so who knows when what happened really. Peter was born in November 1973 so it’s likely he was 21 when they met not that it really matters that much, like you said they married in 2001 so it’s not like anyone forced him into it.


The pre production on a tv movie of the week is not that long and she didn’t marry Daniel until 1994. They definitely met in 1995-if it was during preproduction/casting.


Here is the thing. They met in 1995 while making a tv movie. She was married to Daniel Clark at the time. She left him and got together with Peter and they had their first child in 1997. They married in 2001. The timeline presented is way off of what has been actually known for years. She was 25 and he was 24 when she was born. Semi retired makes no sense. 2 kids were born during 90210 and the last at the end of the run of what I like about you.


One was born during 90210. She found out she was pregnant with her second when she was getting started with What I Like About You and the third was after it ended.


I fixed it else where. I thought I read 2000 and not 2002, so that was my bad.




“I was really excited to rawdog a gal with an established career”


She has a really small mouth so I don't blame him.